Fashion Central (In Search of SHINee Trends)

Forever SHINing: Twins of SeOUL

    “How about this?” Chaejun asked Taemin.
    Chaejun was trying on a white fedora with a yellow ribbon and a matching white hoodie with a gold star on the back.
    “Hmm,” Taemin scrutinized him. He took off Chaejun’s fedora and replaced it with the fedora he was trying on, a white one with a gold ribbon. He smiled. “There. Gold is more your color. Yellow is too bright for you. Besides, yellow is already my color.”
    “Good point. So then…” Chaejun turned to the rack they were standing by and picked out a hoodie similar to the one he picked out for himself. This one was a yellowish-banana color with a cloudy gray star. “You should pick this one. That way we’ll be matching.”
    “Ah, ne.” Taemin slipped on the hoodie and straightened his fedora. “Daebak.” Then he grabbed Chaejun’s hand and pulled him in a different direction. “Let’s go over here now!”
    Chaejun had already gotten used to Taemin’s spontaneous actions and random displays of affection. Taemin was just a naturally friendly and affectionate person, he decided. So he just let Taemin take him by the hand and drag him this way and that.
    They stopped at a corner of the large shopping mall whose shelves and walls were filled and lined with formal-casual shirts, pants, and accessories. Still holding Chaejun’s hand (most likely subconsciously), Taemin looked around for something that Chaejun would look good in. Then he spotted a shelf with colored dress shirts and undershirts. He pulled Chaejun over and let go of his hand to skim the articles of clothing. He picked out a white dress shirt and a black dark gray tank top to go underneath. Then he knelt down and searched the stack of pants. He found a pair of white jeans with black sewing. He turned around on the balls of his feet and found a light, pale green neck scarf and some arm bands. He stood up and presented the outfit to Chaejun.
    “There. Go try this on,” Taemin said with modest confidence.
    “Huh,” Chaejun studied the outfit. “It looks really nice.” Chaejun looked around for the dressing rooms. Once he found them he trotted over, Taemin following in his wake.
    On their way to the dressing rooms, they passed by Taejun, Key, and Jonghyun. The three looked at the two youngest boys striding over to the dressing rooms.
    Only when the two disappeared into the dressing rooms did Taejun laugh and roll his eyes. “Those two sure clicked well.”
    “Chaejun is like Taemin’s mini me!” Jonghyun laughed.
    “I think Taemin is just happy he has a dongsaeng to take care of now. And Chaejun seems to be taking his cuddliness pretty well,” Key elaborated.
“That’s cause he’s the same way. Chaejun’s like an over sized teddy bear. I don’t do teddy bears, but he’s my brother so I have to love him. But he’s not too bad, I guess. Really, he’s the only true friend I have.”

“Well, not anymore,” Jonghyun said smiling.

“What do you mean?”

“Jjong is right. You have us now too,” Key nodded.

Taejun was about to respond to that when Chaejun charged up and jumped into a stop right in front of them. “How do I look?”

    The three of them looked Chaejun up and down. He looked flashy and trendy in the formal-casual outfit Taemin had picked out for him. He had the sleeves of the dress shirt pulled up to his elbows, the bracelets adorning his wrists. The pale lavender scarf draped loosely around his neck, covering his collarbones but showing some of the tank top. The necklaces were a nice touch and made the look stand out a little more. He looked very, well, SHINee-like.

    “It’s perfect,” Key said. “Save for one thing.”

    “What’s that?” Taemin wondered what he had missed.

    Key pointed to Chaejun’s feet. “Those high tops don’t go with the outfit.” Sure enough, Chaejun’s bright yellow and turquoise high tops threw off the outfit. “I’d go with some white and purple ones instead; to match the scarf.”

    “Ah, ne,” Taemin agreed, him and Chaejun staring at the latter’s feet.

    Just then, Minho and Onew popped up carrying four large shopping bags each. They looked at Chaejun, then looked at Taejun, then looked at each other and smiled.

