Sleep In the Car (ZzZz) while on Love Lane

You're My Universe

Today is moving day for the blue-haired woman who's moving in with her best friend and first love. As they finish packing up what's left of Shelby's belongings, they get into Maria's car to drive to her parent's house.

"Eomma. Appa," Maria shouts as they go up to the house.

"Well, looks like the two of you are doing okay," Eomma says as she noticed Maria with her hand on Shelby's waist. "Come inside. I have something for the both of you."

As they both go inside, Appa asks them to sit down at the table.

"We thought that it would be best to give this to you before you left," Appa says as he gives Shelby a box addressed to her. Inside was the necklace that Shelby's grandmother gave her and Maria on her 12th birthday and a mailing tube. Along with it was a note:

My sweet granddaughter,

I gave this to you when you turned 12. I remember you wanting to get rid of it when Maria left for Seoul, but I kept it for safekeeping. After I got my diagnosis, I gave it to Maria's eomma and appa and told them to give it to you when the time was right. Since the time has come, you're reading this letter. I had always wanted you to love someone with all your heart like you loved Maria. As of now, that's probably happening and I'm no longer there with you. Like I always said, I'm with you in your heart. Go to Seoul with Maria, go to Hawaii with her, travel the world with her. Lastly, please continue to look after Maria as you go on the journey of life together. I love her like a granddaughter. Take care of her like you always did for me.

I love you so much.


Ps: Look in the tube.

When Shelby sees the 'ps,' she uncovers what looks like to be a painting of some kind. When unfolding it, she sees that it was a portrait of her and Maria that her grandmother had painted when they were 12.


"Hold still! Both of you! I'm almost done," Shelby's grandma shouts.

"Sorry, grandma. We'll try our best," a young Shelby said as she giggled with Maria.


"Finally," Maria said out of relief. "Can we see it?"

"Not yet. It still needs to dry," Grandma says. "You can see it after that."


Eventually, both of the girls forgot about the painting and here it is right in front of her along with a picture of Shelby and her grandmother. On the back of the picture, it read:

Drawing and drawing it out

The moments are warm because it's us two

I'll place all of it in

Inside our picture

My memory

(Memory - Mamamoo)

"Wait. This painting is so familiar," Maria says.

"It's from when we were 12. Grandma had us stay still right after she gave us our friendship necklaces. This one in particular," Shelby says as she points to the necklace on the painting.

"This one is yours, Maria. We kept it as well while you were gone," Eomma says as she hands Maria the necklace.

"Could you put it on me?" Maria asks Shelby.

"It would be my honor," Shelby responds.

Shelby moves Maria's dark hair to reveal her neck. She stops in place as her heart drops. She's so nervous to simply put a necklace on her best friend. She takes the necklace from Maria and wraps the necklace around her neck, locks it, and sets it in place. Satisfied, she takes a deep breath and accidentally breathes on Maria's neck. Maria gasps.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No, it's okay. I was just surprised. That's all," Maria says as she turns her head to smile at Shelby. "Let me put your necklace on you."

"Of course. I'd love that."

After putting Shelby's necklace on, they see Eomma and Appa smiling at them.

"I'm glad that you're together again," Eomma says. "You were meant to be."

"Thanks Eomma," Maria says. "Speaking of together, we have to get moving to Seoul before it gets too late. We still have to go to the doughnuts shop and general store."

"That's right! Your grandfather closed his shop. I forgot to tell you that. He's joining forces with your grandmother and will sell some of the same things as a joint shop. I guess they got inspired by four women that came in a few days ago. With the money they got from one of them, they were able to have it done right away."

"That's so great! Now we can just go to one place and grandma won't have to complain about being lonely," Shelby adds.

"That's true. Now, I packed your lunches for the drive to Seoul. It's a long one so be careful and call often," Eomma says.

"Yes and call when you get home. Oh and the trailer is being moved here tomorrow to keep for Shelby thanks to Byuli," Appa says.

"Thanks Eomma. Thanks Appa. For everything. This was the best trip to Jeonju I've ever had," Maria says with a smile and looks at Shelby.

"I'm just excited to finally go to Seoul," Shelby says and everyone laughs.

"Bye Eomma. Bye Appa," Maria and Shelby say as they hug Maria's parents.

"Don't forget to visit, okay? I love you so much," Eomma says to Maria.

"Take care of Maria, will you? And remember, you are family. Whatever you need, let us know. And come back often," Appa says to Shelby.

"I love you so much," Eomma says to Shelby. "Take good care of yourself and Maria."

"Thanks, I will. I love her very much. I won't let anything bad happen to her."

