All of me

Double Alpha



Baekhyun eyes were screaming unbelievable hearing that the date he remembering was two weeks ago! He look at Chanyeol suspicious “is this a morning joke!”

Chanyeol huffs “no it’s not!”

Baekhyun shrugs “you know you are a one night stand why am I even giving you time!” He said moving outside but pumped in another two He look at them with “sorry!” And a smile and move aside to pass them 

“Baekhyun your okay!” Kai asked seeing the concern on Chanyeol face while he was trying to follow him 

Baekhyun nodded “yes mate! Have a nice day”

The words made Kai look with a questioning look to Sehun and Sehun repeated “mate!”

“Baekhyun listen!” Chanyeol called but the other didn’t stop his fast moving steps till he reached Luhan room he open it but no one was there “oh crap!”

He turn to find Chanyeol again standing behind him “ugh!” He said trying to go left but Chanyeol move left with him preventing him from walking by him, he roll his eyes and move right and Chanyeol move right with him

“Oh my god! Why are you following me?” Baekhyun almost screamed 

“Because you don’t remember! You don’t remember me Baek!” Chanyeol words made Sehun and Kai who follow them from behind look at each other shocked

“Why should I!” Baekhyun said in sarcasm “your going to black mail me to not tell Luhan? How much you want?”

“Oh my god!” Chanyeol roll his eyes “can you just listen!” 


“Chanyeol Baekhyun what going on?” Kyungsoo come to the view with Luhan along 

“Oh thank god!” Baekhyun said going to Luhan and hug him “Am sorry for what I did! I probably drink a lot again!”

Luhan look at everyone there with a raise eyebrow he know Baekhyun won’t hug him like this after what he did! “Baekhyun! what are you talking about!”

Chanyeol start to get angry now “he doesn’t remember anything about the Luxion or me!” The words he said made the new two around shocked 

“Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo called “who is he?” He said pointing to Chanyeol and Baekhyun shrugs with “don’t play games with me soo!”

Kyungsoo was surprisingly shocked “he really don’t remember his Alpha!”

The words made Baekhyun look daggers at him “watch your words!”

“No! Baekhyun” Luhan said “Sehun right there is my Alpha! And HE is your Alpha!”

Baekhyun releases the hug “the f**k are you saying!” His face was screaming seriousness 

“His right Baek!” Chanyeol said “Am your Alpha!”


Baekhyun laughed a sarcasm one at the comment he look at Kyungsoo pocket and take his phone looking at the date, his eyes got wide open seeing the really two weeks after he felt cold sweet all over his body! What did he do? What happened! Is it true? He end up a Beta? what about his plans? scared inside of the idea that he just screwed his own life in the last two weeks because the him he is now will never do that.! Why is he going to look at the eyes it his promise to not look at anyone eyes


Chanyeol felt the fear inside the other heart like a realization to something that you not supposed to be doing he wanted to move to the little confused one but he got blocked with his hands up telling him to stop and not move an inch “don’t” he said and give the phone back to Kyungsoo “I want to be alone!” With that he left.




Kyungsoo look at Chanyeol “The black wolf isn’t in a good shape he still unconscious! While Baekhyun is forgetting!” 

Sehun nodded “someone make sure to let the two shut!”

“Today is the charity party!” Kyungsoo said “I asked Suho to invite just the important once and double the security!”

“Why celebration in a day like this?” Kai asked 

“The parents day is where the founders put their money for the school but the school immediately give the half of it to the charities for the social help and specifically for low society help”

Luhan shrugs “it’s just a party between students! The men responsible usually meet the principal”


“Keep an eye on Baekhyun I don’t trust anyone now!” Kyungsoo said “the camera were an inside job for sure”


Chanyeol nodded moving the way where Baekhyun went, moving all the way to Baekhyun bedroom where he now just came out changing his clothes


Baekhyun look at Chanyeol for few seconds from up to toe and Chanyeol smiled shyly 

“What?” Baekhyun asked with a questioning look

Chanyeol shake his head “I like your feeling when you look at me like that”

Baekhyun eyes got wide open slightly red because he was thinking that he have a good body! “WT!” He almost screamed “you know I don’t feel ash*t right? So stop fantasizing that am a Beta! Maybe I just said that because Luhan had his own one and wanted to spend a night with you!” He shrugs “who knows!” then he move to the class direction 


Going in he sits next to Luhan who look at Baekhyun with a sad smile “it been a while since we sit together”

Baekhyun hear the sad tone and look concerned “why?”

Luhan shrugs “I betrayed you and go with Sehun behind your back!”

Baekhyun eyes got wide open “what! Really?” He laughed “your low Lu! But I always told you if I am not enough you can ask me to leave you why I ll be mad at you?”

Luhan shrugs “you though I told your secret to my Alpha!”