    “Taemin, where did you find those items?” Minho asked.

    “Um, over there. Wae?”

    Minho and Onew set their bags down, grabbed Taejun by the wrists, and dragged him off without answering Taemin. Taejun didn’t even have time to protest as he was dragged off.

    “Gee, wonder what they’re up to,” Jonghyun laughed sarcastically, knowing exactly what they were thinking.

    “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t punch you two in the mouth,” Taejun said, more exasperated than angry.

    Apparently, Onew and Minho had picked out the same outfit Taemin had picked out for Chaejun, only with different colors. The pants were reversed; they were black with white sewing instead of the other way around. The shirt was dark gray with a white tank top underneath. His scarf was a deep red. The accessories were exactly the same as Chaejun’s. Minho and Onew had gone for the “twins” look.

    “I think it looks really good,” Key said analyzing Taejun.

    “Seriously. We get enough of this from our parents; dressing us up in same style clothes with different colors. Aish! What the hell Minho, Onew?!”

    “Hmm,” Chaejun analyzed his twin. He opened his mouth to say something but the elder twin cut him off.

    “Don’t. Say. Anything,” Taejun glared at him.

    “Yah! Hyungs! We should find more styles like this for them! And more SHINee Trend!” Taemin suggested to the elders.

    Again, the twins were dragged off to different parts of the mall by SHINee.

    “Remind me never to tell you guys when I’m going shopping,” Taejun huffed as he sipped his watermelon bubble tea.

    The seven boys were resting in the food court, dozens and dozens of shopping bags surrounding their table. People that walked by stared at them or laughed. Some of SHINee’s fans even took pictures. Some stopped to look at the twins and discuss with their friends who they might be.

    “You smell that?” Taejun said suddenly.
    “Smell what?” Chaejun wondered as Taemin sniffed the air curiously.
    “That’s the smell of publicity. Remind me to look up new fan accounts on the internet for SHINee later.” Taejun looked like he wanted to disappear.
    “Oh. I see,” Key nodded. “It was bound to happen sometime.”
    “Yeah, but why can I think of at least twenty different scenarios the fans might come up with?” Minho pointed out.
    “Uh, let’s see,” Jonghyun looked off into space, counting off fans guesses on his fingers. “They’re our long lost brothers, they’re our boyfriends, trainees, two new members of SHINee...Should I go on?”
    “I’m thinking they’ll guess that they’re ulzzangs,” Onew said.
    “That’s what I’m thinking too,” Key agreed.
    Taejun and Chaejun laughed. “Ulzzangs. That’s a good one.”
    “What? You guys are definitely ulzzang material,” Taemin reasoned.
    “Whatever you say,” they said.
    “Anyway,” Key changed the subject. He pulled out two hand-sized white boxes with red ribbons on it. “Taejun, I bought something else for you.”
    “Oh boy,” Taejun said, taking the boxes. He pulled the ribbon off of one of them and slid off the lid. His face lit up immediately. He laughed. “Oh my gosh, that is so cool.”
    Inside the box was a set of earrings similar or identical to Taejun’s spike ones. There were ones of different color spikes and others that were charms instead of the rubber spikes. There was a wolf head, a metal shark tooth, a skull, a purple star, and set that was a silver crescent moon and a gold sun.
    With no hesitation, Taejun ripped off the second ribbon and opened the other box. He laughed again.
    The other box of earrings was filled with different kinds of studs. Some were black with designs on top, others were silver with gems in the center. A few were gold and the last of them were ones of more exotic designs like spikes or other boyish designs.
    “Wow,” Taejun marveled, setting the two boxes side by side. “That is totally daebak. Key, you’re my official bias for today.”
    “What?!” Jonghyun cried as Key celebrated by himself. “That’s not fair! He stole my idea! He saw me looking at earrings and bought some for you before I could!”
    “Did you buy me some anyway?” Taejun asked as he took out his earrings to replace them with new ones.
    “No, because he stole my idea!”
    “Hm. Too bad. If you had bought me more I would have labeled you both my biases for today.” Taejun selected the sun and moon earrings from the first box and put them on his earlobes. Then he took a set of black and silver spikes and put those on the rims of his ears. “Key, you have a mirror, right?”
    “Of course,” Key said in a diva fashion and pulled a pocket mirror out of his shoulder bag.
    Taejun took the mirror from Key and scrutinized his ears in his reflection. He grinned. “Perfect.”
    “Ah, hyung. You and your earrings,” Chaejun smiled at his brother.
    “I keep telling you that you should get your ears pierced. You’d look good with a nice set of gold studs.”
    Chaejun winced. “No thank you.”
    “Come on, you big baby! It doesn’t hurt! It’s just a little pinch!”
    “Even so, if I got my ears pierced, how would people tell us apart if we both have our ears pierced?”
    Taejun thought about that and made a face. “Meh. Identical twins .”
    SHINee laughed at the twins’ debate.

