
Silent Love

Baboblueboy’s POV



“Gaeun Unnie! Over here!” A voice said as she looked up and saw who was calling her.

"Ah. Hyeona. How's your summer going?" Gaeun asked.

"Doing pretty good. How about yours?"

"It's meh." Gaeun said as she 

"How’s it going with your crush?" Hyeona asked

"Oh? Chaeyoung? I haven’t seen her since the last day before summer vacation.”

“WHA? There’s not that much time left of summer vacation. Are you giving up on her?” She asked

“No.” Gaeun replies

“You sound like you’re giving up… but it’ll be alright! Our Gaeun is cute.” Hyeona said


But my rival is more cuter than me.


“Let’s work harder for Chaeyoung to fall in love with you!”


Against her.. I don’t think so..



“I’ll go order some food for us to eat,” Hyeona said as she walked to the front counter.


Gaeun looked out the window as she said to herself


“I… also wanted to go to the festival with her.”




“Nooooo. School starts tomorrow and I didn't want to go back.” Jihyo said as she stretched and walked to the kitchen while the others were in the living room.

“Well, summer vacation was quicker than you think.” Jeongyeon said, nodding her head.

“Well, at least someone had a good summer vacation,” Nayeon said as everyone looked at the new couple while they blushed

“H-Hey, It's not like that… W-We--”

“It's okay no need to explain. We know.” Nayeon said, interrupting Chaeyoung’s sentence.

“Let’s pack up our clothes and stuff that we packed and bring it all to the front door and we’ll have breakfast and then drive back home. We should be at home around 7-ish pm.” Jeongyeon said as everyone nodded and went to their rooms. 




“Ahh.. school starts again and I don't want to go to class,” Nayeon said while walking.

“I’m tired. I wanna go home and sleep on my comfortable bed.” Sana said as she yawns at the end of her sentence.

“You’re not the only one Sana,” Momo said as she yawns as well.


They walked across the road as they were now on school grounds.


“Hey. Hey... That's--”

“Ah… The Fower Beauty, Mina.” A guy said, interrupting the other guy.


“She got even cuter over the summer vacation.” Another one said

“So cute.” 

“But... I wonder what actually happened at the festival.” Another guy said.

“Dude, that was a long time ago.”

“Let’s forget about it.”

“Hey. Hey, she’s looking over here.” 


They stared at her as Mina stared back but they looked away.


“I-I can't look at her in the eyes..” A guy said as he looked away.

“Yeah.” Another one said as he did the same.

“Me too..” As all of the boys looked away.


I don't see Chaeyoung. I wonder where she is.


“Ah. It's Jeongyeon.” Nayeon said as Mina looked up and saw Jeongyeon and her other friends were behind her.

“Hey. Good morning guys!” She said as the others bowed

“How’s the last day of your summer vacation?” She asked

“Not bad. How yours?” Nayeon asked

“Same.” She replied as she saw Mina looking around.

“If you’re looking for Chaeyoung, she should be here soon.” Jeongyeon said to Mina as Mina bow

“She had to send some papers to the teachers office.” Jihyo said


“There she is,” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung ran and is now in front of them

“Good morning everyone,” Chaeyoung said, giving a small bow

“Go stand next to your lover.” Nayeon whisper as she nudges Mina towards Chaeyoung


They were standing next to each other as they got flustered and didn't say anything.


“What happened now? They’re not talking to each other.” Nayeon said as the couple were standing 2 feet away from each other.

“Well, it's not public to everyone at the school, so it's kind of understandable,” Jeongyeon said as everyone nods

“C-Can we not talk about it here?” Chaeyoung said as Mina’s fanboys were around.

“Why not? They’ll know eventually.” Nayeon said

“Keeping it secret is hard,” Sana said as Dahyun nods

“Plus, what will you do when you get caught?” Dahyun asked.

“W-We’ll have to come clean then.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon went ‘ooh’

“Sounds like someone is confident to tell everyone about their relationship.” She said

“Please stop,” Chaeyoung said as she started walking away from everyone.

“Where are you going now?” Jeongyeon asked as Tzuyu and Jihyo followed her.

“Class,” Chaeyoung said as she lifts up her hand as she waves goodbye.

“Sorry about that. Chaeyoung can be like that sometimes. I’ll see you guys later.” Jeongyeon said goodbye and ran towards the others.

“Wait for me!” She shouted as the others started to run while laughing leaving Jeongyeon behind.

“Well, they’re gone,” Nayeon said

“We should go to class too,” Sana said as they nod


Mina looked ahead as Chaeyoung was nowhere to be seen. She let out a small sigh as her phone vibrated. She pulled out her phone as it was a message.





I’ll see you later after class.

Okay. I’ll see you then.




A small smile built up in Mina's mouth as she couldn’t help but be happy with the text Chaeyoung sent. 


“Mina is smiling.” 

“So cute.”

“I wish she would smile at me.”

“I wonder what she is smiling about?”


“A funny picture?”

“Who cares about what she is looking at. It's probably our imagination.” A boy said as they walked to class.


Nayeon and Sana heard the boys talking as they looked at each other and then back at Mina who put away her phone and pretended that nothing happened. They both smiled and thought


Chaeyoung is what she’s smiling about



After School..


“*sigh* Finally class is over. Time to go home.” Momo said as they were starting to walk home.

“Right,” Sana said as she giggled a bit 

“Should we go to the cafe to hang out a bit?” Nayeon said as they nod

“Let’s go,” Sana said

“As long as you guys are paying for food. I'm in.” Momo said 


Mina looked back up at the staircase as no one familiar was there except other students walking up and down to go home or go to their class. Mina sigh as Nayeon sees it.


“What’s wrong Mina?” She asked as she wrapped her arm around Mina’s shoulder


Mina shook her head.


