
Silent Love

Baboblueboy Pov 


Chaeyoung walked in the festival without being seen by anyone that she knew to get a masks for her and Mina. She saw a LINE bunny and bear as she told the owner of the stand that she is gonna buy it as the man nods and told her the price. Chaeyoung gave him the money and thank him. Chaeyoung looks at the masks and thought how it would look cute on Mina. She smiled and walked to the place where Mina and her will meet.



7 hours ago (Around 10 in the morning) 


“Good Morning!” Sana called out as she saw Nayeon and Mina walking together to their morning class.

“Morning.” Nayeon said in her tiring voice while Mina nods

“It's the flower beauty.” A boy said

“So cute.” Another one said


Mina turned her head as she saw Chaeyoung walking beside her with headphones on. CHaeyoung felt someone looking at her as she saw Mina. She then saw the guys behind her and saw them talking about her.


“Yesterday, I saw her and Mina talking to each other.” 

“Who does she think she is dressing up as a guy.”

“It's she part of taekwondo club and the girls basketball club?”

“Lets not mess with her.” A guy whisper.

“Just what kind of relationship do she have our flower beauty?”


Chaeyoung took out one of her earbuds, stopped walking and looked at them.


“If you got a problem, say it to my face. Stop talking behind people's backs.. Like Literally. I can hear you guys.” Chaeyoung said sternly in a cold voice that gave them the chills.

“Pick on someone else for god sakes. Like do you guys really have to follow Mina all the time? LIke, there’s other girls around to pick up. What a disappointment.” Chaeyoung added as she let out a sigh of disappointment while shaking her head. She puts back on her earbuds on her ear to listen to some music as the guys that were following Mina was hurt by Chaeyoung’s words.


Mina saw Chaeyoung continue walking as Mina felt her phone vibrate as she looks at it.




Hey. Don't mind them, they just being dumb

Following you like that. Don't let them bother you

Too much. You shouldn’t be going through this

For your whole life.

Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind



Nayeon and Sana saw Mina smiling at her phone and looked at each other




“Come on. Let’s get to class.” Nayeon said as they continue walking


They got to class as they saw Chaeyoung sitting in her seat on the middle of the lecture room, waiting for the teacher to start class. They sat in the seats in front of Chaeyoung as they got their notebooks, pens and pencils out.




3 hours later


Class ends as everyone was packing up their supplies to go to their next class or studying.


“Hey. Just wondering.. Are you guys going to the festival tonight?” The three of them looked at Dahyun asked them

“I might go with Momo. You can join with us if you want Dahyun.” Sana said as Dahyun smile.

“Sure. I just didn't want to be alone.. It's--”

“Dangerous going alone.” Chaeyoung said as she stood up and start putting away her notebook and pens in her backpack, swing her backpack strap to rest on her shoulder as she walks out of the lecture room.


Mina watch her until Chaeyoung was gone.


“Nayeon and Mina, are you guys going too?” Dahyun asked

“Ill come with you guys.”


“Mina has some things to do at home for her mom. So she can't come to the festival.” Nayeon added as Mina looks at her telling her ‘don't say anything’ look.

“Yea. I have some errands to do for my mom.” Mina said

“I see. Well, maybe next time.” Dahyun said as they nod

“I’ll meet you guys at the entrance at 5.” She said as she waved at them while leaving the classroom.

“You guys can go ahead. We’ll meet you guys at the cafe, Mina gotta go to the library to get a book.” Nayeon said as Sana and Momo nods as they left the classroom

“So how is Chaeyoung gonna not let you be the center of attention?” Nayeon asked as she wait for Mina to put away her notebook and pens in her backpack

“I don't know. She didn't say.” Mina said as Nayeon gave her a look

“What do you mean?”

“It's a mystery.” Mina said as Nayeon pouts

“What a party pooper, I wanna know how she gonna hide your identity from a lot of people that are gonna be there.” Nayeon whines

“We’ll see.” Mina said as she walks towards the door as Nayeon follows

“Try to take a picture of you two alone and tell me about it.” Nayeon said as Mina shakes her head.

“We’ll see.” Mina said as Nayeon cheers.




Chaeyoung slaps her cheeks as she left the lecture classroom. 


Why did I say that when I'm going to the festival with her?


She let out a sigh as she walked towards the library the long way as she was having her alone time in the halls as she was listening to her music with her earbuds. She reaches to the library entrance as she saw someone blocking her.


