First Love

Never too Late

The cold was like a crazy fan. The more you try to get it off, it'll cling to you the more.

Jongin woke up next day to find Kyungsoo tucked under the blankets with him. Jongin's hand over his waist, Kyungsoo slept like a vulnerable panda, too innocent for this world. Jongin smiled. He kept still and brushed his fingers over the strands falling over his sleeping face. Kyungsoo's eyelashes fluttered and for a moment Jongin thought he would wake up but Kyungsoo made no further movements. So Jongin continued.

It was getting late. Kyungsoo scrunched his face in discomfort as the sunlight fell on his face. The curtains were wide open even though Jongin didn't remember opening them. Must be Kyungsoo. Jongin sighed, and propped up on one side, putting the pressure on his elbow to cover the sunlight. Kyungsoo turned limp again.

"WAKEY WAKEY JONGSOO!" Baekhyun yelled and banged on the door as if he would break it down. If he was not his hyung and one of the few persons he loved, he would have surely choked Byun Baekhyun to death.

Kyungsoo startled awake, throwing off the blankets. He blinked twice, getting used to the light and looked at the younger boy smiling at him.

"Mmmn." Kyungsoo breathed in his morning voice-huskier and lower than the usual smooth tone.

Jongin shivered. What the hell? It was not one of those exceptional cold Seoul days and yet Jongin felt a shiver. Or was it Kyungsoo and his goddamn low tone that bothered him more than it should have? Hah hah very funny. Jongin laughed in his mind letting out few giggles.

"Are you okay? How’s your fever?"

Jongin breathed in again. And of all the things in this big ing world and not quite a small Seoul, Kyungsoo asked how he was first thing in the morning. Like it could've been why'd you wake me or i wanna kill Baekhyun or maybe did you sleep well but no, he just had to ask about Jongin's health first. Maybe it was absolutely normal for a brother to care excessively about his dongsaeng's health or maybe it's just Jongin over-analyising every single word and syllable of his favourite hyung.

"Well, are you?"

Jongin mumbled out softly, "Better." Now that you have asked me, I'm way better than how I should be. But he left that out. For his own good.

"Since we're awake, we might just get down."

Jongin was doing just that.

"Not you, I'll bring your breakfast. Just brush up, okay?"

Jongin nodded.

Kyungsoo ruffled Jongin's already messy hair pool and walked out, gently closing the door behind.

. Jongin was ed. Like literally. He was ing ed. He just stared at his hyung's perky which was apparently more perfect than he expected-let's not talk about how he fantasized they would feel in his hands-but he just oogled at a man's and he was not even a bit ashamed. Jongin wanted to die. But then there was Kyungsoo's he could live for. Or his voice. Or the whole man himself. Jongin stopped thinking. Again.


Kyungsoo followed the breakfast-on-bed agenda (it has been two days) but the way Jongin gobbled up his food like that was the only good thing in the world, did a thing to his ego. Today was no different.

Jongin's face brightened up, at the smell of freshly cooked tofu, the warm vape making it look more delicious than it already was. Kyungsoo's cooking was something he eagerly waited for each day. Not just him, all of them.

"Hyuuung!" Jongin whimpered at the sight. Kyungsoo grinned.

After a whole ten minutes of Kyungsoo-cooked breakfast filled with hyung love, Jongin was feeling better. "I could practice today."

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at the suggestion. "You won't."

"Huh? Jongin pouted, turning sour. "Hasn't it been three days?"


"Same difference okay maybe not," Jongin added after an incredulous look from Kyungsoo. "It's just 25 hours diff-"

Kyungsoo's frustrated sigh cut him off. "Twenty four. Jongin I get it, math isn't your thing."

Jongin shrugged.

"But I wanna dance!"

"Yeah well that's not happening." Kyungsoo grimaced.

Jongin wanted to counter but Kyungsoo's stare said no and Jongin didn't know how to deal with a mad Kyungsoo so he decided to back off. He looked away, lips in a thin line and mumbled incoherent nothings.

