
Double Alpha

Hugging his mother he was so happy! How he miss her! She’s been busy since forever and all who he can see is Luhan mother and she is not nice to him! 

“Glad your okay!” The mother said with a smile to her son and Baekhyun nodded “Luhan told you?” He asked and she nodded

“We need to leave Baekkie! This place is not safe neither for you or for me!”

Baekhyun look at her with a questioning look “what happens mother?”

She get closer to him “people know who you are! Bad people! If you stay here everyone will be in danger”

Baekhyun confused look didn’t fade away “but mom!”

“No but Baekkie! Get in the car!” She said and open the door for him “please hurry my life will be in danger if they saw me with you!”

Feeling worried about his mother Baekhyun nodded! His mother will be his first choice no matter what! Even if that means he will leave his Alpha as they said? 

He gets in the car and his mother move fast to the driver seat and took off immediate without any second thought 




>>> Chanyeol <<<


Knocking on Kyungsoo room the door got open with a Kyungsoo rubbing his eye with “your back!”

Chanyeol look at him confused “where is he?”

Kyungsoo shrugs “he said his mother called to meet him at the entrance gate!”


Hearing the word mother Chanyeol get a panic attack with no waiting moment he runs as fast as he can to the gates but the place was empty no guards no car and importantly no Baekhyun! He touched his heart trying to feel the other and he did a mixed emotion of sadness and happiness! he look at a direction and want to dash in to that direction but someone stopped him grabbing his shoulder with “waiiiit!”


Chanyeol look back and find that Ji Sung “WHAT!” He screamed because he have no time for this 

“I know where she taking him!” 

Chanyeol look at him confused “let stop her for once Red eyes!”




>>> Baekhyun <<<



His mother was driving the car as fast as she can, he look at her and she had this afraid look “mom! Are you okay?” He asked and she smiled with a nodded 

“Am fine as long as you are with me!” She said and he smiled a happy smile hearing the words “we have a long road to go!” She said stopping in a gas station and get out of the car, Baekhyun move with his eyes along with her seeing her talking to the worker who nodded and she start to take out money!

He huffs looking down thinking of a certain someone who left him without even saying goodbye! But his eyes fall on a piece of metal under his mother jacket on the back seat, his hand automatically move to see the familiar metal taking the jacket off, his eyes got wide open putting the jacket back and turn to look at the front 

His mother came in after a while and look at him with a smile “you okay babe!” She said touching his hair because he look shocked to her and he nodded “just tired! You done?”

“Yes! Just take a nap! we will arrive at the morning”

Baekhyun nodded turning to the other side giving his mother his back! He close his eyes tightly and bite his lips to not cry! Thinking of the red eye guy who keep saying he is his Alpha




“Baekkie wake up!” 


Opening his eyes he heard his mother voice! The time was already morning he look at the place they are in,the place was so bright and white it must be snowing all the night over here! The place they stopped by was a huge place like an industry in the middle of no where just white mountains! he came out of the car following his mother from behind, she arrived to the gate and the guards bow to her and eyed him with a serious face he tried to smile but he couldn’t seeing how they are looking at him, so he just went in, his mother immediately called a name and a girl came to the view with “yes ma’am!” Baekhyun find the face familiar he can swear that the girl is one of the Elite students! And she probably know he recognized her she smiled to Him

“Take him to his room!” His mother said and turn to look at Baekhyun “go with her I will check on something and be right back to you okay?”


Baekhyun just nodded and follow the girl to a little room with a little bed and a small table with one chair! He saw the girl leaving the room with a fake smile saying “sorry!”


First thing he did was looking for his phone but he couldn’t find him! Sitting there he look at the hour it was 8am he waited and waited but not much more he move with slow steps to the door and try to open it but it was closed he huffs in anger he know something is off when he saw that metal in the back seat, when he took off the jacket and find his own laptop there!


He know he can’t control his form so probably he can’t change at all or he would be killing everyone here including his mother! He stayed there till he can clearly heard foot steps coming near the room, the door got opened and two huge men were looking down at him “Mrs.Byun calling you” they said in the same time and move each one to a side waiting for him to move, Baekhyun just nodded and move outside that little room he felt one passing him to show him the way and another one followed him from behind! 

Moving all the way in that place Baekhyun was shocked of the screams he heard moving by some closed rooms he open his eyes wide every time he heard one! Things in this place sure isn’t good and he know it especially when he heard babies crying! His mind automatically goes to his childhood where everyone were dying around him! 


“I take him from here!” 


