Adrenaline Rush

Surprise Events

this was supposed to be a one-shot

but I don't know how to link it together

so I made it to look-alike a poem

instead thus here it went.. *its a mess*




The feeling of it was

rushing inside me

and waking me up to

realize that it was the day


There was a lot of thinking

went on inside my head now


What am I supposed to wear?

Should I go for a y?

Or should I be cute and innocent?

Or should I just stay with

the old me and be myself?


Ok, how should I put my hair?

Should I go for a simple curl?

Or should I tie it with a high

elegant pony-tail?

Or just leave it in a slight

messy tie-bun?


Not only dress and hairs

but almost everything was

mixing together inside my head


What shoes should I wear?

Sneakers or just a flip-flop?

Or I need to wear a heel instead?

What colours should I go?

Is it a black tie party?

Is it an informal or smart casual?

Or is it just a small one

like I used to attend years back?


Is it being hold indoors or outdoors?

Does it hold any dress codes?

Do I forget on something or do

I’m doing everything over the top?


Finally after having an issue

with my own-self for almost

one hour and a half, I let out a sigh


I drowned myself into a dark

sapphire blue of strapless tube dress

from CHANEL which stop just below

my knees with a blue acid-wash

short-sleeves puff jeans cardigan to

cover up my bare shoulder


I pinned my long black jet hair in

slight curls with a high pony-tail

but still I left some bangs in

front just to cover up my flaws

the makeup was in smoky ash-blue

with a light crimson red to lift up

my cheekbones and some cherry

balm-gloss to keep my lips wet and glossy


I completed my look with a

magic face powder to make my

face looked fresh and glowed

Plus a ballerina flat from YSL

which in one of those blue shades


Done with myself and I

settled down on a couch looking

anxiously on the wall clock

waiting for your arrival

the rush was kept running inside me

but now in a bit slower pace


Exactly at 5p.m there was

a knock on the door and it

abruptly stirred my thoughts up

and the rush kept riding up now


I opened the door and there

you were standing in front with a

slight jaw-dropped plus a

bouquet of white lilies together

with some pink and red roses

Those clearly says some languages

‘Sweetness and Purities of the

Love from our beautiful Friendship’


“Summer, you look amazingly stunning

and beautiful. Thanks for agreeing with

me, so do you ready?” Max asked in

those y-husky voice of him and

I just nodded in response to his question


He then took my right hand into his

left and quickly pulled me to his car

He ushered me inside and took his place

beside me in the driver’s seat

He looks great in that blue-black dress

long-sleeves shirt with the sleeves he

pulled up and showed off his muscles

His hair is still in the way I like it

A slight curl and messy-preppy looked

which I adore very much in him


“Why are you staring at me? Is there

anything on my face?” he asked again


Me blushed and the rush inside of

me kept riding up together with

the heartbeats of mine, Oh

I’m really sure tonight will

be the best of our nights ever <3




A/N : for the Changmin's surprise birthday event..

I'll post it when it nears his day XD till then thanks guys


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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Waa! So cute and sweet! I love all the fluffiness!! :""">
syoolove #3
sweet!!!!!!! Soo never fails to make him happy...XD so fluffy..
fymemine #4
duhhh that's so cute <3
@fymemine @GamzyDe29 @supergenerationrocks thanks guys :D maybe i'll write more in the future LOL
GamzyDe29 #7
so sweet and cute and and awsummm <3
write more :D
fymemine #8
uberly cute & sweet! i swear <33