Stronger than ever

His smile disappeared

"Taecyeon is really a man amongst men! He makes good on his promises! When he’s struck with an idea, he immediately does it! He sure is a trustworthy person!"

"His (outer) appearance is as trustworthy as the inside! And he has leadership qualities."

"Junsu's one too.. But Nickhun and Taecyeon.. They are the No. 1 mood makers."

"Also, Taecyeon is No. 1 for self-confidence."


Most days it's okay but tonight it isn't.

Without U promotions had been successful, so was I'll Be Back. Each time, the boys wanted to show their fans and the world that they are capable of something bigger, and they did.  Without U showed off their improved vocals and I'll Be Back showed off their stepped up aerobics. The style 2PM's always been, it's the same but different yet again.

STILL 2PM has a total of seven songs, a mixture of Dance and Pop. It reflects how much the boys have worked on their vocals and the effort they put in for the album, keeping in mind that they're going to debut in Japan shortly after.

As Taecyeon lies on his bed with his headphones on, Again & Again is played and he is reminded of Jaebum. It's been a year or so? Since his withdrawal. And to tell the truth, Taecyeon is tired. The members are not oblivious to the fact, especially having to see Taecyeon try so hard to make them believe he's alright, he's good and most of all, he's happy.


Reference: 2PM Oricon Japan Special Interview

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peuleya #1
Chapter 4: continue it, it's interesting!
I want to know what happens next <3
Seems interesting! :) By the way, Nichkhun's name is spelt wrongly. Sorry to correct you but yeah! xD
aww 2PM and Jay <3
<3 I'm always sentimental when it comes to 2PM. I love them so much o.o they need more happy fics though. In fiction we can make believe that what we all hope for all the time. I know in my heart that 2PM, the whole of One Day and Jay, they all love each other and still do. One day for sure, they all can perform on the same stage again.
Ohh seems good :D<br />
can't wait for the first<br />
chapter [:
o.o can't wait.