
Vain [Revised]
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Crying over the brotherly/sisterly love Jaehee and Jungkook has (ಥ﹏ಥ) 
Playlist: Who - Lauv ft. BTS

Jaehee’s POV:
"What! Where is he?!" I shouted as Jimin and Teahyung got home. "Why didn't you guys go after him!?" Jungkook had took off on them after seeing Hyeri with another man, or whatever she said to him. All I know is that right now Jungkook is mad, and his anger can get him into trouble. I paced the lounge room back and forth as the guys stared at me. Both Jimin and Taehyung were sitting side by side on the couch.

"Sorry, noona." Jimin mumbled.

I felt so bad for yelling at the two. It wasn’t their fault. I sighed to calm my nerves down.  "Don't be. As of right now, we just need to find Jungkook."

"Like sister, like brother," said Hoseok. I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew exactly what he meant. He smiled, "Let's hurry up before it gets dark."

We split up into groups of two. Hoseok and I left to check at Base but Jungkook wasn't there. We checked every convenient store that was close by, but he wasn't there either. "Jungkook couldn't have gone that far, could he?" I said catching my breath as Hoseok and I took a break. I placed my hands on my hips. “Aish, Jeon Jungkook. Where are you?”

"You’re his sister, shouldn't you know?" said Hoseok. I rolled my eyes at him. He was no help. Suddenly, his phone rang. "It's Yoongi," he said. "Hello?...What?!...O-o-oh! I got it! We'll be there right away!" He stuffed his phone back into his pocket and looked to me, "Jungkook's in trouble."

Jungkook was at the arcade and unfortunately, he had messed with some group of guys. Or if they had messed with him. I don't know, but Hoseok and I ran there as fast as we could.

"Jaehee!" called Namjoon the moment he saw Hoseok and I running towards him. Yoongi was nowhere to be found. I thought they had left together. "They're at the back. Yoongi's with Jungkook. I don't know who Jungkook messed with, but those guys look bad. They wouldn’t even let him go after we’ve asked!"

"It doesn't matter who they are. They mess with one, they mess with all." I said. Namjoon led us to the back of the building where we saw Jungkook and Yoongi getting beat up. We were outnumbered. They didn't look like any ordinary gang. I could see that they were way much older, and they all Black suits. Each one of them did.

The man in black suit.

I shook the thought of my parent's murderer out of my head.

"Yah, yah, yah!" said a man as he pushed his comrades away from Jungkook. He bent to him and lifted up Jungkook's head. "You sure are some feisty little kid," he snickered, "Where's all your toughness now?" He laughed. I don't clearly see what Jungkook did. I'm guessing he threw a punch to the guy, and that guy immediately kicked him in the stomach.

"You ing-" I ran up to the man grabbing him by the shoulders and also threw a punch to him which had him flying to the trash cans. His crew went to help him up as Hoseok, Namjoon and I helped Yoongi and Jungkook. The bad guys looked to us. "Now you've done it!" They all took out a specific type of weapon.

"Great," mumbled Hoseok as he and I stood back to back. "Namjoon, get Yoongi and Jungkook out of here. Jaehee and I will handle this.”


"Just do it!" Hoseok ordered. It pained me to see Jungkook spit out blood as Namjoon took Jungkook out of my arm. Yoongi was partly fine. At least he had more strength than Jungkook did. However, the man wouldn’t let any of us go. He had his men surround us as we all had our backs to one another.

“I’m going to teach that a lesson.” He growled.

In the dark, another figure appeared. “Yah, what’s going on?” He asks them.

“H-Hyung.” The man answered. When his ‘hyung’ fully came out of the dark, my eyes widen at who it was. It was him…that man…The one who murdered my parents…

"I don't care. As long as I kill the two of you then I'm satisfied."

I heard faint gun shots as tears started to form at the corner of my eyes. "What’s this? Kids? Yah, don’t you guys have anything better to do than mess with kids?” He questions his gang.

“Hyung, but they started it first.”

He eyed us. “Is that so?”  

My hands started to shake. I was beginning to get scared. "Jaehee," I heard Hoseok said but couldn’t find my voice to respond. "Jeon Jaehee!" he hissed. "Get a hold of yourself!" I'm guessing he had saw my shivering hands. I clutch them in a fist and narrowed my eyes at the murderer. This was no time to think about my parent's death. (I'll be referring the "man in black" as the murderer.)

"What’s this? Is that a girl?" Smirked the murderer. "A pretty one also," he tilts his head as he checked me from head to toe. "Reminds me of someone who I used to know long ago."

"Noona!" We heard someone call. We all shift our heads to see Jimin and Taehyung, but they were stopped as the murderer's comrades blocked them from approaching us. “Aish, you son of a es.” Said Taehyung.

"What a bunch of reckless kids," mumbled the murderer. "Do you guys even know who you're messing with? This is not some kid's play." It didn't matter to me who I was messing with. I had found you. I can finally take my revenge. That was all I thought about. Revenge. I will avenge my parents’ death, and make you suffer.

"What the hell? Somehow, they multiplied." Said Hoseok as they closed in on us. There were more of them coming from who knows where. Hoseok cursed under his breath. At this point, we already knew what will happen whether or not we fight back. And seeing how things just took a turn, we all knew what kind of trouble we had gotten ourselves into. I looked to Jungkook. Namjoon had settled him down as he and Yoongi stood in place. I looked to Jimin and Taehyung who also had their backs to each other. Now I was worried. All of us were in danger, and there was no escape.

"Finish them," ordered the murderer. “What are you guys waiting for?”

"Yes sir!" shouted his men. The charged towards all of us at once. Everything was happening quick. I couldn't keep my attention on everyone. I had to focus also. I punch one of the men in the stomach and kicked the other. I grabbed a hold on one men's hand to avoid the weapon he held. Twisting his hand in a tight grip, he let out a loud groan in pain as he let go of his weapon. I then threw him towards whoever came charging at me.

By the time I knew it, I was facing my parent's murderer. "You're a tough one." He said with a straight face.

"Shut up…" I held a tight fist and I charged towards him. I was shocked. He had dodged my attack. No one has ever dodged my attack before.

"Too slow." He grins. I was boiling in anger. I tried to not let it get to me, but it did. I swung my fist around, trying my best to hit him at least. When he had punched me in the face, I had my chance to kick him. We both flung apart from each other. The murderer got up before I did. He fixed his suit. "You sure reminded me a lot of someone."

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