“Nothing.” She said as they continued walking.


Classes mostly ended for students in the morning and some in the afternoon class while other classes in the evening were starting. Mina was standing by a lamp post a bit far from the school so no one can't recognize her. She took a peek at her phone as she saw a text message.




I'm by the lamp post that

is a bit far from school. You

will probably see me. 


Okay. I'll see in a bit.


Mina put away her phone back into her pocket as she looked up and saw a figure walk up to her as the person waved at her.


"Hey, Mina. How's your day?"

"I-I'm good. How about you, Chaeyoung?” Mina asked

“Good as well,” Chaeyoung replied

“Shall we get going?” She added as Mina nods


They walk to wherever their legs go as other students were taking a peek at them


“Are they dating?”

“No.. That would be weird.”

“Maybe friends?” 


“I wonder when they've been so close.”

“I have never seen them together before.”

“Summer break?” a person said as one gasp

“The festival?”

“It can't be. She was with a guy, not a girl.” 

“Hey.. you might not know.” 

“What should we do?”

“What do you mean? They are probably just friends.”



As they passed through the school grounds, Chaeyoung took a peek and saw no one following them.


They sure can be noisy. Chaeyoung said shaking her head


“Is something wrong?” Mina asked

“No. No. Everything is fine.” Chaeyoung said

“Is it because of what everyone was saying back there?” Mina asked as Chaeyoung looks at her

“It could’ve been. Though they were a bit too close to what they thought of us.” Chaeyoung said as Mina stops walking and looks at her

“D-Does that mean we d-don't n-need to see each other anymore?” Mina stuttered as Chaeyoung’s heart stopped as she saw a cute face that Mina made.

“N-No. W-we will see each other still.” Chaeyoung said as Mina hugs her as Chaeyoung hugs back.

“No one can break our love,” Chaeyoung added as they stood in silence for a bit.

“Shall we keep going?” Chaeyoung said as she tilts her head to look at Mina as she nods


They broke their hug as they continued walking to their destination.




“Are you into clubs or any activities?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina shook her head.

“Are you?” Mina asked back

“I was in a taekwondo club, but I “graduated” so I am done with that and also in a girl's basketball club.”

“Oooh. I didn't know you were into basketball,” Mina said

“Yea. But they haven’t put me on the floor because of taekwondo, so I left the club and played basketball for fun.” Chaeyoung said

“I see.” Mina said as they walked in silence for a couple of minutes


They reach Mina's house as she walks through the front gates as they wave goodbye to each other. Chaeyoung walks to her house as she saw Jeongyeon walking the opposite of her


“Yo.” She said as she waves at Chaeyoung

“What are you doing out here?” Chaeyoung asked

“I went to the convenience store to buy some snacks for me to eat while studying.” Jeongyeon said

“I see.” Chaeyoung said

“What were you doing?” She asked

“I walked Mina home.” She replied

“Oooh.. Lovers already walking each other home. Well, I guess you already did it before.. *gasp*” Jeongyeon gasped as she pointed at her.

“W-What?” Chaeyoung stuttered as her friend stopped talking and looking at her.

“Were you already dating her and you didn't TELL ME! *gasssssssp* Hurtful!” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung pushing her 

“I wasn’t dating her at all before. I-It was just too dark for her to be out alone.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon squint her eyes at her

“Lies,” She said

“W-What I’m not,” Chaeyoung said as she walks away.

“Our Chaeyoung is now becoming a lover before all of her friends,” Jeongyeon said, shaking her head and starting to walk with Chaeyoung.

“Hey.. you guys had some girlfriends/boyfriends, but the people you guys date don't work well.” Chaeyoung said

“That’s true, but still. Congrats.” Jeongyeon said as she pats Chaeyoung’s shoulder.

“How did you like the flower beauty anyways?” She asked as they walk home together

“I don't know exactly, but it might of been the part where we didn't see each other for a while.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon looks at her

“What do you mean?” 

“There was a day where I visited her house and apologized to her for scaring her.” Chaeyoung said as she stopped walking

“I apologized and before I could, she… she kissed me.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon stopped and looked at her


“And I told her I needed to figure out my feelings after that.” Chaeyoung said as they continue walking

“And you avoided her all day until you were ready?”

“Yea.. Until we all went on summer vacation together.” 

“Holy-- for that long?” Jeongyeon asked as she nods

“I never expect myself to find love in my college life. For what I always think, I would stay single forever. But I guess, seeing her around, makes my life different than before.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon smiled

“I'm glad. I would try to hook you up with someone, but you never accepted them."

"That's because you keep giving me people that only goes for my looks and they are all clingly. They were mostly your type of girls." Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon shook her head

"Yea.. that's true." Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung sigh.

"But seriously though, I'm glad she's the right one for you. Don't let it go. She's something." Jeongyeon said as she walked faster than Chaeyoung.

"I gotta go or else my parents are gonna wonder whats taking long. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya." Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon waved and ran home.


Chaeyoung sigh and looks on her phone.


Love huh?


She went on the google search


"How does girls fall in love." Chaeyoung muttered as she continues walking home.


After pressing the search, she finds a video of '5 ways woman fall in love' and other websites under it.


"1. She needs to get to know you as a person. 

Mmm.. that one, she knows some things about me." Chaeyoung said as she reach to the crosswalk. She stopped behind other people and waited for the light to turn.

"2. She needs to know how you think. Mmm well, we love each other so, I guess that counts?" Chaeyoung said as the lights turn and she walk across as well as other people around her

"3. She needs to know you're a good conversationalist. Uh.. we're both quiet.. ww do all short talks. Well, I guess when you're in a relationship, you have to communicate with your lover." Chaeyoung said as she reached to the other side of the street.

