
He Only Likes Noonas!



─── Two ───



    “We have two Mothership II, two Mothership III, and four Mothership V,” I reported to Nari. She nodded, scribbling something on a clipboard. I carefully placed each palette back on its respective shelf, one-by-one. Today was the last Friday of the month, which meant it was time for inventory. It was redundant work, but Nari made good company. Thankfully, we had the whole day to ourselves. Our unnies were out doing schedule since this morning. They spent the daytime on the set of a historical drama and later, they would be working at an awards show. I moved to the next shelf and waited for Nari to announce which product to count next, but we were interrupted by a frantic phone call from our boss. Nari hurriedly put it on speaker.

    “Hello? Nari, Jihae? Get to the broadcasting studio right now. You need to do the makeup at the awards show instead,” she ordered. Nari and I exchanged looks. There was no way this was real. I had only been working for a month and I wasn’t even doing anything related to makeup. How could they trust us with this?

   “Why? You can’t make it?” Nari asked, heavily skeptical of our boss’ words.

    “There was a huge accident on the highway and the traffic isn’t moving,” she explained. “One of you leave first so you can start the hair. Another person take my car—the keys are in the break room—and bring the clothes there. You packed the products already, so take those with you, as well.”


    “I’ll text you the details, just go!” And with that, the line went dead. We quickly decided that Nari would leave first to start their hair and I would take the car. Besides, Nari sheepishly admitted that she never learned to drive. After she threw a bunch of curling irons, straighteners, hair spray, gels, and heat protectants into two large tote bags, she was on her way. Meanwhile, I rushed around the salon, tossing clothes and makeup into the backseat before starting up the engine of a sleek, white luxury car. I pressed hard on the gas as I flew through the streets, my hands struggling to firmly grip the wheel. Adrenaline was coursing through my body at this opportunity. If I proved myself, then maybe I could get a promotion. My plan could work out, after all. I just had to play my cards right.


    Once I had unsafely cut down a thirty-minute commute to a solid twelve minutes, I frantically sprinted through the narrow backstage hallways to find the correct dressing room. My boss was giving me strict instructions all the while on text. She warned me to remain professional with our clients and to only speak when spoken to. In our haste to get here, Nari and I didn’t even get to ask who the clients were. They were obviously idols, but the question was who? Or maybe this was a complete curveball and we were doing an MC’s hair and makeup. Based on the way she was texting, though, they must be some big-time celebrities.

    “Hello, I’ve brought the clothes, sorry for the inconvenience!” I apologized and bowed as soon as I walked in. The first person I noticed in the room was Nari who shot me a nervous grin. Then I looked around at the rest of the people. It was Red Velvet. If my boss hadn’t warned me, I would’ve completely broken etiquette. They were so much prettier in real life, I couldn’t believe it. I silently wondered how a group of humans could be so beautiful.

    “We’ve got an hour,” Nari whispered to me. I paused for a second, unable to comprehend how I was supposed to do five girls’ makeup in that time, but I was ready for the challenge. That’s all this was. A challenge to see if I could handle work that top makeup artists do daily. Fortunately for me, they already had base and brows done since they came from a red carpet. All I had to do was a better eye makeup. However, it suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea what the concept is supposed to be for this stage. My boss hadn’t given me any background. Even though I had been keeping up with their latest comeback, it doesn’t mean the stage necessarily mimics it. I remembered packing these clothes last week. They were chic, sultry, and feminine with lots of blacks, creams, blush pinks, and velvet textures. Additionally, Nari was doing very mature-looking hair styles like high ponytails, low buns, and whatnot. In that case, I decided, maybe I should do a soft glam. I hoped they wouldn’t mind if I free-handed their makeup just this once. I chose champagne and pink for the point colors and wispy lashes. The eyeliner was very soft and minimal, as well.

    “Hmm,” their manager commented beside me. I jumped. When did he get there? I paused in my movements, afraid that he realized I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing.

    “It’s very pretty, isn’t it?” Joy giggled in the makeup chair. “We've never had a makeup like this. It suits us well!”

    “Yes, I agree, really enhances facial features. What’s your name again?”

    “Jihae. Park Jihae.” He stood there for a few more seconds and walked back to the couch.

    “You seemed a little nervous back there.” I could see her trying to stifle a laugh in the mirror.

    “You could say that.” Once I had finished Joy’s makeup, I said a quick goodbye and headed to the next dressing room. We had to do Red Velvet’s makeup first since they were performing before the next client. I knew this next one was a boy group based on their clothes, and a much larger one since they had nine outfits, but I still couldn’t figure out who.


    “Hey! They’re not here yet, but they should be heading backstage soon. A staff told me they need to wait until the next commercial break so they don’t interrupt the stage.” Nari motioned to the TV in the corner of the room that broadcasted the show. Currently, Got7 was performing. While we waited, I laid out the products on this bigger vanity station next to where Nari had set up. She was busy staring at the screen and humming along to the song. Suddenly, the door opened and I could hear lots of people enter the room. I swiftly bowed towards them, but I turned back around just as fast out of embarrassment. I was still shaken from meeting Red Velvet, I wasn’t sure if I could handle this next one.

    “Hi!” a chipper voice greeted me. I turned towards the mirror and smiled back at my first client who had gotten comfortable in the makeup chair. He beamed at me with a rectangular smile and energetic eyes. Wait. I knew this person. It was Baekhyun from EXO. If Baekhyun was here, then…



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hi everyone!! sorry i've been gone for a little while, i recently got back from a trip and school's just ugh. but the good news is i got to plan very far ahead into sehun and jihae's story ;) so stay tuned and thank you for your support <3 i'll try to update this weekend! :))


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Chapter 10: Jihae is so likable! he's fighting for her dreams and for Sehuns'
Chapter 10: go jihae!
winterxxx #3
Chapter 10: I hope Jihae can somejow convince Kim Byungchul...her concept is much better! Chanyeol is so conceited, praising himself xD

Hope to read more from you :)
Thank you!
winterxxx #4
Chapter 10: I hope Jihae can somejow convince Kim Byungchul...her concept is much better! Chanyeol is so conceited, praising himself xD

Hope to read more from you :)
Thank you!
debbsdgaf #5
Chapter 9: This is getting interestinggg
debbsdgaf #6
Chapter 9: This is getting interestinggg
winterxxx #7
Chapter 8: Cute, at least Sehun knows how to apologise :)
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 7: awww jihae )):
sweetheart ))):
Chapter 7: It's really inconsiderate of sehun for setting up that date and giving her number..he should have ask first :(
winterxxx #10
Chapter 6: Omg, Sehun! But again, guess this is better than if he suddenly says he has a gf,haha. Hope Jihae will get a chance to confess, or make Sehun fall for her.
Thanks for the update :)