Baekhyun get a shock for 2 seconds then nodded with “that convincing!” He turn to look at the new students around they smiled to him and one even bow to him and he awkwardly smiled back! “Who are they!” He asked turning immediately to Luhan

And Luhan smiled “your children?”


Luhan laughed “you are their Alpha pack lead Beta! So basically your like their mother!”

“Please god! Kill me!” Baekhyun huffs and he noticed that guy came in to the class with Luhan Alpha.




The classes starts




Suho came to the class taking his two friends after because he needed help and the two gladly accept, Chanyeol hate the idea that he is far from him but he keep his heart feeling every second the other live because that what the least he can do when he is far from him!

Lunch break arrived and everyone were at the restaurant 

“Hey! Leader! I spread the news if there is a witness we will definitely find it!”

“Good!” Chanyeol replied he want to know who hurt his Baekhyun he won’t stop because his back or because no one can tell what happened! He will search and search till he find out who is responsible 






“The ending should be at 10 let make the music class do the final show it refreshing with the music since it a boring gathering!” Baekhyun said 

Kyungsoo nodded “last year it was awful I can’t see the same thing happened students start to fall a sleep!”

Suho nodded “then okay! Music will be the safe boat let start the preparation” 

Kyungsoo look at Baekhyun “you okay? You can prepare all of this with us!” 

Baekhyun nodded “yeah sure!”

Suho tried to reason “Baekhyun we don’t know what they do to your body! Maybe you don’t feel pain but your body do get tired”

“They!” Baekhyun repeats “that red eyes guy said I got kidnapped is it true?”

The two nodded 

“By Who!” He asked trying to make it a normal thing but he was so worried inside thinking if anyone know the real him

“We don’t know!” Kyungsoo said 

Baekhyun just nodded “I talk to the school band and see what they could preform at the closing” he said taking the plan and left the room

“His trying his best to act cool!” Suho said “I feel sorry for him” Kyungsoo couldn’t agree more







Time fly fast Baekhyun kept himself busy for the whole day he know that his friends can’t lie to him! But how he end up being that red eyes guy that he doesn’t even know his name Beta? He doesn’t even feel like he is his Beta around him! He turn to a corner in the big hall and found him there standing looking at him! since classes end he was their moving with him wherever he moves he felt bothered at first he went to tell him to leave but the red eyes didn’t say a word he was just leaning on the wall and crossing his arms like he is a bodyguard! But since someone did kidnapped him maybe it safer if that looks like strong wolf also a lead have an eye on him. 


Giving orders here and there Baekhyun didn’t stop the whole day he was looking at the plan and everything was prepared, because it about time and he can see Kyungsoo in the door sign that the guests arrived ! Security was overloaded tonight and probably every next day because Suho was angry as hell he called his parents to send him some good ones and from the look they are experts 



Talking talking talking, Chanyeol could swear if that little red hair is taking his intention there he would be already falling a sleep, he hate how they are far the urge inside was screaming for him to go and kiss his again maybe he would remember him! Keep ignoring him isn’t good at all his an Alpha and an Omega ignoring him makes him want him more! He saw him laughing with others taking Luhan arms and leaning on him like how they were doing in the first days when he came he didn’t like it and he felt jealous! He supposed to be the one there! Anger start to raise on him he hate who ever touched him! He swear he will kill him even if it was his own father! Bounds between mates are more important then anyone else life and trying to break it I s the worse.


Sehun came next the two and he saw Baekhyun excuse them! Making the two alone! Kyungsoo was hugged by Kai and even Suho with Lay! But him! Him! Watching from far away! 



He hate it



He felt suffocated! He can’t help to huffs more then one time in a second to try to get his anger low! He look at the little who was talking nervous to someone he felt concerned from Baekhyun side and he couldn’t be away anymore he stepped at his direction


“Everything Is good?” He asked and get an angry face from the short one 

“NOTHINGJUSTLEAVE!” Baekhyun screamed and turn going to Kyungsoo talking to him 

Everyone around that area we’re looking at a silent Chanyeol, “The band had an urgent meeting with the sponsor and they left” the someone Baekhyun was talking to said to Chanyeol “he doesn’t have a closing show!”


Chanyeol said a “thanks” and move to Baekhyun again “hey!” He tried to say but all he got in an anger again 


Chanyeol look at the angry face the screaming the refuse he can handle anything but not the refusing! How could he not feel him! How could Baekhyun not feel his sorrow when he scream on him! Why he always shut his feelings toward him? Why when he finally find his Omega he keep repeat trying to reach him over and over! 





Chanyeol frown ! He was sure the laptop was there when he went in the morning! Kyungsoo was right this is an inside job ! Chanyeol start to feel scared because one of those who want to hurt his Omega is near and he doesn’t know who! He saw Baekhyun huffs and move away from him he stands next to Suho and Lay with “the band is out of the picture!” 

Suho shocked face was on now “but I told the guests we still have a thanking performance!”

