Grey Skies Warm Nights

Never too Late

The Seoul sky was turning a bit greyish. Probably going to rain again. It was cold. And will get colder. He should do an insta live and tell eris to keep warm. Jongin's mood mirrored the grey sky. And not to mention he was stuck in bed all day long. Damn his fever.

"Hyung." Jongin whispered to no one in particular. Yeah four times of his hyung and still no Kyungsoo to be found in the room. I would be here before you can say hyung, he said. Bull. Jongin grumbled out another long hyung.

The door creaked open, "I'm here." Kyungsoo replied, holding a tray. Jongin made a face and eyed the tray. Only when he placed it on the table, Jongin could see it's contents. Pretty basic—a bowl of piping hot porridge, a glass of milk and chocolates?

Kyungsoo noticed Jongin eyeing the packets of chocolate and grabbed one. "To make you feel better," he said. Jongin raised an eyebrow. Did Kyungsoo think of him as a child or what? But since he liked chocolates he obliged anyways. He opened a packet and tossed one in his mouth. The sweet substance melted in his mouth and Jongin couldn't help but moan at the taste.

"Good?" Kyungsoo prodded.

"Mmmn." Jongin stuffed his mouth with another, savouring the substance melt inside his mouth. Whatever feeling of lonliness he had for Kyungsoo leaving him for sometime seemed to go out of the window.

Kyungsoo was suddenly staring at him intently and Jongin was getting nervous. Did he say something wrong?

He was expecting his hyung to say something when the older, out of the blue cupped Jongin's cheeks, startling the younger. His thumb roamed freely on the honey skin before stopping at his lips. Surprised would be an understatement. Jongin was beyond surprised. His rational voice just stopped, and his head went blank. Neither did he knew what to say or how to counter. He just froze in his place, looking back into Kyungsoo's eyes. Kyungsoo gulped visibly and holy , he was leaning towards him. Jongin panicked internally and used both of his hands to push on the older's chest, jerking him away.

Kyungsoo seemed to have been rudely awakened from his daze and he looked apalled. He mumbled something incoherent, something along the lines of , "I have to go," and with a curt bow he dashed out of the room. Jongin could hear the thudding footsteps until they faded away.

Jongin placed a shaky palm over his heart and holy cow it was beating like crazy. It was as if it will explode out of his chest any moment. What the hell did he just imagine right now? It was so wrong, so ing wrong and Jongin still couldn't stop the image from popping up in his brain.


The next day was awkward. And no matter how much Chanyeol laughed through and through, Jongin couldn't find in him the energy to laugh along. Kyungsoo seemed perfectly unbothered, slicing the carrots and giving short looks at the members—except Jongin. But no one obviously noticed—except Jongin.

He sighed quietly. How did he up now?

His head felt dizzy again, and Jongin excused himself for a short day nap. When alone in his room, Jongin fell face first on Kyungsoo's bed and cuddled around the sheets. Kyungsoo's scent lingered on every sheet and Jongin loved it. Hell if he knew why. But without further ado, he covered himself up with the sheets and put his face inside the warm cover. Kyungsoo's scent was dizzying him even more.


Jongin made a protesting grunt and pushed away the hand tapping his shoulder.


Jongin groaned and blinked several times. He turned around, outing himself from the blanket habitat only to find Kyungsoo looking at him with a smile. Startled, he shot up, wide awake.

"H-hyung I-I..."

"You're burning up." Kyungsoo stated, feeling Jongin's forehead. "You didn't have your medicine, did you?" He sighed.

Jongin smiled sheepishly. Everything was so....normal. It was like yesterday never happened. And Jongin didn't quite like the idea of that.

Kyungsoo was ripping off a tablet from it's packet and filled up a glass of water.


He motioned towards the small tablet.

But Jongin had other plans. Only one to be honest. Because if the first failed, he didn't have a second to rebound. But well.


"Huh? Why can't you?"

"I'm not coming out of the covers it's too cold."

"What? Are you saying that you're not going to have it?" Kyungsoo let out an annoyed sigh.

