
salt and sky • jongdae x minseok


He woke feeling like he was still held warm and safe, ensconced in the delirium of fantasy, like nothing mattered but the merling who had invaded all his senses. His thoughts wouldn't organise themselves unless it was around memories of last night. Jongdae wrapped the blanket around his body tighter and closed his eyes and his mind wandered back to a time and place where reality was suspended in a world of ethereal pleasures.


He eventually had to rise. He threw open the curtains and was greeted with thick cloud cover and a steady breeze. His brows furrowed as he realised it wouldn't be ideal weather tonight for chasing merlings through the darkness. But he had found the place with no issues and he hoped that he would be able to do it again tonight without the guidance of the moon. The cloud cover might clear and the moon might lead the way but if it didn't he would still search. He would use every sense and skill to find the special place where the merling deemed safe to meet. He had to.


With the thick cloud cover and erratic breeze blowing most of the boats were docked. Jongdae set off down the short path to Baekhyun's café with a spring in his step that was fresh and new. He smiled to himself and let the fine drizzle dampen his face and hair as his grin played unselfconsciously across his face.


The little bell rang announcing his arrival and Jongdae wasn't surprised to find Chanyeol inside the café as well. "Hey." Jongdae greeted him and sat at his table. The café was as empty of customers as the dock was of fishing boats and Chanyeol obviously preferred to be inside rather than standing uselessly out in the rain. "Slacking off?" Jongdae teased and Chanyeol laughed loudly. "I can see the dock from here Jongdae! I don't see you out there in it!"


They both laughed happily as Baekhyun joined them with a big tray of coffee and toast. The chatter was lost in the quiet activity of three hungry men, covering the thick slices with various toppings Baekhyun had put in the middle of the tray, silent as they began to chew. As Jongdae lifted his toast slice, heavy with cream cheese and salmon, to his mouth Baekhyun squealed. "Jongdae! Where's the bracelet? Don't tell me you lost it!"


Chanyeol frowned and Jongdae blushed. "Oh. No.... I didn't lose it..." he said through his toast as he chewed. He swallowed and took a sip of coffee as Chanyeol looked to Baekhyun for explanation. "Jongdae found a bracelet on the beach. All tiny shells and pearls, it was beautiful Chanyeol, and wrapped around his wrist with on a leather thong." Baekhyun eyed his tall boyfriend pointedly. "It was beautiful and I dropped a few hints but he wouldn't give it to me." Baekhyun pouted to the dismay of Chanyeol who would give Baekhyun the earth and sky if he held them in his hands. "Baek. You can't have everything you want..." he poked his side and made him giggle before they both turned back to Jongdae who had been momentarily let off the hook. "So what happened to it?" Baekhyun wondered and Jongdae blushed. "I gave it to someone."


"WHAT? WHO? WHEN?" Baekhyun's shriek was almost inhuman. "You couldn't take a hint and give it to me but you gave it to someone else? Who?"  Baekhyun had grabbed Jongdae by the shoulders and was scaring him a little. "Calm down Baek." Chanyeol grabbed him gently by the arm and pulled him close. Baekhyun relaxed on his boyfriend's lap and Jongdae sighed with relief. "I met someone ok? And I didn't want to tell you because you would, well, act like this." Jongdae sighed heavily. He decided an edited version of the truth would do.


"I met someone out on the water. Our nets got tangled and we started talking and, well...." Jongdae's eyes took on the faraway wistfulness of someone reliving a beautiful memory. "He's not from around here and he chased the kingfish towards our bay."


It was a good enough cover to satisfy the intense curiosity of Baekhyun. "Jongdae I'm so happy for you!" He dived from Chanyeol's lap onto Jongdae and wrapped him in a huge hug. "Where's he from? Do you love him? You aren't going to leave us are you? And did you give the bracelet to him?" The rapid fire questions bore down on Jongdae and he had to think to catch up. "The peninsula. I don't know. No. Yes." He smiled, relief at the sharing of his secret was relaxing, and drank the rest of his coffee. "He's beautiful and wonderful and we've only just met so don't get carried away. Okay Baek?" he laughed at the dreamy look on the face of his best friend who just happened to be a hopeless romantic.


