Small Vacation

Silent Love

Baboblueboy's POV 


Summer has come and classed are now over until fall class starts. Everyone has finished their final summer exams as they were all exhausted from studying from too much. Mina walked out of the classroom with Nayeon, Momo and Sana as they all stopped and saw Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon walking towards them. Chaeyoung saw Mina as both Chaeyoung and Mina both now to each other and walked away, making Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Sana confused while Momo was thinking about what to eat for lunch. 


It's been 3 weeks since Chaeyoung talked to me. I guess there's no point.


On the other side, Jeongyeon looked back as Mina did as well. Jeongyeon gave her a small wave and continue walking with Chaeyoung.


They have the exact expressions. Jeongyeon said in her thoughts as she continues walking.


Mina, Nayeon, Sana and Momo went to a fast food restaurant to eat. They ordered their food as they sat down on an empty seats. Mina and Nayeon sitting in front of Sana and Momo and they begin to eat expect Mina. Nayeon took a glance at Mina as she took a grab some fries to eat.


"Whats wrong Mina?" Nayeon asked as Sana and Momo heard it and looked at Mina


Mina shook her head as she didn't want to talk about it.


"Is it Chaeyoung?" Sana asked as Mima sat in her seat quiet.

"It has to be. Why would you ask-- Ow!" Sana nudge Momo to stop talking as Mina stood up from her seat to walk away, but Nayeon stopped her.

"Okay. Okay. Just sit down and eat." Nayeon said Mina sat down

"Eat. Eat." Nayeon said as the japanese trio start eating their food in silence as no one said a word until the finish eating.

"Whenever you feel like talking about, tell us.. we'll listen as long as it takes." Nayeon said as Mina nods while Momo raise her hand and said

"As long as there is food while talking about Mina's problems, I'll be there." As Sana and Nayeon shook their heads.

"Sometimes.. we think you are fat!" Nayeon said

"Yea! Fat!" Sana followed

"Ye-- wait!! Are you calling me dumb?" Momo asked as she pouted

"What do you think?" Nayeon asked as they continue bickering as Mina looked out the window and saw a familiar figure from across the street. The person looked at her, eye contact to eye contact as the person bow to Mina and walked away


Can I try telling you one more time?




Chaeyoung saw a familiar person looking out the window of a fast food restaurant as chaeyoung bow and walked away. 


Everywhere I turn.. she's always there… chaeyoung said in her thoughts

Stupid Jeongyeon for talking to me about her.




“You are so easy to read.” Jeongyeon suddenly said shaking her head as Chaeyoung looks at her.

“What do you mean?” Chaeyoung asked continuously shaking her head still.

“What do you mean?!” Chaeyoung shouted as Jeongyeon stop walking and stared at her


Jeongyeon took a step closer to Chaeyoung as she flinched and backed a bit. Jeongyeon lift her arm and poke Chaeyoung’s shoulder while saying in between pokes.


“You. Like. The. Flower. Beauty. Miyou. Mina.” 

“W-Wha.. What are you talking about?” Chaeyoung said as she was about to walk away but Jeongyeon stopped her tracks.

“Admit it. You like her and she likes you.”


“Yes. When we saw Mina and her friends walked out of the classroom, you two bowed to each other for no reason.” Jeongyeon said giving a ‘>-> who the does that?’ look

“And walk away with the same expression.” She added

“What look?” Chaeyoung asked

“This. -_-” 

“I don't.” 

“Look.. you’re doing it.” Jeongyeon points at her as Chaeyoung hits her hand

“I did not.” Chaeyoung said as she walks away from her friend


Jeongyeon stood there for a couple of seconds and realized she was being left behind.


“So.. have you confessed to her yet?” Jeongyeon asked as she caught up to her friend.

“Why would I? I don't like her.” 

“Yes, you do.”

“No, I don't.”


“No.” Chaeyoung getting furious


“No!” Chaeyoung said as she was about to hit Jeongyeon, but Jeongyeon dodged it.

“Watch. You will see her everyday and think about her.” Jeongyeon said as Chaeyoung ran towards her, but Jeongyeon ran away.