The two bodyguards look at the one talking and they immediately obey the orders Baekhyun eyes were more shocked now! What is he doing here? “Ji Sung?” He said with anger and scared because if his here and they obey him! meaning that the place is the same as years ago!

Ji Sung move taking his arm forcefully and drag him with him with “let go!”

Baekhyun immediately pushed the guy with “BACK OFF!”


Making the bodyguards who were leaving stoping and look back to Ji Sung who shrugs “I can handle him!” He said moving closely to Baekhyun ear with “listen! Two options make a scene i take you to your mother and you will be a rat lab for life!! or I take you out of here if you stay calm!”


He back off and smiled to Baekhyun tabbing his shoulder and look at the bodyguards with “all clear!”

Baekhyun look confused at the guy! But what chances he have? At least let those two leave first and maybe he can handle this Ji Sung with his human form!


Moving along with him Ji Sung was smiling to some workers passing by he was a little nervous and he can see it ! Also he could recognize the way it was the same as he came from it! Few minutes he can see the sign of Exit in the door that he came in from ! This Ji Sung wasn’t lying at him? 


“Hey you! Where you think your going?”  The men in the doors said ready to transform any second Ji Sung was fast to move in front of Baekhyun with “run to the outside!” And with that he changed to his dark grey wolf form and fight the two guards who didn’t fall back and do the same, finding the opportunity and a clear way to that door Baekhyun run as fast as he can opening the door to the white snow like outside but not moving 5 steps he fall back when one of the wolf guards jumped over his head and bark at him loudly attacking him!


Baekhyun know he can’t feel hurt he wanted to fight the wolf back but he didn’t have the time because another grey wolf jump on the wolf guard, he kind of look familiar! But still he doesn’t remember ! 




Baekhyun look in front of him hearing the calming voice calling him! That deep voice red eye guy was in front of him standing! Unconsciously tears start to fall on his cheeks he stands and run like his life was depending on it to the giant and hugs him tightly! Feeling the other hugs him back too! he was so happy inside when he felt the long arms around him! Like he doesn’t want anything else from this world just to stay like this! This feelings ! It is and Omega feelings missing their Alpha he must say! This warmth in the cold weather! Oh! He doesn’t want to let go!

“Sorry for being late!” He heard the deep voice saying and He look up to see at his red glowing eyes still hugging him he didn’treplt because Chanyeol said “I had to bring some company from low society” Chanyeol said looking back and Baekhyum look back with him...amazed..


 the place was full of wolves some he can recognize in front like Kyungsoo, Lay and Suho! Even Luhan who stands near that grey wolf who saved him early thinking if it that his Alpha Sehun! But the amount of wolves behind were unbelievable like a whole school came with him! More then a thousands 




Baekhyun heard Chanyeol screaming and every single wolf was there start to howl and then start to run inside that facility with no second thought 


“I need to talk to my mother!” Baekhyun said looking at Chanyeol

“No! Baek! She kidnapped you twice from me! I can’t let you go near her!” Chanyeol refused

“Please!” Baekhyun begged and Chanyeol roll his eyes taking his hand with his own with “stay behind me” moving to the inside 


The place now was a mess everyone fighting against each other! Wondering how they can recognize each other at this point ! Because what he can see is animals fighting each other, he look at a room passing by it and a wolf changed back to his human form the face was familiar he didn’t see him in the school tho! 

“You will be safe!” The guy said with a very wide smile and a high pitch to a little boy inside a closed room “I will take you to safety! you can call me Jongdae!”


And for Baekhyun surprise a lot were locked in at that place he kept moving side by side his supposed to be Alpha not leaving his hand because for a long time that was the only thing he feel safe holding!


Moving around the place till Chanyeol felt the other stopping in front of a room “there she is!” Baekhyun said to him looking from the door glass

Not waiting a second Chanyeol open the door seeing a woman trying to put some papers and other things on a box like she was fleeing with the research she had 

“Baekkie!” She said wanting to move to his direction but she got stopped with a very angry chanyeol growl 

“Mom! why you bring me here! I thought you left this kind of things for good!” Baekhyun had to ask he still have hope in his mother 

“Yeah! We did!” His mother said with a smile ! I just came here to save you from the outside world!”


“Stop lying to him!” 


The three in the room look at the men coming in Chanyeol smiled seeing Mr. Yoo 

“You took my son 15 years ago you killed my wife! You put me on a Coma!”

The mother face become a bit surprised “no way!!” she look at Baekhyun “His lying to you! None of this is true!”

“Ji Sung is my Omega! He told me everything about you ! He even confess to the high society police and bring evidence! a video recordings and one of them have Baekhyun on it being tortured by you!”


