Snowy Days

How I Met Your Mother
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Christmas dinner and New Year dinner were Eunbi’s favourite. Especially when she’s back in Korea or Japan.


But since the pandemic, they can’t really fly out of the country. Not with her little baby too.


Skipping through the usual “normal” dinner, her house was filled with Yujin’s, Nako’s and few Wonyoung’s presents.


Nako has upgraded herself from 4 wheeled bicycle to 2 wheels bicycle. Yay!


Another Yay! when Nako got herself 2 new bicycles. TWO! TWO!

This is going to be the Yujin situation over again.


Eunbi was shaking her head remembering the shock both Sakura and her got when the packages arrived.

She picked up the clothes inside the washing machine and put some of it into the dryer and some were hung to dry.


It was another normal day……………

But with the numbers of … you know it won’t be normal.


There were strange sounds coming but she swatted the thoughts away as she saw a lipstick stain on Sakura’s shirt.

She was almost about to keep the evidence when she remembered, “Oh yeah I pounced on him that morning. Kikikikiki”


“Oh oh Cho…” Yujin gasped. His laughter being muffled by the rare sight of panicked Nako.

The girl had crashed into something and the impact was a loud shattering sound.

Eunbi was never wrong in predicting mess.

Especially when it’s involving her children.

Sounds of something strange ragged her out of the laundry room.


“What happened?” Eunbi asked, running out to see the tall corner table near the front door lying down. The keys basket spewing out their contents and the porcelain bird decorations tear apart. Tiny pieces of torn porcelain from the decoration scattered on the floor.


Nako’s face flushed white.

Uh oh. She’s in big trouble. A really big trouble.


Yujin mimicked the 😱 emoji and both kids just stood there in silence. 

The moment Eunbi walked out to investigate the fuss, Nako had already stepped on the sharp pieces, causing her feet to bleed but the little girl held it all in.


“Ding…” Nako hiccuped.

“Blud…” Yujin went pale.


Next thing Eunbi knew, she had two kids frozen in terror.

One due to her bleeding leg. One due to the blood from his sister's bleeding leg.


“Move aside you two!” Eunbi shouted frantically.

She shoved aside the visible pieces with her slippers and took Nako to the toilet. Pulling out the sharp pieces from her feet and inspecting it.


Nako cried quietly and mumbled her apologies.

Yujin peeked from the outside with teary eyes.


“Let Mummy clean this up. Cho stay here. Mummy's gonna go get first aid,” she put little Nako on a stool and the girl just nodded.

Eunbi ushered Yujin to get his slippers while she’s sweeping the area quickly.

She took the meds and jogged to her little girl. Who sat on the stool with her injured feet jerked up, chewing her lips trying hard not to cry. She wiped her tears with the back of her small hand.

“Cho is sorry Mammi,” She hiccuped. Not aware of her Mum’s breaking heart just outside the door.


“It’s okay Cho. Now you know why Mummy told you not to run around or ride your bike fast in the house right?”

Nako nodded.

“Next time you have to be more careful. What if the cut is big and hard to heal?”

Nako winced at the sting iodine effect and Eunbi quickly put the cute Winnie the pooh band aid on her feet.

“There. Mummy wrapped it. How Nako's feeling?” Eunbi stared into those pairs of big brown orbs. Nako hiccuped and mumbled an apology again.

She lunged forward trying to give Eunbi a hug and Mummy gladly took it.

“Now let’s get you to the living room,” Eunbi picked the girl’s petite frame up. The girl tightly wrapped herself around her Mummy’s torso.

She rubbed a soothing circle on the baby’s back. Calming little Nako down a bit.


“Daengie, can you take Cho’s slipper?” Eunbi asked the boy who’s been laying down on his stomach in front of the tv.

Yujin splendidly finished sweeping the porcelain pieces off so now Eunbi only has to vacuum the crime scene.

Yujin has come a long way as a big brother.


Yujin came running down the stairs with the infamous pair of slippers.


Yujin grinned, “Sorry Mummy. Here’s Cho slipper!”




Nako got herself a lecture from Daddy when he arrived home. But Nako was smart. So she pretended to be sleepy and hence she went to bed early. Successfully dodging naggings from Sakura.


Nako woke up early next morning and Sakura walked out to see the little girl playing with her trucks outside the bedrooms. All cute in her polar bear onesies.

So he sat there and played with her for a while. Until Nako was annoyed because Daddy keeps crashing into her trucks.

Nako was grunting when Sakura squished her annoyed face but turned glad as her Daddy picked her up and went to make pancakes.


“Choose what animal you want,” Sakura pointed at his newly bought pancake mold.

He carried Nako in his one hand and took the pancake mix from the fridge on the other hand. Nako played with his ears and giggled.


“Dinasor!” Nako shouted as she saw familiar shapes among the pancake mold.

Sakura nodded and put the mold on the lan and poured the pancake mix in.

He put a few chocolate chips and gave one cookie to Nako.

The girl giggled as she and bit the cookie. Wiping her smudged fingers on Sakura’s cheek.

“Having fun little one?” He pinched Nako’s cheeks.

“Hehehehe,” the cheeky girl grinned.

“You're so cute!” He kissed the child's fluffy cheek.


“Choose next animal,” he said.

“Birb!” Little Nako put her hands up.

