Chapter 8 - His whisper is the lucifer.

A Doll's Melody [ ON HIATUS ]




  Kyuhyun was stunned looking at his friend while the latter was still holding his wrist with a shaking grip, indeed it was something weird for Yesung to be touching, must rather, holding someone in that ‘intimate’ way, it doesn’t matter if it was Kyuhyun the one he was holding, or maybe yes?, perhaps that was a difference, was it that maybe Yesung was really looking at him as a friend now?

  But even though, it was kinda unfamiliar for him, they never really had a close relation after all, no with Yesung personality, and Kyuhyun never intended to have a ‘skinship’ relationship with the former knowing him, he never attempted to bother him even more with touchy actions, not that he like it either.   After a moment of being holding the wrist with hesitated grips Yesung felt how his arm began to shake even more and perspire sweat.

  Kyuhyun immediately noticed this and let go of the grip of his friend quietly, calming himself down, letting the anger and madness that he felt before faded away. He waited a little before for his friend to remain his composure or at least say what he was intended to say before Kyuhyun tried to leave.

Yesung in the other hand was having a little brain block, what was actually happening to him? Why he hold Kyuhyun? No, what was his intention doing it? He really wanted to tell him about his problem? If so… Why? He never really cared for the latter, or that was what he always had thought. Was it that maybe if he told him his problem he could help him to find a solution? He didn’t know but what it’s done it’s done.

After some minutes that seemed like hours Yesung rubbed his sweaty hand in the side of his uniform pants, holding his bag and looking up at his friend, yes, he was ready to talk, and Kyuhyun was more than ready to listen.

“Kyuhyun ah…”

Yesung said with his eyes filled with determination but his voice sounded more like a whisper.

“I… I don’t know how to say this, I…”

Suddenly all the courage he has gotten before disappeared and his thoughts were covered with a giant gray color cloud. Kyuhyun let out a sigh sensing his confused friend.

“Look, hyung… if you don’t want to say it, it’s okay, I’m not going to force you to tell me if you are not ehm… ready. I’m sorry for my behavior earlier. I will wait until you are ready to trust me and see me as a friend”.

Kyuhyun said giving Yesung a calm and little smile. Yesung didn’t know what to do anymore but something inside him was telling him to let it out.

“So hyung... it’s getting late I guess it’s better get going before it gets darker, come on”

Kyuhyun suggested with another smile and taking the blinder missed in Yesung’s seat, then turning around to get to the exit gate, the latter just nodded and followed his ‘friend’. Just when they exited the hall and Yesung closed the door and were ready to leave to their homes a voice slightly high-pitched interrupted them.


Both of them frozen in their place, Yesung with his hand still in the knob of the hall's door and Kyuhyun eyeing the backside of his friend; his hands pocketed in his pants.


The voice was heard even nearer and both of them didn’t know how to react at this, obviously they know who was calling in their direction. Yesung released the door knob but didn’t try to turn around, Kyuhyun was fast turning at his right and take two steps forward facing the intruder that was now in their own personal space.

“What do you want now?” Demanded Kyuhyun to the stranger in front of him, the latter however wasn’t affected by the angry tone that Kyuhyun was giving him neither to the gaze full of hatred. He only eyed him tsking at him and letting out a muffled laugh.

“I wasn’t talking to you, if you heard me well I was calling for ‘hyung’ and you are far from being my hyung, if I remember well I’m your hyung, not you, so get out of my way I’m not going to tolerate again being interrupted”.

The intruded said before moving Kyuhyun aside by the arm, approaching the dazed off dark haired man.

“Yesung hyung~” Said the brunette tapping the older right shoulder with his slender index finger, sudden action made Yesung jumped a little and it was just when he awake from his daydreaming, turning around to face the so-close brunette in front of him, he tried to take a step back but he was already resting all his body in the cold gate, he didn’t have a way to get out of this, he was starting to get nervous again.

“Oh.. h-hi Ryeowook-ssi”  

All he could see was a big dark wall in front of him that slowly starts to consume his breathing and sight, but suddenly all lights go on again in front of him, there was no Ryeowook blocking his sight anymore, he was just able to heard a 'Leave him alone' from Kyuhyun before the short brunette was tossed aside by the taller.

“What?! I didn’t do anything, I was just greeting him, could you please calm your Kyuhyun?”

“What did you just say?!” Kyuhyun said with his anger boiling inside him, he DOES NOT have ‘’ as far as he know, and either way he is any feminine or that is what he thought. Ryeowook could only laugh seeing the brunet boiling in anger, he really loves to .

“I didn’t say anything okay? So, could you now let me talk to Yesung hyung, this is important”.

“NO” was Kyuhyun simple answer before standing in front of Ryeowook blocking his way to go further to the older man.

