Why you shouldn't let your girlfriend hang with Yena too much (Ssambbang)

Moments in Stream (One-shot collection)

"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse"

Hitomi couldn't help but shake her head with the chaos unfolding before her eyes. Unless the creature was something big like bear or tiger, it's stirring would had gone unnoticed, let alone something small like mouse. And actually it wasn't even night before Christmas, though the holiday was fast approaching.

After all, it was the reason for chaos at their dorm. At first, it had sounded like marvelous and practical idea to have one of their dorms as their "christmas wonderland" where all twelve of them could enjoy the warmth of the season together. Also, not so suprisingly, their dorm was quickly chosen as the dorm to be decorated by all 12 of them. Hitomi heard Eunbi muttering something about the other dorm being "chaotic by default" as reason and she couldn't help but agree quietly inside her head. It wasn't just once or twice that she was welcomed by stray flying pillow when she had visited the other dorm. And even more often she could swear she had entered that dorm with hoodie or sweater, but when it was time to return to her own dorm, Hitomi couldn't find it.

(Though that mystery was solved when one time she decided to visit the other dorm unannounced and the one to open the door was no other than Chaewon wearing very familiar looking hoodie. Fairy's stuttering explanation how "the hoodie was so soft and comfotable and smelled like her Tomi" was cut short when the other girl just couldn't handle the cuteness of her girlfriend and connected their lips on quick, airy kiss that left Chaewon speechless, and if possible, even more blushing).

The group had divided to teams that took care of specific tasks. Even though more the merrier, it would be even more chaotic and next to impossible to actually get anything done otherwise. And Hitomi was tasked with ironing tablecloths and curtains fit for the coming festive. According to Chaeyeon, she was one of the few who could be trusted with something that could set things on fire. And she couldn't agree more. Try to imagine Yujin or Yena ironing without burning anything. Yeah, even with great imagination that would be too hard and unheard of.

Hitomi actually liked her task. While heaps of ironed red, green and white tablecloths and curtains had started to pile up on chair next to her, she was able to observe rest of the group with adoring smile.

The kitchen team was the most peaceful group. Sakura and Chaeyeon were writing down a list of dishes they could cook for Christmas, while Eunbi and Hyewon were going through their cupboards and checking what groceries should be stacked up for holidays. All of them were speaking with soft voices and smiles on their faces, though Hyewon would occasionally grab some snack to eat which resulted Eunbi to roll her eyes and add another thing to their ever growing shoppinglist.

Minjoo, Wonyoung, Nako and Yujin were supposed to take care of decorating bedrooms so Hitomi was bit suprised to see latter two setting up ladder to bigger bedrooms doorway. Yujin had wide grin on her face watching Nako climbing to ladder and what was shorter girl setting up - yes, mistletoe. Hitomi shouldn't be suprised. Especially when older of the two sneakily kissed the taller girl's cheek before jumping down from ladder, causing Yujin's face to be painted with faint red.
Really, no matter how much the puppy-like teen tried to act all cool it was so obivious that she was absolutely smitten.
(And maybe Hitomi was thinking how she could use the scene she witnessed the next time either of them decides to because of certain fairy).

And speaking of Chaewon -  the poor fairy was tasked to take care of decorating the living room and christmas tree with Yena and Yuri. Or to be more precise she was supposed to watch over the pair so that they wouldn't cause more chaos - which kind of was happening right now. Hitomi could swear that last time she saw Yena and Yuri they were very lovey-dovey, watching each other with hearts in their eyes and whispering most likely something overly sweet nonsense. Now they looked like ready to strangle each other, poking their other half - and now Yena stuck her tongue out which caused Yuri to smack duck's head.
(Though very lightly. And Hitomi thought that maybe, most likely, it was also pair's own way of flirting. She really wouldn't be suprised).

So you can't really blame Chaewon for looking quite fed up. Or when fairy's gaze met with Hitomi's she mouthed desperate "please, save me" and how her face lighted up when the younger girl smiled at her and beckoned to come over.

Hitomi had to adjust large, red and over all very Christmasy tablecloth (why the heck they even had such a thing in their dorm?) on the ironing board before she could start working on it. "Could you hold this", she asked Chaewon who had happily walked next to her, handling the iron. "Be careful, it is hot"t

And for smallest fraction of time Hitomi wondered why her girlfriend's smile turned into grin and was she blushing?

Oh no.

Oh god no.

Chaewon had just been around Yena and that could only mean - 

"I could hold you, and you're hot"

For what's it worth, Chaewon usually appeared to be very cool and collected. But Hitomi knew that when it came to her, the fairy was even more smitten than Yujin with Nako. And sometimes it manifested as very awkward pick-up lines, more often than not it happened after the other girl had spent time with Yena.

