
It is Hard for me.

Heesu's pov

'No! No! No! Why? Why? why must he kiss with Dara? why? He loved her? why? he likes her? i should have confess in the past....... i should have........ if i have confess first , things would not go wrong like now........... why? I should have told him........... i should have listen to Junhyung..............  now Kevin is in love with Dara unni......... I think they have now being a couple already...........

i think i'm not going to work tomorow and not going to school for 2 days, i can't bear looking at Kevin's face, his angelic face... 

OMG!  i just remembered about Kibum and Eli!! i just dump them!  I think i should apologize to them. This is all because of that stupid Kevin! i should have acted like that!  i'm just his friend , not his lover.... i so stupid :(

i think i should sleep now, i think i just wasting my time..'

Heesu went to sleep...

Ended pov

In the morning at 6.30am


Her clock rings

Heesu woke up and shut the clock up, she walk to her bathroom and look in the mirror, she look at her eyes were swollen , her nose were still red. She wash her face, brush her tooth and wash her self up. after finishing clean herself she change into new cloth 

she went to her living room make a breakfast for herself and eat infront of the television. after finishing eating she wash her dishes, she continue watching the Television for hours then she switch off the televison and look at the clock is says 12 pm it was their lunch time. She put her head back and close her eyes for a moment. while she was closing her eyes, Heesu heard a knock on the door, she sit up and look who's on the door she look into her security cam , it was Kibum and Eli.  She let out a sigh and open the door.

Heesu: What are you guys doing here? aren't you guys were suppose to work?

Kibum: We're the one who suppose to ask you that question..

Heesu knows she can't answer Kibum's question so she just let the door open, going back to the living room. Kibum and Eli went in 

Kibum: Heesu aren't you going to answer me? 

Heesu think of an answer and answer Kibum

Heesu: I'm just not feeling well today.........

Eli: why? did Mr Xander did anything to you? Cause he is denying that he didn't do something towards  you!

Heesu: What?! No! He didn't do anything to me!

Eli: Are you defending Mr Xander? Heesu?

Heesu: NO! I'M NOT AND MR XANDER DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO ME, he never Touch me! Why did you do something to him?

Kibum: We say to him that he harassed you Heesu cause we Thought he Harassed you.

Heesu: he is Good man You fools, you guys better apologize to him!

Kibum& Eli:Fine.......

Heesu:and i remember i'm sorry for dumping you yesterday..

Kibum: Why did you leave and crying?

Heesu:emmm.................. It just that i just got a call from my friend that Junhyung arm broken..... 'omg im using junhyung! i better say sorry to him!'

Kibum & Eli: OoO.........

Eli: you were crying hard for him?

Heesu: yyeah cccause hhe iis like mmy  bbbrother.

Kibum: i hope you're fine now and we have to go now and apologize to Mr Xander and tell him you're sick! bye (going toward the door) 

Eli: BYE!!!!!!!!!   

They have left and Heesu let out a sigh while sitting on her couch.

At the cafe


While Heesu at home, Kibum and Eli just arrived at the cafe , they  were suppose to meet Heesu first but they still go to the cafe first. They greet everyone like normal. Then Mr Xander

Eli& Kibum: Good Morning Mr Xander!!!

Mr Xander: Hello, Eli, Kibum anddd.............. where's Heesu??

Eli: Mr Xander we need to talk to you.. ( with serious voice)

Mr Xander: Ok what?

Kibum: what did you do to Heesu? Did You H.A.R.A.S.S.E.D her? ( with an angry voice)

Mr Xander: What? H.A.R.A.S.S.E.D her? NO! Since when i H.A.R.A.S.S.E.D her? i wouldn't do that! I'm her boss!

Eli: Yes A ert Boss

Mr Xander: Hey!, Dont you dare to say that to me im your Boss! do you guys want to get fired?

Eli& Kibum: No.... well is lunch time so we have to go! bye!

Mr Xander:Hey! aish! this Kids! Since when i harassed Heesu? i don't even care to touch her.... Stupid Workers yet Good workers.

Eli and Kibum went to Heesu House and found out every thing.

Ended Flashback

Mr Xander pov

"Knock knock"

Mr Xander:Yes come in.

the doors open and reveal Eli & Kibum

Mr Xander: What are you guys doing here? Saying i'm a ert again?

Kibum& Eli: No,no,no,no,no we're here for apologizing to say you a ert Mr Xander. We're really really sorry.

Mr Xander: i told you! i'm not a ert! once, but i'm not! and I accept.

Eli & Kibum: Yayy!!! Thanks Mr Xander and Heesu is not here cause she is sick!

Mr Xander:Omo!  Really?? Is she fine? is that why she didn't come?

Eli;dont worry she felling better.

Mr Xander: Thank god......

Kibum: yeah.



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babanga #1
Chapter 70: that was long! but good!
GGsuju #2
uuu kiss!!

love it!
YukiMary #3
@MaknaeDiva thank you!
Such a long damn story but I enjoyed it :D
YukiMary #5
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK up!!! story~~~ Hahahaha seems like..... this story is so bad... till at the end... nobody wants to read it... D;
Duckie_Bites #6
AWWWWW ! been busy >x( feel like a bad dongsaeng unnie ! love you unnie ! :) ahah ! i spotted my name 3 times xD
YukiMary #7
@LeahEyah Nah, its okay~~ yeah... i think Kibum and ELi is kinda..... like Gay... its weird duh... LOL Thanks for reading!!! , comment!!! and subscribing~!!!!!
ForeverFive #8
Correction *was so busy ;)
ForeverFive #9
Awww. It already end? Yes, i was a bit late i guess? I was so until i haven't had time to check the stories hereee. Wow, a happy ending with baby on heesu tummy :)<br />
And the way eli and kibum act is like they were gay. But i don't mind. I still love your story ;') and i do have fun reading your storiees, not just this one but others too. Sorry for the late comment :D if u got new story, tell me soon ;D
YukiMary #10
I'm having fun~~!~ Hmm Nobody read the endings.