Because of Rain

Chocolate Chip Stories {One Shot Request Shoppe/ Review Shoppe} [HIRING STAFF] ((OPEN FOR ANY RANDOM ONESHOT REQUEST! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TOO ;D ))

Sorry, Mii if it feels a bit rushed. Because I tried to do this just this Saturday because our teachers decided to become evil and bombared us with a ton of homeworks all due on Monday or Tuesday. I could have written it next week-end but I had two problems. One, I really wanted to write your one shot because it's a new kind of love-hate story which I just adore (Thanks for making it) and two, I'm not sure if I'll be less busy next week-end sooooo..... HERE YOU ARE! Hope you like it! I blushed at the sweet parts....


Characters: Danah (New F.O) & Yoo Kyung Mok (BoM)


Yua sang the first verse plus the chorus of Rain’s “Love Song” into the microphone, which was connected to his laptop. He clicked “stop recording” on his laptop and played the complete recording once again. Pushing the headphones nearer too his ears, he played it again and again for about five times before he took of the headphones. A smug smile on his face, Yua saved his latest recording. Man, am I good or what, Yua thought to himself before shutting of his laptop. His biggest dream was to be a singer and with his talent, he can be successful at it. His biggest inspiration was Rain and he couldn’t wait to get to that fan meeting and win that door prize. Now if only that pesky Danah would just disappear, he might be “this” much closer to winning it.


“I KNOW! HE IS SOOO HOT AND I CAN’T BELIEVE WE ARE GOING TO MEET THEM TO-MO-RROW!” A few more fangirl screams were exchanged through the phone before Danah bid good bye to her best friend, JN (a/n sorry I don’t know her real name). She was quite for a few moment, then she started to squeal and kick the air again when she realized that tomorrow was the day she was going to meet Rain… In Person… Live… Talking… To… Her! Okay, maybe he was going to talk the all the fans that would come to the fan meet but still; it’s also like he is talking to here. Now, if only she could win that door prize then her dream on having one-on-one time with Rain would finally come true. Aside from the million of fans that she would probably have to fight against, she also really did want to beat that Arrogant Yua. The person who thinks he is all that and such *scoffs*.


{Day of Fanmeet}


It was just 8 in the morning but Danah was already lined up in front of the venue hoping to get the seat nearest the stage. Even at the early time, there was already a small line forming outside. Danah hugged herself to keep warm, wow, was it a chilly morning or what? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar crop of black hair and skinny figure. Having the sense that it was Yau, Danah shook her head promising herself to not think of that stuck-up man so early in the morning.


“Hey, there!” an irritatingly familiar voice quipped up from behind Danah.


Damn, why did he have to be right behind me! Danah thought. Danah tried to act like she didn’t hear Mr. I’m-Everything-Your-Not. Behind her, Yua’s faced slowly formed a sly smile. Time to play! He thought. Wrapping his arms around Danah’s waste, he nuzzled her neck.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Danah nearly screamed, elbowing him in the gut.


“You didn’t want to answer, what was I supposed to do?” Yua smirked down at the flustered, red-cheek girl.


“But you didn’t have to hug me from behind! Aishhhh!” Danah turned back to look the other way, hugging herself.


Yua laughed from behind, deciding to dig a deeper hole. “Come on, don’t act like you didn’t like it,” Yua smiled at the response he was about to get.


“Why you arrogant jerk! I did not, and I swear, I did not enjoy your uncalled for hug and nuzzle. Okay?” Danah said, her cheeks and ears turned red as cherry tomatoes. This happened because Danah was angry, but Yua thought she was blushing.


“Okay, okay. You didn’t enjoy it…” Yua looked away.


Danah nodded “good” she said before turning away… Wait… Was he using sarcasm on her? Danah turned around sharply and observed the arrogant boy’s face. Deciding against the urge to tell him off, Danah faced the other way.


{4 hours later}


The line has been growing for the past hour and finally it was time for the fans to enter the venue. Slowly, Danah and Yua drew nearer and nearer the door where some women were giving out papers with numbers on them.


