Love Formula

Yongsun might be inexperienced in the love department, but she always knew when somebody put an interest in her. Back in high school, when she used to go on many casual dates to satisfy Yonghee’s request, she easily gained one new knowledge. 

Humans might be a complex creature, but when it comes to wanting someone, they tend to do something similar. One of them was taking an unnecessary interest in everything that she does. It could be shown by stares, words, actions, and many more. Whatever it is, it has only one simple purpose, to get Yongsun’s attention. 

She used to laugh at it all the time. Until she’s doing the ing same thing towards Byul. The older girl might have shown it subtly, but she memorized everything about her best friend. Every likes and dislikes. Unconsciously, she acted like everyone that she laughed at before. 

At first, Yongsun hated it, but through time, she decided that it doesn’t matter. Because what matters is to make the other girl happy. 

So, if anyone asks her if she’s wanting Byul, she would totally say yes. But is it love? She seriously has no idea. Yet, Yongsun has decided to take this matter seriously because if this foreign feeling she has towards Byul turned out to be love, she wanted to do it right. 

How to make it right? Through time. 

And being trapped in this stupid promise would totally ruin this. 

So that’s why, when Jay showed interest in her for the last 3 weeks and asked her to go on a date with him after the film shooting, she knew it’s her chance. Jay is her ticket to be free from her pact. Once he confessed to her, Yongsun would say yes and the next day, she would break it off immediately. 

As much as Yongsun has always been honest to her trusted people like Yonghee and Byul, she knew what she’s going to do was totally cross the line. Almost evil. But, she would do anything for making whatever she has with Byul bloomed at its own pace without any external s bothering it. 

But, one thing that she forgot is how Byul is also taking an interest in her. 

Especially after she told the other girl about her promise with Yonghee, Byul has acted way more extra at showing her interest in her. It should be on her mind to know a possible scenario of Byul searching for her at the night she went with Jay at the back of an old bioscope building. 

As soon as she saw a familiar figure on the other side of the wall of the building, Yongsun knew she had ed it up. 


It’s 4 in the morning, Yongsun sits between Byul and her sister in the back seat of Mino’s car while the owner takes the driver’s seat while sleeping Jay sits beside him. As everyone is tiring out because of the shooting, no conversation is made in the car. Yonghee is staring out of the window in silence, while Byul simply puts her headset on and totally ignores Yongsun.

The older girl kept stealing a look at her best friend. If only they’re in more private space, she would totally explain everything to the purple-haired girl. The burden of silence slowly ruined Yongsun apart. So that’s why she decided to take one chance that she knew would fail. 

She put her head on Byul’s shoulder.

Yongsun could feel the tense from the other girl, yet she chose to ignore it. But as soon as Mino stopped the car in front of her family house, Byul moved the older girl’s head from her shoulder. Right before she wanted to say that she will stay in Byul’s house, the future director said, “Thank you so much, Yonghee Unnie. You’re such a great help today!” as she waved with a smile, “Well, see you on Monday, Yong.”

Her big sister replied with the same hospitality towards everyone and dragged Yongsun to get out of the car. 


“Yong, what are you doing? Come inside!”

Yonghee is stepping out from the front door of their apartment building and finds Yongsun still staring at the end of the road. The older girl tightens her coat as the cold air is making her shivers. She put her hand on Yongsun’s shoulder, “Yah! What’s wrong wit-”

Her little sister turned around with empty eyes, “I lost her, Unnie.”

Knowing how sometimes her little sister acts stupid, Yonghee sighed, “Tell me, what did you do to Byul?”

Yongsun hugs her big sister and cries her heart out. 


Yonghee tucked her baby into the bed and let the information sink into her mind. It’s frustrating how messed up her little sister’s mind works. She can’t help but blame herself for putting Yongsun in this situation. Yet, knowing Yongsun, she would totally reject it if Yonghee put off the agreement.

Her little sister is too prideful for her own good. 

The older girl sits on the couch with Yongsun’s phone on her hand with Byul’s contact on the screen. Should she help her sister? While actually, this is everything that she wanted Yongsun to experience in the first hand. 

She bites her lips while remembering how pitiful her little sister just 30 minutes ago. 


She messaged Byul’s number. 

I’m Yonghee Unnie. I know you can’t sleep. Pick up the phone. 

As she called the number, the other side ended the call instantly.

I know my sister is the most idiot person in the world but please, pick up the phone. 

Another three attempts before Byul gave up. 


“I’m sorry, but it’s 5 in the morning, Yonghee Unnie.”

“I know, but I need to talk to you.”

“About Yong?”


“Let’s end the call, Unnie.”

“Kid, listen to my story first and it’s up to you if you decided to stick with my idiot sister or not.”

Big sigh could be heard from the other side, “Okay.”


She wakes up in the evening and finds both of her eyes hurt. It couldn’t be avoided as she stopped crying just after she went to sleep. Yongsun is stepping out from her room to search her weirdly disappeared phone from her jacket’s pocket. As her mind is occupied with her plan to cancel her date with Jay tomorrow and find a way at making up with Byul, she is kind of taken back when she sees her best friend is already sitting on the couch while watching a movie. 


