Just Moderato with Emotion (part 2)

You're My Universe

The lunch was filled with lots of laughter and ideas about songs. There were no shutdown ideas when it came to the three women. They embraced everything they were throwing at each other from a sad breakup song to a more jazz-like and acoustic song about how words don’t come easy. To them, it was a perfect song, probably their favorite so far.

After lunch, the three women head to the venue.

“Well, it wasn’t much of a tour, but I hope you still enjoyed it. We’ll hopefully get to do some more exploring tomorrow,” Maria says. “But for now, we need to rehearse for tonight and figure out what we’re gonna wear tonight.”

“Don’t worry, Maria. I have it all figured out,” Byuli says. They go to Maria’s dressing room and to Maria’s surprise, there were different costumes for her, Yongsun, and Byuli to change into. “See, nothing to worry about. We’ll get our makeup and hair done at the station too. I have some people coming in to take care of us tonight. So, all we have to do right now is soundcheck and practice our surprise and that’s all,” Byuli explains.

“Thank you unnie,” Maria yells while hugging Byuli.

“Anything for my leading ladies,” Byuli says. “Especially this one.” She side hugs Yongsun and kisses her cheek.

“What can I say? I’m a lucky sun who found her moon and brightest star,” Yongsun says. All three of the women start laughing.

“With that said, let’s do soundcheck,” Byuli says.

“Leggo!” Yongsun yells.

After their successful soundcheck with the costumes, the three women feel more ready than ever especially Maria who felt like she was about to perform her debut concert. With Byuli as her CEO and friend as well as her best friend Yongsun by her side, she felt that she can do anything for the first time in her life. Like she felt safe and nothing could get in the way of her achieving her dreams.

By the time they finished, it was dinner time which meant that everyone was hungry and that the audience would start entering the venue soon. When Byuli, Yongsun, and Maria agree to go out to eat, they go back to their dressing room and to their surprise, Eomma and Appa surprised them with dinner.

“We couldn’t let our baby and her friends go hungry now can we?” Eomma says.

“Not at all,” Appa responds giggling.

“We know you can’t eat very much since you’ll be moving around and singing a lot so we packed everything in bento boxes,” Eomma said.

“We did research aka asked Byuli what singers should eat before a concert and this is what we came up with,” Appa says.

“Thank you Eomma. Thank you, Appa. This means the world to me. To us,” Maria says sincerely.

After talking and the thank you’s, they all gather in a circle to pray for the show. Afterward, the three women enjoy the meal prepared by Eomma and Appa.

About thirty minutes later, the stage manager comes into the dressing room asking Eomma and Appa to take their seats and for Maria to get ready for the show.

“Have a great show tonight, sweetheart. The whole family will be watching with smiles,” Eomma says as she hugs her daughter.

As everyone gets their hair and makeup, they listen to the song that they wrote together, “Girl Crush.”

“I can’t wait to perform this song,” Byuli says.

“Weren’t you the one who was too scared to perform?” Maria asks.

“Yeah, but I was thinking. This is a song that we are performing together. If the audience likes this one, imagine the possibilities that can come out of this. If we continue to write music together, we can write an entire album and release it ourselves. We can have Shelby with us to make it an even four,” Byuli explained.

“It’s a great idea, but we need Shelby on board,” Yongsun says.

“When she sees you two on stage, she’s gonna realize that you two were the friends that I talked about yesterday. The world-famous Yongsun and Byuli!” Maria says. “I can’t wait to see the look on her face.”


It’s showtime and Byuli and Yongsun watch from the tv screen in the dressing room as Maria performs in her hometown. All of a sudden, Maria stops.

“Hey everyone,” Maria says.

“Hi!” The audience happily responds.

“Thank you for coming to my show tonight. Umm…”

“Uh oh. What’s happening,” Yongsun says as she looks at Byuli.

“I don’t know. Let’s keep watching though,” Byuli says.

