Home sweet home.

Love is mental.

“Why are you giving me this?” Krystal asked upon receiving the keys her dad just gave her.

“Because I want to make things right, even if it’s too late” He said and signaled his guards to Soojung out of the house. There he was, biding her little girl goodbye, like the first time. He pictured her again with her princess backpack, waving back at him as Jessica and her stepped on the plane, his heart ached and tears wanted to fall.

“I’ll see you soon, love” He whispered and locked himself in the room again.

Krystal walked out of the house inspecting the keys, she fidgeted with them, she couldn’t understand why her father was neglecting her once again. Different thoughts ran in her head, thoughts of her father being secretive about something bigger, she’s almost sure that he’s going to do something he might regret later.

She looked up to se Amber, still leaning on her Camaro and patiently waiting for her, as soon as she saw Soojung walking out of that damned house, she sighed in relief.

“You guys really needed some bonding time” The tomboy said, opening the car’s door for Krystal.

“I guess” She shortly said as she climbed inside and looked back at the house.

“Here” Amber said as she handed her a black face mask.

“What’s this for?” She asked.

“We’re going on a date” Amber cheerfully said.

“Really…?” Krystal asked, completely distracted by the keys.

“Why? What’s wrong?” The older asked while eyeing Soojung and saw the keys she was holding. “You wanna go somewhere else? We can go on a date any other time” She added.

“No, Am. Let’s have the date” Soojung shook her head. She just came from talking with her father but now her attention needs to be on Amber.

“Sweet” The short-haired girl cheered, gaining a smile from Krystal.

Amber started the car and drove to a small park near the restaurant area. The fact that it was January didn’t bother all the people walking down the sidewalk, they marched holding coffee, small bags with cakes in them, walking their dogs and riding bikes. It was a long time since Soojung experienced freedom like this, she was now going on a date with Amber and that excited her.

“So, what did your dad say?” Amber broke the silence.

“Pretty much everything” Krystal said, looking out the window. “He confessed he made me think I was sick, he said my mom sent him a divorce petition and admitted on being the worst father ever… but still, he gave me these keys to a house in Busan” She added, handing Amber the keys as she parked the Camaro.

“Oh, so now he’s being a responsible father?” She complained but Krystal didn’t reply. “Wait… you believe him?” She asked, raising a brow.

“Well, he said the truth, Amber. I don’t see why he would start lying to me again” Soojung confessed.

“Alright” The tomboy said, leaning closer to Krystal. “We can go to Busan when we are done with the date” She said, kissing her softly. Krystal felt a warm wave flooding her heart, she didn’t expect Amber to be so accepting and easy going with the issue. Soojung’s hands traveled to her girlfriend’s cheeks and deepened the kiss.

“Wow, chill” Amber joked as she started to feel Krystal’s moves. “Let’s go” She said and exited the Camaro, then she opened the door for Krystal.

Soojung put on the black mask Amber gave her in order for no one to recognize her, she grabbed the tomboy’s hand and started walking on the park. This is what it feels like? She asked herself, glancing at Amber. She felt butterflies, her hands were sweaty and she was blushing a little, she was falling in love. As she thought earlier, she wasn’t expecting her girlfriend to be easy going with her plan of going to Busan, she thought Amber was going to freak out and demonize the house, but instead she took the time to listen to her and support her decision.

“What are you thinking about?” Amber asked her, waking her up from her trance.

“Us” She replied, looking at the beautiful scenery.

“Yeah? What about us?” Amber said, blushing in anticipation.

“How about we live together in Busan?” The younger asked, turning to face the taller girl.

“I don’t know Krys…” She hesitated.

“C’mon, Am. We can live in the house my dad left me and this way we won’t bother Luna anymore” She tried to convince her.

“Let’s race it” She replied playfully.

“Seriously? What are you, five?” Soojung rolled her eyes at her girlfriend childishness.

