My Everything is an Angel

You're My Universe

It’s been about 2 weeks since the accident with no signs of waking up from Shelby. Every day, Maria’s patience dwindles by just a little bit. She just wants things to go back to normal. Or back to the new normal. To pass the time while she laid down on her bed, she would write love letters and lyrics to her angel, Shelby. She would add onto it day by day as the thoughts inside of her were being put onto paper.

Days 14-16

My eyes are open but I can’t see you

I am walking but I can’t go

I’m crying under the late sky

Days 17-19

If there is only one day left

If that is tomorrow

Will I be able to say it then?

Days 20-24

That I loved you

That I always have

That I can’t count the number of days

Of being in love with you

As I hid my trembling heart

Days 25-27

In my eyes, it’s you, in my heart, it’s you

My everything, my everything

Be there at the end of this love

Days 28-29

All 24 hours are like nights when I dream of you

Hug me so my love won’t touch tears

Days 30-32

When I felt alone

When my heart felt dry

The rain called you fell down on me

Days 33-35

When I was wandering in the darkness

When I was lost

I saw a star called you

Days 36-40

Though I’m close enough

To hear your breath

To touch you with my hands

I’m afraid we’ll grow apart if I get closer

So I’m stopped in place

Days 41-43

In my eyes, it’s you, in my heart, it’s you

My everything, my everything

Be there at the end of this love

Days 44-45

All 24 hours are like nights when I dream of you

Hug me so my love won’t touch tears

Days 46-48

Me without you

Won’t be me at all

Stay with me so I can live

Days 49-52

In my eyes, it’s you, in my heart, it’s you

To me there’s only you, I am only yours

My everything, my everything

Because the start of this love is you

Days 53-54

Wherever, whenever

I will only love you forever

Day 55

My destiny, my destiny it’s you

(MAMAMOO - My Everything)

After Maria finishes writing the last remaining of the lyrics to the newest song, she starts to cry.

“You’re my destiny….” she repeats in her head.

As she cries, she notices that her journal is being covered with her tears. To let it dry, she keeps it open and puts it on the nightstand. She feels empty, drained of energy from all of the days that she’s been in the guestroom at Byuli’s house. Once in a while, she would go out of her room to either eat or go to the hospital to check in Shelby and stay the night just in case she woke up. The others worried about her. They stuck to the plan of taking turns sleeping over at the hospital for the first two weeks until Maria was insistent on doing it every night by herself. Everyone around her said no, but she cried and begged them to let her go so much to the point where they finally did. They made an agreement where Maria got to stay the night if she came home and ate breakfast with them every morning and cooked lunch for herself before heading back. Everyone would visit her for dinner and once they left, she would stay and write a new lyric in her journal.

After day 56 of being in the hospital, Maria decided to start writing letters to Shelby. She wrote about how her family, Byuli, and Yongsun were supporting her. How all of the fans were wishing her the best. It gave her a sense of hope. She didn’t tell the fans about Shelby and that they’re dating or about what happened, but she did say that she was going through a rough patch in her life. She wanted to keep the fans up to date once in a while, and she received nothing but love from everyone.

“Unnie, I hope you’re doing ok. Stay well.”

“I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I love you so much.”

“Maria-unnie, make sure you eat, sleep, and be healthy. We miss you.”

“Love you so much, Maria-unnie. We’re always here for you. Lions forever!”

“Oh, that’s right!” She said while looking at some of the comments. “My fans decided to name themselves the lions.”

“We’re strong, powerful, and confident. We’re a group that protects each other from harm. We’re kings and queens who give everything their all and nothing less,” one fan explained.

Maria was proud of her pride of lions. They stay true to their words and help make the world a better place. They donate to relief efforts around the world, do what they’re passionate about, and strive to be the best version of themselves. It’s not like almost any other fandom in the world. Every time someone would post about something going on in their life, the pride would always be there to congratulate and bring the person up in spirit. Maria would even comment once in a while to offer her thoughts as well. And when Maria would release a new song or album, it constantly went to number 1 on every single chart because of how dedicated the fanbase was. She’s proud and always will be of the pride.