"4. She needs to know that you're reliable. I am reliable right?" Chaeyoung said as she reach to a park and sat on the bench

"5. She needs to know that she can be herself in front of you." Chaeyoung covered her face as she felt her face getting hot.


Why am I thinking this way.. It’s probably not talking about that.


Chaeyoung went back a page to Google search and saw other websites and videos.


I guess it's just like any other dating relationship, but just without that. Lol


"Time to head home." Chaeyoung mutters as she got up and walked home


On her way, she saw a familiar person cross the street near a convenience store as the person felt someone staring at her and saw Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked away as she continued walking home in a different direction.


“Hey Gaeun, what are you looking at.” A girl said as Gaeun looked at the girl.

“Hm? O-oh, it was nothing.” She said

“Hey, let’s go to karaoke. I’ll invite some people on our way there.” The girl said

“S-sure.” Gaeun said as they walked to the Karaoke.


Being proactive doesn't work. Being seductive doesn’t work… How did the Flower Beauty invite Son Chaeyoung to the festival? Also… Chaeyoung, she-- How does she feel towards her?




“Hey Mina, how far have you guys done it?” Nayeon said over a video chat on the laptop as Mina choke on her water and started coughing

“W-What.. Do.. you.. Mean?” Mina said between her coughs

“How far? Like until kissing? Touching?…. ?”

“Pfffffffffffffffft” Mina spitting out her water

“Eww. Why are you being that dramatic? Geez. I'm just asking” Nayeon said

“Haven’t you already falling in love with someone before?” Mina asked

“That was a long time ago. He broke up with me cause he didn't want to deal with a clingy person like me. Plus I haven’t experienced the FULL LOVE. So, did you?” Nayeon asked again.

“Did I what?” Mina asked

“Have you experienced ‘full love’ with Chaeyoung?” She asked as Mina flashed back that day




Mina saw Chaeyoung's head moving closer to hers as she felt their lips touch each other once more, but more passionate kisses. Both were panting as their breaths were being shorted. Mina, who couldn't breathe anymore, wanted to pull away, but Chaeyoung wouldn't let her and kept on kissing Mina's lips. Mina then felt something entering and roaming around hers as she was shocked at this bold Chaeyoung who had changed.

"C-chae..young." Mina said between the kisses, but Chaeyoung didn't hear.

"Ch-chae..young. Mmnngh--" Mina surprisingly let out a moan as one of Chaeyoung's right leg lifted up, touching Mina's womanhood.




“Mina!” Nayeon calling Mina as she snapped back to reality

“Y-yea?” Mina replied as still remembering the touches of that day.

“You okay? Is your face getting a bit red?” Nayeon asked as Mina looked at her mirror 

“I-I'm fine. It’s just hot in my room.” She lied, looking back at her as Nayeon smirked

“You did, didn't you?” She asked

“Did what?” Mina asked back as she kept on smirking

“Yah.. You don't need to lie to me.. I know you. You can lie to the IM Nayeon.” She said as Mina shook her head

“I haven’t done anything with her, so I don't know what you mean.” Mina said

“Then why are you blushing?” 

“I said it was hot in my room. The ac in my room turned off.” Mina lied, though her ac really turned off.


“What?” Mina asked

“Did do…” 

“Did do what?” Mina asked, trying to not guess what Nayeon was going to say.


“Ahhhhhh!!!” Mina screamed, cutting off Nayeon’s sentence as there was a knock on her door.

“Mina? Are you ok? I heard screaming.” Mina heard her mom ask as she looked at her door.

“I-it’s nothing. I was watching a scary movie with Nayeon.” Mina lied as she can hear Nayeon laughing in the background.

“Don't stay up too late, Mina.” Mom said

“I won't.” Mina said as she heard her mom walk away from the door.


Mina looked back at her computer screen as Nayeon was rolling on her bed, laughing at Mina.


“Stop laughing.” Mina said pouting as Nayeon sat up and looked at Mina/

“Hahaha… But it was funny.” Nayeon said

“You got me in trouble.” Mina said as Nayeon shook her head

“It's not my fault that you screamed.” She said

“But you were gonna --” 

“What saying that you did it with Chaeyoung? Yea, I was gonna say that. Cause I know you did.” Nayeon said as Mina looked at her.

“I said we didn't.” Mina said as Nayeon shook her head.

“You really are bad at lying.” 

“I am not.” Mina pouts

“It's pretty obvious that you two did it. The way I asked you the first time, it took you like 20 seconds to come back to reality, like something happened a long time ago, but it doesn't feel that way to you.” Nayeon said

“Is it that obvious?” Mina asked as Nayeon looked straight at her.

“Yes. Probably to my eyes. I don't know what the others think, but I definitely know that you did.” Nayeon said as Mina sigh and looked down.

“Uggggh.. So embarrassing. " Mina groaned as she covered her face with her hands.

"That's what I love about you.. But you can't lie to your best friend that has been with you for your whole life.” Nayeon said 

"that's true." Mina mutters.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow in class." she said

"Bye." Mina waves as Nayeon hung up the video chat.


 Mina closes her laptop and leans back on her bed, looking at the ceiling.




---- The Next Day ----


Mina yawns as Nayeon sees her.


“Didn't get enough sleep?” Nayeon asked as Mina shook her head.

"Was it because of what we talked about last night?" She asked again as Mina nods

"Thinking about asking her out in the motel?" Nayeon added as Mina blushed.

"S-stop… S-stop a-asking." Mina stutters as she walks faster.


Nayeon scoffed with a smile.


"She's cute when she gets embarrassed." Nayeon said as she followed Mina behind.


They reached the entrance of the school as there were a lot of students in front of the doors. They were confused. Everyone chatted with each other as they saw Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon waiting on the side.


