13 - Confession (Sakura POV)

The Thinker who Dreams
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A/N: Thanks for reading, once again. With this comeback, we've been in on a rollercoaster ride with awesome performances, videos, mails and also some worrying news about Eunbi's health. I just want to take this opportunity to encourage all WIZ*ONES about the power you have in your hands, especially Eunbi oshis. I've been in the 48-fandom for so long that I forgot the concept of "idols you can meet' is truly unique in the industry. The members are always reading, seeing and intereacting directly with us. Private mail gives them to power to be more open on their thoughts and things they don't want to share with the wider public, including worries, personal thoughts and even weaknesses. The power of fan signs and hi-touches isn't just gimmicky but something that creates an irreplaceable bond that allows relationships to be more transparent. It takes a lot of trust in the fans themselves for idols to be able to bare their feelings, so WIZ*ONES, really, thank you for being so vocal and supportive all the time, you guys have been great. Sometimes, bad things don't just go away because we know 'what is right' or that 'the worst is over.' I hope we can create an environment where idols feel that they don't always have to stand sparkly clean, admired on a pedestal, or look happy for us, and I wish that fans can always make use of this bond to find support for themselves, and the power in living their lives and also in supporting the group. I am sure the ride with IZ*ONE will definitely blossom into a happy ending for both IZ*ONE and WIZ*ONES. I wish Eunbi a speedy recovery and also an abundance of rest. #WeLoveYouEunbi


Sorry for using so much space to write a personal message. 




Sakura’s last few weeks had been fruitful and full of purpose. Ever since promising herself to make life here work for her love and her dreams, she wasted no time to make it happen. She decided that in order for Eunbi to trust having a future with her, she needed to achieve more first. Only people who are prepared can seize the opportunity when it presents itself-- this is a mantra she holds close to heart. She finished her jobs daily with precision and care no matter how simple they looked. She asked and begged for projects to help on even though she got rejected half of the time.


She even started assembling a portfolio of concepts and work that showcases her growing ability and ideas. Even if it won’t see the light of day, she is still convinced that they will be useful one day, if the right person or right chance comes.


As for her love towards Eunbi-- her oneesan-- she decided to plough on before thinking about how to deal with their current sister-relationship. She has been doing everything she can, from being friendlier in general, all the way to dropping some subtle hints and pushing the boundaries of their intimacy further and further.


Surprisingly, she hasn’t received much resistance at all. She still remembers the first time she held her hand-- not just for something specific like encouraging each other-- but the kind of hand holding for no particular purpose, the type where people interlock their fingers. She did that during the rain, while they were sharing an umbrella, but since then, she could naturally slip her fingers into hers, whether it be lounging around the house, or random strolls to ‘get things’, or just lying in bed and cuddling each other to sleep. And yes-- it has become an unspoken daily habit for Eunbi to spoon Sakura to sleep.


They gravitate towards each other and find themselves doing more things--- or more nothings-- together. Last weekend, Sakura even took her out on a movie date and a dinner while Nako was out. For all intents and purposes, they are like a couple, except that they have never crossed the line of locking their lips together.


What will Eunbi-Unnie do if I confess to her?


That is the question that Sakura asks herself everyday.




Today is Sakura’s birthday, and everyone is gathering at the cafe after work to celebrate. When Sakura arrived with Yena and Hyewon, she was greeted with cheers from all the friends she’s met this past few months. Most of them are basically Nako’s and Eunbi’s friends, and she’s thankful for that, because being a homebody means she probably would have a hard time meeting anyone alone.


“Kkura-unnie~ Happy Birthday!” Minju came towards the birthday girl after everyone had gotten their cake and dispersed to little groups for chit-chat.


“Minguri-chan!” Sakura gives her a hug. “Thanks for making the cake. This has got to be the best strawberry cake in my life!”


“Don’t exaggerate, unnie!” Minju laughs. “You are glowing today! No...actually, you’ve been looking fantastic lately!”


“Thanks, but the sweet talk won’t lead to any special favors, you know that...right? There’s no way I’m letting you win in Mario Kart ever.”


“Hey~” Minju fake punches her. “I was being serious here. I am betting that’s because you’re getting spoiled with love by…” She does an awkward eyebrow-wink and whispers, “Eunbi-Unnie.”


“No~~” Sakura looks around quickly and finds Eunbi talking to Chaeyeon and Yujin at the other corner. “Keep it down Min… I’m--- I’m still working on it!”


“O come on! Everyone who’s not blind can see that she’s completely fallen for you--- what are you waiting for, my prince charming?”


“Do you really think so?” Sakura’s look turns serious suddenly. “I’m… I’m just confused sometimes, whether I’m interpreting things wrongly… Plus, I’m not really in the position to protect her here-- if anything bad happens after people learn about this relationship.”


“Sakura, I know it’s not going to be easy, but everyone in this room will surely root for you guys. Also, you’re never going to be 100% sure until you ask-- you’ve got to take that step because Eunbi-Unnie will never do it.” Minju rests both hands on Sakura’s shoulders. “But if you ask me, I am willing to bet that Eunbi-unnie likes you back. If it is Sakura-unnie, then you can do it!”