On day 57 of going to the hospital, she feels eyes staring at her from afar. The person starts walking over to her and catches up to her.

“Maria-unnie. What are you doing here?” The teenager said.

“I’m here to visit someone. What about you?”

“Same,” the teen says nervously. “My name is Angel by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Angel. Where in Korea are you from?”

“Oh! I’m not from Korea. I’m from the United States. I’m here visiting my grandmother. The doctors said that she doesn’t have much time so my family came to visit her.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you. Why are you here?”

Maria froze in place. She didn’t know what to say.

“I saw that you were going through a rough time, but I didn’t know that you were coming here. How long have you been doing this?” Angel asked.

“Almost 2 months.”

“Oh… I’m so sorry to hear that. I would ask more questions, but I don’t want to invade your privacy.”

“Thank you. Hey, how about we eat lunch together. I have a pretty big lunch that was prepared for me. Why don’t we sit in the cafeteria and talk for a bit to get our minds off things?”

“That sounds great! Thank you!”

The two found a table to sit at and Maria opened the bag full of her lunch. When she opened it, the aroma could be smelled by the teenage girl and she loved it.

“Ooh! I love gopchang!” Angel said.

“Really? It’s my favorite,” Maria says with a smile. “Here’s a pair of chopsticks. You can keep them if you want.”

“Thank you. I will treasure them.”

The two get to talking about life in South Korea and the United States. Maria talked about how she got into singing and acting at a very young age. She performed in the school musicals and eventually transferred to a music school in Seoul. Eventually, she went on many many failed auditions and then landed a role that changed her life. It opened up many doors for her to sing on Broadway and all around the world. She mentioned that she was going to take a break from it and focus on her singing career in South Korea for a bit which Angel was happy to hear.

Angel talked about how she found out about Maria and about how school was going. She was a straight-A student who was going into her senior year of high school. She was planning on majoring in voice with nursing as her backup. Her parents weren’t supportive of her dream of becoming an opera singer at first, but she came up with a plan to persuade them otherwise which included having them hear her sing for the first time. They were amazed and talked to her voice teacher who said that she has so much potential and skill. As long as she kept working hard to improve, she could one day sing at The Metropolitan Opera in New York which is one of the highest honors as an opera singer. Many people dream about gracing the stage there one day. Because of this, the parents decided to support their daughter.

Angel was planning on attending community college to get her general education classes done first and then study abroad in South Korea for her third year. She knew that it was going to be a lot of work since music and nursing were two different and difficult subjects. She was already taking AP classes to help her get into the nursing program. As for voice, she sang opera which is something that Maria had never done before. Angel told her everything about it like having to learn how to sing and speak in Italian, French, and German, how to memorize 1-3 hours worth of lines and lyrics, and how singing opera is like a sport. By the time she was done talking all about opera, Maria wanted to go see one. Not one, but like all of them if that was even possible.

As noon started to turn into the late afternoon, it was dinner time which meant that Byuli and Yongsun were going to show up. That also meant that Angel’s family was hopefully going to see their grandmother at any time now. As they say their goodbyes, Maria gives Angel a piece of paper.

“Here’s my personal email. Don’t share it with anyone else. I want to know your progress and how everything is going. When you come back to Korea, come and visit me anytime. When you perform, I want to see you too. Send me all of the information as soon as you find out so that I can put it on my schedule and plan to be there.”

“You really mean it?!”

“Of course I do! The pride supports each other remember?”

Angel gives Maria a big hug. “Thank you for talking to me. This was really assuring. Now, nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams.”

“Thanks to you as well. This was really healing for me. You don’t know how much you’ve helped me out today. Remember, don’t share my information, okay? This is a secret between you and me, promise?”

“I promise.”

“Good. Now, one more hug before you go.”