After saying their goodbyes, the two women get in the car to go to the doughnut shop. As they pull up to the doughnut shop, they can see that it's full as usual. Right when they get out of the car, people greet them with smiles and hellos.

Right when they get inside the shop, 할머니 (grandma) shouts, "Yah! Maria! Shelby! Help your 할머니 will you?" In an instant, Shelby and Maria head behind the counter to help out Maria's grandparents.

After about 30 minutes, the line dies down and they're able to rest.

"Thanks for your help. Here are some doughnuts as your payment," 할머니 says. "Hey Shelby. Did you ever find out who your secret admirer was?"

"I did," Shelby responds and looks at Maria. "And I love her."

"What a coincidence. I thought that would happen. She was so nervous when you came in. I thought something was going on between the two of you," 할머니 says as she smiles.

"What happened?" 할아버지 (grandpa) asks.

"These two are finally together again," 할머니 says.

"About time. I've been waiting to see it," 할아버지 says while chuckling.

"I know right? Kids these days," 할머니 says. Maria and Shelby couldn't help but laugh at their mini conversation.

"Well, we wanted to stop by to say our goodbyes as we promised," Shelby says.

"And to pick up some doughnuts," Maria says as she smiles at Shelby.

"You're so cute together. I wish your 할아버지 would smile at me like that. She's a keeper, Shelby. Don't let her go," 할머니 says as she chuckles.

"Don't worry. I won't," Shelby responds as she smiles at Maria.

"Good because we can't look after her forever," 할아버지 says with a smile.

"Hey. I looked after you a lot," Maria says in her defense.

"Yeah, and we've looked after you ever since you were born," 할아버지 responds. "And I do look at you like that. It just looks weird when I do it. People think I look crazy."

"You don't look crazy," 할머니 says. "Just do it once in a while. A woman needs to feel loved."

"She does have a point," Maria says.

"And 할아버지 had a point about you," Shelby says as she giggles.

"I'm going to miss you coming to the shop," 할아버지 says to Shelby and Maria.

"We'll miss you too," they say.

"Don't worry. We'll come back to visit at least twice a year," Shelby adds.

"That's fine with us. You should get going though. I love you both so much," 할머니 says.

"Thank you for stopping by. I love you so much as well," 할아버지 says.

"Thank you for everything. We'll be back soon. I promise," Shelby says.

"Thank you 할아버지 and 할머니. I love you so much too," Maria says.

After saying their goodbyes, they're finally on their way to Seoul.
"Goodbye, secret tree," Shelby says as they pass the tree. "Goodbye, Jeonju."


After making stops for lunch, bathroom breaks, and sightseeing, they're finally not far out of Seoul. Shelby is sleeping in the passenger's seat of the car as Maria looks at her.

"Hey Shelby?"

"Yeah?" Shelby says as she opens her eyes.

"Did you wanna call Yongsun and Byuli unnie?"

"Sounds like a great idea," Shelby responds as she pulls out her phone.

"Hello?" Yongsun picks up the phone.

"Hey! It's Shelby. Maria and I are not far out of Seoul. We'll be there soon, unnie."

"Oh great! We'll be waiting for you at Maria's house," Byuli adds.

"Oh great! Sounds good," Shelby says.

"Be careful of the road after dark. Make sure you're paying attention, Maria," Yongsun says.

"Of course, unnie. I can do it," Maria says.

"Oh! I love that song!" Byuli says as she starts to sing along to the car radio. Everyone else joins in as Maria carefully drives. She peacefully enjoys the sound of the women singing when out of nowhere, a car swerves into their lane.

All of a sudden while enjoying the song, the call gets hung up.

"That's weird," Yongsun says.

"What happened?" Byuli asks.

"I heard something loud and then the phone disconnected," Yongsun responds. "Let me call them again."

There's no answer from either woman.

"We need to go find them," Byuli says and grabs her coat.

"What do you mean?"

"Yong, a loud sound, a disconnected phone, and no answer? That only means one thing."

"Noooo... Noooo... Noooooo!!" Yongsun starts screaming.

"Unnie, let's go," Byuli says as she grabs Yongsun's hand.


When they see the ambulance on the road, Byuli pulls up. “Stay in the car,” she says to Yongsun.

“Okay.” Yongsun doesn’t know what to think. Her heart starts racing so fast as she begins to think of the worst-case scenarios and begins to cry.

Byuli runs out to the ambulance and sees Maria in a stretcher with paramedics.

“What happened?”

“Unnie! Someone hit me from the passenger’s side,” Maria says crying.

“Where’s Shelby?”

“I tried everything, but I couldn't wake her up. The paramedics took her to the hospital right away.” Maria says as she cries.

