Accidentally Eavesdropping



Taeyeon:  Such a bright day! No wonder I was up early. Well, a bit too early for school. Usually i'm just on time. Wait...Onew wakes up early and goes to school early. Should I surprise him? Hmmm..that would be nice :)

Taeyeon merrily skipped on her way to school. She went directly to their usual hangout, the gazeebo in the garden. She was so excited to surprise his boyfriend and spend time with him before homeroom starts. She knows Onew would be there getting extra sleep whenever he went to school early, which is the usual situation.

Taeyeon: He'll definitely be surprised to see me :)

But she was the one surprised. She heard Onew's voice and he was not alone...








Jonghyun: Onew-hyung :D (Oh..its just Jonghyun)

Onew: Hey Jjong :) Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You're early today :)

Jonghyun: Nah...I'm just to excited for today :) There are new chicks arriving today ^_^

Onew: Aigoo Jonghyun...ommo chakaman (oh wait!) Did you say new chicks?

Jonghyun: Oh yeah hyung! I'm so excited to see them..its rare that new ones arrive. Wanna come? 

Onew: Jjong...Taeyeon might know...

Jonghyun: Come on hyung...its been a while since we saw new ones.  And i know you want to play with them ~_^

Onew: tempting...

Jonghyun: come on hyung..I think Key is going too

Onew: chincha? (really?) but how about Taeyeon?

Jonghyun: You can bring her i guess hahaha

Onew: want to get me in trouble? You think she'll like seeing me playing with them?

Jonghyun: Well nothing's gonna go wrong if she wont know...


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First chapter is up! Thanks to those who subscribed :) please bear with me cause this is my first try on writing a fanfic.

Hope you wont be disappointed

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nerdscandy #1
AHAHAHA so funny :)
i knew it..keke..its humorous..
MinYa10 thanks for being the first commenter and subscriber in my first ever fanfic...hope i dont disappoint you :)
Annalise93 #5
OOH!! please update :D i can't wait for this :P
Woot woot! First commenter and subscriber, I think? Update soon! It sounds interesting :)