Gloomy Days

How I Met Your Mother
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Eunbi squirmed around smiling with her eyes closed as she felt weight on her waist. That fair muscular arm of her husband. Securely hugging her close to him. She can feel his breaths fall onto the skin of her neck.


Sakura hugging her close, hands on her waist and fingers intertwined. Rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

“Good morning baby” he said, very softly into Eunbi’s ear.

Sakura can feel the muscle of her cheeks working a smile.

“Morning too baby”


They took another minute to just be in each other’s warmth. Waking up to shower together and listening to the kids playing downstairs.

Sakura walked down to see Yujin slumped on the floor. Just inches away from the last steps of the stairs.


Eunbi walked behind him. Fixing her disheveled hair from… um, from their MORNING date.


Eunbi face planted on her husband’s back as he stopped abruptly at the last step.

“Buddy….” Sakura called upon a weak body sprawled just beside the phone table. Next to the door.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..” Yujin answered slowly. Eyes opened wide with no smile at all. It looks like he lost a billion on the stock market or he lost his wife. In both, he is not. 

He still doesn't know how to make his own milk. Pffttt.


“Buddy you okay?” Sakura crouched down. Pushing Yujin’s hair from his forehead.

“Daengie… you okay?”

Nako ran to her Mummy. Still not over the fact that Miyawaki boys broke her tea set. Now she can’t present Maru the precious tea. (Maru never drink it anyway)

“Daengie…….” Yujin slowly said.

“Daengie low battery……” he opened his arms asking for Sakura to lift him. And so Sakura did.


He’s like a wet seaweed stuck to his Daddy. Head leaning on Sakura’s shoulder. This boy is really on 0% battery.

“What’s wrong buddy?”

“Girls don’t like Daengie”


“Cho don’t want to play with Daengie and Becca don’t answer phone”

Okay now, Sakura now found the root.

“You missed Becca?”



“How about we video call her?”

“But Daengie want to play with Becca”

Sakura put his son on the chair. Walked over to help Eunbi with the dishes.

“You know we can’t do that now buddy”

“Hmmmmmm” Yujin whined.


“Why don’t Mummy make this disappear? Mummy makes Yujin’s knee healed. Mummy can do magic”

“Uhh… Well Mummy tried but Mummy ran out of energy. Baby taking it”

“Me??” Sakura asked. Shocked. But Eunbi was the one jumping on him for the Morning date. Not him.

“Not you. This baby” Eunbi lightly brushes her tummy. With Nako reaching out to copy her Mummy, little hand on Eunbi’s stomach.

“Baby” she called.

Eunbi planted a kiss on the girl’s forehead and walked around to grab some bread.

“Well Daddy and Mummy have to go to hospital to check on the baby and Mummy. Aunt Chae will be here. Are you two going to behave?”

“Yest!” Nako hopped on her chair. Yes! She can finally have a new playmate other than her annoying brother.

“Is Mummy and Daddy going long?” Yujin asked. Trying to steal a biscuit from Nako. Nako groaned and slapped his hand instead.

“Auch!” The little boy quickly learned not to mess with a hungry girl.


“Not long since you two will fight each other 3 seconds after Mummy turns her back” Eunbi mocked the kids. Who obviously doesn't get it.

“I’ll be taking a few minutes to change,” she rose and kissed Sakura’s cheek. Something unnecessary but it’s kind of is. Especially after the tender morning Sakura rolled into the bed hugging her tight and warm.

Sakura cleaned the table with the help of the two rascals and forcefully dragged them to the living room couch.


“Why Cho and Ding can’t follow?” Yujin asked his Daddy. Not lifting his eyes from his iPad.

“Because we’re doing social distancing”

“Saucer disc and Ding?” Yujin creased his forehead. Unable to grasp what his Daddy said.

“Nevermind buddy. We’re just having time to not get too close with each other since virus could spread”

“But Daddy is close to Ding. And Cho too”

“Well maybe Daddy does it on purpose” Sakura smirked. Yujin ran away with the iPad sitting on the playmat leaving Sakura on the sofa alone watching Nako making block building.