Byuli gets angry. She’s not one to cry, but she’s one to get very upset. She yells and begins to walk around in circles while putting her hands on her head in frustration. “This cannot be happening. Not to our Shelby. Not to my friend,” she thought. She didn’t even think about how Shelby was supposed to work with her. After all, friendship and love come first in the 4 women’s relationships with each other.

As Byuli continues to walk around, Maria cries, “I was supposed to protect her. This is all my fault.” Byuli immediately stops and goes to Maria.

“This is NOT your fault. It’s that man’s fault,” she says pointing at the other car.

“The painting,” Maria says. “Unnie, check the car for a tube and a box.”

“Okay,” Byuli says as she runs over to the car. She opens the backseat door that wasn’t damaged and retrieves the box and tube. She runs back to the ambulance and sees Maria getting in with the paramedics.

“Take it to the hospital,” Maria shouts as the doors close. The doors reopen with the paramedics telling Byuli which hospital to go to. Immediately, Byuli gets into the car and puts the box and the tube in the backseat.

“What happened?”

“I’ll tell you at the hospital,” Byuli says as she begins to drive while getting a police .


After a few minutes, they reach the hospital and get out of the car to run to the entrance. The police help them with signing in. Now, it’s a waiting game. While waiting, Byuli explains to Yongsun what happened and that Maria was alright. It’s Shelby that was hurt the most.

After a few minutes of talking, a doctor comes out to pull Yongsun and Byuli aside.

“Hello, my name is Doctor Lee. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it doesn’t look good.”

“What do you mean, Doctor Lee?” Yongsun asks.

“Shelby is currently in a coma. Due to the impact, she’s also broken some bones on the right side of her body. When she wakes up, she’ll have to remain in the hospital for at least a month to let her body recover and do some more tests to make sure that she’s okay. Her arm and leg are being casted by our special team of nurses and doctors. After that, we have to wait until she wakes up to do anything else. I’m sorry, Ms. Moon and Ms. Kim,” Doctor Lee says.

“Thank you for everything that you're doing. She’s like a sister to me and Yongsun. Please do everything you can to save her,” Byuli says.

“Of course. We will do everything we can,” she says. “You’re more than welcome to visit Maria if you’d like. She was asking about you two when I saw her last. She also said to bring a box and a tube. I don’t know what that means, but she said it’s very important.”

“Ah yes. It’s in my car. I’ll go get it,” Byuli says and walks to her car. After grabbing the box and tube, she returns and gets escorted with Yongsun to Maria’s room. Doctor Lee leaves the three women as Yongsun and Byuli go inside.

Yongsun walks up to Maria and gives her a tight hug. “I was so worried. I thought I was going to lose you,” she says as she begins to cry.

“It’s okay unnie. I’m here. I just want to see Shelby,” Maria says as she cries with Yongsun. Byuli sees this and puts down the box and tube on a table to join them in a group hug.

“Everything’s going to be okay. We’re going to be okay. I promise,” Byuli says as she kisses Maria’s head followed by Yongsun’s. “Why don’t you get some rest, Maria?” We’ll come back here tomorrow. I’ll make some calls to your family as well so that they know what happened. I have to go to work, but I’ll come as soon as I get out. Yongsun can stay the night tomorrow too.”

“Thanks unnie. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Maria says to Byuli and looks at Yongsun while grabbing her hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. The staff is really good here and Byuli unnie will take care of you. I love you, unnie.”

“I love you too. I’ll come back here and stay over tomorrow night,” Yongsun says with a smile. “Now get some rest.”

“Okay,” Maria says to Byuli as Yongsun tucks her into bed. “Unnie?”


“Can you have those things I told you to get framed for me?”

“Of course.”

As Byuli and Yongsun leave the room, they turn off the night and get stopped by a nurse in the hallway.

“These were on Shelby. I thought you should have them,” the nurse says as she gives Byuli and Yongsun Shelby’s friendship necklace, ring, and phone.

“This is one lucky phone,” Byuli says.

“Yup. They usually stop working after that kind of impact,” Yongsun says.

“Thank you for giving these to us,” Byuli says.

“Of course. Have a good night,” the nurse says and walks away.

“Thank you,” Byuli and Yongsun say.


When they reach Yongsun’s house, Yongsun gets out of the car and rushes to the house to repack her suitcase. On the way home, she decided to stay with Byuli until both Maria and Shelby got out of the hospital. After returning, they drive to Byuli’s house.

When Byuli parks the car, she looks at Yongsun and kisses her lips. She can taste the salty tears of her love and feels tears start to form in her own eyes. They part and Byuli gets out of the car followed by Yongsun when Byuli opens her door and takes her hand to help her out. After going into the house with Yongsun’s luggage in tow, they go straight to the bedroom and settle down.