After the longest and latest breakfast ever Jongdae left the energetic pair behind in the café. He had hoped the cloud would clear, and it had a little, but the breeze had also blown up. It wouldn't be an ideal night for chasing the open ocean but Jongdae didn't care. He had to go to him. He slept the afternoon away and rose with the darkness. He dressed warmer, the cloud cover and wind combining with the constant drizzle making it wintery and cool, and headed down to the dock. He motored out of the bay quietly and hoped that Baekhyun and Chanyeol weren't nosying out their window.


He used his compass to make sure he stayed on the right path. The cloud cover was thick and hid the moon. He could tell it was full, he could see the glow, but without the assistance of the stars he had to be sure he was right. When he was sure it was the right spot he dropped his anchor, settled down on the deck, and waited.


He didn't have to wait for long. A splash was heard, then another, and he looked over the side of the boat. Glowing scales, lit with their own organic luminescence, could be seen a little way off. Jongdae waved and watched the scales disappear under the water. They reappeared right next to the boat a few seconds later and Jongdae smiled down at the beautiful gentle face of Minseok in the black water. "Hi." He said softly and Minseok held his hand out. "Help me up." He said grabbing onto Jongdae's forearm. Jongdae leaned down and silently thanked the heavy nets he had been hauling for the last ten years as he reached down for Minseok' s other arm.


His feet slipped a little on the damp deck as he pulled Minseok up towards him. He grabbed him under the arms and soon the creature was being lifted over the rail and onto the deck. His tail glittered in the darkness, glowing under the light on the boat, and he grinned up at Jongdae from the deck. "I can feel it Jongdae." He said happily. "The moon is enough! I will be able to change!"


His face began to twist in discomfort and Jongdae suddenly worried that he was in pain. But the change was quick and before Jongdae could register what was happening Minseok was bare in front of him. His tail was legs, his scales were gone, his fins receded into his flawless milky skin. But his smile remained, the beautiful smile that had Jongdae so smitten, and he stood up awkwardly holding to the rail of the boat for support.


Jongdae held his arms out and Minseok let go of the rail. He fell into Jongdae's embrace and laughed a little as he let his strong arms hold him up. "It's hard to remember how legs work." He giggled. "Let's go sit inside then." Jongdae said as he helped him into the boat's cabin and out of the rain.

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Chapter 22: Oh my gahd! This is so lovely!!! I fell in love! So heartwarming and how the story’s twist is really amazing. I just feel bad for TaoRis here though, but overall, this is really amazing. Great job, dear author

I was wondering though if Minseok finally met Little Mermaid xD xD
Chapter 22: That was beautiful!
Sure, it was short but the emotions I felt while reading through this story was overwhelming. The happiness, the heartbreak, it was all worth it in the end.
Thank you for sharing this story with us, Author-nim!
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh! I almost tossed my laptop from so much happiness.
I was so ready to mourn another fanfic but, OMG, I'm so glad it didn't end up the way I expected. I'm so happy for Xiumin. But I still hope they would be able to save the other two.
Chapter 16: My heart is breaking for Sehun and Yixing.
I'm literally crying over this story while gobbling up a tub of ice cream.
Chapter 9: They're just so sweet! I love them so much.
I especially love how Jongdae seemed so gentle with Minseok every time they're together.
Chapter 8: That was so sweet! That was so beautiful!
That was the most beautiful moment under the moon!
I'm so giddy and , I'd probably die ting rainbows!
I'm so in love with this fic...
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh, my heart broke when Xiumin was attacked by the other merlings!
That is so sad. I'm glad Jongdae found him.
I can't wait to learn what drove the other merlings to attack one of their own.
Chapter 1: Aww..this is beautiful! (I mean, all your stories are, what did I expect?)
The introduction to the characters and their appearances were already captivating enough, so I'm really excited to see how you built your mermaid world! I'm sure this would be another amazing ride.
Chapter 22: This was so beautiful ?
ynaffittaffy #10
Chapter 22: This is such a beautiful story. I love it so much I cannot express it in words. thank you so much. This was so captivating to read and I loved your beautiful descriptions of everything; the mermaids, the sea, the sky, everything. Thank you