
My Teacher Is A Seductive Vampire...

Hae Sung’s P.O.V

*He’s been away for 3 weeks!* I sighed as I slouched down into my seat and inspected the new substitute teacher *another hopeless substitute*

“I’m Mr. Lee. I will be your substitute teacher for the next month or so”

*For the next month?! Where the hell are you Hyunseung oppa?!* I called out in my mind.

I raised my arm to ask a question.

“You” he looked down at his register “Hae Sung, you have a question?”

I nodded “When is Mr. Jang returning?”

He shrugged “Apparently he may be moving to another school but the school hasn’t heard from him in weeks” My eyes widened.

*Moving to another school?!*

“So don’t be surprised if I become your actual math teacher if he doesn’t return. Now, let’s start the lesson” he smiled.

“Excuse me, I have to leave” I muttered quickly rushed out the classroom not before having a quick look at Mr. Lee. *Those eyes…they’re just like…* I quickly snapped out of it and ran out.

“Wait!” he called out but he couldn’t catch up with me.

I ran out to the playground and took my phone out of my pocket. *How can he just leave?!*

I felt like tears were starting the well up. I quickly found his number and called it, only to hear it went to voicemail. I left a quick message.

“Where are you? You’ve been away for ages! You could’ve at least told me where you are, please, I want you to come back” I said, not caring how desperate I sounded.

As I hung up I headed back into the building and into the classroom.

“Hae Sung, please refrain from running out of the classroom again” Mr. Lee scolded as I returned to my seat.

Whilst everyone was working he walked over towards me “I heard Mr. Jang used to tutor you after school every day. Am I correct?”

I nodded *Those eyes, I’ve seen those before* I thought to myself.

“It would be a shame to just stop whilst you’ve made such good progress. Meet me here after school and I’ll continue these tutor sessions with you”

I nodded slowly “Okay”

He smiled and walked away.



Author’s P.O.V

“So, how is she?”

“She doesn’t look too well. Why did you have to leave?”

“I have my reasons”

“Whatever reason it is, you can’t just leave her. She looks so sad and lost without you. She should’ve at least told her you were going”

“I’ll be back soon. For now, look after her”

*sigh* “Arasso”

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omgomg1221 #1
Awh Jessica died... even though she was evil she made the story more exciting! I hope you update soon!
update plzzz
Chapter 44: O____O
so Jessica is dead?!
he was hypnotized! ugh D:<
waa just finished reading all the chapters & gotta say ... one of my fave stories. Can't wait for an update.^^ hwaiting!
UkissistheB2st #5
Chapter 44: Yay!! Updateu~! PAQ YOU HYUNSEUNG.
Chapter 44: New reader here. Took 3 straight days to finish until the latest. Update soon juseyo!
Chapter 44: I just don't get the part when Hae Sung's mom said "She's dead?!"
...... ._.
Riiiiight. Yew updated. Tankew, tankew.
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 41: I really like this story, I only read it now and I see that you haven't updated it in a while, but can you please start updating it again? Please, please, please~?