Popping Candy

How I Met Your Mother
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“How long will you be gone?” A pouty lady asked and crossed her arms. Silently protesting.

“Just a few days. I'll try my best to come home as soon as my business is done,” Sakura put his folded clothes in his luggage and pulled Eunbi close to him.

“Now don't pout like that. Or else I can't go anywhere with you being this cute,” he pinched the pouty lips.

“Good! That's my plan exactly,” she turned round ignoring Sakura but a tough hand wrapped around her waist. Pulling her to be sitting on his lap.

“You know I never want to. Just a few days and I'm all yours,” he tried to persuade her again.

Eunbi is just so freaking cute. We all know that. But it’s only for a week. Though having to say goodbye to his beloved baby, Eunbi and the kids is totally hard, work claimed him and so he has to go.


The man was about to steal another kiss when their little baby started crying. Seems like someone is going to be Daddy's child too.

“Aww my cute girl. Don't worry Daddy will only be gone for a week,” he kissed the wet cheeks. Wonyoung kept on crying and it looked like the girl wouldn't stop.

Eunbi tried to take her away from Sakura but yeah, the girl went loud crying again.

Mummy 0 - Daddy 3

Okay maybe Cho is team Mummy. 

So Mummy 1 - Daddy 2.


Saying goodbye with the kids being noisy as always, Nako has now been back as her tsun self while Yujin talking nonsense and being loud as usual. Wonyoung is forever reaching out for her Daddy. Hence why Sakura opted to carry her for as long as he can.

“Nako, take care of your Mummy, your sister and brother. And please try not to cause trouble or bite anyone okay? If you are a good girl, I will buy you new toys,” Nako nodded.

“Yujin, take care of your sisters and Mummy for me. Don't tease Nako and don't do silly things. Help Mummy do chores and remember to shower everyday,” the boy just grinned and half nodded.


“Don’t you dare to look at other girls. Or lady,” Eunbi warned him as she stood arm crossed at the door. 

“Yeah Daddy don’t look at other.. Cho don’t bite Wooyo’s plushie!” Yujin ran to his sister and Eunbi just shrugged.

“She’s your child.”

“Daddi! Don’t wook other gurl and buy candies!” The girl hugged her father and acted cute. specifically for reasons.

“Okay baby girl,” he crouched down and kissed the chubby cheeks. After getting her affirmation, the girl literally ran back inside.

Eunbi chuckled at dumbfounded Sakura and lurched forward to place a sweet kiss, taking Wonyoung away from her Daddy. And the crying went loud once again.

“I’ll be back in a few. Don’t silence your phone because Wonyoung needs to look at me before sleep,” he jerked his tongue.

Sakura placed one last kiss on Wonyoung's cheek, “Daddy will come back as soon as possible. Don't cry too much and be a good girl to Mummy,” Sakura said and got into his car.


And so starts the hellish week in Eunbi’s life.


Sakura had already restocked their foods but some hungry and rapidly growing kids had spoiled and finished some of them. So yeah, grocery shopping it is. 

And having no one to bother is boring. So she decided to take the kids to do grocery shopping at some nearby supermarket.

The kids were of course so excited. They had been longing for another candies hunt. But this time it might be hard because Mummy has eagle eyes and anti candies. Unlike Daddy.

“Yujin, Nako, stay close to Mummy. Don't go anywhere,” she warned the kids.

But do they ever listen?

Not when they found the trolley to be fun and there were not many people at the store.


“Mammi look at Ding chase Cho!” That girl ran around the trolley tryna get away from her brother with the toy snake.

“Mummy Cho bite Ding!” The boy walked towards her and showed little bite marks.

“Mammi can Cho have tish?”

“Mummy can Ding have that?”

“Mammi when Daddi home?”

“Mummy why is fish always sleeping? Is Wonyoung a fish too?”

“Mummy why vegetables are green?”

“Mammi why chicky pink? No fried?”




‘Mummy this Mummy that. You love ne that much huh? 😏’


“Mummy Cho poopies!” ‘Oh God no…’

“Mammi Ding lie. No poop in Cho pants!” The girl was about to take off her pants to prove she didn't shat herself but strong Eunbi snatched her in one arm and placed her in the cart.

Wonyoung asleep soundly on her Mummy's chest. Totally Sakura's child.

She wondered how Sakura controlled the two kids everytime she put him to grocery tasks.

It was peaceful for a few minutes until Yujin threw the toy snake again inside the cart.

“Miyawaki Yujin……..”

Yujin grinned, hiding the other toy snake behind his back. As soon as Eunbi turned around he threw another toy snake and a riot ensued.

Eunbi took the girl out of the cart and sighed. 
“Okay babies, I need you both to be together and never let go of each other. Also, can you help Mummy find these? If you both find it, Mummy will treat you two cotton candy. Okay?”

It works. It truly works. The two kids hopped gleefully hand in hand finding the bread and few cookies just on the aisle next to where she was standing.

The giggles from the two can be heard and Eunbi smiled.


“Ding…” Nako pulled her brother’s shirt as she saw something interesting as they were looking for their reward, cotton candy.

“Yeah Cho. Do you want to see a snake?” he giggled.

“DIng!!” Nako’s loud shout can be heard from where Eunbi’s standing and she sighs again.

Nako huffed and pointed to the thing that caught her attention.


Breaking News!

Nako and Yujin have discovered popping candy.

“What’s this?” Nako asked again.

Yujin could just shrug because dear boy also doesn't know what it is.

But he swiftly threw it into the cart while Nako distracted Eunbi by asking her usual weird questions.

“Mammi why is carrot orange?”

“Mammi look at the fish! Bloop bloop!”

The lady thought she could have a peaceful checkout but gasped when she saw multiple candies in her cart.

“MIyawaki Yujin! Miyawaki Nako! What are these?!”

‘Oh no… Mummy is angry…’

‘Cho smells trouble’

The two kids gulped while the cashier slowly sank into the background. Can never mess with an angry Asian mom.


“Hello Mammi. Can you come pick Cho up? Cho is skek,” Nako said into her bubble phone.

Suddenly, multiple heads turned to look at her. 


“Nako! I am your mom!”




Aside from almost being jailed for ‘child abduction’, dealing with tons of noises, hearing Mummy this Mammi that and a baby crying, the day all went… Okay? She thinks…At least all of them are still alive.

That was until Nako and Yujin decided to eat their newly conquered joy. That damn popping candy.


Nako threw a tantrum when Yujin stained her beloved pingu before their lunch. She tried to call her Mammi but the two made up when Yujin panickedly mentioned the popping candy that they conspired to buy before.

Nako’s short span of attention easily diverted and there they were at the kitchen putting the candies onto the bow.

The first taste of popping candy had the two confused. It was indescribable. It was funny?

Yujin opened his mouth and Nako giggled when she heard the popping sound. But they couldn’t be the only two having fun. 

Sharing the same brain cells, they looked at our poor Wonyoung who just sat there quietly at the high chair. Eunbi had left to tend something. The chaotic duo then fed Wonyoung to see her reaction.

Of course the baby was more confused than her two older siblings. She opened and widened her eyes. Giggling as she felt ticklish on her tongue.


The baby girl laughed alongside her siblings and off they went to their own happy baby land~

Yujin his favourite song and instantly got so happy. He shakes his head along and the two laughed together looking at Wonyoung and then the three clowns had fun with their popping candies.

Eunbi rushed to see what the chaos was about.


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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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217 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1751 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
217 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1751 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1751 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!