I will always be there for you.

I will always be there for you

She ran out of school and to the park she used to play with Woo Hyun when they were young. She cried her heart out as she fell onto the sand. She texted Woo Hyun with tears falling down. Woo Hyun read her message and rushed to find her at the very instant.

“Hae Jin! Where are you?!” Woo Hyun called out worriedly as he ran to the park.

“Oppa! I am here!” Hae Jin called out to her best friend.

He was shocked at the sight of Hae Jin sitting in the sand pit crying away. He squatted down and looked at her with his soft gaze.

“What’s wrong?” he asked . He felt an unknown pain in his heart as he saw her cry.

“Oppa, I saw Hong Ki oppa kissing another girl in his class. He doesn’t like me… I think he is just making use of me…” Hae Jin cried harder as she confided to Woo Hyun.

“Don’t cry. He is not worth your tears.” Woo Hyun said as he hugged her.

Burying her head in his shoulders, more tears escaped her eyes.

“Woo Hyun oppa….” Hae Jin mumbled as she cried her heart out.

“Will you be fine alone?” Woo Hyun asked worriedly as he looked at Hae Jin with her eyes all red and swollen.

Hae Jin nodded her head as she waved to him weakly. She walked back into her house as Woo Hyun stayed outside and watched her go in. “Lee Hong Ki, you bastard. I won’t let you off for hurting her.” Woo Hyun thought as he walked off.

The next day at school, Hae Jin received another message from Hong Ki. She ignored it and switched off her phone. Then, she saw someone along the corridor. It was him. Hae Jin turned around and was about to leave when she heard him call her.

“Hey Pretty!” Hong Ki called out with his y voice.

Hae Jin halted her steps and stood there, back facing him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he walked to face her.

“What am I to you?” she asked with her eyes tearing up. She was amazed at her own courage at that point of time. She held back the tears as she waited for his reply.

“You are…” Hong Ki said as he lowered his face down to her level.

Their faces were only inches away when he continued, “ someone special to me.”

Hae Jin felt her heart beating rapidly as she looked at him. His perfect face was so close to him and those words melted her. She fell for his trick again. She smiled to herself shyly as Hong Ki straightened himself.

“I will see you around. Bye!~” Hong Ki said as he left with his hands in his pockets.

“Bye~” Hae Jin muttered as she looked down, blushing.

Unknown to the two, Woo Hyun was behind the wall watching all the time. He clenched his fist as he saw Hae Jin fall for his trick again. He decided to confront Hong Ki. He followed behind him and  heard his conversation with another of his many girls.

“Oppa. Who is the girl from just now? She is so not your style.” The girl commented in disgust.

“Oh. You talking about the one I was talking to just now? She is my… personal maid. I don’t even remember her name. Hahaha…” He said with a satisfied grin.

Woo Hyun couldn’t hold it in further.

“Yah, Lee Hong Ki!” he called out to him.

Hong Ki turned around and before he knew it, he was punched real hard in the face. Woo hyun sent him a strong blow straight across his perfect face. He fell backwards a few steps as he stared at the attacker.

“Omo! Oppa! Are you okay?!” the girl said as she held onto Hong Ki.

Shoving her hands off his arm, he stood up and walked up to Woo Hyun with his hand on his bleeding lips.

“Hey man! I don’t think I know you.” He said as he glared at him.

“I am Nam Woo Hyun, the friend of your ‘personal maid’. I am warning you not to mess around with her anymore. And her name is Park Hae Jin, for your information. Have the decency to remember her name at least!” Woo Hyun said before storming off.

“Interesting, Nam Woo Hyun. So I see that you like that Park Hae Jin huh? I will make sure you pay the price for punching me today…” Hong Ki thought as he spat on the ground angrily.

The following day at school…

“Hae Jin-ah. Here you go, your favourite.” Woo Hyun said with a smile as he passed Hae Jin  her favourite strawberry milk.

“Thank you, oppa!” Hae Jin beamed as she took the milk.