“Chaeyoung, I would like to give this to you.” Gaeun Sunbae said as Chaeyoung looks at her

“Will you accept it?” She added as Chaeyoung didn't say anything


Can this not happen? How many times do I have to reject her? I don't want to date anyone.


“Not interested.” Chaeyoung said as she walks into the library.



“Sorry.” She whispers at the librarian as she watches Chaeyoung walk in the library.


Chaeyoung got a book to read on her free time. She checked it out as her phone vibrates in her pocket.




Yo. Come to the cafe, the gang's here.

Sure. Are you gonna pay for my drink.



Chaeyoung looked up from her phone and thank the librarian as she left the library with her book.




Who said I was gonna pay for it? Jihyo will 

pay for yours

You know she wouldn't buy any of us drinks.

Hey.. you might not know.. She could.

Whatever. I’ll see you guys there.




She put away her phone as she walks towards the cafe.




Chaeyoung reached the cafe with her friends as she sat on her seat.

“Took a while to get here.” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung punch her arm.

“Well, are you being chased by a sunbae? No! So shut up.” Chaeyoung said as she sat on her seat while everyone looked at each other with looks that means ‘don't mess with Chaeyoung’ face.

“Chill. I'm just saying.” Jeongyeon said

“I know. I know. Sorry for being rude.. She’s just… UGH.. She needs to stop.. Like seriously.” Chaeyoung said as she drinks the water that's on the table.

“I can see that she's a mess to you.” Jihyo said

“She is. I can't stand her at all. She follows me everywhere.” 

“Well, let’s just hope sunbae doesn't find you here.” Tyuzu said

“So are you guys going to the festival tonight? There's a lot of people going there, probably cute guys and girls if you go that way.” Jihyo said as they look at each other

“Sure. I’ll go.” Tyuzu said

“I’ll go as well.” Jeongyeon said as they all look at Chaeyoung.

“What?” She asked

“Are you going to the festival?” Jihyo asked as Chaeyoung thought about it


I'm going to the festival with Mina, the flower beauty. I don't know if I should tell them. They might spazz.. Maybe next time. They don't need to know.


“Ye-- No. I got some studying to do. Festivals are a waste of time.” Chaeyoung said as they looked at her

“You’re gonna miss a chance to date.” Jeongyeon said.

“I'm not good with love.” Chaeyoung said

“You’ll miss hanging with us.” Jihyo said

“I hang out with you guys everyday. What do you mean?” Chaeyoung said

“You’ll miss free food.” Tyuzu said as Chaeyoung shook her head

“I'm not going and that's final.” Chaeyoung said as they were sad.

“But.. It's no fun without having you come with us during the festival.” Jihyo said

“You guys are gonna be fine. You big babies.” Chaeyoung said as she stood up and being to walk out of the door.

“Where are you going?” Jeongyeon asked as Chaeyoung stop at the door and looked at them

“I got things to do. I’ll see you guys later.” Chaeyoung said as Jeongyeon stood up and follow her.

“I’ll go with you as well."

“You don't-.”

“Lets just go.” Jeongyeon said as they went out the door while the others were sitting on their seats.


A couple minutes later as they walked away from the cafe and stopped by the traffic lights and waited there to walk across.


“Why you gotta follow me?” Chaeyoung asked as Jeongyeon lock her head around her arm and mess with her hair

“Cause I want to.” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung was struggling free. 

“Come on Jeongyeon. Let go.” She said as Jeongyeon was still playing around.


They started to laugh more as people pass them while they didn't walk across the street.


"Chaeyoung?" A soft voice said


Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon stop playing around and looked up from the voice and saw the flower beauty. They stood there speechless as Chaeyoung snap back into reality, got out of Jeongyeon's lock and stood up, fixing her messy hair the Jeongyeon made and looked at Mina.


"Hey." Chaeyoung said giving a small wave to her

"What are you guys doing?" Nayeon asked as both of them looked at them weird.

"We-- We were--" Jeongyeon stuttered as she looks at Chaeyoung to signal her to say something.

"Um.. we were just playing around." Chaeyoung said as they all went quiet.


They all silently looked at each other as they had nothing to say until Jeongyeon broke the silent.


"So are you the Flower Beauty and her friend going to the festival tonight?" 

"I'm going with a couple of my friends. Mina here has errands for her mom. So she can't go." Nayeon said

"My friends and I can join with you guys later, if you guys want to." Jeongyeon said as Nayeon nods

"Sure. I'll text my friends about joining. Meet us at the entrance of the festival."