But truth to be told, even though Chaewon had just uttered the most cringey thing Hitomi had ever heard (and that was lot), she was squealing inside. The older girl was just so cute, trying to look all confident and relaxed when in reality she was shuffling her feet, eyes not really meeting Hitomi's laughing ones. And yes, she was clearly blushing. No question about it.

Hitomi just couldn't handle it and was ready to hug her other half tightly and shower her face with kisses and - 

And why it was suddenly so quiet, you could literally hear if someone dropped the needle.

Coming out of their own world where no one else existed, Hitomi took a glance around.

And yes, others were very quiet. Yes, they definetly had heard what Chaewon had said.

Nako was trying her best to cover Yujin's ears, so that the younger girl wouldn't get any more ideas.As if.

Yena was smiling so proudly and showed thumbs up for Chaewon - at least until Yuri hit her head with pillow (still very lightly, Hitomi noted).

Eunbi could only roll her eyes, because she definetly didn't teach her dongsaeng to say anything like that.

And the silence was broken by Chaeyeon's hearty laughter followed by Sakura's "Wonyoung, Minjoo! Please say you've got recording of that?". Unluckily for Hitomi and Chaewon, the duo grinned and both of them lifted their phone's up singaling that their impromptu mission was success.

(Later Minjoo would tell her that she actually looked so lovestruck and just a breathe away from tackling Chaewon to floor. No matter how much she tried to deny it, Minjoo didn't believe her. But still Hitomi wasn't going to admit out loud that her friend was actually right)

Oh dear god, Hitomi and Chaewon knew they would be teased about this for longest time. Even poor Hitomi, although she was just victim of the most cringey line possible. She tried to hide her blushing face on the crook of equally red-faced Chaewon's neck while thinking how she really needed to ask Yuri to keep an eye on her girlfriend. Because the things her fairy was learning from Yena would most likely one day cause her to straight up just combust.

"Hey Yujin, Nako! Don't even think about any kind of mistletoe shenanigans!"
Hitomi was actually little bit suprised that Chaewon had also noticed what the pair had been up to earlier.

And so the chaos was back again. On full force.

(But Hitomi would stay still for little bit longer, taking on the minty perfume of her girlfriend and listening to her breathing.
"You know, it goes both way", she would say before giving featherlight kiss on Chaewon's neck and winking before turning back to continue her work.

And no, she didn't miss how the fairy-like girl's jaw dropped and she didn't know it was possible to blush even more.)





*waves awkwardly* Still remember, it's me ^^;; I'm so sorry for being away for so long and then coming up with such a awkward and clumsy writing. And please, what was that ending. My face hurts from literally facepalming.

Lot of things have happened, how are you holding up? I know it has been such a dark time, but let's try to keep going on for a little bit longer. Because we will always be iz*one's wiz*one, right? <3

And no, no song this time. I'm little bit ashamed to say it, but *that* line actually came out of my mouth. Please, save my gf.

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Chapter 6: So sweet omo. I find it nice that you're trying to explore the different ships in iz*one. I mean you could literally pair anyone with any member in the group XD
1763 streak #2
Chapter 6: happy new year! and welcome back iz*one!
cooloveZ #3
Chapter 5: Ssambbang is whipped for each other, and Im whipped for Ssambbang. uwu
taesecretfan #4
Chapter 5: AAAAAAH


Thank you for writing such an uwu story ♡♡♡
1763 streak #5
Chapter 5: uwu ^^
Chapter 5: Cutecutecutecutecute--
Chapter 4: The title sends me vwifksfcj my mind goes "Yena sweetie, what did you do in almost every fic that isn't Yulyen-centered?" automatically LOL
Anyway this Ssambbang story is so cute, and I can totally imagine the girls being chaotic here and there while preparing for Christmas with how well you write the scenes, thank you so much for writing this cute work!
taesecretfan #8
Chapter 4: Thank you so much for this!
My heart melted after reading this warm, uwu story~

Chapter 4: I got the news. I love it. and what clumsy and messy THIS IS CUUUUTEEEE and awesome. Whatever goes!

OH Y E S DID I SEE NAKJIN/AHNKO IS THIS A SIGN- if u take requests then bLEASE let it be ahnko but it's okay if it's other ships ((I SHIP ALL SHIP except 2kim. Theyre just disgustingly cheesy together ma i c a n t))

also I think wiz*ones are actually holding up fine. We're strong like our babydeul!! VOTE IZ*ONE ON SMA Y'ALL!!!
Chapter 4: I'm having a ssambbang drought THANK YOU SO MUCHHH. I'm sharing this to me friends