“What? Are you afraid? If you win, we live in Busan. If I win, we live in a beautiful apartment near Han River… how’s that sound?” Amber grinned.

“Oh my God. You’re the worst” Krystal complained, letting go of Amber’s hand and getting ready to race.

“Ready… set…” The tomboy said, eyeing Soojung. “GO!” She finished and ran as fast as she could, leaving Krystal behind. Amber thought of how her girlfriend was excited about the only thing her father left her after so many years of neglecting her and doing all the things he did to harm her. It was unfair to not give it a chance, just like Krystal gave her father another chance.

In the middle of the race, Soojung was tailing Amber and suddenly, the tomboy fell to the floor as her girlfriend passed her.

“Are you okay?” Krystal asked her as she approached to help her reincorporate.

“Yeah, a cramp” She replied, rubbing her ankle.

“I won” Soojung cheered, sticking her tongue to Amber.

“I guess you did” The older shortly replied as she stood up. It was impossible for Krystal to outrun Amber, so she thought of letting her win. She pretended to be injured to let Soojung pass her and give her the satisfaction, and oh man, it was priceless seeing her big round eyes sparkling in gratification.

“Wanna grab some ice cream?” The short-haired girl asked.


 The girlfriends walked hand in hand to the ice cream shop, as they entered a few girls started whispering “Aren’t they Donghae and Yoona?!“I think they’re dating!” “Omo, Donghae Oppa…” Krystal and Amber found it funny so they pretended to be them for a while and ended up being followed by a small group of girls until they decided to give them space. They giggled as they finished their ice cream cones and walked to a bench to sit and admire the view. While Soojung was looking at the trees and leaves on the floor, Amber was staring lovingly at her. She roamed from her eyes, to her nose and finally landed her sight on her lips covered by only a mask, Krystal was aware of that, and she smirked mentally. Finally, Amber gained the courage to pull her girlfriend closer, dragged the mask down to her chin and connected their lips together on a sweet kiss. Soojung felt her cheeks burn as her girlfriend was not only kissing her, but doing it in public, the butterflies in her stomach fluttered everywhere and with her eyes closed, she smiled in the kiss.

They spent hours and hours walking, kissing and goofing around each other, and when Krystal was ready, they decided to go to Busan. Amber didn’t want to leave her car, so she decided to drive to Busan, there was no traffic whatsoever and they made it to the city in about 5 hours. Once there, they started looking for the address engraved in the key, and after another hour they finally found the house.

It was a huge mansion, hidden in the small forest, almost five minutes away from the actual city. It was white combined with small wooden decorations, big windows a garage and a front gate. Amber parked the Camaro right in front of the gate and squinted her eyes to have a better look of the lock.

“It’s a Digi code” She said.

“Try 10-24-94” She commanded.

Amber nodded and stepped out of the car to push the buttons, she dialed the code Soojung gave her and the gates opened followed by a congratulatory beep.

 “How did you know the code?” The tomboy asked while now parking the car inside the mansion’s territory.

“My dad is a simple man, so I thought he used my birthday” Soojung replied, still looking in awe at the house.

The girls exited the Camaro and walked towards the big wooden door, Krystal took the keys and inserted one in the lock and opened the door before them. The first thing they see as they enter the house is the big living room to their right, a greyish couch sitting on the middle of the room, red carpet and a small table with some books and plant decorations, a big brick wall in front of the couch with a chimney on the bottom and a big flat screen T.V hanging on the top. Following the living room was the main dining room, a small dark wooden table with a white vase on top of it, white chairs and big windows, letting the light from the sun hit the house. To their left was the kitchen, white walls and furniture, with a considerably long kitchen island and white chairs.

“Damn, Krys. This place is fancy” Amber said, looking at the furniture with big surprised eyes.

“I never thought it was going to be something like this” She replied, following her girlfriend to the kitchen. Behind the kitchen there was a small place with two wooden couches outside, a metal professional-like grill and a swing hanging from a tree branch.

