Cho Day!

How I Met Your Mother
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The parents got woken up by an enthusiastic Nako again. What's the story this time? What else did she find under her bed?


“Mammi! Daddi! Wake up!! Wakey wakey!!” She shaked their bodies the strongest she could.

“It's Cho Birthday!!” She screamed.

“OH MY GOD!” Sakura jerked awake.

“Yay Daddi! It's Cho birthday!!!” Nako clapped happily.

“Daddy! Let's go out and play today!!” Their oldest ran into the room and crashed onto the wall. Unable to stop his run.

“Auch! Starpit wall!” He rubbed his forehead.

“Ding! You noisy!” Nako groaned and landed herself on their parents bed. 

“Is Cho small when Cho baby, Mammi?” 

Eunbi pulled the girl sitting on her lap upwards. Afraid if she accidentally slides down. Because it's her birthday, she gets to eat ice cream during breakfast.

Credit to the whipped father 😑.

Eunbi laced their fingers together and she noticed the way Nako’s tiny fingers have become less chubby and bigger now.

Aww her baby is growing up. Eunbi kissed the crown of her head and rested her chin on Nako’s shoulder.

“You were small when you're a baby,” Eunbi kissed her cheek.

“And you still small!” Yujin shouted from afar.

He's being brave because he knows Nako won't chase him when she's being clingy with their parents.


“Cho small and good! Unlike Dingie!” Sakura chased the boy with a slipper.

“Mammi. Why is Ding so naughty? Not like Cho. Good girl!” Nako patted her own head. 

Eunbi had to control her laugh. ‘You sure you ain't naughty too Nako ya?’


“Well then tell me who climbed the grill slides and cannot go down? Who broke mummy's chair? Who smashed the key table? Who accidentally lost Maru’s collar and only remembered she buried it in the backyard? Who got their teacher to call their parents because she convinced her friends eating green crayons are good? And who peeked on their teacher’s skirt and told Mummy what colour of underwear it was that day? Who…” when your Mom attacks you, you know it's cue.

“Mami no!!” Nako closed Eunbi's ears and pecked her lips.

“It sounds like not Cho…. But Mami stop!”

“And Mami said “greens are good for your health!”

Eunbi sighed, “Not all green things baby”.


There were few accounts of chaos Nako and Yujin had caused at school. But there's this particularly one good day when Eunbi was out to meet some clients and she received a call from Nako’s teacher. Thank God she was waiting for her lunch that time.

“Hello Miss Ally, is there something important?” Eunbi said as she pressed the phone to her ear, hands rummaging through handbag to find her purse.

“Keep the change,” she smiled and took the lunch boxes.

“Mami! Cho not do bad! Cho follow Mammi’s words don't be mad!” A child suddenly screamed at the phone.

Eunbi pushed the phone away from her ears, still freaking clueless about what's going on, “What….”

“Nako, here come to me, give me the phone. Let me talk to your Mum,” a soft pleading voice can be heard.

Nako gave the phone to her teacher “But please don't say ‘naughty’, Mammi gonna think it's Ding. Cho not naughty,” “Thank you Missy Ally!” and she ran away.

Eunbi frowned, what happened?

“Oh My God, I'm so sorry..” 

Eunbi was more confused, “No no I should be sorry. What happened?”

Ally on the other line sighed, “Nako…”

“She did something again. Did she?” Eunbi was just guessing.

“Yeah....” Ally muttered slowly.

“What's for this time?” 

Ally took a deep breath, “Well… She has a nice intention… Just the wrong thing…”

Eunbi kept listening…

“Apparently one of the kids isn't feeling well and he is well known for not liking veggies. So Nako had this bright idea and forced him to eat greens or else he would be weak and get sick. And the only greens they could find in the classroom were crayons. You know what happened next…”

Eunbi slapped her own forehead.

“How many crayons?”

Sighing once again, Ally spoke into the phone, “All the green crayons. She turned it into a cult. More precisely out of the 30 boxes we have, there are only 5 left untouched.”

“Oh My God. Have the parents been informed?”

Ally nodded, “Yes they all have. Everyone's on their way here.”

“Okay I'll be there in 10.”

Ally was about to hang when Eunbi called again, “and Ally please tell all the parents I am truly sorry. I'll be there in a jiffy.”

The teacher just laughed, “Kids are just being kids. Nothing's big.”

“Except for the horrified looks on the parents' faces.”

Eunbi spent almost an hour at Nako’s school and apologized to all the parents. Some of them shook their heads while some just laughed at their kids.

“How are you so creative?” A mother asked Nako and she just shrugged. Waving her Mummy's arm who is busy apologizing to everyone.

“No sorry Mammi. Cho just tells everyone to eat their greens,” seriously Nako was just doing a good deed here.

“We'll talk about this tonight. With your Daddy. Okay?” Eunbi asked. But we all know, Asian moms don't really ask. They demand.

Nako just shrugged. And they spent a whole day looking for green crayons. And green crayons ONLY. Thanks to Nako Cult.

Later that dinner, Sakura asked Nako how her day went. Pretending not to know anything.

“All my friends are turning green~” she sang the song.

“Eh?” He was stupefied.

Little Nako is really mischievous. Just like her brother. Haiyaa.

“Nako, you know we have talked about this before. Why did you…”

“Cho loves you Mammi. And Dad

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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221 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1755 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
221 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1755 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1755 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!