“What’s going on?” Nayeon asked

“Hey.” Chaeyoung said softly looking at Mina only

“Hi.” Mina replied

“I believe there won't be any class for today and tomorrow.” Jeongyeon said as she looked from her phone.

“Why?” Nayeon asked as they looked at her

“It said that they’re giving today and tomorrow a day off from school because of meetings on those days that they have to attend.” 

“Well, I ain't gonna question that.’’ Nayeon grabs Mina’s hand and walks out of the crowd.

“Let's go get some food. I'm hungry.” She added as the other two shook their heads and followed them.




They reached a fast food restaurant as they looked around as it was crowded.


“Looks like everyone is eating at this place today.” Nayeon said

“Well, Class is canceled today and tomorrow.” Chaeyoung replied

“There's no seats.” Mina mutter

“It's okay.” Nayeon heard Mina

“We can get a takeout and eat somewhere else.” She added

“Like where?” Jeongyeon asked

“The park.. Duhh.” Nayeon said

“Why eat at the park when we can-”

“Hi.. I'm sorry. There isn't any room left to sit, unless you guys want to wait to be seated?” The waiter asked as they looked at each other.

“We’ll take the menu and order to-go.” Nayeon said as the waiter nods.

“Sure. No problem. I’ll give you guys a couple of minutes to order.” She said, giving them the menu as she left to help other waiters and waitresses. 

“Okay.. What should we have?” Nayeon said as she opened the menu.

“You can choose whatever.” Chaeyoung said as Nayeon looks at her

“You sure? You don't want to pick something you really crave for?” 

“Anything is fine.” Chaeyoung replied as she went on her phone.


Mina looks at her.



“*GASSSSSSSSSP* It's the flower beauty!!” A boy shouted as all the boys walked up to the shocking Mina


“How are you feeling, my beautiful Mina?” A boy asked as Mina backed away and hid behind Chaeyoung with her hand gripping on Chaeyoung’s hoodie sleeve.

“Why is she yours? She’s ours too!” Another said

“I know her more than you guys!” He shouted back

“Yea! Suuuuuure you do boy. You’re probably those boys that never leave sight, watch her 24/7, following her, eating the same foods she eats, daydreaming about her being your girl and master--” He stops as Chaeyoung reaches her hand out and covers his mouth.

“You should say that while people around you are eating their meals.” She said sternly as he looked around and everyone was taking glances at them as they ruined their appetite.


He gulped as he looked back at them.

“We love her too.. S-stop being those really obsessive fanboy stalkers and give her, her privacy.” He said as every boy backed up to give her space.

“So, what are you going to do for the day offs that the school gave us?” one of the boys asked  her as it went quiet. The boys look at each other.

“A-Are you guys ready to order?” The waitress came back as she was confused of whats going on here.

“Um.. if you guys can go back to your seats, your food is going to get cold.” She said as everyone walked to their seats.


She turned her head to them 4 and smiled


“Your orders?” She asked

“Yes… Um... We’ll have  2 hamburgers, 2 McChicken, 4 fries, 4 coke with ketchup.”

“Lots of ketchup, please.” Mina suddenly said as the waitress nods

“Okay. I’ll go get your orders ready.” She said as she left them there.

“Let’s go outside and wait. This is probably making Mina uncomfortable.” Chaeyoung said as Nayeon smiles.

“Hubby knows everything about Mina.” She teases

“Yah~!” Mina whines as Nayeon covers with a smile while Mina walks out with a blush on her face.


Mina, Nayeon and Jeongyeon waited outside as Chaeyoung came out the doors with 2 brown bags.


“Let’s go somewhere to eat before the food gets cold.” Chaeyoung said as they nod


They begin to walk to the nearby park. As they settled down at a place to eat, Mina was watching Chaeyoung closely without breaking the contact. Nayeon leaned over and whisper,


“You don’t need to stare at her intensely.” Mina breaks the contact and looks at Nayeon blushing.

“Was I really?” She whisper back as Nayeon nods

“Really.” Nayeon replies as Mina buries her head to her hands, covering her blush.

“Don’t worry.. She didn’t even notice.” Nayeon said as she was looking at Chaeyoung who was helping Jeongyeon put the food out the table.


Mina looked up and saw Chaeyoung not looking her way. 


She definitely has to saw me.. There’s no way


“Alright time to eat guys.” Jeongyeon said as they began to eat.


Chaeyoung looked up at Mina giving her some food and smiled at her as Mina smiled back and thanked her.



Before Going to School


Mina slowly sat up as her eyes were still closed. She stretched and opened her eyes slowly. She felt the sun hitting her eyes as it was reflecting its brightness on her bed. MIna lied back down and reached for her phone to look at the time. It was 2 hours before meeting with Nayeon. She saw a message icon below the time as she swiped it open.







Are you ready to go to school? 

No. I just woke up.




Mina sat up and crawled out of bed and tossed her phone on her bed as she walked to her bathroom to get ready. After a couple 25 minutes later, Mina walked out of the bathroom and went towards her closet to change her clothing. After she changed her clothes that Mina liked, she walked downstairs towards the kitchen and saw her mother cooking and her dad sitting in the dining room. MIna grabbed a 2 toast and walked towards the entrance of her house to put on her shoes. Her mother was surprised by her action as she realized that her daughter would never miss breakfast. 



“Yes Mom.”

‘Are you not going to have your breakfast today?” Her Mom asked

‘Ne. I have to meet up with Nayeon.”

“There better be no boys!” A deep voice shouted across the room

“Of course there will not be any boys.” Mina said as she shook her head.

“Hubby, you know our Mina can't be around boys.” Her mother said as her father set down his newspaper and looked at his wife

“Then how is she going to have a family of her own? How am I supposed to have grandkids?” He asked

“Don't be pressuring her and by giving her blind arrangement marriages.” Her mom said

“B-But grandkids.” He whined as her mother gave him a glare.