Sakura chuckled at the cute sight of the girl in his arms, “Of course you want the bird”

He pour the pancake mix into the shaper and asked the little girl, “Did you know penguin is also a bird?”

But Nako ignored her. She was busy playing with a little rubix cube Sakura gave her as she saw it left on the table.

Sakura hummed, “Of course you already know it. You’re my little smartie girl,” he pinched the cheek.


“What’s next?” Sakura asked. Forcing Nako to choose the pancake shapes.

“Pawpi!” 🐶 

“What’s next?”

“Kat!” 🐱 

What’s next?”

“Banni!” 🐰 

“What’s next?”

“Wabbit!” 🐇 

“What’s next?”

“Daddi more cookies…” Nako’s eyes went teary as her hand was out of cookies. Sakura wiped off the crumbs from the side of her lips and tickled her tummy. 


“How about pancakes? You had 2 cookies and enough fun spewing crumbs onto my face.”

Nako pouted but the sight of her birb pancake made her lunge forward to the table. 

“Uh uh, let’s go wake Mummy and DingDing up.” Sakura pulled Nako back, holding her firmly.

At the mention of Mummy, Nako wiggles to jump because she really misses Mummy right now and shouted “Mammi!!”

(Oh but when you’re playing and eating you don’t even remember Mummy 🙃)


Just as Sakura almost put the girl down, Eunbi came and kissed Nako’s cheek.

Of course Nako accidentally slapped Daddy’s cheek and now moved her hand towards Eunbi. Asking to be picked up.

“Aww my baby girl missing me?” Nako laughs as Eunbi terrorises her chubby cheeks again.

“Where’s the big boi?” Sakura asked Eunbi.

“Refuse to wake up. He said Prince ManualBots needed to rest,” Eunbi shrugged.

Sakura kissed her cheeks and walked upstairs to wake the boy up.


Upon opening the door to his room, Sakura saw Yujin sprawled on his bed with Maru beside him. Lately Maru has been affectionate with the little boy.

The two were sleeping safe and soundly.

At this Sakura took a plastic ball and threw it to Yujin. The boy groaned. So Sakura threw a pillow at him.

“Wake up buddy. Or no pancakes for you,” Sakura said.

Yujin rolled over and pushed his up. Face still planted on his pillow.

Sakura shakes his head and throws the ball at the boy’s before walking to his room picking up baby Wonyoung.


Minutes later Yujin went downstairs with Maru on his back. Hanging to dear life with his little paw.

His hair was a total mess and his eyes were barely open. 

He’s just here for the food.

Yujin put Maru on the table and made the kitten as his pillow.

“Miyawaki Yujin, put the kitten down,” Eunbi warned.

Yujin pouted but nope Mummy is a strong woman not gonna fall with that cute little Miyawaki pout and sour face nope nope.

“Put him on your lap and eat now honey,” she pushed the pancake towards Yujin and his eyes widened automatically at the smell of his favourite food.


Maru? Sit on Yujin’s lap. But Yujin also shares a bite or two with the kitten.


Sakura was busy playing airplane with the little baby to notice his son tickling Wonyoung’s little feet.

And when the baby almost cry or squirmed, Yujin let out a satisfied laugh.

“Wooyo tickles hahahahahaha.”

“Yujin…,” Eunbi called out again.

“Ding….,” Nako copies.

Yujin just giggled and continued eating. He was able to stay quiet until he finished his pancake portion.

Then he saw Maru sleeping on his lap. And when Maru sleeps, Yujin also sleeps.


Sakura noticed a little head bobbing up and down. And Eunbi thought maybe it’s a good idea to pop the tempura into the air fryer.

And it is a not so good idea because now the two kids are being hyperactive waiting for the tempuras.

“Tempura!!” Yujin shouted as he smelled the food.

Nako almost fell back being shocked. So she smacked Yujin. As usual.




The playtime came and because it wasn’t snowing heavily, the kids were let out to play outside.


The kids = Sakura, Yujin, Nako and Wonyoung.


The baby has been stuck with her Daddy since the morning.

Wonyoung will cry whenever Sakura puts her down.

Sakura has been walking around the house carrying Wonyoung. 


He got an idea and took the kids outside to play.


Eunbi walked out to see Sakura go down the slide with burrito Wonyoung. 

Now Eunbi knows why Sakura insists on having mini playground at their wide backyard. 

It’s not for the kids, it’s for him.


“The ground is shaky! Buuuuu,” he let out weird noises. He fixed Wonyoung’s little Santa hat and placed her between his legs. Sliding down again together.

Nako and Yujin were having a snowball fight. 

“Can I join you?” Eunbi asked her husband. Who is gleefully going up and down the slides. Kicking their two other children away. 


Sakura jerked his tongue and shook his head. “No! Because you don’t wear a Santa hat like us. You said it was ridiculous. So we aren't friends with you. Discriminator.” 

Eunbi pouted and threw a snowball at his back. Harshly. She stomped into the house mumbling words and Nako just watched her Mummy being moody. 

A snowball hit her face and thug Nako mode is on. She attacked Yujin vigorously until the boy plopped onto the snow and she ran into the house.



The two then were having a little hot chocolate party while Yujin playing with himself in the snow.

‘I’m lucky I got you’

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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221 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1755 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
221 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1755 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1755 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!