Chapter 9

A Tale of Two Packs

"What brings you two here?" Asked Wooseok as he sat outside with Byungchan and Seungwoo for a late night talk session. "Mm, just visiting," said Byungchan. "I had one of those weird feelings about you and your PTSD and figured why not come visit," he said.

"I see you picked up a pack of werewolves," said Seungwoo. "They're getting along," said Wooseok. "I see that," said Seungwoo. "But they have their own problems, as does your own pack," he said. "What was your motive behind it?" He asked. "I'm sure you've heard about what happened with my brother and his mate," said Wooseok. "Ah... That problem," said Byungchan. "Gunhak asked me to take them in, and we did," said Wooseok.

"You're really trying to become like your brother's pack huh?" Asked Seungwoo. "It's not on purpose," said Wooseok. "I just couldn't let them go," he said. "Understandable," said Seungwoo. "Especially after all these laws were formed," he said. "No one is a vampire hunter, and I thought, why not invite them since Hwanhee is a vampire hunter," said Wooseok. Seungwoo hummed, nodding.

"What have you noticed while being here?" Asked Wooseok as he turned to Byungchan. "Not very much," said Byungchan. "Everyone's getting along, so there's not much tension," he said. "Even Kogyeol is being compliant," he said, shaking his head. "But as for the werewolves," he said, turning to Seungwoo.

"As for the werewolves," started Seungwoo as he crossed his arms, shrugging slightly. "There's not much going on there," he said. "Except what you explained to me in the text message," he added. "Hwanwoong and Xion are as you've said, suffering from some sort of PTSD, Gunhak is just barely holding things together for his pack and Youngjo is the most normal," he said. "You may need to step in soon," he said. "For Gunhak's sake," he added. "He's still tearing himself up from the betrayal of two his packmates I'm sure," he said. Wooseok nodded.

The three of them turned when Xion came outside and closed the back door, having spent the passed few hours tossing and turning in his bed. "Ah, unable to sleep?" Asked Wooseok. "I tried to," mumbled Xion. "I hope we weren't the cause of it," said Byungchan as he looked concerned. "No," said Xion. "I just couldn't will my body to fall asleep," he said, sighing as he walked over and sat down in his recliner. Byungchan hummed, his head tilting to the side slightly.

"Have you tried sleeping in wolf form?" Asked Seungwoo. "No," said Xion. "I could try that next time but I'm too wide awake to try and sleep again," he said, sighing. "I'd say try it next time," said Seungwoo. "You never know, you might be able to sleep more comfortably in wolf form," he added.

"What time is it?" Asked Byungchan. "4 am," said Xion. "These late night talks take up most of the night, Jesus," said Byungchan. Wooseok chuckled some, shaking his head. "It's good to see Jinhyuk finally getting some sleep though," he said. "He's usually out here before me, same with Hwanwoong," he said. "Are you tired at all?" Asked Byungchan. "No," said Wooseok. "I got to sleep earlier, it's why I was gone for a few hours," he said. "Our body clocks are constantly changing it seems," said Xion. "We're getting used to staying up most of the night now," he said. Wooseok hummed in agreement.



"God damn it you four," said Sunyoul as he came outside after the sun rose. "These talks need to not happen so often," he said. "Last night was important," said Wooseok. "Important enough to require a late night talk session?" Asked Sunyoul. "Yes," said Byungchan. "I see," said Sunyoul. "It looks like it's gonna rain the next week or so, try and get some normal amount of sleep," he said before heading back inside.

"Ever the worry wart," Seungwoo said with a snort as he got up, stretching. "How long are you two gonna be around?" Asked Wooseok. "I dunno," said Byungchan. "We've been moving from pack to pack again, so we're just hanging around," he said. "Must scare the others, with Kris's top general and his beta wandering around packs to see how things are going," Wooseok said with a shake of his head.

"Should see the look on their faces when Yuvin shows up with Kookheon," Byungchan said, laughing some. "They strike fear into the packs as soon as they show up," he said.

"Xion! Come help make breakfast!" Xiao shouted from inside, causing Xion to quickly move and get up, running inside to help make breakfast. "I missed a late night talk? Damn," said Jinhyuk as he stepped outside to get some fresh air, closing the door behind him before he walked over to Wooseok, Byungchan and Seungwoo. "You needed to sleep, it's alright," said Byungchan as he scratched the back of his head. "We didn't talk about much anyway," he said.

"It's good to see you two around again," said Jinhyuk. "Yeah," said Byungchan as he shrugged. "Just felt the need to stop by, you know? See how things have been," he said. "Yuvin says hi by the way, he'd come visit but he's over in Asia at the moment with Kookheon," he said. "Ah, that's fine," said Jinhyuk.



"So, what was the important talk about?" Asked Sunyoul as they sat around the table to eat breakfast. "Nothing concerning you guys," said Wooseok. "I asked them to stop by to observe the wolves and see if we can make things more comfortable for them," he said. "Ah," said Sunyoul.

"I still can't believe you are friends with one of Kris's top generals though," Kogyeol said with a sigh. Wooseok chuckled some. "You think that's surprising just wait til Yuvin stops by," he said. "Dude," said Jinhyuk. "We've been friends with them since before we both started changing," he said. "Kookheon and Yuvin are brothers, when Eunwoo and Rocky started changing we found ourselves with them," he said. "I don't think they minded too much but," he said, shrugging.

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I will love to read this but is there love story in it?