“See, I’ve made a few mistakes in my life and one, in particular, hurt the one I was in love with many years ago. When I left Jeonju to go to school in Seoul, I left behind my family. When I found out that my uncle passed away five years ago, I went to his funeral. While I was there, I thought about all of the times we had together and how he always told me to be calm. Recently, I found out about my best friend and how I also left her. I forgot about her until I came back home to my parent’s house a few days ago. I realized that I broke my promise to her.” Maria pauses as she forms tears in her eyes. “I couldn't forgive myself for those years I left her. When I saw her again, I asked for forgiveness. Even though she forgave me, there’s still this feeling of emptiness. Not because of her, but because of myself. My uncle told me that I can’t turn back time and that I need to find my way in the present rather than letting the past consume me and stop me from enjoying life. It’s helped me notice beautiful things like flowers blooming, the sunset, and the woman I’ve always loved. With that said, I wrote a song for all of you that represents this called, ‘Be Calm.’”

Try covering the sky with your hand

Can you? oh no no no

When I’m lonely, tell me that it’s alright

See if I really feel better, oh no no no

My eyes, my lips, my heart

Is telling me

But even when I’m sad

I don’t know, oh not long

Actually, I feel calm

Actually, I feel calm

I feel calm, I feel calm baby

I feel calm baby

I feel calm, I feel calm

Maybe spring noticed, it’s making the flowers bloom

At that place, I’m finding my way back to life again

I can’t turn time back

So it’s ticking silently

Even when I let go

Of the people I love


Emptiness and loneliness are growing

But I don’t know why I feel sorrow

Help me to find my way

Actually, I feel calm

Actually, I feel calm

I feel calm, I feel calm baby

I feel calm baby

I feel calm, I feel calm

Dad says if you laugh once, two of your worries will disappear

At that place, I’m finding my way back to life again

Ne ye ye ye

Ne ye ye ye

Ne ye ye ye

Ne ye ye ye

After Maria finishes, the whole audience gives a standing ovation. Just then, she runs off stage to get ready for the surprise performance with Byuli and Yongsun.

“That was amazing, Maria,” Yongsun says as Maria is changing into her final costume.”
“Thanks, unnie! I couldn’t have done this without you and Byuli. Now let's go surprise everyone. I’ll introduce you and then you come on stage, okay,” Maria says.

“Got it,” Byuli says.

As Byuli and Yongsun wait in the wings behind the curtains, Maria comes back on stage.

“This is going to be my final song,” Maria starts and the audience is in sadness.

“However, this song is more upbeat and requires some help. So, I invited two of my best friends from Seoul to help me perform this song that we wrote together. Please welcome Yongsun Kim and Byuli Moon!”

As Yongsun and Byuli join Maria on stage, the crowd starts roaring and as that happens, Maria looks at Shelby who is in total shock. Shelby couldn't believe that the CEO of her favorite company and her two favorite singers are on stage right in front of her.

“Thank you so much for having us, Maria,” Yongsun says.

“Thank you for inviting us to your hometown. We might have to come here more often,” Byuli says. With that, the audience starts cheering even more.

“Thank you all so much for coming out to see me tonight. We wrote this song recently that we’re going to perform for you. This is ‘Girl Crush.’”

See you there later, I’m telling you

I found a hot place

I have a good feeling, I’m really excited

The spotlight that’ll shine on me

Longer eyeliner, higher nose contour

The thicker the makeup, the greater my confidence

But why my boyfriend, your eyes look suspicious

Oh my god, are you doubting me? Can’t believe it

Hey you, you’re on thin ice

I can’t make up my mind like a blowing reed

Why can’t you be cool?

I just wanna be “awesome girl”

(Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Red color lipstick,

My behind like an apple hip

(Go! Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Cash money,

I make enough myself

(Go! Girl Crush) I love myself

I’m hot these days, my cuteness is a given

My iness is the highlight

Pretty and sweet words? No thanks

I might get a stomachache

Longer eyeliner, higher nose contour

The thicker the makeup, the greater my confidence

But why my boyfriend, your eyes look suspicious

Oh my god, are you doubting me? Can’t believe it

Hey you, you’re on thin ice

I can’t make up my mind like a blowing reed

Why can’t you be cool?

