I don't like my smile.

I don't like my smile.


Because of AFF's minor (or major) glitch days back, my completed one-shot got deleted!!!!!!!!!!!

So yup! :3 I'm back and because I didn't save the full story on my laptop I had to type the last part out when I can't even remember what I wrote :/

I hope you guys like it!!! xx ^^

pictures & GIFs not mine!




Seomi mentally squealed when she saw him in the library again. No, she wasn't stalking him, she was admiring from afar. She had made a mental note that he'd always come on Tuesdays and Fridays to the public library, and had found out his name because he'd worn his uniform to the library for a couple of times. But the weird thing that intrigued Seomi was how he was always wearing a mask. She would always imagine how the lower part of his face would look like if he had taken off his mask.


Seomi first saw him when she went to the public library on a fateful Tuesday. She was beginning her junior year, and things were starting to get busy. On the second week of school there was already a project handed to her class, that's why she had to go to the library to do some research. She carried the heavy books she'd picked out and walked to the nearest table, setting them down. She took out her laptop and started reading the books, taking note of some facts that could not be found on the internet. After 30 minutes of non-stop work, she took a break and stretch a little. That's when she noticed a tiny bunch of blonde hair sticking out from behind a book.


She stood up and bent over the table a little to find a sleeping blonde-headed teen behind a book. 'Cute' She thought to herself. Smiling, she returned to work. An hour after her break, the boy behind the book woke up and rubbed his eyes. Seomi looked up from her laptop and took a glance at the boy. He had blonde hair, beautiful eyes, but the mask he was wearing covered the lower half of his face. A smile tugged on her lips when his eyes travelled to hers. His gaze on her was gentle, but he flinched at a crashing sound that was coming from the left. Apparently, a teenage boy had knocked over a few books from the shelf, and when both of them looked back to each other from that temporary distraction, his eyes turned hard and cold. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he stood up and walked away. Seomi smiled in interest, and soon returned to doing her research.


She perked up in interest when she saw him at the library on other days too. A bunch of projects were waiting for her to complete yet she goes to the library only to find herself gazing at him. He was always wearing his mask, not once he was without it. She soon noticed that there were repetitive patterns as to which day he would be at the library. From then on, even if she didn't have any homework or project, she'd find herself lingering around the library, just absorbing his presence. Being able to look at him made her feel contented and filled. Every night she'd find herself lost in her chain of thoughts, Jung Daehyun, she'd whisper. 


Throughout this period of time, just admiring Daehyun from afar, only her closest friend Jiyeon knew about this. She didn't want to look silly so she didn't tell anyone, but Jiyeon heard her murmuring Daehyun's name and decided to interrogate her about it, that's when Jiyeon came to know of the story.


With a blink of an eye, eight months have passed and Valentine's Day was approaching. Needless to say, Jiyeon tried to persuade Seomi to do something about her feelings but Seomi would just reject the idea. It wasn't because she didn't like him, she just had the fear of rejection. Every time she said she'd talk to Daehyun, she would back out when she saw him.


It was the thirteenth of February. After countless heart-to-heart talks, Jiyeon had finally persuaded Seomi to approach Daehyun. And she did.


14th February. Confessions were made, hands were linked and affection was displayed. This year, maybe because Seomi was extra sensitive thanks to Daehyun, she felt that there were a lot more couples in school. Walking around the campus, she began to waver. What if she got rejected? What if she didn't turn out to be as blissful as these couples? What if Daehyun thought she was creepy? Noticing the frown on her face made Jiyeon worried. She ran to Seomi's side and talked to her, hopefully being successful enough to draw her attention away.


Hours passed and school ended. It was time to head to the library. She walked in the the library, craning her neck to find any sign of Daehyun's presence. Her hope faltered a little when she found that he wasn't there. Little did she know, he was leaning against a wall in a corner, smiling at her. Seomi took out her books and began to read while she waited for Daehyun. Every five minutes she would look away from her book and continue searching for Daehyun. She was about to look up from her book again when he came and sat in front of her. She looked up and got a shock, choking on her saliva. Daehyun looked into her eyes and they felt lost in each other's gazes. He broke the silence when he said a very muffled 'hi'.


She felt her heart stop for a moment when she heard his voice and never once have she thought that he'd approach her first. He leaned back into his seat and scratched his hair awkwardly, while she looked at the table. He played with a bracelet in his hand till he realised that he was supposed to give it to her. Feeling nervous, his palms began to sweat and just looking at her would make his heart flutter. Seomi on the other hand was blushing as red as a tomato and she could feel the butterflies in her tummy waiting to burst out.


He sat up from the chair and slid the bracelet across the table, not daring to look into her eyes. "For you." Swiftly, he stood up and took up his bag, wanting to go. Seomi on the other hand was too shocked. She looked at the bracelet that had an intricate design and a heart-shaped charm hanging from it, and could not utter anything at all. When he turn around, she finally managed to find her voice and said, a little too loudly, "Wait!" Scrambling to stand up, she dug into her bag and took out the box of cookies she had baked for him the previous night. Smiling at her gift for him, she stretched out her hands to hand her gift to him. He turned back and looking at her actions, he began to smile. Subconsciously she began to mumble when she saw him smile. "You have a beautiful smile."


2 years down the road, Seomi and Daehyun were lying on the couch, cuddling with each other. Her head rested on his collarbone and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She giggled mentally in memory of how they had ended up like what they are now. Wearing a smile, she looked up to his face and poked his lips. "So tell me... Why were you wearing that mask 2 years back again?"


He furrowed his brows as he pretended to be deep in thought, then he opened his eyes and spoke, "Because.... I didn't like my smile. But now I've found someone who loves me just the way I am, right?" She smiled gleefully as he winked and kissed her forehead.

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Chapter 1: daehyun ah why would u not like your own smile? do you know how many of us melted from that smile? hahah
author nim thanks for the story ~ ^^
Chapter 1: Awww baby boo I love your smile =) it melt my heart.
StringsandHoneys9 #3
Aw!!! So cute!!! <3
nawwww so cute!<3 i love it :D
OMG!!! I love it!!!
But why wouldn't he like his smile?? He is totally adorable!!! His smile totally kills me!!! Love your story alot!!!<3
since07 #6
waaa it's so cute~~ I never thought he was gonna be the first one saying something. I like it! =D
Negaii #7
So cute, so cute.!!!
CUTEEEEEEEEEEE! squealing like a pig here! XD. I LOVE YOUR STORY! HWAITING! ^^