Where We Love


“Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.


Joonmyun brings his knees up and kicks his legs out, following the momentum to sit up and follow his husband. He paws through the bags but is more a hindrance than a help. “The flight went okay?”

“The one child young enough to worry me found the turbulence to be fun,” Yifan recounts with a small smile. “I, however, was almost sick.” He’s had cancelled flights and delayed flights and been in countries when hurricanes or tsunamis struck. A decent trip is something to be grateful for.

“I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me, too.” Clothes to be washed are dumped in a hamper; everything else is placed in their drawer or on their hanger. “Someone’s gotta keep you out of trouble.” He tosses balled up underpants in an elegant arc towards the hamper. They catch the side and hang.

Joonmyun scoffs. “The only arrest on my record was in college, and that was only for belligerence.” The campus cops deserved it, trolling the grounds and itching to write out tickets and citations. “I can still kick your .”

“The creak of your joints will warn me, so I can dodge it.” He can’t dodge the swat to his and howls with laughter when Joonmyun swears.

“Remove your wallet, so I can spank you properly!” Joonmyun reaches for his husband’s back pocket but is blocked and kept aside by Yifan’s long reach. A former basketball player, he hasn’t lost his skill, but Joonmyun is still pretty fast and spins around a block, ducks under a flailing arm, and picks Yifan’s pocket, slapping his with his own wallet. “What all do you even have in here, anyway? I have, like, three cards, my ID, and a convenience store membership card.”

“Just cards and money and stuff,” Yifan says, trying to grab it back.

“I wanna see!” Joonmyun laughs when he traps Yifan’s hands against his torso along with the wallet. He’s wrapped in a bear hug and feels Yifan relax, so he opens his wallet and immediately feels his cheeks blush. Yifan’s bifold wallet has clear plastic in either front pocket. On one side is his drivers license. On the other is an old photo of Joonmyun and Byul from pretty early in their marriage. “We have better photos, you know,” he mumbles, tapping Yifan’s arm with the wallet.

"But this one’s my favorite.”


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2526 streak #1
Chapter 1: okay, this is the first fic from 100xover that i read coz it's the only one crossposted here! HAHAHA

anyway, i am absolutely in love with this!!!
domestic aus have always been my weakness and this one is just... ughhhhhh i don't have one single word to describe it... i just really think it's perfect!!!

i love how established their relationship is already, that they can banter and joke around in the manner they are doing so... how days seemed so long for Jun when Yifan was away, how he got nothing to do that Jun was eventually doing things which he normally wouldn't lol... but it all seemed to change when Yifan was back, even having a blackout day??? that for me, was just significant of how nothing mattered when it was just the two of them together... yes it was the weekend, yes they got those days off and they can waste it away by drinking all the alcohol in their home, but the fact that they did so without a care in the world, that they got their friends worried about them... they missed each other so much, that's the least i could say and they love each other so much, that's obvious

some stuff i really liked here tho, little things that made my heart flutter... Jun's worry abt Yifan's health, Yifan keeping an old pic of Jun in his wallet, Jun taking a pic of Yifan cuddling with Byul on their bed, Yifan teasing Jun endlessly, calling him old and fat!!! HAHAHAHA just, their entire lifestyle screams domesticity and established relationship... i enjoyed that so much

i also liked the mention of their bros and friends! how unlucky of Jongin to have been the only one who gets scarred seeing Yifan and Jun in their intimate moments... and i love how Jun wished it was Jongdae instead! HAHAHAHAHA FEEL THE LOVE!!! Kyungsoo is a lifesaver tho! the couple is so established already that their friends know their tendencies and are there for them without even asking... Kyungsoo just straight up cooking for the couple after going to their house coz he was so worried when none of their other friends have heard from them... even cleaning up for them! man, get me a friend like Kyungsoo! HAHAHAHA

anyway, i just really really loved this fic... Yifan is indeed home for Jun and i just felt how happy they were to be in each other's arms again... fics like this one are my weakness! so thank you for participating in the fest and for writing KrisHo... your name isn't familiar, so i think this might be your first KrisHo story? or i may be wrong hihi, sorry... but yeah, as a KH and 100x reader, thank you so much for this beautiful fic! hoping for more KrisHo stories from you in the future! :)
exofanboiii #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute omg
wumyeon9091 #3
My heart is fo full Thank you for writing this!!!!!
Chapter 1: I read this on AO3 as well :) thanks for writing this and filling my dead heart with some warmth hahaha