Kyungsoo waited for a while. Then he said, "But we can sing."

Jongin's ears perked up and he looked back. "We?"

"Yes. You and me."

Jongin breathed again. He said it in a completely different context, just only for vocal sessions—singing, but the mere sound of those three words coming out of the elder's lips awakened a fluttery feeling all over him. It wasn't supposed to be like that like he was falling but Jongin couldn't help. He was falling. Hard.

"You would sing with me?"

"Yes. Only if you refrain from dancing."

Dancing was Jongin's everything, yes. But he wouldn't mind sharing it with singing if that meant Kyungsoo would sing—exclusively for him. It was just singing, but Jongin's foolish heart didn't stop speeding up at the thought.


They started singing. And Jongin couldn't decipher—really—why Kyungsoo chose 'Shall We?' to practice because to hell with it, Jongin would really cross the galaxy with him, to the ends of the universe and Jongin knew that his emotion and feelings were coming out of nowhere, they just came but he just couldn't stop them. By the time he realised, it was late—he was too deep.

He stopped to just say something. But Kyungsoo was still singing. With his eyes closed, lips moving softly, prompting every syllable with extreme delicacy. His lips were plump—in a perfect heart, his eyelashes brushing his skin, his cheeks and nose and even the tips of his ears have turned a slight pink due to the cold. He was beautiful.

Jongin was admiring his features, his voice and he was just so damn overwhelemed with emotions that he didn't notice Kyungsoo stopped singing until a few minutes ago.

"It's beautiful." Jongin found himself saying. In a daze, before he could stop himself, he blurted out, "You're beautiful." He regretted it the next second.


Jongin would've fled in case there was a plan b but he didn’t have one. He didn't think anymore. He had a way to just halt his thoughts and let his heart take control—at least it said more truth than his mind could ever. "You. You're just so beautiful."

Kyungsoo didn't respond. With the aftershocks of Jongin's confession still on replay, Kyungsoo said, his voice trembling at the end. "Then you didn't look in the mirror."

It was Jongin's turn. "Wh-what a-are you saying?"

"You know."

A comfortable silence prevailed throughout and no one was making any next move to break it but Jongin thought it was enough.

"Isn't this a scene from the movies where the lovers kiss?" He joked and Kyungsoo only glared.

"But we're not from the movie. And neither were they Kai and D.O of EXO."

"Yeah. Right."

Jongin knew what he meant. Their careers. South Korea's conservative laws. Everyone's hateful here. And they're idols. Even if they wanted tp hide, they can't keep the act up forever. Maybe he trusted Kyungsoo but not him. He would feel like kissing him in the middle of their concert ments. He would feel like holding hands in every award shows. He would feel like flaunting his lover anywhere. And it would them up. But holding it back was a much scarier thought.

"But," Kyungsoo said. "But they were still in love—your lovers from the movie."

Jongin believed he looked no more than a fool but well everyone does when they're in love and in love Jongin was. With his favourite hyung.

"So umm, won't you kiss me?" Kyungsoo muttered, the cold now not the only reason for the darker blush on his cheeks.

And Jongin kissed him. In the cold of the December, he pressed his cold lips against Kyungsoo's. Their noses brushed against each other, the pink hue tainting their cheeks, they kissed their first. Jongin's hand made their way around Kyungsoo's waist pulling him closer with Kyungsoo locking around him—hands around neck. His first love in winter, Jongin thought, made his toes curl in ecstasy, and he caved more. His first love in winter was warmer than the blankets around him, even warmer than the early Christmas lights in their room.

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noviani_bali #1
Chapter 3: This is so beautiful
Chapter 3: Awwww yesss they both are so cute uwu love this sweet story! Thank you for sharing!❤ xoxo
Sakuraheat #3
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaiiiii willlllll aallwayyyssssssssssss luvvv thiissssss
scheherazade12 #4
Chapter 3: ????