I just wanna be “awesome girl”

(Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Red color lipstick,

My behind like an apple hip

(Go! Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Cash money,

I make enough myself

(Go! Girl Crush)

I don’t play games, I’m honest with my feelings

I have different worries from other girls

I’m freakin’ naughty girl

I don’t care about what others think

cause I love myself

Who cares if it’s a little lonely?

It’s like you have an affection deficiency

Hey you, you’re on thin ice

I can’t make up my mind like a blowing reed

Why can’t you be cool?

I just wanna be “awesome girl”

(Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Red color lipstick,

My behind like an apple hip

(Go! Girl Crush) Cool! Every day I do

(Go! Girl Crush) Cash money,

I make enough myself

(Go! Girl Crush) I love myself

(Girl Crush - Mamamoo)

When they finish singing, the audience goes wild.

“Thank you again so much for coming out, everyone. I love you. Good night,” Maria yells into her mic.

When they get back to the dressing room their family is there to greet them.

“That was the best concert I’ve ever seen! Great job, kiddo,” Appa says.

할아버지 and 할머니 come to greet her too.

“We’re so proud of you, sweetheart,” 할머니 says.

“Yes, congratulations on everything. To all of you,” 할아버지 says.

“Thanks, 할아버지,” Yongsun and Byuli say.

“She’s very talented and has so much potential,” Byuli says.

Just then, Shelby comes into the dressing room.

“Shelby!” Eomma shouts as she runs to hug her. Everyone looks in that direction.

After they hug, she looks at Maria.

“I think we should go,” Appa says as he smiles. “Ahn family, let’s go.”

When it’s Byuli, Yongsun, Maria, and Shelby left in the room, Shelby hugs Maria.

“Great job tonight. I loved every second of it,” she says. She then looks at Byuli and Yongsun. “So these must be your best friends from Seoul.”

“Yes, we are,” Yongsun says. “And you must be the honey-like vocalist Shelby.”

“Honey-like huh?” Shelby says as she stands next to Maria. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Well, why don’t we change and go out to dinner? All four of us,” Maria suggests.

“Sounds like a plan,” Shelby says.

After the three women finish changing into their normal clothes, all of them including Shelby get into Maria's car.

“Where would you like to go?” Maria asks Shelby.

“We could go back to ‘Castle on the Hill’,” Byuli interrupts.

“Actually, that sounds like a marvelous idea,” Shelby says. “Let’s go there.”

When they reach ‘Castle on the Hill,’ the lights are shining throughout the city. The castle turned world-famous restaurant is filled with tourists from all around the world. When the four women entered, Shelby was in awe of what the place looked like. She had never come close to this any kind of luxury in her life and now she was living it with her best friend and her new friends from Seoul. They get the private table in a separate room with the most gorgeous view of the city. The head chef and her cooks and waiters greet the four women.

“Welcome to ‘Castle on the Hill.’ My team and I will be taking care of you tonight. Please have a seat at our table and we’ll be with you shortly,” the head chef says.

“Thank you very much,” they all say.

As they’re being served the most delicious food they’ve ever eaten, Byuli and Yongsun ask many questions to Shelby and vice versa. Each of the women talk to each other about their pasts, what they currently do, and what they would like to do in the future. All of it included at least one person at the table. Whether it was about dating, companies, and music, all of them were interested in what the others had to say.

After finishing their meal, they all step out onto the balcony.

“Shelby, where do you see yourself let’s say a few days from now?” Byuli asks Shelby.

“I see myself with Maria in Seoul,” Shelby says. “I see myself supporting her.”
“Besides supporting her, what do you want to do?” Yongsun asks.

“Besides being a singer, I’m also an artist. I love to paint, draw, and stuff like that. Maybe I could have my own art gallery someday,” Shelby says.

“What if I told you that could happen and you could follow your other dream of becoming a world-famous singer,” Byuli asks.

“What are you talking about?” Shelby asks.

