From panic to cold water being poured.

Favourite Dream
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I was kind of panicking internally.

As always, all 8 of us met up at the chosen restaurant for this week (we would eat at different places each week just to be foodies). We decided to meet for lunch as the boys had a soccer game the night before. At first, Jaekyung and Chanyeol announced in the group chat that they had been roped into taking Jaekyung’s niece and nephew to a movie. Then, Baekhyun remembered he had booked a cooking class for Gaeun and himself. They left not long after arriving at the restaurant. Mina originally could not make it as she had an exam and Jongin apologised profusely in the group chat that he was under the weather and would not be able to have lunch.

Which left me alone with Sehun.

One might think that my friends, well our friends (because I was technically friends with the four boys too, yeah?) purposely planned this. But I knew, that Jaekyung, Gaeun and Mina would never, under any circumstances, leave me alone like this without advanced warning. And the boys did not seem like people who would do that either. The group chat was filled with countless of apologies and for 10 minutes I assured the girls (in our separate group chat) that it was fine, I was fine, and they did not need to worry at all! After reassuring Jaekyung that I was going to be okay (she took me under her wing and have always babied me), I finally locked my overheated phone.

“Do they feel bad?” Sehun himself had set his phone aside and looked at me. I nodded.

“Yeah. I had to tell Jaekyung that she could not leave her niece and nephew with Chanyeol,” I smiled softly thinking of how much my friends care for me. Sehun chuckled.

“Well, since we’re here, might as well order. I don’t know about you but I’m starving,” Sehun simultaneously rubbed his tummy as he eyes scanned the menu. I glided my finger through the options and settled on udon. A waiter came by our table to get our orders. As the waiter left, a slightly uncomfortable (in my opinion) silence fell upon Sehun and I. I started drumming my fingers onto the table, refusing the urge to pick up my phone. I always thought it was rude to be on your mobile device while you were out with someone.

“So, just to ease my curiosity, you are the girl on the plane, right?” Sehun broke the silence.

“After 6 weeks?” I teased. “But yes, if you are the Sehun I sat next to on the plane, then yes I am that girl,” the atmosphere from when we were in the plane was beginning to surround us and I found it easy to converse with Sehun once again.

“Sorry. It’s just that you were so quiet. You were normally in a conversation with one of the girls or just listening to the giant and dwarf blab away,” Sehun made talking gestures with his hands. My eyebrows pinched towards each other. Giant and dwarf? “Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They talk…a lot.” I hummed and giggled. He referred to his friends as ‘Giant and dwarf’.

“So, if Chanyeol and Baekhyun are the giant and dwarf, what are you and Jongin? Is one the beanstalk and the other Snow White?” I struggled to keep my laughter from erupting. Sehun playfully glared at me. “If you’re unhappy with beanstalk, it can be Jack,” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to stay nonchalant.

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Chapter 12: Awww this is so fluffy!!!! *cries* I love this chapter so much
Chapter 12: SO UWU HAAA OMG
Chapter 11: please ):
now i want sehun as my bf too )):
Chapter 11: Aww Sehunnie you're the sweetest boyfriend ever!
Chapter 10: This is really so cute <3333
I love LOVE LOVEEE the way you write and I could feel the feelings hshshsh
Thank you for blessing us with this <3
Chapter 10: She's so in love with Sehun, it's really adorable:)
Chapter 10: oh god finally TT
huhu im so sad bcs accidentally clicked unsubscribe ugh

this cute couple TT
Chapter 9: Aww they're so cute!
Chapter 9: UWU
gosh cant wait
finally he had confessed to her :3
Chapter 9: Omg can't wait for her confession and them being official!!!!❤️❤️❤️