Angel gives Maria one last hug and as they separate, Byuli and Yongsun come through the doors of the hospital. Angel starts walking away and turns around only to see Maria taking Yongsun’s hand and going to the front desk to check-in. Maria leans her head on Byuli as they wait for a nurse to them. As they’re about to go inside, Maria, Byuli, and Yongsun turn around and wave at Angel who was standing there in awe. Her favorite performers and CEO were right in front of her.

It’s dinner time for the three women and they decided to eat upstairs in Shelby’s room. The nurses were nice enough not to say anything to anyone as long as they cleaned up after themselves. Maria talked about Angel and her dreams of becoming an opera singer. Both of the women were amazed about what being an opera singer was like to the point where they wanted to see an opera as well.

“She said that a good date night one was ‘La Bohème.’ ‘Carmen’ is also one of the most popular ones and thought that we should see that one too since they’re both being performed here this summer,” Maria says.

“I have a better idea. How about we go to New York to see them?” Yongsun suggests.

“What about Shelby? What if she doesn’t wake up by then?” Byuli asks.

“She’ll wake up by then. I know she will.”

As the two women say their goodbyes to Maria, she feels uneasy. Almost like she’s going to cry again. Only this time, they were happy tears.

“Hey, I met this fan named Angel and she wants to become an opera singer,” Maria starts as she holds Shelby’s hand. “Did you know that it takes like 10 years to become a professional opera singer? Imagine that and having to sing over an entire full orchestra with no microphone. It’s literally a sport. We were talking earlier about going to see one in New York. You, me, Yongsun, and Byuli. Maybe we’ll invite Angel and her family too. She said that she’s never seen one before. Would it be crazy to see an opera at one of the most prestigious stages in the world? How cool would that be? We’ll even take a tour of the place. How does that sound?”

Maria pauses.

“Anyway, I wrote you a song that I wanted you and the others to sing with me. It’s right here in my journal. It’s about how you are my everything. Shelby, you are my everything and I can’t live the rest of my life without you.”

She pauses once more.

“You know, I always called you my angel ever since we were kids. Funny how I met a young girl named Angel today. Well, almost an adult, but you get my point. Maybe it’s a sign that you’re going to wake up soon. Maybe we’ll be together soon going to New York and singing together. I want to take you to Japan, Hawaii, New York, France, Italy, and anywhere else you want to go. Let’s go together, babe. I miss you so much.”

The happy and hopeful tears fall down Maria’s face as she smiles while holding her angel’s hand. She has hope that no one can break. She’s a lion that can’t be defeated. She’s a human with feelings, emotions, and a beautiful heart. She’s Maria.

A/N:Credit to: Color Coded Lyrics for the English translations of MAMAMOO - My Everything

Full Song:


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Hey fam! I finally uploaded something. Sorry for the delay. The computer I used stopped working and there's been so much stuff happening. I hope you still enjoy this.. Thank you for your patience. I'll be writing another story soon :)


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Chapter 20: That was so pleasant to read. Smooth and cute all the way. Kinda sad about the car accident, but we all knew it'll be lovely ending, so I wasn't that scared!
What kind of story will be next? Can't wait to see what's coming up ;)
Thank you for your hard work author-nim ^^
Moon-dancer #2
Chapter 20: It would be interesting to know what happened next ....
Wheeinismysaviour #3
Chapter 20: This was so amazing! Thank you author-nim!
nanoko #4
Chapter 18: I’m crying aghhh
Chapter 16: Even though I’m impatient to know what’s gonna happen with Wheein, I hope you take much time to rest! Thanks for the chapter!
Fatin_Izzati #6
Chapter 16: I hope Wheein will be okay.
I hope that in long term your depressed will be okay and you will find happiness again author-nim
thank you for update author-nim
nanoko #7
Chapter 15: Aweee my hearttt
Oh my this seems interesting ~
nanoko #9
Chapter 14: Wheesa???