“I’m going to win that doorprize, you know,” Yua said from behind her.


Without looking back, Danah answered. “Yeah, right!” Danah scoffed.


“Why? Can’t you accept the fact that I was the one fated to win the doorprize?” Yua answered.


“You talk like you already won! Yua, remember, they still have not picked the lucky fan to meet Rain. I mean, there IS a big possibility that I would get chosen.” Danah said while taking the piece of paper with numbers scribbled on it from the woman.


“Oh, yeah? What makes you so special then?” Yua questioned, taking the piece of paper from the women too.


“Isn’t it obvious? I have been his fans since the day he debuted and I’m pretty sure you can hear me talk about him everyday at school. God will take notice and make this happen!” Danah bragged, taking a seat.


“Only that? Wow, such a shallow reason!” Yua scoffed from his seat beside her.


“Shallow reason?! Okay, if I’m shallow, then tell me your reason!” Danah said, rolling her eyes.


“Me? Aside from being his fan since his debut, he is also my role model and a key character to my future success in being a singer.” Yua said proudly.


“Liar!” Danah gasped.


“Who you calling liar?!” Yua snapped back.


“You, stupid! You started to be Rain’s fan 2 years ago when you over heard me talking about him!” Danah hissed.


“Noooo. I have been his fan since his debut!” Yua defended.


And the fight went on with the both of them answering each other. This only stopped when the MC finally bounded up on stage signaling that the fan meet was about to start. Danah and Yua stayed quiet to each other but Danah notices that sometimes Yua would look at her from the corner of his eye.


Yua wondered why Danah wasn’t fighting with him anymore. Slowly, curiosity took over him… And then slowly guilt set in. Yua, I think you went to far this time. Yua opened his mouth once, about to say sorry, but he closed it again. He wasn’t the type to say sorry and another thing is that his pride was to high to say any apologies.


It was almost the end of the fan meet. Danah’s throat was sore from all the screaming she had done for rain and Yua’s ear was sore from all of Danah’s scream. Like, God, how high can Danah’s voice get?! Yua thought.


“Okay! I bet all of you know that today, we held a doorprize which you can spend a whole day with Rain, right?”


A whole battalion of scream shook the whole venue. Wow. The Power Of Fangirls.


“Okay, Rain will pick up the number from this little bowl here,” the MC said as she shook the little glass bowl in front of the salivating fans.


“Get ready to watch me win,” Yua scoffed, hoping for a response.


“Get ready to eat your words.” Danah hissed, leaning forward in anticipation. Yua and Danah looks at their piece of paper as Rain said out the numbers.


Danah’s Paper: 091456

Yua’s Paper: 091457


Danah and Yua waited in anticipation as Rain read the piece of paper in his hand.


“Numbers 0…9…1…4…5…annndddd…” Rain read slowly. So slow that Danah was little to jump up on the stage and read the piece of paper for herself… She was sooooo close to winning! Just one freaking number left! Wait………… WHATTTTTT?!


“Numbers 0…9…1…4…5…annndddd…” Rain read slowly. Come onnnnn! Yua started to shake is leg in anticipation, a habit he thought he already got rid. Just one friggin’ number left and he would be spending a day with Rain. Just one number until he could rub the fact that he won of Danah’s pretty face……… Wait……… WHAT?!


“annnndddd the number 1!” Rain read with a smile. Thousand of disappointed moans filled the venue… Except for one…


“YES! YES! I GOT THAT NUMBER! I’M FAN NUMBER 091451! YESSSSSS!” the fan screamed from all the way back, waving the offending piece of paper in the air.


Yua and Danah turned around to stare at the irritatingly lucky fan. Their eyes both widened at the sight.








“BEST FRIEND! MY FRIGGIN’ BEST FRIEND WON AND I DIDN’T!” Danah screamed to Yua who had an irritating smirk on. Danah’s head was a mess. She was sad that she didn’t get to win but she was also happy that at least het best friends dream came true. With a sigh, Yua and Danah accepted the inevitable truth. JN won and they didn’t…. Yeah, sometimes, life is hard.



