4 - Crush (Sakura POV)

The Thinker who Dreams
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A/N: Thank you for waiting! This is gonna be a happy chapter where nothing much really happens but we got some quality Kkubi time. Thanks for your patience. "Drama" is gonna start soon...!






For weeks now, the dreams are getting more frequent. The ones where Eunbi-Unnie calls at her softly, leaving Sakura’s heart beat furiously and waking up in the middle of the night all flustered.


“No...no..” She buries her face into her palms as she sits up on the bed, looking out at the grey colored tone of the sky seeping through the curtain cracks. She needs to stop this from escalating to that sort of feeling. The scene of Eunbi looking at her gently, her round eyes sparkling as brightly as her smooth skin, the way she calls her as melodic as a song, and her lips curled in a luscious, tempting manner. Every time she replays it in her head, it gets more magical and more out of the blue. It’s like throwing a tiny piece of rock into the calm lake, and watching the ripples spread, unsettling everything in it. An originally inconsequential event that is turning irrational, impulsive, but also irresistible. The beginning of a silly crush. Oh for god's sake, she’s your neesan! 


Glancing at the phone beside her, it’s almost seven. Three hours of sleep. Good job, Kkura. She sighed as she checked the messages on her phone, which was all good news about the successful launch of a new edition in one of the hottest games in the mobile market right now. For that, her team had endured quite a bit of battering this past week to meet the deadlines, and was rewarded with a day off today. 


Tossing and turning in bed for a few more minutes, Sakura realizes that she couldn’t fall back to sleep again, and wanders out of the room, only to find that both Nako and Eunbi are done with breakfast.


“Morning Saku-chan!” Nako waves as she picks up the school bag beside her. 


“Morning, Kkura, why are you up? Go back and get some more sleep.” Eunbi stands up and walks towards her, resting a hand on her arm to express her concern. 


Sakura flinches. She knows it’s sending a distressing signal, which she does more often now, and it must be making Eunbi uncomfortable. So she takes a breath and tries to act more normal.


“Just a bit hungry.” She leans forward to give her a loose hug. “Why are you up so early too?”


“I’m taking Nako to school. The cafe’s closed today for some renovations, and Chaewon is helping me supervise it, so yeah, I’m in no rush today.”


“Uhh, shall I come along to send her off too?” 


“Yeah..I guess…”


“No!” Nako separates them and stares at Eunbi with puffed cheeks. “You promise we are doing scooter today. It won’t fit three people.”


“Oh yeah, right…”


“Scooter? It’s been four months, and I haven’t even seen the scooter in action? I want too!” Sakura raises her hand and jumps up and down in protest.


“Nah...Saku-chan, that’s only our thing. Eunbi-unnie let’s go let’s go!”


“Kkura-ya, do you want to try it out too? We can go for a ride later.” Eunbi is now trying to do her impartial sister act.


“No!” Nako shouts in protest. “Nako…” Eunbi chided. “Ok fine! Either way, you won’t get the badass bike rides like I did!” Nako pats her own chest proudly to emphasize the point, and pulled Eunbi away before Sakura could utter a proper response.


A motorbike? Unnie owns a motorbike?




The next thing Sakura knew, her arms are circling around Eunbi’s waist, riding behind her on a light orange scooter, a color which complements her unnie’s polka-dot red dress nicely. They were just off the first cross-section outside the house, and Sakura already felt the exhaustion from holding on in her position, as she focussed all her energy in clasping her fingers together, forming a rigid loop around the driver with quite some space between them. 


“Kkura, if you don’t lean closer and hold tighter you will fall.” Eunbi puts a hand on her arms, sending shivers to the nervous girl behind her. “Com’on now, don’t you trust Unnie?”


A slight tug causes Sakura to move forward and lean herself completely onto Eunbi’s back, and she unclasped her hands to hold on tighter around her waist in an embracing position. Eunbi Unnie feels so warm, so soft...the wind blowing against them as they zoom down the roads also brought a very familiar scent of vanilla shampoo onto her, which now smells extra creamy and sweet. The weather is getting cold, so they were just cruising around the river area, stopping at a park nearby.


“How was it?” They sat down on a bench, as Eunbi threw her a can of hot coffee, which she barely caught.


“It was fun! I feel like I’m seeing Seoul for the first time ever! But, my fingers are a bit numb.” Sakura holds the can in one hand and tried to flex the other fingers.


“That’s why I told you to wear a pair of gloves.” The older girl immediately took her hand and rub it between her palms. “Aigoo, they are frozen.” She held it near her face and tried to breathe hot air onto it to warm her up. The tingling sensation caused Sakura to retract her hand.


“Stop it Unnie…” Eunbi looks at her with mouth slightly agape, probably thinking if she hated it. “I mean..no...it’s ticklish!” Sakura tried to explain and felt her ears getting hot despite feeling quite frozen. Are her cheeks boiling too? It’s so embarrassing!


