19 - Kumamon (Nako POV)

The Thinker who Dreams
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A/N: This is Nako's ending in the story. Of course, she'll still be featured in the rest of the chapters, but as far as her personal story, I am giving you guys this. Please enjoy! Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting!





“So, is that everything?” Eunbi checks the cart for the fourteenth time again as the Kwon family reaches the check-in counter at the airport.


“Yes, yes, Unnie, please relax, we’re only going there for two weeks, not trying to move our entire house.” Nako tips her toes to pat her oldest sister’s head before nudging her to hand those passports to the lady at the counter. She then turns around to chats with Hyewon and Irene, who’s come to send them off.


“Nako-chan~” Hyewon quickly swings her arm around the girl and tugs her closer. “I know you’re going to be having so much fun this summer...I am so jealous!”


“Kang-chan, didn’t you just come back from your break in Tokyo?” Nako looks at her with a  “And what’s this?” She took a crumpled piece of paper out of her purse.


“It’s my shopping list! Pleassse...Nako-ya…” Hyewon begged as Sakura snatched it away from Nako’s hand.


“No, my baby sister is not gonna help you buy more snacks, and sure as hell she’s not going to deliver this--” She produced a teddy bear out of the luggage that’s almost made its way onto the conveyor belt.


“What? When did that get into my bag??” Nako looks on in surprise. “Is that for Minami-chan too?!”


“Yup! You’re not going to spoil your ‘daughter’ at the expense of my baby...you just saw her in Tokyo!” Sakura growls at her friend. The two gaming buddies start arguing about who’s cuter amongst Nako and Minami, while Irene and Nako both roll their eyes in unison and move away from all this commotion.


“Thanks for driving us here, Irene-Unnie.” Nako smiles at the woman who’s still rocking her shades like a diva, pretending to look cool.


“That’s nothing, don’t mention it.” Even though she’s hiding behind her sunglasses, Nako can tell that she’s nervously observing Eunbi, waiting for a chance to talk to her. “Nako-ya...that clumsy unnie of yours can’t speak Japanese for the life of her…and the other one goes full on otaku-mode sometimes to even notice anything around her. Can you, ehem, you know, please keep an eye on these kids?”


Nako laughs at the oldest unnie who’s letting her motherly side spoil her cool.


“Relax, Unnie...all three of us will stick together, and your Eunbi-baby will be fine in our hands.”


“She still acts a bit angsty sometimes… you know, I haven’t seen her use anything I’ve given her...Ah...maybe I should get you guys an upgrade to First Class...”


“Stop...stop stop.” Nako pulls her back before she could take a step towards the check-in counter. “Unnie, I know it’s tough on you, but you’re doing fine so far, and anything more is just gonna be an overkill, like how you bought Unnie her aunt’s company just so you guys could go fire her.” 


“Ya, Nako! You should’ve been there to witness how the rude hag was fuming and begging at the same time. Maybe not-- because she had that constipated look which was kind of disgusting. Too bad Eunbi is not into playing boss.”


“Of course! Did you know how mad she was that you were using your money to meddle with other people’s lives? Even though that person has really been horrible to Unnie throughout her life…”


The irony that the Bae family holds the kind of power that led her Eomma into misery in the first place did not escape Nako. She also recalled how it was like for Sakura to show up and kick her bullies’ asses when they were younger. The helplessness loomed large when it just goes to show that she couldn’t do anything by herself. She understood why Eunbi would feel upset.


“That aunty deserves all that she got. The employees were cheering too so she was probably all-round horrible and abusive to everyone, not...not just my baby-sis…. She--she should know that.” Irene defends herself defiantly, though Nako can see that she’s admitting her fault from the sound of her trailing stutter.


“Hai---hai, my mighty sister, who’s made the wisest decision.” Nako conceded sarcastically. “Welp, there are some things Eunbi-unnie needs to figure out on her own-- we as outsiders can’t really solve it for her. Just be patient Irene-Unnie-- I’m sure she’ll come around eventually. I’ll just tell you a secret here -- I saw Eunbi Unnie reading a magazine that has your interview in it, and she’s staring at your photo, thinking that none of us are looking!”


“Re..really?” Irene tries to hide her smile, but her whole face brightens up. 


Nako is secretly happy that Irene has come into their lives, even though it meant revealing a dark part of Eunbi’s past that she never could have imagined. To have somebody older that Eunbi could lean on is one good thing that came out of it. Irene is the only person Eunbi acts like a ‘child’ to by being cranky and unreasonable. Moreover, the persistent and thick-skinned Irene is really quite something else. It wouldn’t have worked if it was somebody who just wanted to build this bridge half-heartedly, because they would certainly have given up by now, but Irene never faltered, and her genuine love for Eunbi shows in her strange, larger-than-life actions. Nako finds herself liking this proud, eccentric chaebol heiress more and more each day.


“Go--” Nako whispers as she pushes Irene forward while Eunbi is walking towards them, finally done with checking all their baggage in.


“I’m going to check on Saku-chan and Hyewon’s ‘fight’.” Nako sticks her tongue out and scoots away, leaving the two sisters some alone time with each other. 


As usual, Irene starts rambling on about how her totally un-relatable trip to Japan was, with Eunbi pursing her lips in annoyance, acting like she didn’t care, but somehow she’s still standing there, listening. Look, Irene-Unnie, you’ll eventually break those walls.