Ryeowook raised an eyebrow at him, “Kyuhyun get away you look like a jealous and annoying girlfriend”  Kyuhyun gritted his teeth trying to ignore the comment not wanting to be affected by such teasing again, “so that’s why you didn’t want me back because you already have someone else, huh?”

“What?!” Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his ears, did he hear well? Ryeowook was really thinking that he and Yesung were a couple? Kyuhyun gaped and widened his eyes before blinking several times. Ryeowook burst into laughs holding his slim waist to suppress the laughter pain that he was feeling, when he finally could calm himself he continued “Hahahaha I guess no, you don’t seem to be Yesung hyung type after all” Kyuhyun chuckled at him before reply “So, now do you think you know him that well to know his ‘type’”. Ryeowook smiled at him before smirked and shake his head no “No, but I will”.

All this commotion was unnoticed by Yesung who seemed to be lost in his thoughts again. Ryeowook approached said dumb boy, “Hyung!!” he tried to call the older but it didn’t work, ignoring Kyuhyun ‘Leave him alone’ words, he frowned and tried to think how to bring him to life, then he remembered what make him awake minutes ago, smirking he quickly thought in something.

Without hesitation he spread a little his arms and step forward to the dead-alike dark haired man in front of him and promptly put his arms around Yesung figure hugging him tightly, he felt how Yesung stiffen body began to  react against his own, but that didn’t care to him, he tightened his hold even more nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck, Yesung had to bit his lip because his body was tensing up, there he was, being hold for the one he supposed was the cause of his sickness, his systems and brain were working together non-stop trying not to faint right then.

When he thought that everything was okay and he could survive he felt a hot breath near his ear,  “I will see you tomorrow… call me when you are free, hyung”. The whisper sent shivers down his spine; suddenly he felt how something was getting inside his pants’ right pocket before being released from suffocating hug, Ryeowook has ran away and Yesung out right in the moment before he slipped down from the gate to floor.




OMG, Finally an update! I'm so sorry for not updating before :c but I'm being so busy lately ;_;
and yesterday I was so sick, so I took the opportunity to write this chapter^_^ 
I'm so eager to reach the of this story D':! Be patient, it will come so soon, I hope i_i

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lol I'm finally back with an update. omg. it was such a long time, isn't it?


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Finally Someone had to tell him what was really going on, since Yesung isn't aware with his surrounding.
Also I loved Yeye's mom in this chapter <3(and in reality I consider her really sweet)

Now Kyuhyun, don't get in the way of Yewook! Let Ryeowook do whatever he wants with Yeye ;D

Thank for updating ;A; I have waited for this for so long, and even though I could peek the other day, I wanted to see the whole chapter!
and now I know it worth the waiting :'D
Now that you find that motivation again don't stop writing, because I want to know what is going to happen next!
Also I want to see what we talked about the other time ;D
Love you~ :)
omg yeye it's about time you realize it lololol
d'awwwwww, yeye's in love <3333
wookie dough water u planning
update soon!
KYU =___________=
You updated!!!
- hugs-
LoL I couldn't stop laughing in this chapter! xD
At first I was happy with my Kyusung moment but then when I read the Ryeowook was approaching I was like !
It was so funny seeing Wookie trying to talk to Yeye and Kyuhyun was the cockbloker now :B
But finally Wookie got his target! And that whisper was hot, I had to admit that hehehehehehe xD
Update soon! I want to read a good Yewook moment asdxsaasdassd.
(also Kyuhyun isn't the one that has . It is Jonghyun ;D)
You can't stop there! I mean, Why??? ;3;
You need to update, because last chapter was awesome and
I want yesung to clear those wrong thoughts that kyu
has about Wookie attacking Yeye. ;D
I am warning you, I want my update soon!!! D:<
♥You ;3
trolololololol i cant believe that it was wookie who 'attacked' kyu o-o otl i thought it was minnie XDXD
yesuuuuuung. HAHAHAHAHA y u so shy ._.
update soon!
i like ryeowook's character. the one that's not too shy and talks with others
yesung is too innocent at some points. i think
I had read this chapter, but I couldn't comment D:
but now I can!!!
Now... Yesung all nervous when he find Ryeowook is so cute!!! <3
(and the principal is a little weird)
and now He will help him in the singing contest!!! @__@
You are trying to kill Yesung, right?
He is so shy, but I like it! ;D
Now I want another chapter soon D,:
I want to know how Yesung will act around Wookie. <3
Update soon :D
yesssss now yesung will help wookie for his singing contest, but why don't they both do it together :(
yesung is full of talent he shoudld go to the contest no matter what.
cyanideLove #10
Yeah I agree with wookiebear :D sungmin or ryeowook.. but my guess is wookie :P