“Drink up the coffee then.” Eunbi smiles and pulls the tab of her own can open.


“How was the school run?” It’s Sakura’s turn to start a topic.


“Good. You know, I think I need to do this more often.”




“Because, I think that Yujin’s gonna take advantage of my Nako baby if I don’t flex my muscles in front of her so she can know her place.”


“Yujin? Hmm, but are you trying to intimidate her classmate with your scooter and polka dot dress, Unnie?” Sakura suppresses a laugh as she asks..


“Yes, she’s noisy, tall, bratty looking and always resting her head on top of Nako’s like an annoying oversized golden retriever...um big dog…. pestering her owner. She’s definitely interested in my little baby…  and hey, don’t I look great in this?”


“Ye--ah,” Sakura doesn’t sound convinced. “Sure, I mean, you do know you look cute and dorky with the scooter don’t you?”


“What? No way!” Eunbi gasps in horror. “Ah~~~ perhaps I should switch back to my Ducati.”


“And ride it in this dress?”


“Doesn’t the denim jacket help elevate the look? I mean, make me look cool?”


“No, not at all…”


“Ay.....thought so…” Eunbi finally admits defeat and stretches her legs out to relax, taking the view in.


“By the way, why did you switch from a motorcycle to a scooter?”


“Ahhhh~ haven’t Nako told you about that?”


She proceeded to recount a story on how their first conversation started at the balcony, leading to the promise to take Nako to dance practice.


“So I did it one night, and Nako was absolutely thrilled. She met with my friends at a club that night and everyone was captured by her cuteness. I scored so many sister points, but then those idiots over there were kneading Nako baby’s face like flour and passing her around like she’s some little pet. You know how she’s even smaller back then? Ridiculously cute in a puffy coat, like a baby penguin. But seriously ya..those rascals, I was never gonna let them lay hands on my baby anymore…” Eunbi still looks genuinely pissed off at them.


“Ok ok, Unnie, so then what?” Looking at Eunbi throwing tantrums like this, Sakura can’t help but smile even as she cuts her rambling off.


“Nako, of course, wanted to go back, but I refused. So she started whining that there is no way she can ride my bike anymore, and begged me to take her to school. So I did, without thinking much about it one morning. And OMO! That’s when our mothers found out.”


“Kaasan?” Sakura gapes at the thought of the scene.


“They were so furious that I let her rode on a motorcycle. ‘She’s only 13!!’ ‘She’s wearing uniform, a skirt!’ ‘Oh my Nako-ya….did you catch a cold riding like that? Did Eunbi scare you…’ Blah blah blah...they just went on and on about it, until they concluded that it’s unsafe to ride a motorbike even for me, and forced me to change to something more docile, more,” She makes a pair of air quotes and rolls her eyes. “Family-friendly.”


“Hahaha! Unnie, so, did you think it was totally fine to take Nako-chan out to nightclubs at midnight on a motorbike, but then somehow, thought I’m not fit for a scooter ride? You drove me to work by car every day!”


Eunbi was stumped by Sakura’s question. For some reason, Sakura detects a tinge of redness appearing on her face when she starts mumbling something incoherent. “It...it does get cold, as...you can see today. And it’s a more comfortable ride...and you’re…”


“A delicate, little flower you wish to shelter from any dangers of zigzagging through cars in the traffic.” Sakura seizes the opportunity to .


“No! Well...there’

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Hi, just a shoutout that the story has wrapped up!! It took me longer to write and covered less than what I wanted to cover (esp on side chars)-- but Kkubi has ample Eunsaku moments--it should be quite a satisfying end.


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Chapter 24: Here I am thinking about what my dreams are...
violentsushi #2
Chapter 24: This is a beautiful story, I love the characters and their motivation. Thank you so much for writing this, I look forward to more future stories if you will.
Chapter 24: thank you for this journey i really enjoy it, see you at your future works!
Mizone #4
Chapter 24: Good job!
MaxTheCatnip #5
Chapter 24: AHHHHHH. IT ENDED. GREAT JOB THERE!!!! looking forward to your future works ?
Chapter 24: Thank you for the beautiful story :))
1755 streak #7
Chapter 24: such a good story!!!! :')
Chapter 23: they're the realization of their moms dreams:')
they're achieving something that their moms can't, maybe something means to be not happening to us because they'll be greatest gift for someone else
1755 streak #9
Chapter 23: well i'm glad that they now knows!
Chapter 22: And here we get more info on this crazy family structure! (the diagram helps a lot, thank you)

Eunbi is getting a bit more comfortable with her relationship being public, her attempt to confess in Japanese was really cute.

Kaeun and Sasshi clearly have a much more complicated relationship than what I initially thought, they have known each other for a long time. I can only guess that the reason for Kaeun's disappearance was the Bae family and having Eunbi.

I think learning more about her mother will help Eunbi also learn more about herself, and eventually it will help her get close to Irene. Or maybe it will end up driving her insane, it could go either way.

We'll just have to wait and see that diagram grow