In Another Life

Blue Moon Ocean

Wheein's ears could only hear the muffled electronic music playing outside the restroom. Her head felt light, this wasn't tonight's plan. 

The lady looked at her waiting for a response, with complete disregard to the close position they were in. Then she spoke again,

"Look I get it, I'd be flabbergasted too if someone came up to me like this, but trust me I'm not an enemy."

Wheein couldn't think of any words appropriate for the situation, she was in a trance, sort of?. Her mind couldn't focus on anything clearly. First off how did the lady know she was an immortal? There's other immortals?? How did she know she was here in 1925?? Why did she drag her into the restroom???


Wheein fumbled with her thoughts, until she formulated an idea,

"... could we go somewhere else?"

The lady looked at her for a while, expressionless.

Then after a moment of thinking, without any sort of movement, the lady nodded down once and stood to unlock the restroom door, even offering Wheein a steady hand up.





Wheein led them to an old terrain north from her home. It was a clear night, with slight wind that moved the wheat from the farms they passed. The walk there consisted of complete silence until Wheein spoke up, asking a question,

"Why would you just drag me like that though?"

"I didn't know if there would be another chance."




The pair kept walking till they reached a small cliff in the terrain. The lady squatted down staring at the sunset, Wheein followed.

"I know you have more questions, so go ahead, ask them."


Wheein looked at the lady who spoke to her but was not looking at her rather staring at the sky in front of them, 


"What's your name?"

The lady smiled slightly, looking down at the grass then back up at Wheein,

"Is that really your first question?"

Wheein nodded.

The lady turned her face back towards the sun, 


Wheein repeated the name in her brain several times before repeating it out loud,

"Hyejin. Well uhm.. do you know mine already?.. I'm sorry, I'm just- not quite sure how much about me you know.."

"I only know you were here 1925, because I was here that night too. I'm not stalking you or anything. I just.. never forget a face.."

"Is there a reason why you cornered me tonight?"

"Yes. I want to know if you're immortal like me"


"Are you aware of the Tekidashi Clan by the East Strip?"

"Tekidashi? Clan?"

"Yes. They control the Strip and all adjacent land next to it. They've been hunting down on all immortals ever since they relocated here. I'm surprised you don't know them."

"..I thought I was the only immortal on earth"

Then for a second time that night Wheein's plans changed.

Only it was way quicker this time.


One second she was looking at Hyejin, then the other she was suddenly falling off the cliff looking up at her being held tightly by two figures in a hood.

Hyejin's eyes were wide and alert,  covered by the hooded figures. Through her fighting she looked down at Wheein, trying to reach for her but being held back. 

It seemed like they were both in quite a pickle.







Wheein opened her eyes, her right temple throbbing. She tried moving but quickly realized that she was strapped down on what seemed to be a hospital bed. Then she tried screaming. But that seemed to be of no use.

She spent several minutes wiggling around, trying to free herself. When suddenly the door in front of her slammed open, making her physically flinch.

Hyejin ran in, with blood dripping from her forehead. She had a small pocket knife in her hand, which she quickly used to tear the straps holding Wheein down.

As soon as she ripped through the last one she grabbed Wheein's hand pulling her out the door,

"We have like 15 minutes before they notice we're gone, please keep up this place is huge"

Wheein could feel her heartbeat in her ears. Just what was going on? Was this because of the Tekidashi Clan?

"One last stop then we just gotta find my friend Lion, he's by the south entrance with some bikes, we'll follow him to the dugout and hopefully lose these psychos"

Wheein was sprinting trying to keep up with Hyejin. She was right this place was huge, it seemed it like it would never end.


Wheein bumps into Hyejin who stopped abruptly while cutting a corner. Wheein takes a peek around Hyejin looking at what stopped her in her tracks.

It's three hooded guys each with a gun pointing straight at Hyejin's heart. Wheein's eyes go wide, her instincts pulling through, as she dashes backwards while holding on to Hyejin. She manages to move them out of the way right in time, because she sees the bullets aimed at Hyejin hit the wall beside them. 

That makes Hyejin react. She gestures to Wheein to stay put, before she goes back towards the shooters. Wheein can't see anything but she hears rapid shots and three quick snaps. Her mind runs wild, but it stops as she sees Hyejin step around the corner.

"They have one of my old friends here and there's no way I'm leaving without her, I apologize, you shouldn't have to experience this"

Wheein feels no need to ask questions, she just nods in understanding. They both walk back towards the fallen guards. Hyejin walks toward a keypad on the wall, grabbing it and ripping it off the wall with a small grunt. Then she reaches in the hole pulling out three wires and ripping them apart, then walks over to the door kicking it open. 


Wheein felt like she was seeing her rescue in third person, just that this time she wasn't the one being rescued. 


Hyejin rapidly frees her friend, shaking her awake,

"Byul wake the up,! We got like six minutes to get out"

Byul gasped awake, her eyes wide and shaky, till they landed on Hyejin,

"Woah what the is going on?!"

"Tekidashi clearly doesn't want no for an answer, so we gotta go pronto!"

Byul hopped out the bed looking at Wheein,

"Who's this?"

"Wheein, and the story behind her gotta wait cause we're out of time, but she's on our side Byul"

Wheein nodded, and Byul nodded back.

"Lion is at the south entrance, any idea where that is?" 

Byul gave Hyejin a look,

"I just woke up bro, do it look like I know where we at"

Hyejin laughed, 

"Whatever let's go"




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_JungHyejin_ #1
Chapter 3: The story is good...will you still continue this authornim~?....hope you will continue, thank you for sharing this story!! <3
Savemefrommamamohell #2
Chapter 2: Interesting AU.
Seems like the plot is action packed so far, it's something different.
I'm curious to see how it develops :)
Thank you for sharing!