Baekhyun was about to say a word but Suho phone rings “the hospital!” He look at Lay and Lay nodded grabbing Baekhyun arm “you go I stay with Baekhyun”

Baekhyun look confused seeing Suho leaving! He look at Lay “who is in the hospital?”

Lay smiled “the principal friend“ and Baekhyun nodded “let find a way to apologize to the guests for the no closing music” 

Baekhyun nodded waiting the time to arrive 




>>>> Suho <<<<



Suho went in to the infirmary where Mr. Yoo was now sittingon the bed  

 “I thought the principal will come” He said to Suho and the other shake his head a no “Am sorry but the principal Is busy”

Mr. Yoo nodded “is Baekhyun okay?”

Suho shake his head a no “memory lose for the last two weeks“

Mr. Yoo look at Suho  “of course she will do that! it’s better if he remember near his Alpha or he will get broken!”

“What do you mean?” Suho asked

“I need to talk to the Alpha alone!” Mr. Yoo said








Baekhyun saw the guests leaving the stage and he move with Kyungsoo to their way he supposed to tell them that there is no show and that like telling them to leave! He move and wait them 

“That awkward!” Kyungsoo said but the light shut down and he got panicked “you didn’t tell the lights tech there is no show?” 

Baekhyun huffs “offf! I did! I told them!” He wanted to move to that way but Kyungsoo grabs him “don’t leave me alone telling them! The principal is there too oh my god! It will be a bad image!”


The light open in the center of the stage and a piano was there in the middle! Baekhyun look at Kyungsoo and the later shrugs 

The students start to cheer on someone coming up the stage “what is he doing?” Baekhyun said looking at the red eyes guy moving to the piano and sitting on it he move the mic in front of his lips and put his tall fingers on the piano keys and he start playing...then singing...



~~>>~~what would I do without your smart mouth~~<<~~

~~>>~~drawing me and you kicking me out~~<<~~

~~>>~~Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down~~<<~~


Singing the song Chanyeol at first was closing his eyes but then he open them and search for the red hair tell he noticed him there standing just looking at him


~~>>~~ what going on in that beautiful mind~~<<~~

~~>>~~I’m on your magical mystery ride~~<<~~

~~>>~~ and am so dizzy, don’t know what hit me? But I’ll be alright~~<<~~



Baekhyun heart start to beat warmth hearing the voice! That deep calmly voice! that look in the eyes like someone did miss you for so much long like someone desperately invites you in but he can’t force you in even if he can! What wrong with him? Why is he feeling missed! Is it his feelings? Or it his? Is he his Alpha! 



~~>>~~ cause all of me loves all of you~~<<~~


He loves all of him? Why those words are so true not just a song lyrics!! Why he feels like they are ment to be told to him from that voice! He keep hearing the words till he felt tears coming out from his eyes! Is he crying! Why? He kept listening to every single word frozen without moving! He felt his heart wanting to run to him and hugs him! But he can’t because he doesn’t know him! So he just listened...



~~>>~~Love your curves and all your edges~~<<~~

~~>>~~All your perfect imperfections~~<<~~

~~>>~~Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you~~<<~~

~~>>~~You're my end and my beginning~~<<~~

~~>>~~Even when I lose I'm winning~~<<~~

~ ~>>~~Cause I give you all, all of me~~<<~~

~~>>~~And you give me all~~<<~~

~~>>~~all of you~~<<~~

~~>>~~Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts~~<<~~

~~>>~~Risking it all, though it's hard~~<<~~

~~>>~~Cause all of me~~<<~~

~~>>~~Loves all of you~~<<~~

~~>>~~Love your curv...



Chanyeol stopped he felt it! He stands in the middle of the stage leaving everything and running to Baekhyun, making his way to him till he reach the little one, and with the right time he could hold him because Baekhyun legs failed him so hard!

“Baekhyun are you okay! Baek!” Chanyeol said but the other horrible clenching on his head like he trying to remember something, Chanyeol can feel it! He feel how the other is trying hard and it hurt him so bad! 

“Baekhyun talk to me!”

The little look at Chanyeol eyes hearing the desperation in the voice but more like an ordere but in some point he feel safe!


“Why I can’t remember you!”


Chanyeol hold his Omega tightly because he could feel how broken he was saying the words, he felt him digging his head in his chest and start to cry his heart out...


that song made him cry...



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Beau1996 1384 streak #1
Chapter 24: Interesting ending - let's the reader think about what happens next!!
Beau1996 1384 streak #2
Chapter 21: What kinds of consequences are so bad that Baek needs to forget??
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Chapter 20: Oh no - I think Baek's about to be taken...
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Chapter 19: I'm not sure what Baek is saying - did he get changed into a werewolf??
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Chapter 15: What is happening!!
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Chapter 13: Omega status confirmed 🤨
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Chapter 11: Who is the omega??
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Chapter 9: Comfort needed!!
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Chapter 5: What?? Chan is a white wolf!
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Chapter 4: Can you fight nature??