The rest of the day passed by quickly and calmly. SHINee had a field day dressing up the twins in SHINee Trend and identical fashions. Onew and Minho went straight to bed. Chaejun and Taemin locked themselves in their room and just did whatever until they got tired and went to bed. Taejun stood in front of the full-sized mirror in his, Key’s and Jonghyun’s room, trying on different outfits and switching out his new earrings to match his outfits. Key sat on his bed and watched Taejun, making suggestions from time to time, which Taejun would take into serious consideration. Jonghyun tried to get Taejun’s attention, but was ignored so in the end he just quietly sat on his own bed and watched the other two have fun with their clothes and earrings. Soon, he too got tired and fell asleep. The only ones left were Key and Taejun.

“Well,” Taejun sighed as he looked in the mirror for the last time. “This is the last one.”

This outfit was a red t-shirt, a black dress jacket, dark gray skinnies, and black high tops with red laces. He had matched that with red and black rubber spike earrings and silver studs. His hair was still tucked behind his ears, showing off his adorned ears.

“Well,” Key said. “Now I know how to beat Jonghyun.”

Taejun smiled at Key. “And how is that?”

“Buy earrings for you every day!” Key laughed.

Taejun laughed too. “Yeah, that would definitely work.” He sighed and looked at the time on his phone. “Whoa. It’s almost midnight.”

“Mwo? Chincchaeyo?” Key looked at his own phone. “Aish! We should get to bed now. You and Chaejun have school on Monday and we all will be starting promotions for your book soon. We need all the sleep we can get.”

“Yeah, good point,” Taejun winced.

Taejun grabbed his nightclothes and went in the bathroom to change. When he came back, Key was already in his own nightclothes and in bed. Carefully, Taejun slipped under the sheets with Key. He took out his earrings and set them on the nightstand. He switched off the light and settled into the bed comfortably. He was barely half asleep when he felt Key rest his arm on Taejun’s side and his head near Taejun’s neck. Key was warm and spicily sweet smelling.

Taejun chuckled and smiled. “Good night, Kibum.”

“Good night, Taejun,” Key said back.


a/n: More fluff. And SHINee Trend!!!!

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Chapter 13 title revealed: Fans and Fanservice


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Chapter 4: *rolls around on the floor like an idiot*
I just found out about your story and can I say this wonderful and you are such an amazing person to think of such a plot!
Chapter 13: I loved the update! Can't wait til the next chapter Author-nim Fighting!
Chapter 13: Can't wait for your comeback, author-nim Fighting! Good luck with college
Chapter 13: yes I'll try to be pateint but i just cant wait for your next update and ill check you other stories
Chapter 12: Please update soon Author-nim :) I can't wait til the next chapter
I'm a die hard Shinee fanboy :)
Chapter 12: oh thank you thank you so much for updating
Chapter 10: i cant wait for the next update
Chapter 10: I Don't know why but I feel like this story is pure gold , I like it so freaking much the plot the twin SHINee's personality ....., please update soon