“F-fine. I won't do anything.” He said, picking up his newspaper to read more. 

“Okay I’m off.” Mina said after they finished their conversation.

“Bye. Have fun with Nayeon.” Her mother said as Mina opened the door and left the house as her mother waved at her goodbye and closed the door




After they were done eating, they threw away their plastic wraps and boxes as they walked to wherever their legs took them. They reached a market street as they took a look around.  


“Look at this.” Nayeon said, walking up at a store as she was looking at some stuffed animals. Mina followed her behind.

“They look cute, right Mina?” She asked as Mina nods

“What are you 7?” Jeongyeon asked as she and Chaeyoung were behind them

“So? You got a problem with that? Why do you gotta be bullying a 7 year old?” Nayeon asked sticking her tongue out as Jeongyeon scoffed

“Check your age again. You aint 7.” Jeongyeon said as Nayeon pouted and looked away.

“Ya’ll dating or something?” Chaeyoung asked, looking at them as they both looked at her and said at the same time.

“NO!” They looked at each other and then looked away.

“Who would want to date this “7” year old?” Jeongyeon asked rolling her eyes

“Who would wanna date this tall stick?” Nayeon said as Jeongyeon looked at her

“Tall stick? Who are you calling a tall stick?” She asked as Nayeon wrapped her arm around Mina’s arm.

“Mina, do you hear something?”

“Hear what?” She asked confused

“A bee.. Going buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.” Nayeon said

“YAH!” Jeongyeon shouted


Mina looked at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung shrugs.


“Um… I guess?” Mina said unsure if she made the right choice.

“Hmph.. Let’s leave. I hate hearing this bee around me.” Nayeon said as they walked away first

“Wha-What the just happened here?” Jeongyeon asked as Chaeyeon can only shrug.

“Hey.. This aint my problem. You started it.” Chaeyoung said as she apologized to the store owner about the commotion and left Jeongyeon standing there.


Chaeyoung caught up to them as they were looking at clothing.


“Chaeyoung, what do you think?” Nayeon said, showing her the clothing that she picked and Mina showing her side.

“Looks… good.” Chaeyoung said with a hint of pink on her cheeks

“Oooo. She likes what she sees.. The exposed Mina.” Nayeon teases as Mina blushes and hits Nayeon on the shoulder while Chaeyoung covers half of her face with her hand and looks away.

“I hate you doing that.” Mina said, pouting.

“It's ok. You’ll get used to it.” Nayeon said as Nayeon picked out some other clothes.

“I'm going to buy these. I’ll be back.” Nayeon said as they were left behind as Jeongyeon joined the party.

“How’s the 7 year old doing?” Jeongyeon asked

“Shopping.” Chaeyoung said as Mina nods while Jeongyeon sighs

“This is gonna take forever.” Jeongyeon said.



A couple minutes later..


“Okay. I'm done buying.” Naeyon said as she had more bags than before.

“What happened to buying the 2 clothes that you had on your hand?” Mina asked

“Oh.. um.. Well, I kinda found more and these are for you two.” Nayeon said as she passed 1 bag each to Mina and Chaeyoung

“Oh. Thanks.” Chaeyoung said as she looked inside.

“You didn't have to buy them.” Mina said

“Just thank me when you wear it tomorrow. Don't show what it is now.” Nayeon said, smiling.

“Where’s mine?” Jeongyeon asked

“Why is there still a bee following me? Shoo, shoo.” Nayeon said as she walked out of the store.

“You can ignore me forever!” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung and Mina followed behind Nayeon.

“I’m sorry!” Jeongyeon shouted.




They finished window shopping as they sat down on the chairs near a cafe. 


“I’ll be back.” Chaeyoung said as she went inside the cafe shop.

“Well, that wasn't too bad.” Nayeon said as she was looking at her bags.

“Are you done ignoring me?” Jeongyeon asked

“Why should I stop?” Nayeon replied

“I said I was sorry for the last time.” Jeongyeon said

“Sure, whatever. I don't wanna see you in front of me.” Nayeon said, looking away.

“You’re gonna see me around if you see Chaeyoung, so how can I not look your way?” She asked

“You’ll just have to.” Nayeon said as the door opened.

“Thank you.” Chaeyoung thanked the person that opened the door and she came towards them.

“Here is some water for everyone.” Chaeyoung said as Mina, Nayeon and Jeongyeon saw girls looking at Chaeyoung and recording/taking pictures of her as they were confused

“What’ with the crowd Chaeyoung?” Jeongyeon asked as Chaeyoung looked back, shocked.

“I-I don't know. I was getting the drinks for us. One girl was trying to give me her number and more started to join.” Chaeyoung said Mina looked at her and pouted.

“But you're already taken.” Nayeon said to Chaeyoung

“By WHO!?” the crowd asked

“This girl.” Nayeon raised her hand in the air and pointed down to Mina as they started to make commotion.

“What the heck?”

“Who is she?”


“She’s actually pretty.” 

“I ship it.”

“Eww. Get her out of here.”

“She looks ugly.”

“They aint dating, right?” 

“How do they know each other?”

“Please don't be saying bad things about my girlfriend. She’s not much, but I love her.” Chaeyoung said, looking at the girls confidently and seriously.

“Oooooooo.” Nayeon ‘oooo’, looking at Mina as Mina covers her face to hide her blush.

“Dang.. Must be serious.”


“Dang, she's taken.” a girl said as some are annoyed and some think it's cute.


All of the girls went away as some took some last picture of them and left. Chaeyoung looked at the others as the three of them were looking at Chaeyoung.