“Are you hungry? Would you like for me to cook you anything?” Byuli asks.

“No thank you. I can’t stop thinking about tonight,” Yongsun responds.

“Me too. Are you sure about the food? Maybe it could get your mind off of everything that’s going on,” Byuli says.

“No thank you, Byuli,” Yongsun says as she sits on the bed.

“How about boxing? You told me about how it helps you get your frustrations out of your mind. I had a training ring and gym installed while we were in Jeonju. I haven’t seen it yet. Why don’t you come with me?”

Yongsun lifts her head up. “You have a gym in your house and you didn’t tell me?”

“You never asked,” Byuli says. “Come on unnie.”

“Okay,” Yongsun says as she takes Byuli’s hand.

When they reach the gym of the house, Yongsun sees all of the same equipment that she saw in her gym here in the house.

“I asked your gym to help me out with the equipment,” Byuli says. “Of course I was going to use it, but I wanted you to have a home away from home or a gym away from the gym, you know?”

“This is perfect,” Yongsun said as she hugs Byuli and has the biggest smile on her face. “Thank you, baby. I love it.”

“Good. I have to work in the morning, but you can be down here as long as you’re careful okay?” Byuli says.

“Okay, I’ll be careful.”


A couple of hours had passed and Byuli was getting worried. She couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. She couldn’t sleep without knowing that Yongsun was in her house, but not with her. After a couple of minutes, she gets out of bed and puts her house shoes on and walks to the gym. When she reaches the gym, she sees Yongsun throwing heavy punches at the punching bag. She sees her punch the bag harder and harder until she gets even more exhausted.

“Yongsun, be careful! You’re going to break your wrists if you do it too hard like that!” She stops for a moment and continues punching the bag the same way as before.

“Yongsun, stop! I don’t want you hurting yourself, please.” She stops and sees Byuli run towards her as her arms and legs begin to give out. Byuli catches Yongsun and holds her with all her strength to keep her from hitting the floor.

She whispers to her as she cries, “It’s going to be okay, unnie. It’ll be okay. I promise.” She moves her head back and stares into Yongsun’s eyes. It’s then and there Yongsun feels weak and tired. Weak from the gaze of someone she truly admires and tired of fighting against her emotions. Yongsun looks down and begins to cry into Byuli’s shoulders.

Byuli then carries Yongsun to her bedroom and lays her down on the bed. She proceeds to draw up a bath and then carefully takes off the woman’s gloves and her wrapping. As she takes off Yongsun’s wrapping, she notices very recent bruises on Yongsun’s hands and arms from all of the boxing. Without question, Byuli kisses every single bruise with tears falling down her face. Yongsun notices what’s happening and wants to push Byuli off. She didn't want Byuli to see her at her weakest, but she has no energy left to even move a muscle. She feels Byuli carry her to the bathroom and take off her clothes and put her in the bath of hot water and clean her up. After that, Byuli dries her off with her own towels and puts her own matching set of pajamas on Yongsun and carries her back to the bedroom. She sets her on a chair and moves the blanket so that Yongsun can lie down. After this, she picks up Yongsun, places her on the bed, and tucks her in. She kisses all of the bruises on Yongsun again and then looks at her with tears running down her face while moving a few pieces of hair. Byuli stares at her with loving eyes and kisses her cheek and then her lips.

“I love you, Yongsun Kim.”


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Hey fam! I finally uploaded something. Sorry for the delay. The computer I used stopped working and there's been so much stuff happening. I hope you still enjoy this.. Thank you for your patience. I'll be writing another story soon :)


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Chapter 20: That was so pleasant to read. Smooth and cute all the way. Kinda sad about the car accident, but we all knew it'll be lovely ending, so I wasn't that scared!
What kind of story will be next? Can't wait to see what's coming up ;)
Thank you for your hard work author-nim ^^
Moon-dancer #2
Chapter 20: It would be interesting to know what happened next ....
Wheeinismysaviour #3
Chapter 20: This was so amazing! Thank you author-nim!
nanoko #4
Chapter 18: I’m crying aghhh
Chapter 16: Even though I’m impatient to know what’s gonna happen with Wheein, I hope you take much time to rest! Thanks for the chapter!
Fatin_Izzati #6
Chapter 16: I hope Wheein will be okay.
I hope that in long term your depressed will be okay and you will find happiness again author-nim
thank you for update author-nim
nanoko #7
Chapter 15: Aweee my hearttt
Oh my this seems interesting ~
nanoko #9
Chapter 14: Wheesa???