I Can Explain

A Fallen Angel

Yoongi and Jimin stood up. Jimin could see the look of fear and confusion on Yoongi’s face. Jimin still had some of his abilities that he had as an angel. Jimin could still hear the things Yoongi thought of.


Jimin didn’t care anymore, he quickly hugged Yoongi tight. Jimin had wished for this for so long, and now its finally happening. Jimin is human, he can now hug Yoongi when he cries and be there for him when he needed him.


“W-who are you? How did you?” Yoongi asked as Jimin hugged him.


“I had to Yoongi. I couldn’t let you die.” Jimin said knowing this was going to take a long time to explain.


“I-I fell, jumped, yet I’m still here?” Yoongi said completely baffled by the events that just played out.


“Yoongi I’ll explain everything, just not here.” Jimin said grabbing Yoongi’s wrist.


Jimin walked Yoongi to an old abandoned motel. This is where Yoongi would go when he didn’t want to go home. Jimin had been here so many times with Yoongi. Yoongi ad found an old piano here and played it whenever he could.


“How did you know about this place?” Yoongi said stunned when Jimin knew exactly where Yoongi would go.


“I know a lot about you Yoongi. I know its hard to believe but,” Jimin said trying to think of a way to explain this. “ I’m your guardian angel… well was. Yoongi I’ve been with you all of your life. Just you never knew about it cause angels are forbidden to interact with humans. I’ve wanted to save you so many times…. but I couldn’t” Jimin said trying to explain this in the simplest way he could to Yoongi.


“What, so you know everything?”


“Yes, Yoongi everything. I know about your mother, your father. I know everything you think, everything you’ve done. I’ve always been here. That’s how I knew about this place. I’ve been here every time you have watching you play piano, everything. I know things you don’t even know about yourself.”


“Why did you save me?”


Jimin went silent. “I couldn’t let you die. I was never supposed to interfere with your life or death, but I couldn’t let you.”


“Then why did you?”


“I’ve fallen for you Yoongi. After all of these years of learning who you are, seeing all the things you could be. It just happened. I gave up everything cause I couldn’t let you die.”


“What’s going to happen to you though? Since you are no longer an angel?” Yoongi said slightly concerned.


“I won’t be able to return as an angel, and I have one year.” Jimin said letting his voice trail off.


“A year till what?’


“If I don’t fall in love with a human in one year, I-I’ll die.”


“What!? Then why did you leave? You shouldn’t of left because of me.” Yoongi said raising his voice.


Jimin could feel tears rolling down his cheeks. He had never felt tears before.


“I-I know, but Yoongi I couldn’t let you do it. I know I wasn’t supposed to.”


Jimin was surprised when he felt Yoongi wrap him in a tight hug. He hugged Yoongi back and cried into his shoulder.


“Thank you.” Yoongi whispered holding Jimin closer. “I know now how much you risked to keep me save so thank you.”


“Its Jimin.” Jimin said into Yoongi’s shoulder.


“What.” Yoongi said pushing back Jimin’s shoulders so his voice wasn’t muffled.


“My name, its Jimin.” Jimin said releasing Yoongi.


“Thank you Jimin, but where are you supposed to stay tonight?” Yoongi said realizing that the sun was starting to go down.


“Well, I’m not sure. I don’t have any money or anywhere to go.” Jimin said realizing that he really didn’t have a plan.


“Well if you’d like you can come to my house. I can get you some clean clothes and stuff, then we can come back here.” Yoongi said rubbing the back of his neck.


“Yeah that would be fine.”


Yoongi and Jimin walked all the way to Yoongi’s house. Yoongi’s dad was home so Yoongi suggested that Jimin wait outside and out of sight so nothing would happen to him.


Jimin could hear what Yoongi was thinking as he was walking in his house.


‘What am I supposed to do with him, he risked it all… for me. I can give him a chance maybe something is there.’ Jimin could hear Yoongi think.


‘I don’t know why, but I feel like I need to protect him now, since he was always there.’ Jimin could feel butterflies as he continued to hear everything Yoongi thought.


Minutes later Yoongi walked out of his house with a few things in a backpack for Jimin.


“Come on, lets head back.” Yoongi said throwing the backpack over his shoulder and walking towards Jimin.


“Jimin,” Yoongi said as they walked back. “was it nice, you know being an angel?”


“It was sometimes, there were to many rules that we had to follow. Don’t love your human. Don’t interact with them. Don’t alter their decisions. All rules I easily broke.” Jimin said with a slight chuckle.


“Yeah you did.” Yoongi said.


‘I don’t understand. Why for me?’ Yoongi thought.


“I broke them cause I care a lot about you Yoongi. I’ve been assigned to other people, but you’re the first one I have ever loved.”


“So there were people before me?”


“Yes, many people. I’ve been around for a long time.” Jimin said thinking of some of the people he used to guard. That was until Jimin saw another…. Angel?


Jimin saw an angel sitting on a park bench. It was Seok Jin, one of the oldest angels there was. Jimin knew right away it was him, Seok Jin was the angel who would tell everyone else the rules.


“So here we are?” Jimin could hear Seok Jin say, but it was in his thoughts. Seok Jin always has had the power to be in anyone and every ones thoughts, angels included.


‘I know it was wrong and I’m sorry but I had to’ Jimin thought replying to Seok Jin.


“There is no return now Chim. He has to fall in love with you or you know what will happen.”


‘Yes I know I know, now just go and leave my thoughts. I’m already tired of you.’


“Just know I warned you.” Then he was gone, Jimin couldn’t see Seok Jin anymore.


“Jimin you okay?” Yoongi asked.


“Oh yeah, yeah I am.”


“Okay were almost there.” Yoongi said slightly picking up the pace.


When they reached the motel again Jimin noticed the single bed.


“Yoongi where are you supposed to sleep?”


“We’ll both just sleep on the bed. Is that okay?”


“Oh yeah that’s fine.” Jimin said nervously.


Jimin and Yoongi laid in the bed, Jimin was drifting off, but he kept hearing Yoongi’s thoughts fill his head.


“Yoongi could you please stop thinking. I can still hear them.”


“Oh yeah sorry.”


Then it all went quiet as they both fell asleep.

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Chapter 4: will you be updating this soon?? it's so amazing!!~