Smile for me..

I can be loyal


RING~ RING~ RING~ Finally..!! Damn,.why does it felt soo long..? It felt like ages,_____ is the only one that I keep thinking about. I know she's in pain right now. I just wanna be there and comfort her. I rushed to my car and on my way,I was stopped by Hyae Sung. Aish..!! This girl really have no confidence in me.


JINWOON : "What..?"

HYAE SUNG : "You're going to the house right now..?"

JINWOON : "No. I have something to do first."

HYAE SUNG : "Bwoh..? What can be more important than _____ right now..?"

JINWOON : "Relax. I'm going to get her favourite food. She needs to eat right..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Oh. Why didn't you say so..? Do you know what's her favourite food is..?"

JINWOON : "Of cos. Shrimp. I'll buy every kind of it."

HYAE SUNG : "Good boy. Make sure to buy soup for her."

JINWOON : "Ara..!! I gotta go. Okey..?"

HYAE SUNG : "Nae."

JINWOON : "Ah Hyae Sung.,what time you're going home..?"

HYAE SUNG : "In the evening. Wae..? You can't stay till evening..?"

JINWOON : "Aniyo. Just asking. If I can,I stay till night. I don't even mind."

HYAE SUNG : "Oh. Yah..!! Pali..!! Go..!"

JINWOON : "Nae. annyeong."

I rushed to my car and drove to this small restaurant that me & _____ used to go. This was my place with her. You know how everyone have that one place that is just reserve for someone special. For me & _____,this is the place we always go to but when she started to be with Khun. We don't usually go to this place anymore. So,I just wanna bring up the good memories that we shared in this place. I order all her favourite food and drove to their house.

When I arrive at their house,I let myself in since Hyae Sung already gave me her spare keys. I put the foods on the table and went to _____'s room. She's sleeping on the bed with photos all over the bed. It pains me too see her like this, I don't like to see her like this. I want to see the happy-go-lucky,hyperactive and funny girl that I always known. I enter the room and look at the photos. It was all our photos.,the whole group. Why is she hurting herself..? She don't need to see this. I gather the photos and placed it on her desk. I sat down again on her bed and her hair. Unfortunately,I accidently woke her up. I tried to force a smile and she sat down.

YOU : "Jinwoon-ah.,what are you doing here..?"

JINWOON : "I came with foods. Wanna eat..?"

YOU : "Don't you usually have a maths class at this time..?"

JINWOON : "I skip it. Tired of maths."

YOU : "You know you shouldn't do that. Your parents gonna be mad."

JINWOON : "Aish.,don't worry about me. Wanna eat..?"

YOU : "I have no appetite. Why don't you just eat by yourself..?"

JINWOON : "BWOH..? My little angel don't have appetite. You're the one usually eat a lot."

YOU : "I'm not in mood to eat."

JINWOON : "_____-ah,.don't be like that. Don't hurt yourself more."

YOU : "What are you saying..? I'm fine."

JINWOON : "Who are you trying to fool..? I knew what happen. Hyae Sung told us everything."

YOU : "I'm fine,Jinwoon."

JINWOON : "Don't lied to me. I know when you lied and when you're telling the truth."

YOU : "I'm not lying,Jinwoon. I'm fine."

JINWOON : "You know that you're not a good liar."

YOU : "I'm tired Jinwoon. I'm tired."

JINWOON : "You don't have to do anything. I'm here for you."

YOU : "Thank you Jinwoon."

JINWOON : "It's okey. Can I just asked one favour..?"

YOU : "Sure. What is it..?"

JINWOON : "Smile for me."

She smile at me but it was clearly a force smile.

JINWOON : "That looks force. I want a genuine smile."

YOU : "That's all I can give."

JINWOON : "Then,I'll make you smile."

She always laugh if I do aegyo.

She smiled looking at me.

YOU : "You're just too cute. You know that..?"

JINWOON : "That's what I want. I love seeing you smile."

YOU : "Thank you Jinwoon."

She laid her head on my shoulder and I held her hands.

JINWOON : "Thanks."

YOU : "For what..? I'm the one who should be thanking you."

JINWOON : "For leaning on me."


I decided to make Jinwoon,her life saver..!! ^^"

I've been watching Dream High 2 and I'm starting to admire him..

Tell me in comment what you think..?


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People been asking for me to write a sequel..but the thing is, I have tried to write a sequel before this but somehow my mind always went blank..So,mianhae.!


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Chapter 42: loved it omg Khunnie oppa rocks
Chapter 30: I want to be lovey-dovey with khun
Chapter 29: I want nichkhun come crawling back
Saemiy #4
Chapter 42: T.T
It didnt end the way i thought and hoped to be.
But im happy for all of them.
Though i never put my self in YOU position. It is really sweet ad unpredictable one, really exciting to read your stories.

Hope you will make more 2AM fanfics^^
Saemiy #5
Chapter 35: Oh my god. This chapter is soooooo exciting. My heart was beating fast while reading.
I'll keep reading till finished
Saemiy #6
Chapter 28: This chapter is very sweet.
Omoooko. I really love the you you describe Jinwoon.
Chapter 42: This story is daebak!!! But i feel sad tho cause its not Jinwoon who she ended up with :-( kekeke
Chapter 21: Finally Jinwoon enter the scene, ive been waiting for him for ages! Lol kidd anw great story author-nim! :D
Acgoo1999 #9
Chapter 42: Love it!! Sequel is needed.. ^^
Chapter 42: I am in love with this story.....<3