
He Only Likes Noonas!




─── Ten ───




    “Aish!” I exclaimed, rummaging through a box in the backroom. I had probably gone through three shelves trying to find a particular bronzer shade. For once, I needed a bronzer that was actually brown. All of the “bronzers” in the salon have a grey undertone and they served more as contour. Normally, I’d like that better since grey creates a more natural shadow, but today, I required something more intense. Sehun was coming so I could try the royal concept makeup on him. I figured that maybe if I did the makeup on a member and showed him a picture of it rather than some sketch, Kim Byungchul might consider it. After settling on a Chanel bronzer, I made my way to the front again. It still wasn’t exactly the color I hoped for, but it would make do. I suppose I need to research and test out different products to find the right one.

    “We’re here!” a familiar voice called just as I set down the sleek, high-end container at my station. I turned around to see both Sehun and Chanyeol. I motioned for them to sit at Nari and I’s chairs.

    “I hope you don’t mind that I tagged along with Sehun,” Chanyeol remarked. 

    “Of course not! Actually, it’s even better. I have two models, now.” I began smearing a light layer of foundation to Chanyeol’s face while Sehun sat on his phone in the other seat. The three of us hummed along to the music playing softly in the background while we casually conversed about our days. As usual, the two came straight from practice. They informed me that they haven’t started preparing for their comeback since Lee Sooman has yet to approve the concept, but the deadline is coming up very soon. In other words, I needed to work quickly and effectively to convince Kim Byungchul and his team. If this makeup doesn’t leave them speechless, I’ll have to start scouting for holographics for the alien concept by next week.

    “I’m not Nari or anything, so don’t expect a perfect hairstyle,” I said, running a heat protectant through Sehun’s natural locks.

    “You can do hair, too?” Chanyeol asked. He was bewildered.

    “Somewhat. I’m better at women’s hair, though.”

    “Jihae, what can’t you do?”

    “Let’s see…she can’t sing, dance, rap, stay in one major—“

    “Hey, you still haven’t gone to college!” I interrupted Sehun.

    “I’m a busy man!” he argued.

    “Then how come Xiumin has a master’s? I heard he’s going for a PhD, too!”

    “Hyung is different, okay?” 


    It was disappointing that I couldn’t see my drawings come to life without Nari and the right makeup products, but I had to admit it still looked amazing. Although I hesitated at first to use such dark colors as the main point of the look, Chanyeol and Sehun still managed to make it look good. The bronzer added a warmth to their faces and the gold highlighter really made their cheekbones pop. After I snapped a few pictures with a professional camera, I stepped away from the chairs and handed them a mirror. The two pored over the makeup for a good five minutes, commenting on how different they looked.

    “Aigo, you look so handsome!” the taller giant complimented himself as he moved his face around to get different angles. He lingered in the position where the florescent lights overhead made the highlighter glimmer. Sehun, on the other hand, placed the mirror down and sauntered over to the full-body one. He observed his look from a distance, instead focusing on how it appeared in relevance to his entire image.

    “I have to leave, but I want to keep this makeup on for the rest of the day!” Chanyeol announced, jumping out of his seat and gathering his belongings. After he bid me a thank you, good luck, and farewell, he drove off in his expensive car. I turned my attention back to Sehun. He had been looking at his reflection and studying the makeup for a bit too long, now. It somewhat concerned me, considering that he’d normally give me feedback immediately. I cringed. What if I was wrong to push for this royal concept after all?

    “Hey, do you not like it or something? We can play around with some different colors if you think the brown is too much!” I could feel my heart beat intensify as he faced me. His expression was unreadable, but I could see a thousand thoughts swimming in his dark eyes. Whether they were positive or negative, I couldn’t tell.

    “It looks amazing! I didn’t think you could top the awards show makeup, but somehow you did. I really hope you can get this approved.”

    “No aliens, am I right?” I teased, trying to lift the somber mood. His response seemed genuine yet I could hear an indescribable sadness in his voice. It almost sounded like he was desperate. 

    “I don’t hate the alien idea, it’s just that this is the closest thing I can get to creative freedom—through you.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “You’ve probably heard rumors of how these entertainment companies are like dictators to their idols, right?” I nodded. “They’re all true. We signed a contract to be artists, but instead, we’re treated like puppets. People like Kim Byungchul don’t listen to what we have to say. Even if we tell them it’s better for our fans, they don’t care. They still do what they want. I’m thankful to SM for seeing a talent in me that I would’ve never found on my own, but I really wish I had more power in my own career. That’s why right now, this is the closest I can get to having any control.”

    “Don’t worry. Even if it’ll take hours, I’m not walking out that door until he says yes.” 


    This wasn’t a challenge anymore, it was a necessity. I needed to convince Kim Byugchul not only for Nari and I’s sake, but Sehun’s too.This process simply isn’t fair to him and the rest of EXO. In fact, it’s not fair to any of the idols. Just one month of tedious work was enough to make me contemplate quitting, yet here was Sehun, fully signed and established with a company but still no say. Compromise makes up a large component of business—they must know that—yet the company chooses to completely ignore their clients. I’m going to force those guys to listen to me. I’m going to prove to them that they’re not always right, and sometimes they’ll have to give in to someone else. Even though this is something minor, it’s the first step in the revolution to let idols have the creative freedom they deserve.


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hi everyone!! sorry i've been gone for a little while, i recently got back from a trip and school's just ugh. but the good news is i got to plan very far ahead into sehun and jihae's story ;) so stay tuned and thank you for your support <3 i'll try to update this weekend! :))


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Chapter 10: Jihae is so likable! he's fighting for her dreams and for Sehuns'
Chapter 10: go jihae!
winterxxx #3
Chapter 10: I hope Jihae can somejow convince Kim Byungchul...her concept is much better! Chanyeol is so conceited, praising himself xD

Hope to read more from you :)
Thank you!
winterxxx #4
Chapter 10: I hope Jihae can somejow convince Kim Byungchul...her concept is much better! Chanyeol is so conceited, praising himself xD

Hope to read more from you :)
Thank you!
debbsdgaf #5
Chapter 9: This is getting interestinggg
debbsdgaf #6
Chapter 9: This is getting interestinggg
winterxxx #7
Chapter 8: Cute, at least Sehun knows how to apologise :)
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 7: awww jihae )):
sweetheart ))):
Chapter 7: It's really inconsiderate of sehun for setting up that date and giving her number..he should have ask first :(
winterxxx #10
Chapter 6: Omg, Sehun! But again, guess this is better than if he suddenly says he has a gf,haha. Hope Jihae will get a chance to confess, or make Sehun fall for her.
Thanks for the update :)