Who? (PART 2)

We Are People From Different World~


"omo!YUN!what happen?! Jaejoong screamed like a mad man.
"U..uhh...nothing serious"Yunho answered nervously.
'oh !! i should'nt have lost my temper and released it here! I hope Jaejoong won't force me to clean it..'
Yunho thought to himself while looking at the death glare that Jaejoong give him.
"JUNG YUNHO WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!!"Jaejoong shouted to his frozen husband.
Yunho hesitate to answer the question,so he said "a-aa-ah! i saw a big ugly
 cockroach under the bed just now so i try to hit it,but it suddenly go crawling on the vase and window"
Jaejoong furrowed his eyebrow hearing Yunho's answer.
"Yun,don't lie to me..."Jaejoong said.
The truth is,Jaejoong has found out about Yunho's relationship with Jessica 4 weeks ago.
 But still,he does'nt tell his husband.
And a few minutes ago,he was informed that his husband just broke up with Jessica.
Jaejoong sigh for the 13 times that day
   "wait here i'll get the Med-Kit"he said while walking 
to the kitchen and take a small, green box.
Jaejoong went up the stair and walked to their room. 
Yunho instantly turn and look at him.Jaejoong stretches his hand
   "Yun,give me your hand"Jaejoong command.
Yunho who has just broke up, still has'nt cool down long enough.
He told Jaejoong that he is fine so Jaejoong will not force him.
But,it turned out to be different.Jaejoong frown and tell Yunho to show him his hand again.
    "Yunho.Your.Hand.NOW!"Jaejoong shouted
   "im fine Jae."Yunho answered quickly 
      "Yunho can't you see?! you're bleeding!!"
"I know. but im really fine"
Jaejoong then sigh again for the 14 times that day...
"fine then...have it your way..."Jaejoong answered yunho
 without looking at him and walk out of the door.
Yunho stood there.frozen.
'i did'nt know he was an obedient wife'he thought.'
'wait a minute,that means i have to clear this room?!
 HELL NO!i better call some maid..
Yunho shouted loudly so the maid can hear. 
But, before his word was finish,IU was standing next to the door with a vacuum in her hand..
    "you sure are a fast maid..no wonder Jaejoong hired you"
Yuho said while flirting with his maid.
"im sorry..sir, can you wait outside while i clean this room?"IU asked politely.
for a playboy like Yunho,he easily flirt with woman even though he was dumpted,
well most of them was dumpted by him...so,yea,his cool...
Yunho start to touch IU's hand and caress her soft leg...
feeling annoyed by the touch,IU pinched Yunho's hand harsly. 
Feeling the pain in a sudden,Yunho jumped and fall.while falling,
 his hand is still on IU's.so they both fall in an awkward position..(you know what i mean..)
..now if you're thinking the reason he fall is a bit lame,
Yunho was a spoiled child so he never get hit by his parents...
After realizing their position..Yunho had an evil grin on his face..
when IU was trying to stand up,Yunho pulled her closer to him..as you can see or read,IU was basically on Yunho.
Yunho close the distance between him and IU.Now,their face are only inches apart.
Before Yunho could do anything a loud BANG! can be heard by the door. 
turning his face backwards,he saw Jaejoong red face from holding anger.. 
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!?!!!"Jaejoong screamed
"s-si-rrr, i ca-n expl-ai-n"IU answered while stuttering..
"did you saw everything?"Yunho asked his wife nervously.
"Of course i did."Jaejoong said with a serious tone..
Jaejoong looked back at IU and started to shout "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN THIS HOUSE?!?!?"

Hi readers!! AFF have broke down recently so i have to type it all over again cause i didn't save it in my computer... TT^TT...anyway, MAYBE i'll update the 6th chapter tommorrow..wink
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Chapter 11: Reread again^^
Chapter 11: Update soon!!^^
Chapter 11: omg keep the story going unnie
Chapter 11: Don't abandon it please!I really want to know what will happen between yunjae and yoosu
Yunjaeluvever #5
Chapter 2: Plz update soon! This story is too good to be abandoned.
skullboy #6
Chapter 9: cant wait for the next chapter..update soon
YouLostMe #7
Updateit pls
It's a very exciting story so how can I hate it even.
skullboy #9
Haha..a baby is going to born..update soon