“YOU WILL!” Jeongyeon shouted while running away.

Chaeyoung sigh and shook her head as people around them were looking. She walked away from the scene and to the fast food restaurant, Seol. 




Lost my appetite.


Chaeyoung walked away from Seol fast food restaurant and continue walking to somewhere that her feet will take her. Chaeyoung reach to her apartment as she falls onto the couch, looking at the ceiling.


Love… huh?


She sat up from her couch and look at her small apartment. She grabbed the remote and watch some tv.




It's been 3 weeks that Chaeyoung and Mina haven’t been seeing each other. Mina got to school, meeting up with Nayeon. She walks until she saw Nayeon who’s waving at her.


“Morning Mina. Quiet day isn't?” Nayeon asked as Mina looked around and saw none of her fanboys around. Then she nods.

“Let’s get to study room. Sana and Momo is already there.” Nayeon said as Mina nods as they walk to their seats that have been saved.


They walked in study room as they saw Sana and Momo waving at them. They walked up the stairs as Mina saw the corner of her eye was Chaeyoung sitting upstairs, sitting around random students who were also studying in the study room. Nayeon and Mina sat in their seats as they talked for a bit.


"Hey. I heard that we are invited to Jeongyeon's little vacation." Sana said

"Where did you hear this info?" Nayeon asked

"Well, she actually told us when we were going to class early." 




Sana and Momo walking through the halls as a tall person waved at them, making them stop.


"Hey guys. Long time no see." The person said

"Hello." Momo said

"Hi." Sana said

"You guy remember me right?" She asked as the Japanese duo looked at each other, then back at her and tilt their heads to the side as they were confused

"I was the one that hang out with you guy at the festival? Jeongyeon?" She said as they went '(°0°)‼' face

"So anyways.. do you guys know that your friend Mina like Chaeyoung, my best friend." She asked as they both nods

"Oh, we know. We were there to witness it. The love that started to grow in our Mina's hearts." Sana dramatically said as she was shipping them together while Momo nodded.

"We know.. why are you asking? Did you just realized it now?" Momo asked as she nods while Sana was in her own world and gasp

"*Gaspppp* I need to make a name for them!"

"I know. I know. I'm slow. BUT! I was asking because I wanted to help them improve their friendship into a love relationship." Jeongyeon said

"Mina times chaeyoung? No that's too long." Sana said

"How are you gonna do that?" Momo asked

"Chaeyoung times mina? … Wait.. Did I just did their names but switches them? Shoot!" Sana pouted

"Well, I will invite Chaeyoung to my family cabin for the summer break. You guys can go too. I'll give you guys my number to text me when you all are coming to my dad's cabin this Saturday." Jeongyeon said

"Nice." Momo said as Sana gasp one last time

"*Gasssssssp* I got it!! MICHAENG!!" Sana shouted and cheered in celebration as Momo and Jeongyeon was shocked at Sana shouting as they looked at her.

"Omg. Be quiet!" Momo said as Sana stopped and stood still.

"I'm sowwy." Sana said as a little kids voice.

We'll I'll see you guys later." 






Mina took a peek at Chaeyoung as her friends continue to talk.


Only look at me Chaeyoung.


She saw Chaeyoung stood up and walked down the stairs as Nayeon, Sana and Momo saw it. Until they couldn't see Chaeyoung's figure, they all look at Mina as she sat there quietly.




Chaeyoung walked out of the study room as she walks down the stairs. She let out a sigh as she could feel her heart beating fast, not because of how she holds her breath until she was out of the study room, but seeing Mina in the study room from the other side. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket as she took it out and look at her phone. It was a message from Jeongyeon.




Yo. Wanna come up to the cabin with me 

and everyone else?

Sure.. haven't been up there for awhile.

You got the address. We'll go there this weekend.

If we leave early around 10, we'll be there before 4.

Cool. Okay.

I'll meet you at my place then.

See ya.


