Love Formula

Film crew preparation noises from behind the make up room door gradually faded. It slowly disappears as Yongsun lets her mind be occupied with her internal fight. She is looking at herself in the mirror while holding her trembling hands to stop the tremor. Over and over again, she said to herself, it’s going to be exciting and everything will be fine. 

Someone is opening the door and reminding the black-haired girl that she should be ready for the shooting day of her best friend’s short film. She should get a hold of herself. It is for Byul, so she couldn’t let her favorite person after Yonghee down. 

“Hey, are you okay?”

The older girl turned around and found Byul with two other girls stepping into the room. With all of her strength, she gives her best smile to reassure the director. “Yes, of course! And, is that Hwasa and Chungha?”

Before Byul opened to answer the question, Hwasa had run towards her and jumped into Yongsun, “Finally, I could meet the almighty Yongsun-Unnie in real life!” Two steps behind, another girl with a soft smile is bowing at her. Her best friend is smiling at Yongsun’s shocked face, “Hwasa can’t shut up since I picked them up from the bus station. Since our routine video call, she’s kinda attached to you.”

Being the youngest one in her family, it isn’t Yongsun’s set of skills to talk with younger people. But, for the sake of Byul’s film, Yongsun has interacted with the two Bucheon girls for the last 10 days through video calls to practice their dialogue lines together. Yet, talking through webcam and real life is so different that Yongsun kept scaring herself to ruin the new friendship she has formed with Byul’s friends. 

But, to see Hwasa is being so excited to meet her, she finally can rub out one of her negative thoughts.

Five minutes of excited conversation between the four of them suddenly turned to silence as Byul asked the two younger girls to change their outfit into their costume. They stepped out of the makeup room and left Yongsun alone with Byul. It might be because of her own nervousness, but she wishes Byul could just stop giving her a worrying look. 

But, Byul is Byul. She will do anything to make Yongsun feel better. So, the director is approaching her. She put both of her hands on Yongsun’s waist and gestured to the older girl to look at her eyes, “Tell me, Yong. What’s wrong?”

She sighed, “I’m- This is my first film. My first acting experience. As long as I could remember, my life has always been filled with film but I've always been in the spectator position but never in the position of making one. And I- I just wish I won’t disappoint you.”

Her best friend is smiling, “You can do it, Yong. I believe in you.”


Byul kissed her forehead, “I believe in you, so you should believe in me. I chose you not without reasons.”

For the first time since she woke up this morning, Yongsun is finally able to breathe normally again. She nodded multiple times to reassure both of them. “Okay.”



“Please, be professional. We have a lot of work here, Miss Director!” Both of the girls startled and removed their bodies from each other. Hwasa is grinning while looking at their panicked face. 


Yongsun, Hwasa, and Chungha sat in the corner of the studio room while reading their scenario. It seems like the shooting will start in no time, so they should wait in a more visible space. 

But suddenly, Hyejin asked, “So, how’s your dating life with my Unnie?”

Yongsun tilts her head towards the younger ones, “We’re not dating.”

“What? You can trust us, Unnie!” while Chungha nods her head in agreement. 

The older girl shook her head, “No, really. We’re best friends.”

Three of the girls stopped talking and tried their best to understand the situation. Hwasa can’t stop her curiosity, “But, you’re totally my Unnie’s type.”

Yongsun chuckled over the statement, “Really?”

Instantly, two of them answered at the same time, “Neeee!!”

“Girls, time to shoot!” Mino shouted from the set and made the girls forget their awkward conversation. 

As Yongsun steps into the set, she can see how Byul is already in her director mode. She sits in front of the director’s screen precariously. But as soon as she looked up and saw Yongsun, she gave her the warmest smile. 

Yongsun couldn’t help but find Byul beautiful.


The last two days are draining everyone’s energy. It’s 2 in the morning and they’re finally taking the last shot of the film. 

Yongsun sat in front of the camera while recording the empty sofa. As tears run down her cheek, she’s whispering, “Cut and it’s a wrap.” The older girl kept crying while trying to stop the loneliness to ruin her. 

Another voice saying, “Cut!” is heard from behind. Yongsun turned around while giving Byul an anticipating look. Everyone in the room is also giving that look to the director and as soon as the younger girl grins. Mino shouted as big as she could, “It’s a wrap, motherer!!!”

All the crew and the cast were shouting in excitement but Yongsun just stuck on her place, not knowing what to do. Byul is running towards her, “Yong, you are amazing!!!”


Once again Byul tells her how amazing she was while wiping off the tears from Yongsun’s cheek and hugs her tightly. 

She smiled so widely as she said to herself, I made it.


As soon as the euphoria of finishing the film started to fade, Byul couldn’t help but realize what she had been blind for the last two days. While the other crew starts to tidy up all the film equipment and make the studio to its first condition back, the director sits beside her editor to talk about the selected shots but somehow, she gets distracted with a scene that happens right in front of her.