Baekhyun tightens the grip on Chanyeol hands  seeing his mother speechless standing there anger on her face but after a while she just look at the ceiling “after all those year! My perfect plan end like this!” She look at Baekhyun “I was this close but you decided to be an Omega!” She laughed a sarcasm one that made Baekhyun hide behind his giant Alpha “you will never be safe you know!” She smirk “I already gave your files to the humans and they were so satisfied with the results! You know how much desperate they want to be stronger! How desperately they want to beat the wolves? you will never live a normal life Baekkie! Even if you wanted to!”


“I will make sure he will live a very fine live!” chanyeol said in anger he hate her he hate how the other behind him feel betrayed! How he is shocked of his own mother saying this to him! How his life was a joke to her!


Saying the words Mr. Yoo immediately turn to his black wolf form and Mrs.Byun also did the same, the two start fighting each other but obviously the black wolf was winning it for sure! Chanyeol look at Baekhyun who was closing his eyes not wanting to see his mother get hurt and with no second thought he hold him and move outside the room all the way outside the facility, where everyone was there standing! Kids! babies! Men! women! Everyone who was having hard time because of his mother tests, 


“You okay?” He heard Chanyeol saying and he smiled with a nodded “you sure?” He insisted asking!

And Baekhyun just close his eyes again and dig his head on Chanyeol chest crying his heart out...wishing this could be all a bad dream...






But he know it’s not!











“What do you mean by living with me?” Kai look at Kyungsoo with wide eyes sitting in the restaurant “you told your parents?”

Kyungsoo nodded “and they didn’t accepted you so am homeless now!” He smiled widely 

“Why you look happy about it?” Kai said confused because how could he be happy about it???

Kyungsoo shrugs “I don’t know am just happy because we will be together!”

Kai smirks nodding “yeah true!”

“Where is Chanyeol?” Sehun asked coming and sitting with Luhan on the table

“He needed a private place with his Beta!” Kyungsoo winks 

“He still didn’t remember him?” Luhan asked and Kyungsoo nodded “but Chanyeol have this injection he will use!”





>>> meanwhile <<< 



Baekhyun goes in his room followed by Chanyeol behind he move to the kitchen table and lean on it looking at Chanyeol “where is it?”

Chanyeol move to the front of the small one carrying him and made him sit on that table behind him, taking the injection from his pocket and put it next to him “here!” He said


Baekhyun lock their eyes together “why I can’t remember anything even if I want to?” He asked “you were bad to me?”

Chanyeol look side way clearing his throat “ehm..maybe!” 

Baekhyun smiled at the confusion look the other had “don’t worry I want to remember any moment with you! This feeling I get inside when you’re near is...” Baekhyun couldn’t find the words he just move closer “did we kiss?” He asked and Chanyeol look down at the close lips with a silent nod 

“It was good?” He asked again and Chanyeol answered “perfect”

“Should we do it now!” Baekhyun smiled because the other didn’t even wait a second, he kissed him immediately and deeply in the kiss he took the injection and inject the little with it because hell he can’t wait anymore!!!  the two are mates and they need more then...




Just a kiss...












“I really thought a kiss can make him remember!” Leaning his head side ways Ji Sung was playing with the car keys on his hands looking at his Alpha “Shouldn’t be there saying ‘my son i missed you’ or something like that?” He asked and Mr. Yoo was looking at Baekhyun Balcony room! 

“No! He doesn’t need a father from now on! I never been there for him! he have all what he need now! His Alpha!”

Ji Sung shrugs “your choice!” He move to the driver seat opening the door “where to? Hawaï?” He said with excitement 

Mr. Yoo look at his Omega with a smirk and the other roll his eyes because he know that smirk of some unfinished business and he was right because he heard him saying 


“human side!“








Tadaaa! Hope you guys enjoyed the story! Thanks for all the subs votes and commeeeeeennnnntttttsssss I really appreciate that! Till the next storyyyy luv youuu all 




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Beau1996 1377 streak #1
Chapter 24: Interesting ending - let's the reader think about what happens next!!
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Chapter 21: What kinds of consequences are so bad that Baek needs to forget??
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Chapter 20: Oh no - I think Baek's about to be taken...
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Chapter 19: I'm not sure what Baek is saying - did he get changed into a werewolf??
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Chapter 15: What is happening!!
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Chapter 13: Omega status confirmed 🤨
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Chapter 11: Who is the omega??
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Chapter 9: Comfort needed!!
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Chapter 4: Can you fight nature??