“See, my team and I watched your tapes and the videos of you singing from Maria. Every single one of my team members loved your voice and told me that I need you to be on our team as well,” Byuli explains. “As I said about Maria, you have so much potential and I want to work with you to reach the fullest with you. You can have your art gallery while working on your singing, songwriting, anything you want. You can also be with Maria for any and all of it. Yongsun and I will support you every step of the way.”

“Wait, so you want me to join your company?” Shelby asks.

“With all our hearts,” Yongsun says.

“I can’t believe this,” Shelby says in shock.

“I wanted to surprise you with a gift before I left and when Byuli unnie said that she really loved your voice and wanted to sign you, I had to bring her and Youngsun unnie here to tell you themselves as a surprise,” Maria explains. “That’s why I couldn’t hang out yesterday.”

“But what about the doughnut shop?” Shelby asked.

“할머니 and I hid them in the breakroom,” Maria answers.

“Yup and we saw her blushing about you and everything!” Yongsun says as she and Byuli giggle.

“You can see what the cameras capture back there,” Maria says.

“Oh,” Shelby says. “So you saw everything?”

“Everything,” Yongsun says. “Every motion and -”

“Every word.” Byuli interrupts. “It was quite entertaining actually.”

“Well, okay. Did it get recorded?” Shelby asks.

“Yes and 할머니 has the video,” Maria says.

“Ah,” Shelby responds.

“Anyway, the reason why Yongsun and I are here is to ask you to be a part of my company,” Byuli says.

“It would be an honor to have you on our team,” Yongsun says.

“Well, how could I say no to that? If Maria’s already there, then I want to be there too,” Shelby says with a smile as she wraps her arm around Maria's.

“Well then, it’s settled,” Byuli says. “Shelby, welcome to MoonStar World.”

Shelby cheers as she hears the best news that she’s ever received in her life. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she yells as she hugs Byuli and Yongsun.

With that, the four women exit the restaurant and get into Maria’s car and Shelby leads them to her trailer.

“Well, this is me,” Shelby says as they stop in front of the trailer.

“This is where you live?” Maria asks. “By yourself?”

“Yeah. I got it as soon as my grandmother passed away. The dealers were very nice and gave it to me to let me hang out as a quiet place. I would come back here every day to be my place where I wrote songs while I stayed with Maria’s parents. After a little while, I couldn’t stop thinking of Maria and how she was gone so I just moved into the trailer. The dealers let me do it as long as I didn’t make a mess. But now, since I’m moving to Seoul, I’m gonna give it back to them and have them sell it as a used trailer,” Shelby explains.

“Well, I’m just glad that we’re able to help you now,” Maria says.

Shelby shows her famous dimpled smile to Maria. “I guess I’ll be going now. I have some things to do tomorrow before I move to Seoul with my new family,” she says.

Shelby exits the car and waves to the others and heads inside.

“Today was the best day of my life,” Shelby says. “And my new life is just about to begin.”

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Hey fam! I finally uploaded something. Sorry for the delay. The computer I used stopped working and there's been so much stuff happening. I hope you still enjoy this.. Thank you for your patience. I'll be writing another story soon :)


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Chapter 20: That was so pleasant to read. Smooth and cute all the way. Kinda sad about the car accident, but we all knew it'll be lovely ending, so I wasn't that scared!
What kind of story will be next? Can't wait to see what's coming up ;)
Thank you for your hard work author-nim ^^
Moon-dancer #2
Chapter 20: It would be interesting to know what happened next ....
Wheeinismysaviour #3
Chapter 20: This was so amazing! Thank you author-nim!
nanoko #4
Chapter 18: I’m crying aghhh
Chapter 16: Even though I’m impatient to know what’s gonna happen with Wheein, I hope you take much time to rest! Thanks for the chapter!
Fatin_Izzati #6
Chapter 16: I hope Wheein will be okay.
I hope that in long term your depressed will be okay and you will find happiness again author-nim
thank you for update author-nim
nanoko #7
Chapter 15: Aweee my hearttt
Oh my this seems interesting ~
nanoko #9
Chapter 14: Wheesa???