My favourite place is next to you


You and Sung Gyu are best friends since young. You are really close to him. As years passed by, you realised something.You like him but no longer as a friend.

"To him, I am just a best friend.Nothing more."

"To her, I am just a big brother. Nothing more."

 One day, Tiffany, a girl who liked Sung Gyu for a long time confessed. Sung Gyu accepted her, hoping that he could forget you with that. Will the complicated relationship between the two of you get resolved or will he slowly shift the love for you to Tiffany?


Hey there!:D I am back with a new one-shot! Please subscribe/Comment? :)
Requested By: elilovehana
Hope it won't turn out too bad ^^


"Love is blind."

"So are we."

Is the secret of you liking him going to be exposed?
Will he admit that he has a thing for you too?
Or will it be buried maybe for years or perhaps... forever?
How will things turn out to be between Sung Gyu, you and Tiffany?


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I cried when I read this ;; I don't know but I just feel sad..
Especially when I read that girl writing after Sunggyu went out with Tiffany and when she kinda confessed to him
Thank you for the fic ; ~ ;
Wow! This is a very cool story!
Your writing is sooooooooo good :)
Thank you !!:D You totally made me happy with your comment<3 my greatest satisfaction in writing is making ppl cry :D!!
I love it~~~ I cry~~~ hehehe I'm such a cry baby
Hehes, yea ^^
YAY you are crying:D (OOPS. I sounded sadistic agn:X)
Prob. you dk, I feel v.accomplished when i make ppl cry with my fics <3
Really?:D Thank you so much!^^ You can try readin my other one-shots too^^
i like it soo much !
OOPS. Ps, i forgot you subbed :$
Hehes ! :D Thank you ~ I feel so honoured ^^ <3
You can try reading my new fic " I will always be there for you" if you want also :)