The messiah resurrected.

Love is mental.

“God, my head is killing me”

“Oh my god! Amber!”

The tomboy slowly opened her eyes and registered the whole room, it was bright white, almost blinding. She woke up to the worst headache she ever experienced, was dry and throat was itchy, almost like a hangover, but she doesn’t remember drinking.

“Luna?” She asked, slowly turning her head to the girl that was sitting beside the bed.

“I’m right here, Am” Luna said, standing from the chair to position herself beside the lost short-haired girl.

“Am I in the hospital?” Amber asked, rubbing her forehead.

“Yeah, you scared us, Liu” The shorter girl said, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.

“For how long have I been sleeping?” The tomboy asked, trying to sit on the bed but a sharp pain on her abdomen made her flinch. “Ow, what the hell?”

“You’ve been unconscious for the past two days, Amber” The other said. “Krystal stabbed you” She added, helping her ex reincorporate.

“Yeah, I remember now”


Luna was peacefully sleeping, she needed some good sleep since tomorrow she was going to be working full time to prepare TWICE’s next comeback. She faintly snored when a beeping sound woke her up. She rolled on her bed to check her phone and jerked her back up in surprise. It was a text from Krystal, telling her to call 911 and that Amber was hurt.

Her heart was racing and she imagined the worst, does this mean that Jung did something to them? What was she going to find?

She quickly dialed the number and gave the address, without changing her pajamas she ran all over her apartment looking for her car keys, then she frenetically opened the door and entered the iconic green Spark to blast the gas, hoping to make it on time. She dashed through the highway and made it to the hospital in what was a new record of one hour.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for Amber Liu and maybe her girlfriend, Jung Soojung” She asked a nurse on her way in.

“We just had an Amber Liu admitted in E.R, she’s in room 5” The nurse said, checking some papers.

“Thanks” Luna shortly said, running her way to the room. When she arrived, she saw Amber lying on the bed and like three different doctors surrounding her, checking her blood pressure, trying to stop the hemorrhage and the final one trying to tube her. She didn’t understand a single thing, where was Krystal? Why was Amber hurt? Who did this? Upon seeing her worried face, a nurse in charge of Amber approached the troubled short girl.

“Are you here for Amber Liu?” She asked and Luna nodded, her eyes never leaving the horrible scene.

“Were you there when the accident happened?” The nurse insisted in making questions.

“Why?” Luna asked, turning to look at the nurse who was taking notes.

“We believe it wasn’t an accident, she was stabbed” The nurse said.

“What happened? I just came from Seoul” The tanned girl asked.

“The report says they found her lying on the living room floor, covered in blood and almost unresponsive to stimuli, when they located the wound it appeared to be caused by a knife, the reports are being filed to the police since they agreed someone stabbed her, all we know by now is that the person who did it is a notorious right-handed and avoided contact with her spleen, but they did severed it” The girl in the uniform explained.

It all made sense now, Krystal stabbed Amber.

“Is she going to be okay?” Luna asked, calming a little bit.

“The doctors are trying to stop the hemorrhage, but if that doesn’t help, they might need to perform a splenectomy”

“What in the hell is a splenectomy?” The shorter girl asked, confused by the terminology.

 “That’s just the removal of the spleen, but it can leave her with a really compromised immune system” And with that the nurse left.

Luna couldn’t believe what just happened, they were fine days ago, Amber and Krystal were having the time of their lives, living peacefully. Or were they only playing pretend for the sake of Hwa-young? She asked herself, it was no secret that Krystal wasn’t ready for this ‘parent’ life and that she was barely coping with the fact that her father left her behind and never came back, but stabbing Amber? Now that is some psychopath .

Luna notified Mrs. Liu and Jackie, who managed to get to the hospital just an hour after the doctors told Luna that the hemorrhage was controlled and that they were waiting for Amber to wake up. Jackie and her ex-sister in law where sitting in the waiting room, sipping on cold coffee and eating tasteless sandwiches, waiting for the nurse to give them permission to see Amber.

“How did this happen, Luna?” Jackie asked, looking at the T.V tuned in the weather channel.

“I still don’t know what she did to piss her off… but I’m pretty sure this was Krystal” Luna said, looking at her coffee.

“I thought she was cured” The tomboy’s sister said, still looking at the T.V

“Well, she never missed a session with Wendy” The shorter girl said, standing up to dispose of her coffee in the nearest trash can.

“That doesn’t mean she was stable” Jackie said, following Luna.

“Look, Jackie. I’m really sorry I wasn’t there to monitor every God damned move Krystal did, but you need to understand that Amber wasn’t stable either” Luna sternly said.

“Are you saying my sister is a psycho?” The taller girl snapped, crossing her arms in front of a nonchalant Luna.

“Nobody was a psycho, not even Krystal” She said, walking back to her seat. “Believe it or not she was just troubled by her past, her father made her believe she was crazy just to keep her safe from God knows what. And Amber, oh Amber… she never got rid of her messiah complex, so there you have it. An obvious time bomb ticking its way to oblivion” She added, crossing her legs.

“Amber didn’t do this to herself, she was stabbed, this is felony” Jackie said, dumbfounded by Luna’s denial on blaming Krystal.

“It is felony if Amber says it’s felony” The younger smirked.

“Oh, she is pressing charges” The tomboy’s sister assured.