“Hey pretty!” Hong Ki called out to Hae Ji as he walked over. Woo Hyun stared at him furiously as he saw him put his arm across Hae Jin’s shoulder.

“You bastard, still have not learnt your lesson huh?” Woo Hyun thought.

Hae Jin blushed a little and smiled idiotically at his action. Hong Ki raised one of his eyebrows at Woo Hyun and smirked.

“Hae Jin-ah. You will do anything I ask you to, right?” Hong Ki asked as he wrapped both his hands around Hae Jin’s neck and looked at her. Hae Jin blushed madly and nodded her head.

“Great. I want you to pour away this strawberry milk right before him.” He said as he looked down at the milk Hae Jin was holding and pointed at Woo Hyun.

“What?! But why?” Hae Jin was taken aback by his request.

“Just do it.” He ordered her.

“But it is from Woo Hyun oppa!”  She looked at Hong Ki with pleading eyes, hoping he would say that he was joking.

“Make a choice- me or him. I won’t see you ever again if you don’t do it. You said that you will do anything I ask you to…” Hong Ki forced her as he stared at her.

Woo Hyun merely kept quiet and watched on. He felt fear when Hae Jin was making a choice. After all that he did, he hoped that Hae Jin would choose him. Hae Jin held up the strawberry milk with trembling hands as she opened the cap. She walked up to Woo Hyun with small steps and looked at him apologetically. She knew he would understand and forgive her like before.

Tilting the bottle slightly, Hae Jin teared a little as she poured the milk onto the floor before Woo Hyun. To her, maybe she merely poured away the gift from her best friend. However, to him, she had poured away all the love and care he showered on her since before. After all the time, he still lost to Lee Hong Ki, completely.

Hong Ki smirked at the sight of the dejected Woo Hyun and pulled Hae Jin away. The empty bottle of the milk slipped out of Hae Jin’s hand and fell onto the pool of pink liquid.  Woo Hyun squatted down and picked up the empty bottle. He crushed it in his hands as a tear slipped out of his eye and landed in the puddle.

“In the end, you still chose him.” Woo Hyun mumbled under his breath and laughed sadistically at himself. Like the spilt milk, nothing was changed. After leaving Hong Ki, Hae Jin started to call Woo Hyun. Guilt was rushing through her as she felt extremely sorry for what she had done to her best friend.

“Woo Hyun… Why are you not picking up?!” Hae Jin exclaimed as she called him. He was nowhere to be found. Finally, she decided to go to his house. She pressed the doorbell and waited.

“Hyung, it is Hae Jin. I think she is looking for you.” Woo Hyun’s brother said as he looked at the image of the surveillance camera.

“Tell her I am not back yet.” Woo Hyun said as he stood up and went upstairs.

Opening the door, his brother smiled at Hae Jin.

“Hello! Sorry to disturb. Is your brother in?” Hae Jin asked with an awkward smile.

“He is not back yet. Any message that you need me to pass to him?” His brother lied.

“Please tell him that I am sorry and to pick up my call when he is back. Thank you.” Hae Jin replied as she bowed before taking her leave.

“Hyung! Did you fight with noona?” His brother asked him.

“Can you stop disturbing me and get out of the bloody room?!” Woo Hyun shouted as he covered his ears with his pillow.

“Fine. Anyway, noona says she is sorry…” His brother shrugged his shoulder and left the room.

“You are sorry… for choosing Lee Hong Ki over me?” Woo Hyun thought as he closed his eyes.

It had been days since the incident. Woo Hyun had refused to speak to Hae Jin since then. He was really upset. Last time, the toughest fight between the two didn’t even last past a day. Woo Hyun always gave in to her eventually. This time, it was serious. Woo Hyun ignored Hae Jin completely. When she attempted to speak to him, he would just walk away. He joined the group of guys in their activities and no longer hung out with her. During lessons, he would just ignore the notes Hae Jin slipped into his pencil case.

