
From The Start
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Baekhyun was running as fast as he could, all the while praying deep in his heart, that Sehun hadn't left yet and still waited for him to come, even though he was late, specifically, two hours later than what they agreed on to meet on.


Last time when Baekhyun met Sehun for the first time, they clicked quite soon, as they talked, the omega learnt about how attractive Sehun's personality was.

The young alpha told baekhyun that he was a loner wolf, that he never belonged to any pack, and he's been on his own ever since he remembered, such a fearless act as survival on one's own for a long amount of time, left a good first impression of him on baekhyun's mind. 

Baekhyun asked him about his parents and their whereabouts, but Sehun said he didn't remember having any ever, and that was okay for him to be a loner, that he didn't have a problem with being an orphaned wolf, so baekhyun didn't try to drag the issue more than he sould.


Sehun also told him that he never settled in one place, and kept traveling around the world, he would find a cave, decorating it as a place to live for winters when it was too cold to travell and even find food because the ground was frozen, so he stayed rooted till spring came so he could move again.

Baekhyun thought Sehun was so brave because it wasn't as easy as it sound to be able to survive on your own, to not have a pack to get your back when you're in trouble. 

Baekhyun couldn't survive on his own without a pack, not even a week.

Sehun was a strong courageous alpha, and baekhyun liked that about him, the alpha had the potentials in him to bring safety for his future family, keeping them out of danger in need times, providing food, not letting his mate and pups stay hungry, it was an interesting side of alpha, and baekhyun was getting fond of it slowly.


Baekhyun also told Sehun about his pack, his friends and family.

He said, he belonged to the Moonlight pack, which had about 40 to 50 mates, his father was the leader, and he was the only son, the pack's future leader's identity was yet to be found out, because of baekhyun not being able to hold it.

He told him that he never had someone to call them his best friend, he had a few friends here and there but someone to be the closest to him, there was none.

And he was rather lonely, maybe the loneliest wolf of their pack. 

He didn't say the last part out, but Sehun was intelligent enough to know every single meaning behind baekhyun's words.

Sehun smiled, a reassuring smile, which warmed baekhyun's heart instantly working like magic, making him forget about all his loneliness, because with Sehun around, maybe baekhyun wouldn't be as lonely as he thought. 



They talked till the sun was about to set and it was time for baekhyun to return to his territory before it would be too late.

And after agreeing on a meeting the day after tomorrow at the same hour, Sehun waved the omega goodbye, watching him disappear as it was to get darker.



Ever since his meeting with Sehun, baekhyun couldn't stop thinking about the young alpha and his figure wouldn't agree to leave his mind. 

Baekhyun would recall his words one by one, smiling from time to time when Sehun's rather attractive smile popped up on his vision.

Sehun was an apealing alpha, with gorgeous face and a well built body, baekhyun thought of him as desirable alpha between omegas because of his body and strength. 


Baekhyun couldn't help his beating heart either, which made it hard for him to wait untill their meeting. 

Maybe bae

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Poor Baek is in trouble
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 4: Kyungsoo is definitely gonna cause trouble I think 🤔
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 3: Poor Baek - he's in a no win situation - but I hope he can come clean to Chan!
Chapter 3: Nice update
Chapter 2: Sehun..you, mean Alpha!
Chapter 2: 😯😲
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 2: No means no Sehun - you are bad!!😡
taneel123 #8
Chapter 2: Omg I did not expect that.
Chapter 2: You dropped the bomb and it exploded well!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #10
Chapter 1: Uh oh - meeting Sehun first??