“Well, you gotta keep an eye on her, Mina.” Nayeon said

“Girls like that can *snap* take her away.” Nayeon snap her finger as Mina shook her head

“But Chaeyoung just said that she loves me.” Mina blushed as Chaeyoung sat down and looked away.

“Let’s continue window shopping.” Nayeon said, stopping the conversation as they got up and walked away from the cafe and went to a different route to the shopping street.


They went down a new shopping street and looked at each stand. They continued shopping until it became a bit dark.  


“Shall we get some dinner?” Jeongyeon asked as they nodded.


They walked to a nearby street food stand to eat dinner. After they ate, it was already getting dark.


“Ahh.. it's already time to go home.” Nayeon said as she looked at the time on her phone.

“Shall we go hom--”

“You’re taking me home and Chaeyoung is taking Mina home.” Nayeon said interrupting Jeongyeon


“Come on.. We’ll see you guys later.. Bye.” Nayeon said as Jeongyeon waved them goodbye while Nayeon was pulling her away from them.


Mina and Chaeyoung watched their friends disappear in the distance as they looked at each other.


“Shall we get going?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina smiled and nodded.


They walked to the closest bus stop as they waited for the next bus. They sat there as no one talked for a while. It was quiet until someone’s phone was ringing. Mina looked at her phone as it wasn't hers. She looked at Chaeyoung as she answered the phone.


“Hello? Dahyun?” Chaeyoung said as she answered the phone

“Oh… right now? I'm going home.” Chaeyoung said as she looked at Mina and smiled

“Uh what about the tournament?” Chaeyoung asked with a confused looked

“I thought the coach said it was okay for me to leave since I always win every tournament?” 

“What do you mean he said to come back?” Chaeyoung said as she stood up looking frustrated 


Chaeyoung pinch the bridge of her nose and sigh


“Tell the coach that I will be there for practice tomorrow.. Man…”

“Yea, yea. See you tomorrow.” Chaeyoung said as she hung up the phone call and sighs

“What’s wrong?” Mina asked

“The taekwondo coach.. Mr. Choi wanted to bring me back to the team for the tournament that is coming soon next month.” 

“To be in the tournament or to sit on the side and watch?”

“Most definitely to be in the team. He wouldn't want me to sit on the bench to watch. He always puts me in the first team cause he knows I’m serious when it comes to taekwondo tournaments.” Chaeyoung said as Mina nods

“He probably wants me back cause he doesn't see the pontiental of his students right now. He’s always like that. He thinks about strength more than strategy and patience. I’ll take a look at tomorrow and see how it goes.”

“Is it okay…?” Mina slowly stopped finishing her sentence.

“I-I mean… you don't have to.. It's just practice..” Chaeyoung said as she rubs the back of her neck

“I would love to go!” Mina suddenly, shocking Chaeyoung.

"Oh… Ok. I'll text you the location to meet up." Chaeyoung said as the bus drove in front of them

"The bus is here. Let's go." Chaeyoung said as they stood up and waited for the bus to stop.


The bus made a complete stop as the door opened and they walked in. Chaeyoung walked in, following Mina as Chaeyoung took out her bus card.


"Two tickets." Chaeyoung said as the bus driver nods


They walked to an empty seat in the back. Chaeyoung sat by the window as Mina sat next to her. It was a quiet drive as both of them were just looking ahead, waiting for their stop. Chaeyoung then grabbed out her airpods from her pocket, took one bud out and gave it to Mina while she got the other and put it on her ear. Chaeyoung then took out her phone and put in music.


“Do you have any music you want to hear?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina was watching her.

“Anything is fine.” Mina said as Chaeyoung put in a random song on her playlist


They listened to the playlist until it was their stop. Chaeyoung was looking out the window as Mina was taking a look at Chaeyoung. She looked from head to toe as Mina saw Chaeyoung's hand. Mina hesitating if she would want to hold hands with her or not. Mina fidget her hands as she slowly reaches her hand under Chaeyoung's hand. Chaeyoung felt something touch her hand as she looked and saw Mina's hand under hers. Chaeyoung looked at Mina and smiled and clasped her hands with hers. 


"Are you tired?" Chaeyoung asked as Mina shook her head.

"Not really." Mina replied as Chaeyoung patted her shoulder

"If you are later, you can rest your head on my shoulder." Chaeyoung said as Mina nods


A couple minutes later, Chaeyoung was looking out the window as she felt something on her shoulder. She looked and saw Mina's head there. She leaned a bit forwards and saw her sleeping.


From all the events that happened today, she’s definitely tired.


Chaeyoung smiled and continued looking out the window, waiting for their bus stop.




The bus stopped as it was the last stop. Chaeyoung nudged Mina as it was their stop.


"Mina. we're here." Chaeyoung softly said, standing up as Mina slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

"Come on." Chaeyoung said as she gently pulled Mina to follow her outside.


They got off the bus as the bus drove off. They were standing by the bus stop. Mina rubbed her eye as Chaeyoung saw she’s still sleepy. Chaeyoung let go of her hand and stood in front of Mina with her knees a bit bend


"Here. Hop on. I'll carry you home." Chaeyoung said as Mina looked at her

"You don't have to."

"N-no.. It's okay. You must be still tired. You can sleep on my back while I walk you home." Chaeyoung said as Mina gave in and hopped on Chaeyoung’s back.


Chaeyoung adjusts Mina in a comfortable position on her back as Mina wraps her arms around Chaeyoung’s neck.


There’s no way I could sleep now..


Mina looked at Chaeyoung’s right side of her head as she could help but to stare while Chaeyoung was walking. Mina pouted as Chaeyoung saw her.


“What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina was surprised and looked away

“N-No..” Chaeyoung smiled.

“Well, we’re almost at your place, so you can sleep more on your bed.” Chaeyoung said

“T-Thanks for walking me home.”