The flight was quite short with Sakura electing to sit alone on the side, playing with her switch while Nako sat in the middle with Eunbi by the window seat. She could feel Eunbi’s nerves as she looked outside the window and grasped onto the armrests tightly.


“Do you not enjoy plane rides?” Nako asked as she took the armrest up and leaned onto her shoulder.


“I’m okay, Nako. Just a bit nervous about meeting with your Grandma.”


“Not ‘your’. She’s Grandma. Our grandma.” Nako smiled and rubbed the back of her hand in encouragement.


“How’s she like? Is she strict?”


“I used to go see her once a year during summers when we still lived in Fukuoka. She’s very nice...but she can also be a bit loud, childish...and just a handful. And..oh, she looks like a squirrel.” As she describes the grandma she knew, Nako suddenly wondered why the usually boisterous Obaasan never showed up at the wedding or funerals.


“Hey~~” Eunbi chuckled at the irreverent descriptions. “Is it okay to describe your senior in this way?”


“Yeah, she’s cool and chill, don’t worry, Unnie, you will LOVE her.”


Eunbi just smiled and rested her head on Nako’s, while looking out the window with a pensive gaze. She can tell that she’s worried about how they’re going to reveal her relationship with Sakura, and to be honest, Nako was not sure what Obaasan’s reaction will be either, since she’s only known her as the doting grandma who’d play with Nako like she’s a baby. At least, she was too young for Obaasan to even consider telling her about Aunt Haruka and Saku-chan. Will this time be any different?




The girls landed safely by noon and got through customs without any problems. As Sakura was pushing the trolley of luggage while Eunbi and Nako walked at the back, a cheerful voice greeted them.


“Nako-chan, Nako-chan!!” A short girl with jet-black hair and ponytail is waving her hand enthusiastically.


“Mikurin!” Nako darted across the walkway and hugged her best friend. “I didn’t know you’d be here!”


“Yes, I want to see you straight away, I just can’t wait till next week, so I came!” Miku skips and holds both of Nako’s hands tightly, swinging them excitedly. Miku is Nako’s best friend from Fukuoka. They met in childhood when the family moved there, but the kids didn’t go to the same place until middle school. Still, Miku has been a very important part of Nako’s life, so much so that even after the years she’s moved to Seoul, she still considers the Kumamoto native to be the closest person outside of family.


“Hi Miku-chan…” Sakura greets her as she links her arm with Eunbi’s and pulls her closer forward. “You’ve grown up to be a beautiful lady! How are you doing?”


“Thanks, Sakura-neechan.” Miku greeted her with a smile and slight bow. “I’m doing well. Our school’s on break a couple of days ago, so it’s great timing to come and meet with you all.” Nodding slightly to the girl standing beside Sakura, Miku continues, “And this must be-- Eunbi-neesan-- right? Nice to meet you.”


“Ni--nice to meet you! I’m Eunbi-chan..em, please! I’m in your care!” Eunbi let go of Sakura’s hand and greeted her properly with her rusty Japanese that somehow accentuates her lisp. Actually, who told this unnie to keep referring to herself in ‘-chan’? Nako wonders and laughs out loud.


“Unnie, stop acting cute!” Nako exclaims while Sakura smirks to contain her laughter. The oldest girl just looks around and her lips innocently, not understanding the uwus she’s stirring up.


“Ah---Nako-chan, your older sister is so cute! Not to mention...she has such a nice bo…”


Nako quickly leapt forward and smacked her palm on Miku’s mouth, so the girl got stopped halfway in her sentence. “Sh---Saku-chan there is gonna get mad.” Nako hissed in a whisper.


Eunbi’s listening skills are just not good enough to catch what’

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Hi, just a shoutout that the story has wrapped up!! It took me longer to write and covered less than what I wanted to cover (esp on side chars)-- but Kkubi has ample Eunsaku moments--it should be quite a satisfying end.


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Chapter 24: Here I am thinking about what my dreams are...
violentsushi #2
Chapter 24: This is a beautiful story, I love the characters and their motivation. Thank you so much for writing this, I look forward to more future stories if you will.
Chapter 24: thank you for this journey i really enjoy it, see you at your future works!
Mizone #4
Chapter 24: Good job!
MaxTheCatnip #5
Chapter 24: AHHHHHH. IT ENDED. GREAT JOB THERE!!!! looking forward to your future works ?
Chapter 24: Thank you for the beautiful story :))
1755 streak #7
Chapter 24: such a good story!!!! :')
Chapter 23: they're the realization of their moms dreams:')
they're achieving something that their moms can't, maybe something means to be not happening to us because they'll be greatest gift for someone else
1755 streak #9
Chapter 23: well i'm glad that they now knows!
Chapter 22: And here we get more info on this crazy family structure! (the diagram helps a lot, thank you)

Eunbi is getting a bit more comfortable with her relationship being public, her attempt to confess in Japanese was really cute.

Kaeun and Sasshi clearly have a much more complicated relationship than what I initially thought, they have known each other for a long time. I can only guess that the reason for Kaeun's disappearance was the Bae family and having Eunbi.

I think learning more about her mother will help Eunbi also learn more about herself, and eventually it will help her get close to Irene. Or maybe it will end up driving her insane, it could go either way.

We'll just have to wait and see that diagram grow