There's no need for words, we can do everything (2kim)

Moments in Stream (One-shot collection)

Chaewon really needed sometime alone - their manager had just visited their dorms (they really should write a book - "How to clear chaos in five minutes or less" would be very fitting name) and told them about higher ups' pressmeeting tomorrow. How they would be telling that yes, both groups would be resuming activities. There were lot of screaming and crying. Hugs, kisses and piling up together.

Just emotions. Lot of emotions.

It was all fine and dandy. Except that it was so overwhelming for fairy-like girl that she really needed to escape to comfort of quiet bedroom before she just combusts. And really, the coolness of wall behind her back and the softness of bed where she was sitting is very comforting and grounding right now. Just what she needs.

Except one thing was missing.

Chaewon couldn't help but chuckle when she felt familiar weight on her shoulder. The world's cutest and most beautiful (she is sure that it's just not her saying that - I mean have you seen Minjoo? Goddess. Her goddess) frog had found her favourite place in the whole world. That is what Minjoo have said multiple times, and the fairy had no reason to not believe the other girl.

Minjoo's finger's found hers, interlacing them and Chaewon felt how her sensitive skin was covered so perfectly by the younger's hand and heard the content sigh. 

Sometimes Chaewon was afraid that she'll hurt the younger girl - not intentionally, of course not! How anyone could even think about wanting to hurt such a kind, angelic soul like Minjoo? Show them to Chaewon and they won't walk away; they'll be crawling if they'll be lucky (not that Chaewon is fan of violence, but there just is somethings, someone, that needs to be protected at all costs).

Kim Minjoo is so precious, so kind, so trusting. Her light. The way she placed her head on Chaewon's shoulder. How her face always showed her emotions, without any mask.
How Minjoo trusted that she will always catch her. How she smiled liked nothing can hurt her. And that's what Chaewon is afraid of.

What if she ended up hurting her better half unintentionally? Chaewon isn't doing that well with whole emotions things, though she is definetly getting better compared to start of their journey. The times when she had almost opened , had almost let words roll of her tongue - but ended up holding everything back had become fewer and fewer. Her smile had become more genuine, laughter rolled of easier and she wasn't (as afraid as before) to show her tears and frustration.

But still, sometimes there is this knawing feeling inside her that is saying "this is not enough!". That Minjoo would be better off with someone who is better at expressing their emotions, someone who could show all their support easier. Someone who could express their love easier. Because Minjoo deserves nothing less but best the world has to offer

And Chaewon had voiced that out loud. With cheeks wet from crying, it had took ages before she had been able to array awkward words in tumbling order. But Minjoo, her sweet Minjoo, had just patiently waited and waited. And when Chaewon couldn't say more, when she had become completely consumed by fear and that knawing feeling, Minjoo had just held her hands, saying "You're doing great and - and believe me: you're enough. You're more than enough for me". It wasn't like magic spell that made all her insecuries disappear and overcome all her weaknesses. But it made breathing little bit easier, made teeth of that knawing feelin little less sharp.

Cause if Minjoo said so, Chaewon had no reason to not believe the younger girl.

There is light rustle of clothes, small swift of weight and Chaewon feels soft kiss on her jaw. She looks down and her breath gets caught for a moment; when you're greeted with such a ethereal smile as Minjoo's, breathing isn't really that essential anymore.

And there is glimmer of tears in younger girl's eyes - for a moment Chaewon tenses, ready to fight whoever made her angel cry - But she recognizes that smile. It is genuine. It is happy.

"We made it" Chaewon could as much feel the words said against as hear them. Corners of her lips curve unconsciously upwards and she doesn't care if her own voice comes out light and airy and full of sunshine.
"Yeah, we made it"

For a moment everything feels so warm and soft, like she is flying up in the sky, basking in warmth of sun.

And maybe Chaewon doesn't have the words now (like when does she ever -), but does it matter?
Maybe it matters more how her fingers tremble little when she lifts Minjoo's face from her shoulder.
How her hands (and heart and lungs - just everything inside her) feels so warm when she cups the face of the younger girl (whose cheeks also starts to feel so very, very warm).
How she isn't afraid to answer Minjoo's gaze, that is so unwavering, so overflowing. How she herself isn't anymore afraid to let the love be mirrored in her eyes.
And maybe most importantly; how she doesn't try to quench all those emotions that sparks when she lets her lips collide gently with Minjoo's. The jitters, calmness, nervousness, happiness.

She isn't afraid anymore that Minjoo would suddenly go away. But still, her hands move to rest on younger girl's waist, while her neck is circled by the other girl's arms. Closer and closer, until they are like two beings merged in to one.



Maybe she really is enough. Because Minjoo says so; and Minjoo always wears heart on her sleeve. She has no reason to not tell the truth.



Uhm, heya. Please don't shoot me - it was my brain that made me write this ^^;; ;___; (and yes, please don't shoot my brains. Eventhough most of the time we don't really get along, I still kinda need it to live. Unfortunately).

I was supposed to write Jinjoo one-shot first, but then this just happened. Maybe next time...? (Because going Ssambbang -> 2kim-> Jinjoo isn't confusing for my poor little brain). One thing I really alike to explore when writing is different dynamics for different ships and I really tried to avoid writing two ships with one common character back to back since I was afraid that the differences would get mudded easier. But I think I did okay-ish here (or...?)

And since it is still 2019 here - thank you everyone for bearing me and my writing. All those views, upvotes and comments have really made me so happy and my days so much better. They've made me feel that eventhough my skills are like really bland shadow of what they used to be before my writer's block of 8 years, I still have hope and it is okay to take my day when trying to get back there.
In 2019, I wrote 6 fics, which is same amount I did in 2010-2018. Thank you, every single one of you. You made it possible <3

Sorry for rambling, but I still have one thing left to say: Happy New Year and hope you're ready for Iz*one world domination in 2020!

Oh! Ps - This is really, really loosely based on Iz*one song. Can you guess which one?

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Chapter 6: So sweet omo. I find it nice that you're trying to explore the different ships in iz*one. I mean you could literally pair anyone with any member in the group XD
1763 streak #2
Chapter 6: happy new year! and welcome back iz*one!
cooloveZ #3
Chapter 5: Ssambbang is whipped for each other, and Im whipped for Ssambbang. uwu
taesecretfan #4
Chapter 5: AAAAAAH


Thank you for writing such an uwu story ♡♡♡
1763 streak #5
Chapter 5: uwu ^^
Chapter 5: Cutecutecutecutecute--
Chapter 4: The title sends me vwifksfcj my mind goes "Yena sweetie, what did you do in almost every fic that isn't Yulyen-centered?" automatically LOL
Anyway this Ssambbang story is so cute, and I can totally imagine the girls being chaotic here and there while preparing for Christmas with how well you write the scenes, thank you so much for writing this cute work!
taesecretfan #8
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for this!
My heart melted after reading this warm, uwu story~

Chapter 4: I got the news. I love it. and what clumsy and messy THIS IS CUUUUTEEEE and awesome. Whatever goes!

OH Y E S DID I SEE NAKJIN/AHNKO IS THIS A SIGN- if u take requests then bLEASE let it be ahnko but it's okay if it's other ships ((I SHIP ALL SHIP except 2kim. Theyre just disgustingly cheesy together ma i c a n t))

also I think wiz*ones are actually holding up fine. We're strong like our babydeul!! VOTE IZ*ONE ON SMA Y'ALL!!!
Chapter 4: I'm having a ssambbang drought THANK YOU SO MUCHHH. I'm sharing this to me friends