Chaeyoung slid her phone in her pocket as she walks towards a bus taking to a place where she feels like home. The bus stops at a destination as she got off the bus and walk on a plain field of grass, with a couple of trees. She walked past some stone that were rested on the grass as she found the stones she's been looking.


"Hey mom, dad. I'm home."




Saturday came as Mina was packing up her clothes for the trip that Jeongyeon made for them to have fun at her dad's cabin. She brought her suitcase and backpack down the stairs as her mother greeted her at the end.


"Mwah. Have fun ``sweetie." Mina's mom said as she kiss her daughters cheeks.

"Thanks mom." Mina said

"There better be no boys there!" Mina's dad shouted from the dining room as they saw him reading the newspaper.

"There won't be any boys there dad. It's all girls." Mina saw the var outside waiting as Nayeon came out of the SUV car and waving.

"They're here. I'm leaving now." Mina said as she speed walk to her dad to kiss him on the cheek, then towards her mom to give her one as well.


Mina grab her suitcase and her backpack, walking towards the front door as nayeon ran towards her and help Mina with her suitcase. She waited by the doors as Nayeon and Jeongyeon put her suitcase in the trunk.


"Let's go." Nayeon said as she opens the car door as someone caught her eye.


In the car, you can see 3 people sitting in the back of the car as it was someone Mina didn't know, but knew one person.


"Hey. It the flower beauty isn't that right guys?" The tall and brown hair girl said.

"It is. Hello." The black hair girl said.

"Oh, let me introduce these peeps in the back. That's Jihyo on the left, Tzuyu on the middle and you know the last person Chaeyoung." Jeongyeon said as jihyo and Tzuyu waved as Chaeyoung looked away while she had headphones on.

"Hi." Mina said as she waves back.

"Alright. Let's get going and pick the last two people." Jeongyeon said as Nayeon nods. 


They all went to Sana's place to pick both Sana and Momo up. As they got picked up, Jeongyeon drove them to the route of her dad's cabin. It was long and tiring as everyone mostly slept except Chaeyoung. They reach to the cabin after 8 hours. Jeongyeon turned off the car and looked at the rear mirror. Everyone was mostly asleep expect Chaeyoung. 


“Alright you guys.. We are here.” Jeongyeon said as everyone slowly woke up and saw out the car windows that we were in the woods and in front of a cabin.


Slowly one by one, woke up and grab their suitcases and backpack to the cabin. Mina was having a hard time bringing her suitcase up the three step stair. Everyone else was busy with theirs as Chaeyoung saw her falling behind as she left her suitcase on the side and walked towards Mina. Chaeyoung then help Mina with her suitcase and grab hers at the same time and walk in the cabin as Mina watches her.


Nothing special.. Just helping..




Everyone was inside as they were all discussing which room to sleep.


“So there’s 1 king beds in 1 and 2 queen beds in 2. We’ll have to split up.” Jeongyeon said

“I don't mind sleeping on the couch.” Chaeyoung blurt out as everyone looks at her.


Chaeyoung walks to the couch and set her stuff on the side as she sat down on the couch, putting her headphones on while playing with her phone.


“Ok then. Why don't we sleep in the kings bed while them 4 will sleep together?” Jeongyeon said as Tzuyu and Jihyo nods

“It's good that way since they are familiar with each other.” Jihyo said as they grab their suitcases and walk to their rooms.





Cutting this chapter short because for the past 3 months or so.. I have been sick all this time and it was a serious sickness that I never thought I would get. but overall I'm sorry for not updating as much as I told you guys that I would be updating every friday. But give me this whole week and ill make up for last week and next week, so 2 chapters updating next friday.. PROMISE!!! BYE GUYS ;-; More typing to do !!


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hello. just here to tell you guys that I wont be able to update this week. but next week I will for sure.


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ilikek444 #1
Chapter 4: Noooooooooo this chapter end too fast

Cub is stupid sometimes
Chapter 3: oww, so...chaeyoung already knew mina has crush on her? ._.
Chapter 2: cute <3
Zen_06 #4
Chapter 2: I love how you insert the message formats.. Looking forward to more of your updates :3

Chapter 1: wow, i think i will love this story...