
salt and sky • jongdae x minseok


Minseok flicked his tail while he waited impatiently. It always lurked in the back of his mind that Jongdae might not come. A mate you can only mate with two nights out of twenty eight seemed like a troublesome arrangement for a human. It was troublesome enough for Minseok. But while his heart yearned for Jongdae's company, his eyes longed to wash over his mate's beauty, and his arms ached to hold him tight Minseok realised being a merling had an advantage. When he had his tail he didn't have the primal urges of a man and it was a relief.


A pod of dolphins had kept him company on most of the swim over to their meeting place. Minseok longed to bring Yixing to meet his mate and decided he would ask him. He knew Jongdae would agree though, he swam happily in circles, knowing his mate would do anything to please him. He knew that once Yixing saw them together he would understand their bond and how strong their feelings were. It was something he couldn't explain to Yixing. He had to show him.



Finally Minseok saw the light off in the distance growing closer. His heart fluttered and his face broke into a grin as he swam towards the boat. When it slowed down and he heard the engine turn off and the anchor splash he knew it was safe. "Dae!" He called out, his voice strong and clear, rippling through the still night like a pebble into a pond. He saw Jongdae drop over the side of the boat and swim towards him and when they finally met he was in his mate's arms.


"I missed you..." Jongdae said as he pressed their lips together in a cold and salty kiss. The ocean seemed to invade every fibre of their being as they kissed and to Jongdae's surprise when Minseok held him he didn't have to fight the water. He felt weightless, his swimming was effortless, the water comforting and warm. He lost himself in his lover's arms and their kiss seemed to go on forever before they broke apart. Jongdae was breathless but Minseok had the advantage of water to help feed oxygen into his blood. But in that singular moment, their bodies rolling gently with the ebb and flow, nothing to see them but the moon overhead Jongdae knew. He knew he would give himself over to the black waves and drown if it meant losing his breath in Minseok's warm embrace.



The urge Minseok thought was negated by his tail wasn't. As they kissed in the darkness he let his mouth wander down the side of Jongdae's neck, tasting the salt and sunlight on his skin, enjoying the warmth of flesh under his cold tongue. Jongdae whimpered a little and the noise made him want to keep going but he couldn't. He sighed and pulled away a little bit but held on to Jongdae so he could float. "I'm sorry..." he whispered and Jongdae eyed him curiously. "For what?" His voice was concerned and Minseok was grateful for the darkness that hid his embarrassment. "For what I am." Minseok said and he felt tension ripple thought Jongdae's body. 



"Don't ever be sorry." Jongdae said fiercely. "What you are is beautiful and special." "But I can't give you what you need. You know..." Minseok dropped his gaze in shame and Jongdae pulled closer in the cold dark water. "All I need is to see you. Be near you...." Jongdae let his lips press gently into Minsoek's cheek scaled in green and pink and pearl. His kiss was a whisper, barely there, but more than enough and the emotions behind it were palpable.



Minseok felt the sting of tears prick his eyes and it felt strange. Like his ual urges his need to cry should also be fading. Maybe he just hadn't fully adjusted to his transformation. Or maybe Jongdae was keeping his link to his human self alive. Either way it gave Minseok a strange sort of comfort to know that his thread of humanity remained in his heart. It felt good.


"I can't stay here too long like this." Jongdae was wistful but it was true. Minseoks embrace fed him a false sense of security but the pitch black water of after midnight was no safe place for a man. "I need advice before you go..." Minseok said. He explained a little more about their lost brothers and Jongdae listened before thinking. "Minseok I would retrace their steps. Start by going to the last place they were known to be." Minseok nodded. It was a good idea. "Minseok can you meet in the daytime?" Jongdae asked and the merling  thought before nodding. It was risky as he might be seen but if Jongdae wanted something he wouldn't refuse him. "Yes. I can't change in the light but I can meet you. I'm not nocturnal." He smiled when he wondered what Jongdae had planned. "In three days time meet me here at dawn and I'll take you somewhere where you will be safe and no one will see us." He said softly as he pulled Minseok close. 


When it was past time to seperate they drew away reluctantly. Minseok pulled another string of treasure from his hair and was delighted when Jongdae grinned. "Thank you Minseok. Would you be hurt if I gave this one away? To a friend?" Minseok chewed his bottom lip and shook his head. "Of course not. It's given to you freely and without condition. If it makes you happy to give it away them I'm happy. But I would like to meet this friend one day. And I want you to meet my brother as well."


Jongdae left Minseok with one last lingering kiss. "Next time we meet here can it be at dawn?" He asked and Minseok nodded. "I want to show you a place that makes me happy." He would risk the daylight


Minseok dived deep and disappeared and Jongdae climbed back onto his boat. The moon was dropping in its crescent glory, shining brightly at half strength, and he shivered in the cool breeze. He changed into dry clothes, hitched his anchor, and turned for home.


And Minseok dived deep and swam fast, his tail shimmered as he sped along under the ocean, and he smiled to himself as the taste of Jongdae's kiss lingered on his lips. At least he had the beginnings of a plan now. He just had to organise it with Yixing.

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Chapter 22: Oh my gahd! This is so lovely!!! I fell in love! So heartwarming and how the story’s twist is really amazing. I just feel bad for TaoRis here though, but overall, this is really amazing. Great job, dear author

I was wondering though if Minseok finally met Little Mermaid xD xD
Chapter 22: That was beautiful!
Sure, it was short but the emotions I felt while reading through this story was overwhelming. The happiness, the heartbreak, it was all worth it in the end.
Thank you for sharing this story with us, Author-nim!
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh! I almost tossed my laptop from so much happiness.
I was so ready to mourn another fanfic but, OMG, I'm so glad it didn't end up the way I expected. I'm so happy for Xiumin. But I still hope they would be able to save the other two.
Chapter 16: My heart is breaking for Sehun and Yixing.
I'm literally crying over this story while gobbling up a tub of ice cream.
Chapter 9: They're just so sweet! I love them so much.
I especially love how Jongdae seemed so gentle with Minseok every time they're together.
Chapter 8: That was so sweet! That was so beautiful!
That was the most beautiful moment under the moon!
I'm so giddy and , I'd probably die ting rainbows!
I'm so in love with this fic...
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh, my heart broke when Xiumin was attacked by the other merlings!
That is so sad. I'm glad Jongdae found him.
I can't wait to learn what drove the other merlings to attack one of their own.
Chapter 1: Aww..this is beautiful! (I mean, all your stories are, what did I expect?)
The introduction to the characters and their appearances were already captivating enough, so I'm really excited to see how you built your mermaid world! I'm sure this would be another amazing ride.
Chapter 22: This was so beautiful ?
ynaffittaffy #10
Chapter 22: This is such a beautiful story. I love it so much I cannot express it in words. thank you so much. This was so captivating to read and I loved your beautiful descriptions of everything; the mermaids, the sea, the sky, everything. Thank you