Across the Ocean and Into the City

Blue Moon Ocean

The three made their way across the building; finally coming across an exit. Hyejin looked back at Wheein,

"Be careful with the speed on these bikes, they're quick"

Wheein swallowed thickly, only then did it sink in that she didn't actually know how to drive a bike.






Hyejin shouted as soon as she walked out the exit. And then about five seconds later a truck drifted to a stop in front of them. A tall husky man jumped off dashing to the trunk to get the bikes. He then whistled a tune to Hyejin, throwing her a bag with keys. Hyejin whistled back, blowing him a kiss. The man shook his head with a small smile at her, then rose his index finger motioning for them to follow him.



Wheein never did figure out how to ride a bike because she skidded hers into a tree and Hyejin just told her to hop on on hers. Byul zoomed the  out of there the first chance she got, she definitely knew how to ride a bike. 


They eventually stopped by a bridge; Hyejin & Byul grabbed some gas tanks from the truck, filling up their bikes. Wheein took some water. 

Hyejin gave Lion a hug and a handshake, thanking him for having helped her. Lion then hopped back on his truck, whistled loudly and sped off.


"Lion said the closest town is Boseong-gun, I know the Green Hex Tribe is still monitoring that area ever since the accident with Boss Man but we know sneaky, so no stress really. This is the address, let the bike auto drive please, you be going way too fast and for what"

"Listen I was born to race baby, you know that, I know that, they know that, everybody knows that. Don't hate the player hate the game" Byul said shrugging the last part at Hyejin with a cocky smirk. 

"Okay Miss has crashed five bikes in three years, whatever you say. Let's aim to get to shelter by sundown and then get back to Moonlight District by tomorrow afternoon."

"Why not drive all the way? We've done it before.?"

"We've done it before but not Wheein. Did you forget we're not alone this time?"

Byul's mouth formed an 'o' looking at Wheein, "What's the problem can't go all night?" finishing her sentence with a smirk and a raised brow. 

Wheein laughed, "I'm fine with whatever Hyejin decides on"

Hyejin then stood in front of Byul blocking her from Wheein's view "I think it's best we drive all night, but if you need to rest we can rest"

"I don't really sleep a lot these years, so don't worry about me. By the way sorry to pry, but is the Tekidashi guy that kidnapped us called Boss Man?"

"The one and only" 

Byul kicked a rock "don't know why they do though, he seems more like a brat to me; always crying about something that doesn't go his way, that ain't no boss man"

Hyejin walked over to Wheein handing her a helmet. "Lion's truck seat isn't available, so you'll have to be riding with me for a bit longer, I hope that's okay"

"Or you can ride with me Wheein? Go faster than grandma over there"

Hyejin laughed looking at Wheein "Your choice"






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_JungHyejin_ #1
Chapter 3: The story is good...will you still continue this authornim~?....hope you will continue, thank you for sharing this story!! <3
Savemefrommamamohell #2
Chapter 2: Interesting AU.
Seems like the plot is action packed so far, it's something different.
I'm curious to see how it develops :)
Thank you for sharing!