Sakura is so thankful to have Minju as a good friend, despite not being able to return her feelings. Ever since she sorted out her situation with Eunbi, she had realized that the limbo she’s kept Minju and her in was unfair to her, and she felt immensely guilty for it. However, this angel had forgiven her immediately, and has acted with nothing but grace since. She knew she was hiding her pain when they started talking to each other again as purely friends, but Sakura decided that she must be a responsible person if she couldn’t be her lover, and the effort to continue hanging out paid off. Now, she’s the closest person she has outside of work and family.


“Min… why are you so perfect…” Sakura looks at her gratefully.


“Eh-hem…” A cough is heard before Sakura saw Minju’s hands being pulled off her shoulders. 


It’s the cafe chef-- Chaewon, and she looked even more pissed off than usual.


“Ah~ Chaewonnieeee!” Minju yelps in surprise. She threw her hands around her and gave her cheeks a kiss, surprising both Chaewon and Sakura. She knew that Minju has a thing for Chaewon through their daily chats, but wow, the relationship is developing in the speed of light.


“Minju-- are you guys…” Sakura ventures...Chaewon’s face looks like a tomato even though she’s still wearing that pouty pissed off look.


“Yes.” “No.” The girls answered in unison, and Minju immediately glared at the cook. Sakura swears that Chaewon has shuddered.


“No, we’re… not leaving the party yet.” The girl who just broke a cold sweat tried to explain.


“Ah~~ that’s surprising… you never know who’s gonna be the dominant one.” Sakura tries to contain her laugh as she delivers this cheeky remark. 


It seems that Minju has found her princess-charming. At this moment, her eyes meet with Eunbi’s, and they both smile brightly at each other.


After the party, they arrived home and Nako greeted them goodnight before disappearing in her room. Together with Eunbi, the sisters had bought a watch as a gift for her, and she’s staring at the timepiece on her wrist now gleefully while she pushes down the handle of her bedroom door to go in.


“Ha~” Sakura lets out a soft gasp as she saw the wall decorated with balloons and signs.


“Surprise!” Eunbi exclaims from behind and pushes her into the room, closing the door behind them. 


Sakura honestly thought that the party and the gift was the end of her celebrations. She didn’t expect to get this. Eunbi-Unnie is doing it just for her?


“Unnie!” Sakura asks. “How--when did you find time to do this?” She feels mists forming in her eyes again.


“Aw~~my Kkura-ya,” Eunbi immediately takes her into a hug and brushes the tears off with her thumb. “This is just a little something for my favorite baby-- since what will birthdays be like if there are no surprises, right?”


Eunbi took another wrapped box out of her desk drawer and handed it to Sakura. Another gift?


“Open it.” She looks at Sakura expectantly.


“It’s...a..,,coupon book?” Sakura furrows her eyebrows in confusion as the cover of the booklet reveals itself under the wrapping. Flipping through the pages, she realizes that it contains tickets of little favors and demands, like ‘making yukhoe’, ‘eating umeboshi’, ‘be your personal cushion when you play games’, ‘‘free five minute massage’...


“Five minutes? Gosh, Unnie, you’re stingy!” Sakura snorts in laughter seeing that

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Hi, just a shoutout that the story has wrapped up!! It took me longer to write and covered less than what I wanted to cover (esp on side chars)-- but Kkubi has ample Eunsaku moments--it should be quite a satisfying end.


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Chapter 24: Here I am thinking about what my dreams are...
violentsushi #2
Chapter 24: This is a beautiful story, I love the characters and their motivation. Thank you so much for writing this, I look forward to more future stories if you will.
Chapter 24: thank you for this journey i really enjoy it, see you at your future works!
Mizone #4
Chapter 24: Good job!
MaxTheCatnip #5
Chapter 24: AHHHHHH. IT ENDED. GREAT JOB THERE!!!! looking forward to your future works ?
Chapter 24: Thank you for the beautiful story :))
1755 streak #7
Chapter 24: such a good story!!!! :')
Chapter 23: they're the realization of their moms dreams:')
they're achieving something that their moms can't, maybe something means to be not happening to us because they'll be greatest gift for someone else
1755 streak #9
Chapter 23: well i'm glad that they now knows!
Chapter 22: And here we get more info on this crazy family structure! (the diagram helps a lot, thank you)

Eunbi is getting a bit more comfortable with her relationship being public, her attempt to confess in Japanese was really cute.

Kaeun and Sasshi clearly have a much more complicated relationship than what I initially thought, they have known each other for a long time. I can only guess that the reason for Kaeun's disappearance was the Bae family and having Eunbi.

I think learning more about her mother will help Eunbi also learn more about herself, and eventually it will help her get close to Irene. Or maybe it will end up driving her insane, it could go either way.

We'll just have to wait and see that diagram grow