"I didn't say that." Jongin's eyes twinkled. "I just said that I won't have it myself." He paused. "I didn't say that you couldn't give it to me."

"Wh-what?" Kyungsoo stammered. He didn't except Jongin to throw out such suggestive words in broad daylight when just an hour before he refused to let Kyungsoo touch him. Jongin surprised him in ways more than one.

Jongin his lips. "Give it to me."

"O-okay. Open your mouth a bit." Jongin obliged. With trembling hands Kyungsoo dropped the tablet on Jongin's tongue and accidentally grazed it. Jongin uttered an involuntary groan and closed his mouth. With his eyes he asked Kyungsoo to pass the water and he did as told. This time, Jongin took out one of his hands and gulped down the water.

"It tastes bad." Jongin made a face and clicked his tongue.

"What did you expect? Chocolate?"

At the mention of chocolate, a pall of silence seemed to fall on the room and none seemed to do anything about it.

"Umm chocolates, did you have one?" Jongin said after a while.

"Uhh no? Minseok brought them yesterday."

"Oh." Jongin mentally slapped himself. He really at small talks but however it always worked with the members. But outside, people misunderstood his silence as his coldness and thus classifying him as a cold and a man of mystery. Hah. Only of they knew. It was just that he at conversations. That's all there was to it.

"How're you feeling?" Thank god Junmyeon hyung existed because didn't trust his stupid babbling mouth.

"Good, I think?" Jongin said with a hint of uncertainty.

"I asked Kyungsoo." Junmyeon chuckled. Oh. Even Junmyeon hyung knew. Never to trust Jongin even with his own body.

"Not well. And he even refused to have his medicine until I compelled him too." Kyungsoo filled in.

Junmyeon's frown deepened as he tapped away on the table. "Well.." he started. "Since Kyungsoo stays with you, he'll take care of you. And, no medicines equals to no chicken."

"NOOO!" Jongin groaned in vehement opposition.


Without another word, Junmyeon exited, but not before giving an approving nod towards Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo turned back at the younger and found him sulking. With him, he was never the Kai girls die for, but he was Jongin in need of love and continued care. Exclusively for him. He would be lying if he said that didn't make him a bit smug. Kyungsoo never compromised to spoil him.


No answer.


Jongin maintained his silence.

Kyungsoo smiled at the childish boy and sneakily wrapped his fingers around him. "Jongin," he said.

Jongin stiffened for a second before trying to relax. Somehow, he was over cautious of his hyung's hand covering his. Kyungsoo had rough and calloused palms—Jongin could tell. But his hold on him was softer than feather. As a sudden wave of emotion crashed over him, Jongin turned faster than lightning and trapped him in a tight hug. His face buried in Kyungsoo's neck.

Kyungsoo relaxed eventually and encircled his arms around the taller boy. One of his hands found it's way in Jongin's soft locks, threading through them. Another was placed just over Jongin's neck, rubbing occasionally.

Jongin could smell Kyungsoo's scent. He could tell the perfume and Kyungsoo's own scent mixed to give off something intoxicating, making him dizzier in his state. His fingers embraced Kyungsoo's small back drawing abstract shapes all over. Kyungsoo didn't ask for reasons. Hell, if Jongin himself knew why. Jongin just wanted to be close. He needed to be close to him, to have his body heat spread all over him. Jongin couldn't think anymore. So he stopped.

"Hyung?" Whispered Jongin.


"Let's stay like this longer." Jongin answered pushing closer to Kyungsoo.


And Jongin could just see the almost invisible smile on his lips. At least Kyungsoo wasn't grinning like a fool, unlike Jongin. Kyungsoo was like Seoul's cold. He made him cold to his feet. He was spontaneous. But at the same time, he gave reasons to stay warm.

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noviani_bali #1
Chapter 3: This is so beautiful
Chapter 3: Awwww yesss they both are so cute uwu love this sweet story! Thank you for sharing!❤ xoxo
Sakuraheat #3
Chapter 3: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaiiiii willlllll aallwayyyssssssssssss luvvv thiissssss
scheherazade12 #4
Chapter 3: ????