“Yah! Nam Woo Hyun!” Hae Jin shouted from behind as she saw Woo Hyun leaving the office.

He turned around and saw her. She smiled in relief and said, “Oppa, I…I am sorry for that day. But you heard what Hong Ki oppa said… I had no choice. But why are you so mad this time? I mean…last time you will forgive me quickly but this time you didn’t.”

“Hae Jin-ah. You want to know the real reason?” Woo Hyun asked as he looked at her.

Hae Jin nodded her head in confusion. Woo Hyun seemed to be struggling inside as if there was something he wanted to say badly but couldn’t. He inhaled deeply before starting. It was time.

“ I guess… I finally have the courage to tell you this. I …like you since a long time before but I just kept quiet and stayed by your side. I knew you like Hong Ki so I never confessed. Do you know how much I hurt inside whenever I see you smile around him? Do you know how much pain I feel whenever I see him making use of him but you just smile and accept? Do you know how my heart was splitting apart when you poured the milk I gave you right in my face just because he told you to? Everything I have done, you don’t see it. Everything I have given, you don’t see it. I told myself before that I will always be there for you… I am sorry. I can’t do that anymore.” Woo Hyun confessed.

Hae Jin was in a state of shock hearing his confession. She looked into his eyes which were teary. She wanted so much to give him a hug to comfort him but her body refused to move. Woo Hyun looked at her and smiled with the angelic smile he always showed. He patted her shoulder as he walked past her. Tears rolled down Woo Hyun’s cheeks as he left her behind. He knew a man shouldn’t cry but he told himself this will be an exception. Because he will never want to experience this ever again. It was just too painful to bear.

After some time, Hae Jin finally came back to her senses but he was gone. Going back to class, Hae Jin waited and waited but Woo Hyun did not appear. His bag was gone. Then, the teacher entered.

“Class, before I start I have an announcement to make. Nam Woo Hyun from our class will not be with us anymore starting from today. He will be going back to America.”The teacher said before starting lessons.

“Woo Hyun oppa is going back to America? But why didn’t he tell me… He is leaving, because of me?!” Hae Jin felt the guilt from before weighing down on her even more than before. All the time he was always there for her but her attention was always on Hong Ki. She felt sorry. Now that he was leaving, she felt incomplete. After school, she received a text from Hong Ki.

“Hey pretty! Come to my class and have fun together?” she read. She thought that he was probably playing around with his gang of friends some “Dare” games like before.

She went up with her bag and saw Hong Ki sitting there alone. She was surprised to see him alone. He looked at her and smirked. Slowly, he advanced towards her and cornered her at the wall. He lowered his face and she could feel his breath on hers. She felt her heart racing like before as she looked at him. He moved closer to her and soon, his lips landed on hers.

She shot open her eyes but closed them slowly as he kissed her harder. However, a thought flashed across her mind. It was Woo Hyun. She pushed him away with all her strength and made her way to the door.

“I am sorry. I need to find Woo Hyun oppa!” Hae Jin said to Hong Ki before running off.

“Woo Hyun?!” Hong Ki punched his fist into the wall as he wiped his mouth in frustration.

Hae Jin ran to Woo Hyun’s house and pressed the doorbell repeatedly. However, there was no response. No one came to get the door. Then, an old lady carrying a basket of groceries spotted Hae Jin.

“Oh, Hae Jin-ah! Are you looking for the brothers?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes! Do you know where they are?” Hae Jin asked her.

“Oh, they told me that they are leaving for America to go back to their mother…” she said.

“Where are they now?!” Hae Jin asked as she grabbed the lady’s arms.

“Ah, they have left for the airport. Before I went to buy stuff, I saw them leaving with their luggages!” The old lady recalled.

“Oh my god! This is bad! Anyways, thank you so much!” Hae Jin said to the old lady before rushing off.