“There are too many windows though. It’s making me crazy” The tomboy complained as she walked down the glassy corridor to find some wooden stairs perfectly placed in between glass, it looked like the steps were floating.

“I found the stairs” She notified Krystal and she followed.

As they came up the stairs a small Zen garden greeted them on the other side of a windowed door. They walked towards the master bedroom and opened the door to reveal a king size bed with white covers and grey pillows, two night tables with their respective lamps, a brick wall just like in the living room with a flat screen T.V and a chimney.

 “Tell me again you don’t want to live here” Soojung mocked Amber as she dropped her body on the bed.

“I mean the place is crazy but… how did he pay for it?” The older asked, roaming through the room.

“I thought you knew he’s the C.E.O” She replied, jerking her back up, now sitting on the bed.

“Yeah, princess. But look at this place, it’s ing expensive, even for a C.E.O like him” Amber reasoned, standing in front of her girlfriend.

“I’m going to the garage” Soojung said, completely ignoring the tomboy as she walked downstairs.

“God damn it, Krystal” Amber cursed as she was left in the master bedroom. Mr. Jung being a C.E.O still didn’t explain where he got the money from, the older knew that something was off, something didn’t add up.

The ice-looking girl hopped her way to the garage’s door from inside the house, she passed by the small table in the living room and a yellow note caught her eye. She approached to the table and grabbed the note.


If you’re reading this please know that we care for you and Soojung. Your mother and I decided that it’s better for you girls to live here in Busan instead of that exposed house in Seoul so we made sure to find the perfect house to fit your and Soojung’s needs. I know we’re fighting a lot lately… but you need to understand that everything we do is to secure a better future for you.

Take care of your sister, she needs you the most.

I promise Jessica that when the time comes Soojung and you will learn the truth, but for now it is better if you aren’t involved in this crazy situation, as a father I’ve made many mistakes and you are the one who suffered them as you needed to take a big responsibility that wasn’t yours at the moment, I know how you needed to be mature and look out for Soojung even when you were little girls.

This house now belongs to you and Soojung, your names are on the papers, and don’t worry, it’s not what you think, I saved money since my worker days to be able to pay for it and the car.

We’ll see you soon, be safe.

“Oh my God, dad…” Soojung whispered as she finished reading the note.

So, Jessica knew something was off…She thought. She doesn’t remember her sister fighting with her parents or even calling them when they lived in Seoul and now that her father bided her goodbye, she wasn’t sure if she was ever going to be able to find out if Jessica complained about Jung’s funny business.

She shook her head and resumed her walk to the garage; she opened the door and a beautiful Dodge Challenger SXT was parked. TorRed on the outside and Ruby Red seats on the inside, imported all the way from California.

“Holy …” Krystal said.

“What? What did you- HOLY ” Amber exclaimed behind Soojung.

“You gotta let me drive that beauty” She said as she walked to the car, hands all over it.

“Nope, it’s mine and mine only” Soojung teased Amber, sticking her tongue out.

“But you stole my car once” The older whined.

“We need to go get our stuff from Luna’s place” Krystal changed the subject.

“Let’s get going before it gets dark” The taller girl suggested.

“Sure” The ice-looking girl said as she walked to the living room followed by Amber.

The tomboy drove to a train station to buy two tickets, she thought that this time because they were just going for their luggage it was better to take the train, rather than driving for ten hours in total as round trip. They jumped in the train, found their sits and in less than a minute Krystal was sound asleep, resting her head on Amber’s shoulder. Two hours passed and they arrived to Seoul, the tomboy woke her girlfriend up and they proceeded to take a cab to Luna’s apartment.

They arrived to Luna’s and entered the apartment, nobody was home, it was barely 5 pm and Luna comes back until 10. The girls grabbed their things, cleaned the room and left a note for Luna thanking her for her kindness. They repeated the train ritual and made it to Busan until 7 pm.

Arriving to the forest mansion, they unpacked their stuff and accommodated everything as they wished.