"Cool.. we'll see you there."

"Okay. Well, we'll leave you guys alone, we are gonna get some drinks from the cafe." Nayeon said as Jeongyeon nods.


Mina and Nayeon walked away as Jeongyeon watch them walk in the cafe until the door closed.


“Are you really not going to the festival because of the Flower Beauty isn’t going?” Jeongyeon asked as Chaeyoung shook her head.

“You ask too much. Seriously.” Chaeyoung said as she walks across the road when the traffic sign turned to walk.

“Come on. It’s not gonna be fun without you being there.” Jeongyeon said.

“Omg. You're so annoying." Chaeyoung said as she continues walking

"Hey! Wait for me!" Jeongyeon said as she tries to catch up, but Chaeyoung wouldn't let her.


Until tonight… we'll be alone.




"What do you think about your crush is gonna do when you get to the festival?" Nayeon asked as Mina shrugs while they were in line.

"Come on.. she must have told you something and you ain't telling me." Nayeon said Mina shook her head.

"What she texted me is a secret." Mina said as Nayeon gave her the 'come on, spill the beans' look, but Mina didn't budge as they continue to stay in line 


Tonight.. I'll be alone with Chaeyoung.


They walked out of the cafe after they got their ordered. Mina looks at her phone as there was no messages from a special someone.


"Waiting for a text from your crush?" Nayeon asked as she saw Mina's actions.


Mina shook her head.


"I was looking at the time. It's 2:15pm." She said as she puts away her phone in her pocket.

"Ok." Nayeon said as they continue to walk.




3 hours later.. Festival time 


Mina walked in as she went behind the trees as it was the spot where she gets to meet up with Chaeyoung. She waited and checks her phone as Chaeyoung hasn't message her yet. She let out a sigh and waited for her. Footsteps can be heard as Mina thought it might be a gang of boys coming towards her. She turned around and squat down, waiting for them to pass, but she heard the footsteps stopped.


"Mina?" A voice called out as Mina looked up and saw Chaeyoung.


She stood up and hugs Chaeyoung as she was shocked. Chaeyoung looks at her as she could hear Mina sniffling and trembling in her full yukata.


I shouldn't let her be alone here. Something could've happened to her and she would've gotten hurt because of me. I don't know much about love, but I'll try my best for her.


Chaeyoung hugs back as she pats Mina's back. 


"I'm.. here Mina. There's no need to be scared." Chaeyoung said as Mina looked up to see Chaeyoung's eyes


Mina slowly let out of the hug and saw the real Chaeyoung in front of her. 


"I'm sorry. I'm not used to being alone." Mina said shyly as Chaeyoung rubbed the back of her neck and crack a smile.

"It's okay. I'm sure you were a bit scared waiting for me. Sorry for making you wait." Chaeyoung said as Mina nod

"It's okay. I was a little bit scared." Mina said. 

"Anyways, I got the masks. Here, wear this." Chaeyoung said as she pass the mask to Mina.


Mina looked at the mask and back at Chaeyoung.


"What? You don't like it? I can go get a new on--"

Chaeyoung was about to walk, but Mina stop her.

"It's okay. I like it." Mina said as she puts on the masks and then looks at Chaeyoung 

"How is it?" Mina asked as Chaeyoung cover her hand over her face to cover her blush as she didn't think Mina, the Flower Beauty would look so pretty in a bunny mask. 

"Pretty." Chaeyoung blurted out but caught herself saying that and made her blush even more, while Mina blushed as well, but Chaeyoung couldn't see it.

"*ahem* anyways. We should go in now." Chaeyoung said as she put her bear mask on.


They walked in as they were a bit awkward at first as they were walking side by side. They heard some people whispering about them about how cute they were matching masks together. 


“Well, I kinda put us in the center of attention.” Chaeyoung said as Mina shook her head.

“It's ok. I'm used to it.” 


They continue to walk around and played some games that were in the festival. They played catching the fish. They caught 2 fish. They played 

the balloon pop and won some stuff animals. They played a lot and eventually trade them all in and Chaeyoung gave Mina a big fluffy and soft blue penguin. Mina smiled underneath her mask while looking at her present from her crush. Chaeyoung notice her staring at the penguin and smiled as well.