“It's fine.. Since we’re dating.” Chaeyoung said as Mina blushed and looked away while Chaeyoung was blushing.




They reached Mina's place as someone was in the front yard late at night. 


“Oh? Honey what happened?” 

“M-Mom…” Mina said as she got off of Chaeyoung’s back.

“W-who’s this?” Her mom asked

“Hello, Mrs. Myoui.” Chaeyoung bowed as her mom bowed back

“My name is Chaeyoung. I’m a friend of Mina’s.”


That’s right..


“Oh, hello. It's nice to meet you.” 

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Chaeyoung replied as she smiled


Mom doesn't know about us yet…


“Did you have fun today?” Mrs. Myoui asked as they nod

“Nayeon bought some stuff for me.” Mina said as she showed the bag.

“That’s nice of her to do. Did you guys eat anything? Why don't your friend come in and eat-”

“Oh it's okay. We already ate. I’m just here to walk Mina home since it's dangerous for her to be alone.”

“But it's also dangerous for you too.” Mrs. Myoui added

“Oh.. It's okay. It may not look like it, but I'm well prepared when it comes to danger.” 

"Oh, really?" Mrs. Myoui looks at her from head to toe.

“I-I know my figure doesn't look much, but I-I know how to take care of myself. I learned self-defense when I was young.” Chaeyoung said, feeling awkward

“Mom~ Stop bothering Chaeyoung.” Mina said reading Chaeyoung’s awkwardness


“Mom..” Mina pouted, making her mom stop talking about it.

“Fine, fine.. I won't say anything else.” Mrs. Myoui said as Chaeyoung let out a small chuckle

“It's alright.. It's been a long night. I’ll get going now.” Chaeyoung said as she bowed

“You should stay for the night Chaeyoung-ah.”

“Ah.. it's okay.” Chaeyoung said

“No, no.. I insist. It's too late for you to go home now.”


“Call your parents that you are staying for the night.”


“MOM!” Mina yelled as they went silent.

“W-What honey? Why are you yelling?” Mrs. Myoui asked, worried

“Stop.. Please.” Mina pleads as her mom sighs and gives up.

“I’ll head inside first. Have a good night Chaeyoung.” Mrs. Myoui said as she walked in

“Good night Mrs. Myoui.” Chaeyoung said bowing while Mina sighs as she watched her mom go inside


♫ She's the one, got me all messed up

I could write a million songs but I know it's not enough ♫


Mina looked at Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung looked back.


“I’m sorry. She’s-”

“It's okay. I know moms are like that.” Chaeyoung said smiling at Mina as Mina walked up to her and hug her


♫ She's so beautiful and I know she knows it

She know how to think, yeah she always owns it

But I just haven't told her yet

No I just haven't told her --- ♫  


Chaeyoung was confused, but then heard Mina sniffling.


“Wae?” Chaeyoung asked trying to see Mina’s face, but Mina move her face to bury on Chaeyoung’s shoulder

“Wae Mina?” Chaeyoung gave a small chuckle

“It's fine. No need to cry.” Chaeyoung said as she rub Mina’s back to give her comfort,


♫ She makes, my knees feel weak

She makes my drink feel stronger, ayy ♫ 


“D-Do you think…” Mina stopped

“Hm?” Chaeyoung hm-ed

“Stay over?” Mina asked as Chaeyoung gave a light scoffed

“Are you sad because of what your mom said?” Chaeyoung asked as she felt Mina move her head

“Aigoo.. It's in the past. I feel sad about it too, but it's okay. I know they’ll feel sad if they see me crying. Though, I should be happy now. Because I have you to cheer me up and wash my sadness away,” Chaeyoung said as Mina moved back to look at Chaeyoung

“Even if you don't say anything…” Chaeyoung said as she wipes Mina’s tears

“I’ll still love you.” Chaeyoung added as she cups Mina’s face and kisses her forehead.


Mina blushes and gently push Chaeyoung away


“Yah… Not here..” Mina said as Chaeyoung smiles and pulls her into a hug

“I know… I'm sorry.” Chaeyoung said as Mina hugs back

“But can you?” Mina asked as Chaeyoung smiles again

“Am I allowed too?” Chaeyoung asked

“Well… yea…”

“Then I’ll probably do it because a little puppy is sad, so I gotta comfort it.” Chaeyoung said and Mina smiled.




They walked inside the house as Mrs. Myoui saw Chaeyoung while they were taking off their shoes


“Ah, finally decided to stay and sleep over?” She asked as Chaeyoung smiled and nods

“Y-yea.. Sorry for intruding on this late at night.” Chaeyoung said as she bowed

“It's alright Chaeyoung. It's late now. Mina can show you where the gue-”

“She’ll sleep in the same room as me.” Mina stopped her mom from talking as her mom was shocked

“O-Oh.. Oh okay. Do you want me to get her a futon ready for her?” 

“I-I got it.” Mina said as she grab Chaeyoung’s hand and walked up the stairs leaving her mom speechless.

“Have a good night Mrs. Myoui.” Chaeyoung said before she walked up the stairs with Mina.

“G-good night.” Mrs. Myoui said, watching them go upstairs.




They walked inside Mina’s room as Mina closed the door behind them. Chaeyoung looked around and saw Mina’s room for the first time. It was all neat and clean as Mina had a simple white wall, a single queen bed with a bathroom, closet, and a desk with a computer on it. There weren't many photos or anything on the walls except a couple pictures on her desk. 


“You can sit on my bed for now.. Let me see if there’s any clothes that I could give you to wear.” Mina said as she went to her closet


Chaeyoung walked towards Mina’s desk as she had 3 pictures of her, Nayeon, Momoa and Sana and then another photo with her family. Chaeyoung smiled as she thought young Mina in the photo was cute. Chaeyoung then saw a photo on the side as it wasn't framed. She lifted up the photo and saw it was a kid Mina wearing a ballerina tutu with a gummy smile on her face. Chaeyoung couldn't help but to have a big smile on her face.  