As soon as it was the end of the fan meet, Danah shot out of her seat to get away from the venue itself and of course, her irritatingly arrogant seatmate. Yua watched as Danah’s back disappeared against the crowd at that was when he heard the fans talk.


“OMG, look at all that rain!”

“How can I go home now? Now I’m forced to call oppa”

“This is so ironic. We went to see Rain and it’s starts raining! Hahaha”


Yua smiled at the last comment, hehe, funny. But wait… Yua thought back… Did Danah bring an umbrella with her today? Yua hit his forehead with his palm. Aish, stupid girl! Doesn’t she know how to be prepared?!


Danah was looking down at the floor when she finally arrived outside the venue. She could hear the rain and thunder soaking everything in sight. Danah looked up at sigh, what luck she had today. Danah reached into her bag to grab her umbrella to get home and down one whole pint of melted ice cream. But her hand touched nothing. No umbrella that is. Danah searched her small bag to find her umbrella nowhere in sight. Danah looked back and she almost killed herself. How could she be so stupid and take out the umbrella and not put it back in? Cursing at her luck, Danah readied herself for what was coming next. She was going to walk into the battlefield… She was going to walk in the rain… Ducking out of the awning of the venue, Danah got soaked throughout within a second. Danah quickened her pace.


Yua exploded out of the crowd infront of the main door, receiving a couple of bad looks, looking around, he searched for the familiar back of Danah. She was nowhere in sight. Looking to his right, he squinted and saw a familiar figure walking in the rain. Was she stupid or what? Yua sighed and opened his umbrella. Why was he doing this, anyway? It’s not that he likes her…. Or does he? Yua shook the thought of her his mind before going under the mercy of the rain. He could feel the heavy beating his poor umbrella was getting. He ran to catch up with the cold and wet figure.


Danah wanted to cry. She was sure she was going to get sick, I mean, look at her. Even her underwear was wet. That is how heavy the rain was. Looking down unto the ground to keep the water out of her face, Danah wondered why it stopped raining. Looking up, she was greeted at the sight of the inner of an umbrella.


“Huh?” Danah asked.

“Yah! Pabo! Why’d you leave home without an umbrella?” Yua scoffed.


“Don’t call me pabo! And it was an accident okay, I took it out and forgot to put it back in!” Danah scoffed, looking away but staying under the umbrella.


Suddenly, she felt an arm envelope her. Shocked, Danah looked up and was greeted by a kiss on the lips. Yua pulled away and smiled down toward a blushing Danah. Danah understood immediately what Yua tried to say so she just buried her face in his coat before mumbling…


“I like you to, pabo”

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loveYM's request is half done. I'll post it tomorrow. School started so yeah. But tomorrow for sure.


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i know this is very late but i've read my story way way years ago XD and I'm very thankful !!!! i so love it and i haven't visited aff for a while now XD do you still write stories?
thank you~~~ ^_^ this is really fluffy... i like it.. <3 thank you for feeding my hanmi feel... keke..
privatecookie228 #3
Chapter 20: Lol, the ending! I've always imagined Emily around Henry's age, so it's a bit weird to read Kyu callin her noona.
Thank you :)
still waiting :3 hehehe good luck!
JeonunJen_Imnida #5
Chapter 16: Yeeey ;~; Omg. Thank you. I loved it. I almost forgot that I put Chunji as the cheater boyfriend so I was kinda surprised when I saw his name there. Anyways, the 'Tell oppa everything,' line really got me. *u* omg. byunghun feels. Thaaaaanks <3 *massive bear hug*
orange_carnival #7
@Prettyangel25 Aigoooo~ You don't know how your comment made my day!!!
don't worry about the fact that your weren't able to get all of her personality traits in the oneshot, it was so beautiful and those pictures of Chunji *dies from happiness overload* ^^
OMG you don't even know how happy I am right now XD
Like it very much^^
~omo~ this story is soooooo irresistibly cute too^^
p/s: just love yo seob's pic thehehehe
Thank you so much for the lovely oneshots!!!!
I cant believe TaeMin would say those y words! hahaha
You made my day, i liked the oneshot! :)