Reaching the airport, Hae Jin looked around the sea of people in confusion. She couldn’t find Woo Hyun amidst the large crowd. She was being bumped and pushed around occasionally by the passing people. She looked at the planes departure board and spotted America. It was written that the passengers are ready to board. She ran off towards the passengers boarding place with quick steps. She was scared and worried to lose him. She felt completely lost at the moment.

Woo Hyun was leaving Korea for good. He was going to America, leaving her behind. At the thought that she would never be able to see him, Hae Jin began to search for him even more frantically. She did not want to lose him, never. Then, she tripped onto a baggage as she was busy looking and did not notice it. She fell forward.

In dramas, someone was supposed to catch her and the person would somehow turn out to be Woo Hyun. However, it didn’t happen. Hae Jin fell hard onto the ground. She broke down and cried. She wasn’t crying because of the physical pain she felt on her knees but because of the lingering pain in her heart. She lost Nam Woo Hyun, the one who was always there for her silently. No one will know what their address in America is and no one will know his new number there. He had left her without a trace in her life.

“Hello, you okay?” A person asked with an outstretched hand.

Looking up, she saw him. It was Woo Hyun! She leapt up from the ground and clung onto him tightly. She was never going to let him leave her side ever again. After some time, Hae Jin finally released him from her embrace.

“Yah! Nam woo Hyun! How could you just leave like this?!” she yelled and stared at him real hard.

“Why are you here?” Woo Hyun asked in surprise.

“Will you stay now if I ask you to?” Hae Jin asked as she looked into his eyes, hoping “I am sorry” wouldn’t be his answer.

“I am sorry, I have to go back. I have promised my mother.” He said with an apologetic look on his face.

Hae Jin felt her heart sink as he apologised. Nothing changed. He was still going to leave her. She looked down as a tear slipped out of her eye.

“Yah! Why are you like this? Not like I am going to be gone forever! I am just going for 2 weeks!” Woo Hyun nudged her and said.

“2 weeks?!” Hae Jin asked as she looked up and widened her eyes.

“Yes. 2 weeks. How long did you think I will be away?” Woo Hyun looked at her and laughed.

“Yah! NAM WOO HYUN! Why didn’t you tell me that you are only going for 2 weeks?! I thought you are leaving me forever! Didn’t you know how scared and worried I will be?!” Hae Jin shouted as she punched Woo Hyun in his arm.

Woo Hyun laughed and replied, “So… you were worried about me?” He raised his eyebrow and smirked.

Hae Jin blushed as she looked down at her toes and nodded her head lightly.

He hugged her tightly, with his hand on her hair. Hae Jin smiled and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the embrace. It felt warm and secure. He whispered into her ears, “As long as you wish, I will always be there for you.” Hae Jin felt herself melt in his embrace as he said those words. He smiled to himself as she hugged him back.

“Yah! Hyung, we are going to miss the plane! When are you going to stop hugging noona?!” Woo Hyun’s brother shouted from afar with their luggages in his hands. 

Author's Note:
Hey there (: How is the new one-shot? :D
Hope to see you comment/subscribe ?^^
Requested by: Pistachio
To Pistachio: Hope it didn't turn out too bad ^^ Hope ya enjoyed and liked it :D
If you have time, please check out my upcoming one-shot? ^^
You are different.


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@chocoholic: Haha, I feel your emphasis for commenting twice. (; Jk. It's great knowing you read another of my story. Thanks for commenting :D!
sooo cute!
sooo cute!
Thanks for commenting :)! Nah. There is no sequel to this. :)
HHMLove #5
This is so nice. Is there a sequel??
Heh, it's you agn !^^ Hehes... Thank you :D
Aaaah...I love the serious Woohyun more than the greasy one...glad there's a different character change for him.
Hah. That was funny!:) Thank you for loving and the comment <3!
i was hoping for a like "im sorry , i love you too!" "lets get married and start popping out kids" kind of ending . lol . love it .
Hehes... Thank you so much too for commenting and liking this story <3 Hehes, (: I am so glad that you think my one-shots are nice :D