Chapter 4

A Tale of Two Packs

"Wait so you're telling me that you're the reason Wooseok started changing?" Asked Hwanwoong as he sat outside with Jinhyuk again. "I am," said Jinhyuk. "He wasn't supposed to start changing either, somehow I thought he'd stay human," he said. "I mean, Eunwoo started changing before him so," he said, shrugging. "He didn't smell like he was going to start changing either," he said. "So it just happened huh?" Asked Hwanwoong. Jinhyuk nodded. "Interesting," said Hwanwoong.

Wooseok stepped outside after putting on his shoes and walked over to his chair and sat down. "Nightmares again?" Asked Jinhyuk as he looked at Wooseok. Wooseok nodded, curling up in his chair as he hugged his knees. "Sleep, we're here," said Jinhyuk. "I just need to keep my mind blank for a few hours," mumbled Wooseok. "I'll listen to you talk if you don't mind," he said. "No problem," said Hwanwoong. Jinhyuk nodded in agreement.

"So how did you come to be with Gunhak's pack?" Asked Jinhyuk. "Ah..." said Hwanwoong. "I was part of another pack, the alpha there turned me," he said, shrugging. "I stayed out of their way though, he was scary," he said. "I don't remember much but I know that the alpha had two kids, from different moms or something," he said. "Hm..." Said Jinhyuk. "I don't know what he did to bring iKon over but," Hwanwoong said, shrugging. "I ran when I saw them, though I know they wouldn't do anything to me," he said.

"You know," said Wooseok as he had been listening to the conversation while spacing out. "This house belonged to that alpha," he said. "Really?" Asked Hwanwoong. "I got to ask Moonbin to get all the info on this house before we came back, the humans liked to talk about it," said Wooseok. "The sons of said alpha are still alive, Daehyun's part of Yongguk's pack and Minhyuk is with Joshua," he said. "Hm," said Hwanwoong.



Their conversation was interrupted by Sunyoul stepping outside as he was the first to wake up. "Unable to sleep again?" He asked. "Get some rest today, you three look like you need it," he said. "Xiao and Kogyeol can take care of things today," he said. "Along with the werewolves," he added. "They're normally not a problem," said Jinhyuk. "Just let them do their thing," he said. Wooseok nodded in agreement. "Okay, come inside," said Sunyoul. "Go wash up and come into the kitchen for breakfast," he said.

Wooseok was the first to get up, stretching before walking passed Sunyoul and heading inside. Sunyoul turned to Jinhyuk and Hwanwoong. "What?" Asked Jinhyuk. "I think you may need to keep a closer eye on him," said Sunyoul. "I'm his advisor, not beta," said Jinhyuk as he crossed his arms. "I'm asking not because of that, I'm asking because you're his best friend," said Sunyoul. "I don't know him as well as you do," he said.

"I don't want another Jinwook, you haven't seen the crap we went through before you two showed up," he said. "No offense to Jinwook but," he added. Jinhyuk sighed. "I'll keep a closer eye on him," he said. "It's not like Kogyeol would care," he said with a snort. "I'd say to leave him alone but," Sunyoul said with a shrug. "Just be careful around him," he said. Jinhyuk nodded. "Thank you," said Sunyoul. Jinhyuk got up and headed inside, bumping shoulders with Sunyoul as he passed him.

"Look," said Sunyoul as he turned to Hwanwoong. "I know we've never been on the best of terms but," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I'd like to at least try and be friends?" He asked. Hwanwoong smiled slightly. "I'd like that," he said. "I'm sorry for everything," he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he got up. "Hey, it's alright, there's bound to be differences in opinion somewhere right?" Asked Sunyoul. Hwanwoong chuckled slightly as he nodded, heading back inside. Sunyoul shook his head, looking around the backyard before heading inside and closing the back door.

"Well, this is a surprise," he said, spotting Xiao and Xion making breakfast together. "I figured why not," said Xiao. "That way we know what to make for everyone," he said. "Want some help?" Asked Sunyoul. "Sure," said Xion. Sunyoul nodded and went to help make breakfast, as people came and left the kitchen after grabbing their cups of coffee.



"Hwanhee's still gone huh?" Asked Wooseok as he sat at the kitchen table after getting breakfast with the other 'shifters. "He should be returning soon," said Kuhn. "Gyujin's on his way back, so Hwanhee's on his last leg of missions," he said. "That's good," said Kogyeol. "I was wondering when they were both returning, it's been what? A year?" He asked. "The Treasure Box faction is busy as hell," remarked Jinwook. "I think it's due to Mashiho and Yedam wanting things to work out," said Wooseok. "It'll die down when things are going well I'm sure," he added.

"So, these conversations you three have at night," started Xiao. "What are they mostly about?" He asked. "We sit in silence most of the time," said Jinhyuk. "But lately we talk about about anything and everything," he said. "Keeps the mind occupied, you know because nightmares and things," he added. "I stopped having them again, so I'm just keeping Hwanwoong company," he said. "And I join in after I wake up," said Wooseok.

"I might join you one of these nights," said Jinwook. "To see if I can keep my insanity in check," he added. "We get into some serious topics," said Jinhyuk. "So, if you're willing sure," he added. "Yeah, why not," said Jinwook. "Good, I hate being used as a punching bag," Changhyun said jokingly, earning a snort from Kuhn. Wooseok chuckled slightly, shaking his head.



"What kind of conversations do you guys even have?" Asked Youngjo as he ate breakfast with the others in the livingroom. "It must be interesting if you're staying outside most of the night," he added. "Ah..." Said Hwanwoong. "Anything and everything, I suppose," he said. "Who even knows anymore, I'm keeping my mind occupied and Jinhyuk's just keeping me company at this point," he added.

"I hear Wooseok get up sometimes," said Xion. "His nightmares must be pretty bad," he said. "I dunno, I never asked what his were about," said Hwanwoong. "Most of the time he just joins us and spaces out," he said. "You're welcome to join us sometime," he added. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind," he said. "We'll see," said Gunhak. "Maybe these late night conversations would help, who knows," he said. Hwanwoong nodded.

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I will love to read this but is there love story in it?