I'm glad, she's having fun. Chaeyoung said in her thoughts


"One more." Chaeyoung heard her sad as she saw Mina looking at her

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung asked

"Win one more penguin." Mina said


One more, then we look like we are matching couples. Mina said in her thoughts






A couple hours later, Chaeyoung finally got small prizes and got a medium prize.


"I'll get the pink penguin." Chaeyoung said as the lady gave her it.

"Thanks for playing." The lady said as Chaeyoung nods.


Chaeyoung walked towards Mina and smiling as her bear mask was sitting on the top right of her head.


"I got one." Chaeyoung said

"Cute." Mina blurt out as Chaeyoung looks at her.

"Thanks." Chaeyoung said blushing as she runs the back of her head.


They both looked away as it got a bit awkward for them.


"Where is Chaeyoung?!" A voice said as it scared them both

"She couldn't come today. She's busy studying." Another voice said as Chaeyoung took a peek at the scene.


It was Gaeun sunbae talking to Jeongyeon.


"Text or call her to come here now. I wanna see her." Gaeun sunbae said as Chaeyoung quick got out of the crowd, towards and put on her bear mask.

"Who is it?" Mina asked

"Gaeun sunbae." Chaeyoung said as Mina didn't say anything.

"Let's walk away, before they will notice us." Chaeyoung added as Mina nods.


They walked away from the crowd as they walked around the festival more. They eventually reach the ferris wheel as they looked at each other and went in line without any communication, just with glance at each other. It was a pretty long line, but they eventually got on as the wheel started to move. They saw the whole festival area as they reach to the top. The wheel stopped as they were in silence. No one talked, Chaeyoung moved her bear mask on the top right of her head as Mina took her bunny mask off and sat there in silence. The sun was setting as they looked at different windows. Mina took a peek at Chaeyoung in silence as Chaeyoung was still looking out the window.


She's cute when she wore the mask.


Chaeyoung looked at a different direction.


Is it possible to confess, even though we don't know each other?


Chaeyoung looked at Mina and noticed her staring at her. Mina blushed and looked away as it was Chaeyoung's turn


How can a person like her, like a person like me? We have nothing in common except we're both quiet.


Mina looked at her hand as started to fidget her spot for a little bit.


It would be nice for me to confess to her on the Ferris wheel. I believe I'd be happier Mina said in her thoughts


*Boom.. boom. Patatatatatataaa boom boom… boom.. boom.. boom boom.. patatatatatata*

[I tried okay ;-;  it's Fireworks.]


The Ferris wheel went down as they both got off and walked out together. Chaeyoung put her bear mask on as Mina was looking at the leftover fireworks.


"Ah! The Flower beauty?" A voice said as Chaeyoung and Mina looked at the person.


Chaeyoung grab Mina's hand and they both ran.


"*gassssssssssssssssssp* the flower beauty with a boy?" The voice said as people of the fan club heard it.

"Find the Flower beauty! She's here!" Another voice said as all the boys ran to find them




Chaeyoung and Mina huffed and puffed as they were in the woods but not too far from the festival. Chaeyoung sat down on the ground as she let out a sigh.


"Ah… we've been seen. They probably put this on the website on your fan club and say that you came to the festival with a person. Probably say it's a guy, since I have short hair." Chaeyoung said as Mina sat down next to her.

"Sorry." Chaeyoung said as she looks at Mina with apologetic eyes.


How can I reply to this? That "I'm happy, we've been exposed and it's fine, it's not Chaeyoung's fault. I'm happy that I came to the festival with Chaeyoung and thank you for the bunny mask.".


A quiet came to them as no one said a word. Just two people, watching the sky fall into night.


I can't bring it up. Mina thought as she wanted to say something to Chaeyoung.



Yo.. I know I missed last weeks update.. these few past days, I've been sick 64.gif?w=560.. and this sickness wont leave me alone 38.gif?w=560 I made a another chapter for you guys since I missed last week. I made up for it.. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and like the next.. See you guys there. 17.gif?w=560



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hello. just here to tell you guys that I wont be able to update this week. but next week I will for sure.


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ilikek444 #1
Chapter 4: Noooooooooo this chapter end too fast

Cub is stupid sometimes
Chapter 3: oww, so...chaeyoung already knew mina has crush on her? ._.
Chapter 2: cute <3
Zen_06 #4
Chapter 2: I love how you insert the message formats.. Looking forward to more of your updates :3

Chapter 1: wow, i think i will love this story...