“Okay.. These should-- Ah! Chayoung don't look at them!” Mina said as she took all the photos, but couldn't get the one Chaeyoung had


“They're ugly.” Mina said as she leans in front of Chaeyoung as tries to reach the unframed photo that Chaeyoung had

“But they were cute.” Chaeyoung said leaning back as Mina pouted

“Nooooo.” Mina whied as Chaeyoung smiled

“It's fine. You don't look ugly.” Chaeyoung said as she looks at the kid Mina again

“Noooooo! Stop-- Ah!” Mina felt that she lost her balance as she was starting to fall on Chaeyoung





They both fall to the floor as Chaeyoung’s back empacked the fall as she caught Mina in her arms


“Are you okay?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina opened her eyes and looked up, meeting Chaeyoung’s eyes


“Mina, are you alright? I heard a thud---” A voice said as the door flung opened as they both looked up at the person at the door

“O-Oh… Um.. I’m… interrupting something here r-right?” 

“K-ka-i onii-”

“I-I'm just gonna… yea.” Kai said as he slowly closed the door to leave them be


What friendship they have… Kai thought as he walked back to his room and also told their parents that Mina is fine if they also heard the thud noise.


Mina got off of Chaeyoung as she blushed and took the photo off of Chaeyoung’s hand


“Geez~ it wouldn’t be like this if you just gave me the photo.” Mina pouted as she put away the photos off of her desk while Chaeyoung gave a small chuckle.

“True…W-Who was that?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina looked at her

“That was my brother Kai-onnichan.” Mina said as Chaeyoung went ‘ooo’ face

“Here are your clothes.” Mina said as she passed it to Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung stood up and took the clothes



“You can use the bathroom over there to wash up.” 

“What about you?” Chaeyoung asked

“I-I’ll go wash up in a different bathroom.” Mina replied as Chaeyoung nods

“O-Ok.. I’ll do a quick wash up and then wait for a while.” Chaeyoung said as she walked to the bathroom and closed the door.



After they finished washing up, Chaeyoung was waiting in her room as Mina was entering her room. 


"All done?" Mina asked as Chaeyoung nods


Mina walked to her bed and sat on the other side as Chaeyoung was on the other.


"Shall we go to sleep now?" Chaveyoung asked as Mina nods

"We should since you have to go to practice tomorrow." Mina said as Chaveyoung lies on the bed and pat on the left side of her, telling Mina to Iie next to her.


Mina turned off the lights and lies next to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung moves her body to look at Mina as she moves her arm over Mina's arm, pulling her closer into a bed hug. Mina was a bit shocked by Chaeyoung's actions.


"Good night Mina." Chaeyong said as she closed her eyes

"Good night, Chaeyoung,"


♫ Can't eat, can't sleep, can't dream

Can't wait any longer, any longer now ♫ 


I can't sleep.


Mina looked up as she saw Chaeyoung sleeping face as the moonlight was shining through the window that could make Mina see her face. She looked at her eyes, nose and then lips as Mina bit her lip. 


Our first time sleeping together as a couple…


“Sleep Mina.” Chaeyoung suddenly said making Mina jump

“I-I am.” Mina stuttered as Chaeyoung looked down and opened her eyes, meeting Mina’s.

“See? You're not sleeping.” Chaeyoung said as mina looked away, feeling her face heat up

“T-That's because you’re looking at me.” Mina said as Chaeyoung let go of Mina and pulled the blanket to cover Mina.

“If I’m making you uncomfortable, you can tell me. I won't get mad.” Chaeyoung said as Mina shook her head.

“I-I’m not. I-it's just-“

“It's just what?”

“It’s our first time sleeping together.” Mina muttered as Chaeyoung hugs her

“Yea, it is. Are you shy about having your lover on the same bed and sleeping together with the person they love?"

“O-of course.” Mina said as Chaeyoung held Mina’s hand under the blanket.

“Here. How about I’ll hold your hand when we sleep? Will that be better?” Chaeyoung asked as Mina didn't say anything.

“ I’ll take that as a yes from you.” Chaeyoung said as she closed her eyes

“Good night Mina.” Chaeyoung added before she went into her slumberland


Mina looked at the sleeping Chaeyoung as she smiled


♫ She's the one, got me all messed up

I could write a million songs but I know it's not enough

'Cause she's the one I get feelings from ♫


She always makes me feel safe and comfortable. 



AYOO ISA ME YOUR BABO AUTHORNIM HAHAHA My long hiatus has taken me away from writing and I've been writing little by little on these chapters that i have been writing.. yes.. you’re right.. I've been lazy and busy with work. Since I have taken a break from school, work has been up my for a while and making me not have time to write or I’ve been lazy to write them and stay up all night to finish them. *sigh* sorry guys. But I’ve been writing, well starting to write more one shot stories now that some songs that I found were good and thought I’d share them, even though you probably heard them before me which is fine XD but that's all for today’s update and will update every Friday so look forward to it. Thanks for reading as usual and enjoy my stories. Bye :)



Song: She’s the one - Monsta X

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hello. just here to tell you guys that I wont be able to update this week. but next week I will for sure.


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ilikek444 #1
Chapter 4: Noooooooooo this chapter end too fast

Cub is stupid sometimes
Chapter 3: oww, so...chaeyoung already knew mina has crush on her? ._.
Chapter 2: cute <3
Zen_06 #4
Chapter 2: I love how you insert the message formats.. Looking forward to more of your updates :3

Chapter 1: wow, i think i will love this story...