“We need to go grocery shopping” Krystal said as she opened the refrigerator to find out that it was empty.

“There’s some instant noodles here” Amber said as she searched in the cabinets.

“Sweet” Soojung said, upon her girlfriend putting two cups of ramyun on the counter.

“We can go grocery shopping tomorrow… I’m kinda tired” The tomboy said, rubbing her neck.

“Am” Soojung called her girlfriend, walked towards her and put her arms around her sore neck, massaging it. “Thank you… for everything you’ve done so far” She continued, eyes piercing Amber’s soul.

“It’s nothing, princess” The older replied, placing a small kiss on the other’s lips.

“No, really. You’ve been doing so much for me since day one… and I just wanted to say that…” Krystal thought of all of the things Amber’s done for her. From helping her escape the hospital, to waiting for her hours and hours when she was in therapy. She thought of how much effort Amber was putting in the relationship and how she rewarded her with nothing but vague actions and indifferent looks. “I’m really glad you’re here with me tonight” She added. She was being distracted by her father for the past few days, and didn’t pay proper attention to Amber, it was the first time they went on a date and now that they had a place to stay, a house for themselves, it was time to give her girlfriend the place she deserves.

“I’m here with you, and I won’t ever leave your side” Amber said, placing her hands on Krystal’s waist.

 “I’m a lucky girl”

“Of course you are” The older wasted no time and started kissing Krystal softly, she ran her hands from Soojung’s back to her waist and lifted her, sitting her on the kitchen isle. They pulled back and forth in the kiss, Krystal’s hand ruffling the tomboy’s hair as she slightly moaned in between the kisses.

“Let’s have some privacy” Amber said and carried Soojung bridal-style to their bedroom, running away from the kitchen’s huge windows. She carefully placed her girlfriend on the bed and in a matter of seconds, took her shirt off, revealing the tattoos the younger loved. She crawled on top of Krystal and started kissing her again, this time more demanding, inviting her to sweet heaven, she moved her hands to the bottom of Krystal’s shirt and pulled it out rapidly, staring lovingly at her eyes.

“You’re so beautiful, Jung Soojung” Amber said with her husky voice, sending shivers all over her girlfriend’s body as she heard her name rolling out of the other’s tongue.

 “I know” She said as she smirked at the scene of her so-hot-girlfriend her lips in front of her.

Amber went for Soojung’s neck, kissing it and leaving love bites all over her porcelain-like skin, she ran her hands on Krystal’s abs, carefully caressing her scars with her fingertips. She then moved her head down to start kissing every single scar, just like the last time, staring lovingly at Soojung in the process, the younger caressed the tomboy’s hair, signaling her to go even lower. Amber got the sign and in no time she placed her hands on Krystal’s jeans, ing and ping them as she slowly pulled them down.


“Yes, princess?”

“I love you”

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I apologize if the ending was disappointing in any way👀 I will make it up by uploading some oneshots about the Kryber family later on, if you are interested👀


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2072 streak #1
Chapter 13: Still reading
2072 streak #2
Chapter 28: I love this story so much
2072 streak #3
Chapter 13: Rereading this story again!
2072 streak #4
Chapter 29: I love the way you describe the messiah complex in this story. Totally relatable and surprisingly common but we often don't acknowledge it
Hey author you had make this story to disable offline reading.Can you change is please?
snackplate #6
Chapter 30: I have two things to say.
1. Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Mental health is same important as physical health. You did great at explaining & tackling the issue.
2. Stay strong & have faith. Ignore the bad people, go have fun & make new friends. You can do it author!
2072 streak #7
Chapter 30: I’m reading this again and again
2072 streak #8
Chapter 8: Amber does indeed have a messiah complex, but I don’t know what would happen if she doesn’t have that. Where would they go? For the better or worse?
2072 streak #9
Chapter 2: No wonder why Liu is an after this, damn Jung is crazy
2072 streak #10
Chapter 29: Wait there IS an epilogue