The bell rang and Nako quickly ran to it, trying to reach the knob. “Aunt Chae!” she giggles as Sakura opens the door revealing Nako’s favourite person after her parents and her toys. And also Dr Jiho.

Yujin remains underground on her list; for now.

“Where’s Uncle Hi?” Yujin asked from his iPad. Skinny long legs are hanging on the couch.

“He could not make it since we’re having quarantine”

“Then only Aunt Chae here”

“Yes!” Chaewon nodded.



“Daengie…” Sakura walked to his son.

“Aunt Chae won’t play with me. She only plays with Cho and Aunt Chae always loses when she plays with Ding. Uncle Hii is so good when he plays with me. Hmph!”

Chaewon snickered “I was only giving you a little taste of joy. I can easily win against you kiddo”

Yujin smirked “Aunt Chae always loses” and jerked his tongue. Running from Chaewon who is chasing after him. Leaving Nako alone beside Sakura. 


“Daddy….” Nako looked at him with the cutest puppy eyes.

“Yes baby girl..” he crouched.

“Will Daddy buy Cho ice cream?” Nako smiles and there flashes the little teeth.

Sakura gets closer to the little girl and whispers “What kind of ice cream Cho wants?”


Seriously, Nako is cute. But her taste in ice cream is kinda devastating. At least for Sakura.

“Anything for my baby girl” he kissed the little cheeks and Eunbi walked down to the scene.

“What is Daddy and Cho doing?”


“Seret whut??” What the heck is this kid saying?

“It’s Daddy’s and Nako’s secret. Mummy isn’t part of this”

‘Oh Now I get it’ Eunbi smirked. ‘This is such lame tactic Sakura’

“I see someone redeeming himself with ice cream”


“You both make sure to behave okay? Don’t give Aunt Chae hard time”

“Aunt Chae gives Ding hard time” Yujin shouted as Chaewon playfully chokes his little neck.

“Ayye Chae, that's my son. Don’t kill him”

“No I won’t” Chaewon's evil smile appeared.

“Ding is a hero! Ding will live!” Yujin bite Chaewon’s arm and ran to the living room. Snatching his iPad before anyone could catch him.


The adults just watched as the little boy built his own fort with cushions and Nako’s blanket.

Chaewon sighs “Please come back soon or I’ll sell Yujin at eBay”

“Welp, good luck with your bargain” Eunbi smirked and walked to the car.

“We’ll split 50-50” Sakura chuckles and close the door.


Something pulls Chaewon’s shirt. Nako. Looking at her with those little shiny puppy eyes.

“Aww my favourite kid, what’s wrong?”

“Can Cho have ice cream?”

Melted, Chaewon nodded “Sure! Let’s have it together”

And off the two to the kitchen together. Leaving unbothered Yujin with his iPad.


Eunbi was smiling from ear to ear.

“I already expected the gender since you become so clingy lately”

Eunbi glanced at Sakura “Is it wrong? 🤨”

Sakura chuckles nervously “No! I like fluffy bunny Eunbi but you’re a bit more clingier now”

“I hear a but so you don’t like it”

“No baby you're taking this the wrong way”

“What is the right way then?”

“The ‘But’ isn't to distinguish good from bad. It is for the differences in your behaviour. It doesn’t justify my likelihood of your clinginess. If anything, I like you being clingy on me. You are always a strong woman who knows what she wants and can even do things by herself. So when you becomes clingy with me you make me feel so strong and somehow I know, you believe me”


Eunbi was stoked. She gulped and put on a strong facade.

But little does she know her lips forming a pout and that’s how Sakura knows she’s actually being a bit smug and shy.

“I always been like that since day one”

“What? Being clingy?”

Eunbi nodded furiously “Yes!”

“Tch, says someone who doesn't even need me to fix her lightbulb. Or pipe. Or television. Or car. I’m trying to be a gentleman”

“You are a gentleman. I just happen to be smart and also acquired strength of a thousand men”

“Nice to know I married Becca Swanson”

Eunbi shot him a glare. To which Sakura playfully nudged.

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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221 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1755 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
221 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1755 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1755 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!