The purple-haired ignored the older girl’s shock face, “I also just woke up. Yonghee Unnie let me get into the apartment in the morning and went to work as soon as I got here. I don’t think she gets any sleep-”


She sighed and smiled at the Yongsun, “Sit beside me, will you?”

Yongsun is walking towards her while biting her lips in nervousness. How could someone who acted cold at her just before could suddenly treat her so warm now?

Out of fear, Yongsun sits on the edge of the sofa. She doesn’t want to make the other girl mad at her anymore. Byul rolled her eyes and pulled her best friend to get closer to her. The purple-haired girl moved Yongsun to face her.

“So tell me, Kim Yongsun. How in the world would using Jay be better than let me confess to you in the first place?”


“Just answer it.”

“I- Second character is needed to balance out-”


“Have you ever watched our Korean Drama? The second lead is needed to help the main character realize her undefeated love towards the first lead. But I use the formula to help me eliminate the second and more lead just so I could be with you.” She paused, “Only you.”

Byul blinked multiple times, “Wow. It sounds so ing mad, yet romantic at the same time.”

For the first time, Yongsun chuckled at it. “When you say it that way, I kinda proud?”

“Don’t.” Byul put on a serious face, “Using other people’s feelings is a big no, Yong.”

The older girl is looking down, “I’m sorry.”

“You should say sorry to Jay, not me.”

Both embracing the weird silence as Byul is letting the older girl to message Jay. As soon as the younger one finds Yongsun ready for another serious conversation, she says, “Look, we both know we like each other. Even though I knew it from your sister but anyway, I just want to come clean.” Byul is taking a deep breath before continuing, “I like you, Kim Yongsun. You’re crazy but maybe you’re my kind of crazy and even with every insecurity I have, I still want you to be my girlfriend. But, before I confess to you, please tell me your concern, because I will end up miserably confused about everything if you’re not saying what’s in your weird mind.”

“I still can’t find the formula, Byul.”


“For us. To work as more than best friends. And to find the formula, I need time.”

To receive such a theoretical answer for the love problem is so typical of Kim Yongsun, yet the situation made Byul laugh. “There is no love formula in real life, you brat!”


“Yong, there will always be a risk in any relationship. Even if we’re not dating, who could tell that our friendship will be fine in the long term?”

“I will always find a way, Byul.”

She smirked, “So, you should find a way to make us work as lovers too.”

“You talk like it’s simple.”

“It is simple.”

“You’re important to me and I’m stupid at this .”

“You’re also important to me, but I’m willing to take the risk. So, will you?”

Unconsciously, Yongsun holds her pajama’s fabric tightly. Never in her life, she was scared at making decisions as much as now. Her best friend noticed that and took both of her hands into hers, “Okay, stop thinking hard. I just want to ask you one simple question.”

She braced herself up to staring back at Byul. 

“Do you want to be with me?”

“Yes. Until I die.”

Her best friend smiles softly, “Stop saying things that make my heart beat faster, you idiot.”

Yongsun rolls her eyes, “I’m totally being honest, Byul.”

“I know, I know. Okay, last question, will you just let me be your girlfriend without debating?” 

The older girl chuckled, “You sound frustrated.”

“I AM!!!!”



She nodded. 

Suddenly, the front door opens and Yonghee is staring at two younger girls on the sofa, “Please tell me, the drama is over.”

Both of them replied to the concerned sister by laughing with each other. 


They're finally dating!!! 

The next chapter will be the beginning of their official love relationship. I pray the Moonsun won't messed it up. XD
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I'm sorry for neglecting this story for such a long time. I promise I'll continue this story after I've finished my other story 'what it takes to be forever'. Hope you're still want to read this story later, kind readers <333


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Plz update author nim
RubiaAO #2
Chapter 2: Feliz aniversário, super, super, super atrasado...


E obrigada pelo capítulo incrível.
Luly317 #3
Chapter 8: Soft... Sooo soft <3
Luly317 #4
Chapter 7: Finally! Goood! I need it that
Luly317 #5
Chapter 3: Well written as always haha how come I didn't follow this one until today?
Bylkng #6
Chapter 8: This is cute!
Chapter 8: I liked the chapter! I liked that both are wrapped in insecurities and looking for their ways of loving. But I didn't like that beginning of possessiveness of Byul, when I read “I don't care. Change it. ” I thought, "Are you serious, ?" haha, but I liked the chapter!! :) Hope you're very well!

diadetak #8
Chapter 8: hiii thanks for the chapter! it's greatt
ohh are you gonna explore the trials and errror of first relationship thoroughly now
byul is quite possessive huhh idk how to feel when she asked yong to change her clothes (personal reflection as a woman i hate it when ppl ask me to change my attire, so if my partner does this there's a huge chance we'll fight but well, ppl are different)

i know exploring yong's first love is the point of this story sksksk but u can't help to feel that first relationship will never work so...... i think I'm ready if this goes south skskssksk
Cien96 #9
Chapter 7: The story is so so amazinggggg
Nat_redwood #10
Chapter 7: So. Much. Fluff. <3