My Fallen


This story is about two individuals, one fallen and one human, they meet and fall in love but of course it won't be that easy to be with the one you want.

Pentagon x WayV crossover

NO yuwin sorry

Angels and Fallen have been battling it out for millions of years but one simple mistake an Archangel made led to his downfall, he made a mistake, his position was taken away and theres no way to take it back.

An Archangel turned fallen, his job destroying the pure souls of the world.


Jin Ho

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- 15,000 Years old in fallen, angel life.

- In human life 21 years old.

- Hair turns blue eventually

- Once an Arch now a fallen


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- Human being

- Red hair, used to be black but dyed it

- He's 24 years, has one of the most purest hearst to exist

- Can see angels, demons and fallens


- 199,999 years old in angel form, in human form 22 years old

- has blonde hair when in angel form but in human form has light brown hair

- One of the highest and most known Archangel

Si Cheng

- Was an Arch in training but something happened

- Now a Fallen but doesn't take Pure souls

- 21,072 years old in fallen form, 20 years old in human form


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- Was the pure soul human that Jin ho was looking after

- Became a none pure soul because of a certain angel

- Is 19 years old

Xiao De Jun

- Supposedly dead, or is meant to be dead

- An cerain angel who corrupted a pure souls mind

- 1,000 years old in angel years, 18 in human years



More characters in the story will be reaveled later, please look forward to the story.


sorry if the chapters are so short


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