“Whatever you say, Jackie”

Two days passed since Amber was being monitored for a possible heart attack, losing that amount of blood can lead to serious consequences and the doctors were making sure she was stable. After the little talk with Jackie, Luna was able to stay in Amber’s room where the visitors passed by through the day. Wendy came over with Hwa-Young and stayed a little to see if Amber was ever to wake up, Jackie and her mother came by too but only Luna stayed with her 24/7, just like the old times.

“You know, you’re lucky I never stopped loving you” Luna said, caressing the tomboy’s short hair.

“I’m glad we’re still friends, Liu” She continued, placing a kiss on Amber’s forehead. “I just wished we would’ve lasted a little more”


“What did you do? Why did she stab you?” Luna asked, concerned she crossed her arms, waiting for a response.

“I guess I pissed her off” The tomboy nonchalantly said.

“Amber… be honest, I thing I deserve it” The ex-girlfriend pleaded.

Amber roamed her eyes in the room and found a small bag of clothes on the floor, so she stayed here the whole two days… she thought. “Fine” She complained. “She was leaving with Jung so I told her not to, when she was about to go through the door I tried to stop her by hugging her… she raged and stabbed me so she could free herself from my grip”

“And there it is” Luna rolled her eyes.


“Jackie came here the first day announcing how you were a saint and that Krystal should be locked up when we all know you had something to do with it, God, Amber” She sighed, sitting back on her chair.

“I ed up” Amber said, looking at the window.

“You both ed up” Luna added.

“I should’ve let her go without complaints” The tomboy said.

“She should’ve been honest with you in the first place” The shorter uttered.

“What do you mean?” Amber asked, turning to face a really bothered Luna.

“She was just playing pretend, Amber” She said as she stood up once again. “You really thought you guys were about to win the perfect family award?”

“She was trying, Luna. We were all trying” Amber snapped, ignoring the pain on her abdomen.

“She’s younger than you, she was studying, do you really think she was considering being the best mom ever?” Luna snapped back, trying to make her ex think about the possibilities.

“It wasn’t like that, she loved Hwa-Young” The short-haired girl whispered, hanging her head low.

“She tried to give you the life you dreamt of… but she couldn’t, Am” Luna finished her sentence as they were interrupted by a uniformed guy.

“Good evening, miss Liu. I’m Chanyeol from Busan P.D and I would like you to answer some questions, if you don’t mind” The tall guy asked, taking out a small notebook and a pen.

“What’s wrong, officer?” Amber asked, trying to look confused but she knows where this is going.

“Miss do you mind if-“

“No, she can stay” The tomboy cut off the officer before he asked Luna to leave the room.

“As you wish” He said, putting back his notebook and pen, placing his hands inside of his pant’s pockets. “You see, the hospital filed a report, they say someone stabbed you. By the looks of what they found it was most likely a felony, occurred in a house that wasn’t even on your name” The man said, raising a brow.

“I rent the place”

“Of course you do” The officer wasn’t biting a thing Amber said. “What about the aggressor? How were they like?”

“Look man, I know you’re just doing your job and stuff, but I don’t press charges” The short-haired girl said, looking into the man’s eyes. “You can leave”

“The case is filed miss, with or without you we will find the culprit” The officer said and walked out of the room.

“You don’t press charges? Why is this not a shocker?” Luna said, restless.

“I don’t want them to her up, if anyone is going to give her what she deserves it’s got to be me” Amber said.

“You can fool yourself but I know you don’t want her behind bars”

“That’s not it, Luna” The older complained, annoyed.

“You still love her cause she’s your baby’s mommy” Luna teased.

“Shut the u-“

“Amber, I know where Krystal is” Victoria swung the door open and entered the room panting like crazy.

“Where?” The tomboy asked, eyes wide open.

“Onew told me she was getting on a plane with Jung, they are in L.A” The guardian said, gaining composure.

“Well, let’s go, we need to- ow!” Amber tried to get out of bed but resulted in one of the stitches coming off, a sharping pain filled her gut.

“Jesus, Amber” Luna exclaimed as she gently tried to lay Amber o her bed while Victoria called for a nurse. “Stop being stupid, Liu. Think about Hwa-Young… do you really want to see her again?”

“…yes” The older sighed.

“Then focus on your recovery, Krystal is not coming back and I don’t see why you need to go after her anyways” The shorter scolded her.

“Luna… I really want her back, I swear to God she wasn’t faking it… I need her home, I don’t want Jung to get her killed”

“God, Amber. You really need to forget about her, you don’t want Jung to get her killed but she’s slowly killing you”

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I apologize if the ending was disappointing in any way👀 I will make it up by uploading some oneshots about the Kryber family later on, if you are interested👀


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2072 streak #1
Chapter 13: Still reading
2072 streak #2
Chapter 28: I love this story so much
2072 streak #3
Chapter 13: Rereading this story again!
2072 streak #4
Chapter 29: I love the way you describe the messiah complex in this story. Totally relatable and surprisingly common but we often don't acknowledge it
Hey author you had make this story to disable offline reading.Can you change is please?
snackplate #6
Chapter 30: I have two things to say.
1. Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Mental health is same important as physical health. You did great at explaining & tackling the issue.
2. Stay strong & have faith. Ignore the bad people, go have fun & make new friends. You can do it author!
2072 streak #7
Chapter 30: I’m reading this again and again
2072 streak #8
Chapter 8: Amber does indeed have a messiah complex, but I don’t know what would happen if she doesn’t have that. Where would they go? For the better or worse?
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: No wonder why Liu is an after this, damn Jung is crazy
2072 streak #10
Chapter 29: Wait there IS an epilogue