Yongsun in casual outfits is joking around with some men in the camera department. 

It is the magic of companionship that formed within film-making projects. Even the cold Yongsun has melted away and opened herself more. She should be happy because finally, Yongsun could make friends aside from her and Mino Oppa. Yet, she felt undefined emotion of feeling scared at losing her best friend. 

The smile that used to be hers and hers only has become everyone’s smile. 

“Byul, get it?”

“Ah, yeah. I’m sorry. I’ll contact you tomorrow, okay? I don’t think I could think right now.”

The man shrugged his shoulders and back at managing the shooting files. 

Byul sat in silence while taking her time to calm her down. Someone pat her shoulder, “You’re fine?”

She looked at her favorite dongsaeng and sighed, “I hope.”

Another whining sound from Yongsun could be heard. Byul can’t help but feel irritated over it. Especially, when it’s Jay doing.


“Ne, Unnie.”

“No, I’m not okay.”

“I know.”

She is staring at the beautiful creature called Kim Yongsun once again.

I’m totally not okay.


Byul works as an assistant director in Yongsun’s film project. No matter how tired she was over her own film and Mino’s project for the last 6 days, she knew she should give her best for her favorite girl. Even if she can’t stick with her all the time and let Jay have his way to get closer to Yongsun.

The thing about assistant directors is they have to manage everything. From the schedule to the blocking of the cast. So, rather than sitting beside Yongsun, she has to always move from one place to another. Meanwhile, Jay as the cinematographer will always have a great situation to interact with Yongsun.

As much as she hates to admit it, Yongsun works well with the tattooed boy.

“So, when will you confess to my little sister?”

Byul stopped her inner dialogue as soon as she realized the existence of the main talent and also Yongsun’s big sister, “I’m sorry?”

The older woman chuckled, “You like my sister, right?”

Still in shocking condition, “What-”

“So, you’re not interested.” She pouted, “Well, I should talk to the camera guy, then”

Suddenly, Byul pulled Yonghee's shirt to stop her from moving, “I like your sister. I like her a lot. Please, don’t talk to Jay.”

The older version of her best friend smiled, “There you go, handsome girl.”


It’s three in the morning and everyone has done tidying up everything. Finally, the 6 days of torture has finished. Yet, she couldn’t find Yongsun.

As she stepped into the back of the old theater building, Byul could hear Yongsun’s laughing voice. She ran towards the source of the voice until another voice came up. She stopped her movement and hid while concentrating on the conversation. 

“Is it true you’re dating Byul?”

ing Jay.


“I knew Mino was wrong.”

“Sorry, what do you mean, Jay?”

“Just forget it. But, will you go on a date with me this Saturday?”

“A date?”

“I want to know you more, Yongsun. It’s a simple movie with a lunch kind of date. Nothing more.”

“Nothing more, right?”

“We’ll find out later about that but for now, it is really just a date. Nothing more.”

Byul holds her breath as she’s waiting for Yongsun’s answer. 

“Okay then.”

Okay then? What the , Kim Yongsun?!

As her weak legs were taking over her, Byul sat down on the dirty ground while face palmed herself. 


I'm sorry, I need to escalated the conflict in this way. Once again, I'm sorry but i assure you, Byul will get the girl in the end ;p

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I'm sorry for neglecting this story for such a long time. I promise I'll continue this story after I've finished my other story 'what it takes to be forever'. Hope you're still want to read this story later, kind readers <333


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Plz update author nim
RubiaAO #2
Chapter 2: Feliz aniversário, super, super, super atrasado...


E obrigada pelo capítulo incrível.
Luly317 #3
Chapter 8: Soft... Sooo soft <3
Luly317 #4
Chapter 7: Finally! Goood! I need it that
Luly317 #5
Chapter 3: Well written as always haha how come I didn't follow this one until today?
Bylkng #6
Chapter 8: This is cute!
Chapter 8: I liked the chapter! I liked that both are wrapped in insecurities and looking for their ways of loving. But I didn't like that beginning of possessiveness of Byul, when I read “I don't care. Change it. ” I thought, "Are you serious, ?" haha, but I liked the chapter!! :) Hope you're very well!

diadetak #8
Chapter 8: hiii thanks for the chapter! it's greatt
ohh are you gonna explore the trials and errror of first relationship thoroughly now
byul is quite possessive huhh idk how to feel when she asked yong to change her clothes (personal reflection as a woman i hate it when ppl ask me to change my attire, so if my partner does this there's a huge chance we'll fight but well, ppl are different)

i know exploring yong's first love is the point of this story sksksk but u can't help to feel that first relationship will never work so...... i think I'm ready if this goes south skskssksk
Cien96 #9
Chapter 7: The story is so so amazinggggg
Nat_redwood #10
Chapter 7: So. Much. Fluff. <3